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@deceze The patches ready for review are sent to the mailing list.
i have a feeling that every regular participant has own "pet project" for cleaning up tags
@deceze ohh... as if I thought it would be ME ..lol
FInally its friday evening!
and more TGIF-E
A: php strange behavior: ( 0 == "string") is true, switch(0) gives the first case

refpToo Long; Didn't Read To sum this up in this rather long post; an implicit conversion from one type to another takes place, if you don't want this to happen use the more strict === or an explicit cast. Examples including both can be found further down in this post.. Will the world will end, ...

not a single up-vote, what is going on with this shiznit?
it's a long post but heck, if you really wanna explain something to someone..
there must be a duplicate
@PeeHaa , "close vote - please" or what are you saying?
@Bracketworks: Sorry, 1-upped your "can't do this with regex" answer
@refp you have given this ans in 15 min after question being asked with this long text..wow!
@refp Yup. Not your answer, but that question is basically RTFM
@PeeHaa erhm.. that is not a valid point for closing a question
@PeeHaa ... do you think this one fits ? stackoverflow.com/questions/2259266/0-in-switch-case
@PHP I'm a fast typist..
@refp But it is an indication there is a dupe
@PeeHaa then close it with a link to the original, don't just vote with bad intent
@refp I'm finding a good dupe somthing you could also have done
@PeeHaa people like you get me worried.. it's exploitation of the system not to vote in the category it should, also the author will be very confused and might hesitate next time when asking questions - or even disappear from the website all together.
@refp wow
@refp You don't understand. That's a good thing
@NikiC I don't understand, what?
We don't wan't people to ask RTFM questions
@Leigh Well, ok, but it doesn't handle recursion.
@NikiC and you are entitled to making that rule because... ?
I assