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@Whisperity Your second favorite then.
guys .. you seem to miss one thing : you can actually see his current code quality : danielspitkevics.id.lv/index.php?r=site/scripts .. no need to give blind suggestions
Too much comment is bad, but no comment at all is bad too. There was a horrid project I came in touch with, called OpenAura (it is a roleplaying framework written in for Garry's Mod)...
@tereško is going on with that session class???
You know the thing when a code is updated but like "hurr new update, just tie it in somewhere" without altering the cold code.. and it looks way obstructed, in structurical terms.
Now OA was full of it.
@ircmaxell , well ... it's a wrapper for two functions
ummm... what's set doing?
that's why insisted that he needs to learn OOP
@ircmaxell , i am not completely sure ..
but i know that it works only once per file
@ircmaxell it stores a random number in a file that has this same random number as a filename?!
anyway ... the bottom line is this, @DanielsPitkevičs : you know the language , but you do not know how to write object oriented code
for each call of set() you'll get a file which you will never be able to do anything with it, unless you want to do random number roulet
found the framework , which he mentioned : github.com/dpitkevics/DAPS-framework
for reference, those commit comments suck big fat hairy coconuts.
no readme
and that's before i even look at the code.
@tereško this framework is actually a good example of procedural code wrapped in classes
oh, and the session file roulette is included
hint: If you don't have any member variables, you're more than likely doing oop wrong.
@cHao more like, you're not doing OOP
well, yeah. :)
no member variables == you're just using a class as a place to stuff procedures
$application = new Application();

Now, that's a clean front controller, lol.
except that none of those names actually means a fucking thing. :)
Good ole' Application facade.
@Bracketworks this kinda sucks
@Daniels Why would you name something like Session::sessionDestroy();?
@tereško Elaborate?
@Bracketworks , to begin with , it is not OOP
@Bracketworks Why don't you just do new Application; and put everything in the constructor... such a "clean front controller"
hell .. it's not even procedural code
@tereško Again, it's just a facade object.
it's a plain file "paradigm" .. you have split the file in five-six parts and wrapped them in function .. then wrapped the functions in a class
it's completely pointless
@Bracketworks , just because you have a constructor does not make it OOP
Never said it was; Application is a one-of, handles one-of stuff like a single config reference. It's not a singleton, and isn't treated like one.
but what's the use of critics, if the creator is not even here anymore
we get to practice our ruthless mockery skills?
i dunno
anyway, i'm off to work
good one @cHao
Okay, time to learn into Git and GitHub.
maybe you should focus on english at first
@tereško This was for me?
@Whisperity because you said learn 'into' :)
which is a hybrid of look into and learn about
@markustharkun Oh snap. I make small mistakes when I am using my mind set to use my mother tongue. I should have just said time to learn how to use GitHub.
@Whisperity come on, don't worry about it, teresko makes english mistakes all the time, it's normal, even natives do it :) it's human
Whisperity no speak English? That's unpossiburu!
teresko makes english mistakes all the time..lol
@deceze lol
I love how you can store changes locally with Git and then commit them later as a list of changes, instead of the every store is a commit method of SVN. (I am usually using svn.)
@deceze impossibru :D !
@webarto unposhiburu!
@Whisperity yeah, that's one of the nicest advantages of git over svn, that the local clone is a fully versioned repo
= distributed
@markustharkun I now just need to find a way to port my currently existing svn repo to GitHub.
@deceze I raff I ruse!
I just wonder (I know this it OT... :( ) how does git handle conflicts if I my commits are local and I only, let's say, upload the changes once per week?
@Whisperity a) you should push more often, the rule of thumb stays 'push early, push often'
pull earlier
b) git merge is even better than svn merge
@Whisperity , actually you cannot push anything with conflicts
I will get into it when I start going down the road.
also , you should commit often , then it becomes easier to resolve conflicts before pushing
( in git the commits are local )
git doesn't mind if you commit a lot...in fact, it works better that way
since commits are local, you can even squash them if you want before you push
@NikiC @ircmaxell: One for you guys stackoverflow.com/questions/11470945/…
@Leigh I'll leave it to @ircmaxell. Not my type of question :)
this deserves jail time
lol // if login is wrong PHP will sleep for $errorWait seconds
nikic@pluto:~/dev$ ls | grep test
anyone who sleeps in a web app needs a good beating
@NikiC hmmm which one do I run, oh s*, not that one
OH: "But imho Python == PHP with harder installation" #ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
do they have a mod_python yet?
i never cared enough to check
@ircmaxell You are breaking twitter with tags like that
They don't understand overflow
that's their problem
@ircmaxell Well ok. I'll drink to that :D
@ircmaxell Just so you know the context, I said that ;)
@Truth it has pretty good information in the answers, why close?
@markustharkun Close != delete
A question can be closed if it's not constructive, and deleted if it adds no value
since it does add value, we don't delete it, that doesn't mean it's a good question to have here on Stack Overflow
Hi all ^_^
@Neal 'sup
how many closed but not deleted questions are there... IMO not constructive doesn't apply... but in this case I don't care
@Truth sky
@markustharkun there's quite a few, actually :)
@Neal Boo! Old!
@Truth :-P
@Neal "Sky", "Ceiling", "God", "Vader"
Heard them all
@Truth lol
@Neal I know! Ceiling is awesome!
@Truth haha
> Indian Asking Pattern
my friend took this picture recently a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/… tour de india
nice country to visit I guess
castle is cool but its too packed, I'd hate to live like a sardine
@webarto I've been traveling in India for 3 months and I would go back anytime, absolutely fascinating
@Event_Horizon Try Tokyo. -_-;;
@webarto it seems like Jaipur(Rajasthan) where I live
@deceze Hrm, I never was to Tokyo. Only Kyoto
@markustharkun which place you visit?
@deceze I'd like to visit, but to live, no thanks I'm good.
@NikiC Kyoto is nice too, did you try their local "delicasy", okonomi yaki
@deceze I was actually at Osaka castle when the tsunami hit last year
@Leigh I don't think so
But Japanese food is awesome anyways
@PHP Jodhpur it says :)
@PHP which placeS DID I visit? we started from Mumbai, saw some places in Karnataka, Goa, many places in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, the south till the very tip (Kaniakumari) went up the east cost till Colcatta then through the center with Agra, etc. and up to Kashmir
@webarto yeah it just near to JAipur
@markustharkun ohh.. that really nice places.. you had never try Rajasthan ..right? you must be seen so many culture
@NikiC kind of difficult if you're vegetarian :P niko onashi to sakana onashi (without meat and without fish) doesn't really work very well
@Event_Horizon Yeah, it gets tiring after a while.
@Leigh Okonomiyaki rocks! ^_^
@Leigh Are you vegetarian?
I am
@deceze tastes better in little side-street restaurants for sure :)
@Leigh Yup.
It's possible to survive in Japan without eating fish, though it's a challenge. Not eating meat as well... can't imagine.
@Leigh Why?
@NikiC mental reasons I guess :) I just don't like eating meat, it makes my skin crawl
@Leigh then it's okay :P
I'm not some smelly hippy who lives in a tree or something
@Leigh i like hippies
@Leigh reducing vegetarianism to that stigma would be dangerous, we need to decrease meat consumption on this planet drastically
and i like eat meat
@markustharkun As long as I can keep eating meat I don't care ;)
@markustharkun I leave that part to my sister, she's the fanatic. I do my bit by just not buying/cooking/eating it
I don't manage to live without meat (I like it too much) but I'm glad for every vegetarian
How do you get your protein @Leigh
@markustharkun :)
@Event_Horizon nuts, seeds, lentils
I am trying to reduce meat to once a week, and only local good meat, not mass meat
i thought it semi appropriate. :)
I still think this is the best one
that was a rapper which makes this a real song :)
fun fun fun
I've never seen a song with so many hits but such a high percentage of down votes on you tube :D
user image
today is that day, git git git, push push push, friday, weekend
@webarto lol
@Neal can i just email you my entire code base in a zip and you complete it for me? i need it by monday. thanks. — jbabey 6 mins ago
@jbabey if you want that, it will be about $150/hr + expenses. :-) — Neal 2 mins ago
@Neal from what planet is he? :D
@webarto lol I have no idea haha
Do you guys have any specific sites you find clients at?
@EventHorizon if they have.. why should they tell us?
@Event_Horizon I have a FT job. no freelance (for the most part) for me..
me too, FT, freelancing is sometimes stressful...
I'm fulltime but was just wondering if anyone knew where I could pull some side jobs on the weekend
once I charged $90 for 3 lines of code lol
@Event_Horizon Why do you not want your life?!
@webarto I would totally do that
in JavaScript, 6 secs ago, by Neal
: http://stackoverflow.com/q/11471276/561731 then : http://stackoverflow.com/q/11471276/561731
Hello again
@ircmaxell Hey. You see the silliness one OP wanted from me?
7 mins ago, by Neal
@Neal can i just email you my entire code base in a zip and you complete it for me? i need it by monday. thanks. — jbabey 6 mins ago
like @deceze said I also think it is not worth spending your 2 days to earn (some) extra cash if you don't have to... @EventHorizon codecanyon.net you can upload some code here and offer your services so someone might contact you
@webarto Thanks, will check it out. Also, I have to, I owe my father money for car parts that my job can't cover. had to borrow just to be able to go work a job that can't pay me enough to fix my car
@Event_Horizon That sounds frustratingly familiar.
@Event Sorry to hear that.
frustratingly depressingly
no matter how much money you earn*, you always need more :) * relative
The good news is my car has a new alternator, new starter, new oil filter, and I did them all yesterday.
what model is it?
what is mcrypt and mhash?
@Event_Horizon You need a blog, with adverts, talk to ircmaxell, apparently he gets loads of cash now ;)
loads of cash? lol
@blackbee They are functions.
@EventHorizon I'm waiting for facebook to buy domain from me so I can buy a new car pokit.org/get/img/5c59760f80c726c715e722f7729ad9b0.png I guess I will just have to sit and wait fo law suit :D
@blackbee yummy code. mmmmmmcrypt
@ircmaxell :P I can't remember your comment the other day, something about $100 or so
and how is it different from bycrypt of pdkb2(i forgot the name)
@EventHorizon if you want to put together a basic WordPress site with basic PayPal before Tuesday, I'll pay you $600
@webarto lol
@blackbee well for a start, mcrypt and mhash are php modules, bcrypt and pbkdf2 are algorithms
So, somewhat different
@Leigh $50
@dyelawn TGTBT?
@dyelawn how basic? I know how to download and uncompress wordpress..
one custom post type
custom theme
so mycrypt and mhash is used for what purpose?
pff custom, no thanks :)
your crypt? well, that's a sad story.
@blackbee providing cryptographic and hashing functions to php
I think we have another IAP on our hands
@Leigh not a full custom theme really; most of the php is done, along with illustration.
@dyelawn I was mocking, I don't really want to touch wordpress, not even for $600
@Leigh OK, $712.50
how can i get the difference between two times:
sunrise: 04:25
sunset: 23:07
and then divide it by 12?
my new licence plates 404 not found static.pik.ba/galerija/2012-06/…
@Leigh but they're both times
@blackbee Unfortunately that's a little above what I quoted
o i c
@sanders So? DateTime doesn't include Time?
@webarto nice
@sanders , emm .. are you aware that you are asking us , how to subtract two timestampts ?
yes but not in a timestamp format
at this point of time i am really in a mess, on ho to encrypt the passwords, i have to do something f my own
Q: How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP?

Vilx-Every now and then I hear the advice "Use bcrypt for storing passwords in PHP, bcrypt rulllez!!!11" OK, but what is this bcrypt? PHP doesn't offer any such functions, wikipedia babbles about a file-encryption utility and Googling just reveals a few implementations of blowfish in different langua...

i thought of first hashing and salting the password entered, and split it into groups of fours and five and then rehashing them by iterating over a 10000 times
@EventHorizon I'm negotiating, they want $20k for a car that is 4 years old, and price of the new one is the same... (and there goes my one year of hard work)
was that wtf for me??
@sanders It's not really hard, I linked you the manual page
$sunrise = new DateTime('04:25');
$sunset = new DateTime('23:07');

@webarto Yeah, I'd be telling em to get bent if they want the same price for a 4 year old car as a new one
I'm done. I don't give a shit anymore. If people want to keep fu436ing their users over by fu3423ing up their password storage, go for it. Invent your own algorithm. Go ahead. But realize that if my password is leaked because you didn't use a standard vetted algo, I'm going to sue you personally for gross negligence. You're not an expert on cryptography. Don't pretend to be one by inventing your own algorithm. Use something standard, there's plenty of them with plenty of good tutorials...
@Leigh i worked it out myself already
@ircmaxell gloves off
@ircmaxell Your password is ILoveJerseyGirls
@ircmaxell , doing tableflip-quit ?
@ircmaxell you shouldn't give a shit in the first place, who is smart enough, he'll use it. Life is too short to tableflip because of idiots.
i made someone angry, and is suing for something i didnot even use now
@webarto No, I believe that educating people is the only way to advance as a society. But when a moron keeps ignoring attempts and pointers in the right direction, and keeps insisting that they know better, it's fubar...
@blackbee Yea you should leave, before his country bombs your country
@blackbee 's brain actual size -> *i meant actual size -> .
u win, i loose
@blackbee you're loose? gross
@ircmaxell yeah I totally agree, it's just that I tried something like that and every % 2 was a moron so I haven't had nerves to go through it, good luck and I keep up the good work ;)
wud encrypting with bycrypt be just enough? then i am going for it
@blackbee step 1: click the link i posted a little ways up, you know, the one with the entire free class for storing passwords that's just given away entirely for free and shows up after about 5 minutes searching on google. Step 2: copy and paste said class into a new text file. Step 3: figure out what a class is. Step 4: Implement the class. Step 5: Profit.
consider it done
@ircmaxell know that some of the less experienced truly do want to be educated and appreciate the help
@leigh thanks i got it working. Would you know how to divide the result which i get (which is in hours) by 12? so now for example i have 18 hours and 42 minutes. I want to divide them by 12. Any Idea?
I know
@sanders $hours / 12; $minutes / 12; ...
@sanders convert it to minutes and divide by 720
what is a sitewide salt? i was reading from wblinks.com/notes/…
"A php az önbizalomhiányos programozók nyelve, már alapból kérdőjellel kezdődik a kód."
> PHP is the language for those without self-confidence: the code itself begins with a ?.
@dyelawn The thing is, those who want the help, usually want help with something specific, and have usually done a little bit of research into what they're trying to do beforehand. Coming in here and asking what the difference between mcrypt and bcrypt is, shows no prior investigation into the subject at all.
@Whisperity Hungarian?
@webarto The original tweet is, yes.
Did you know that the most closely related language to hungarian is finnish
ah, you translated it, sorry
@Leigh No, I know, and can see how that would be frustrating for you guys. I try to go read stuff when I get pointed in the right direction and come back with specific questions. It's the only way to really learn what's going on.
That said, about that WordPress thing, can I just email you a .zip of my entire code base and you finish it for me?
@dyelawn sure, just email it to me, you can find my address on google
i am trying to implementt your script, i don't know why i am failing, may bcoz of y limited knowledge in using oophp
@Whisperity LOL
kinda new to this whole internet thing. this is what trolling is, right?
@Whisperity so in contrast, the confident people use bash scripts and html comments? because they start with !
okay i want one more help...
you want to pay for more help?
as u know i am making a networking site, i actually need an idea,
@blackbee You could try PHP University, only $12 an hour
sorry I didn't recognized you lol
12 dollars?
u mean 12*50 rupees
and that too an hour
stabs self in face
am i insane........ plz, a bit of idea will be enough
@Leigh , please , do not say such things ... "deadpan" does not go over the internet
An idea is something you are the one who can come up with. Also, please define what you mean by networking site?
@blackbee Make a dating site, for pets
You know, fluffy kitty seeking golden scaled fish for good time
i am interested in human, a networking site for human
riiiight .. "make something like facebook"
every time is hear this , a part of me dies
I would be dead already
but there has to be somethiing different tha facebook, there can never be a second facebook
i am not gonna make a facebook.... do i look like that, no never
@blackbee What about... a stack overflow, for indians
@blackbee Dunno, you look... square... with... green triangle things... ?
no i am oval..
like an egg?
Yes please. SO for Indians! I'm all for it.
Can someone check his/her own accept rate?
no omleete
@Whisperity it doesn't kick in until after 4 questions I believe, and even then there is some grace time
@Leigh Oh neat. Because I just saw that someone answered one of my questions. He even commented to ask me whether his answer worked or not, but I did not get a notification about it...
A: Securing snippet with dropping eval() in input-file parsing

FlorentYou can use preg_match_all to do that: // Remove CR and NL $buffer = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $this->_buffer); // Grab interesting parts $matches = array(); preg_match_all('/\?\?\? BOT (?P<group>[^ ]+) \?\?\?(?P<content>.*)!!! EOT \1 !!!/', $buffer, $matches); // Build...

i am gonna step out of the house, get into the car, close the door of the ship and fly the aeroplane
is going nuts
@Whisperity strange that you didn't get a notification. You know if someone bugs you about your accept rate, you can say that none of your questions have acceptable answers.
lets eat it
@Leigh Maybe it was the browser crapping itself.
@Whisperity could be, my ajax on SO seems borked ever since I accidentally set an XHR breakpoint in chrome, I deleted it but the "new questions" ajax just doesn't work any more
What should I escape in this line to make it work? preg_match_all('/<!--- BEGIN (?P<group>[^ ]+) -->(?P<content>.*)<!--- END \1 -->/', $data, $matches);
@Leigh can, but that doesn't make it true
@ircmaxell My point was, don't feel pressured into accepting answers that are unfit
I disagree there
if you don't have any fit answers, you should adjust the question until you do get a good one
so not having an accepted answer on a question is a sign that either you're not accepting things, or you're not working with people to try to get a good answer
@ircmaxell Or all the answers are terrible
@Leigh which is the fault of a bad question
@ircmaxell Always? really?
@ircmaxell Exactly; all too often we see unfit questions. Figures there wouldn't be any "acceptable" answers.
or nobody knows the answer...
so one is gonna help me with that issue?
one is, he's just not here right now.
sigh!! it all started with asking for an idea and ended up in an egg!!
@Leigh Not always, but often enough
@Leigh My AJAX doesn't work anymore either on SO...!?
upgrade your ajax...
What's the latest version?
@ircmaxell I'll give you an example stackoverflow.com/questions/9297495/… it took me 20 days to get an answer I could accept. Do you really think it was the fault of a bad question?
how to hack a gmail account, my account has been somewhat hacked and the one is so son of b***** he changed my security question too... i can't even reset the password
it was an year ago, now i have a new account
@Leigh edge case of behavior. That's going to be tough to get a answer on in general, you'd be better off in something like IRC
Here @ircmaxell ideone.com/DrvHH
Made with tender love and care
yours truly-Santa
merry christmas
@EventHorizon instastar

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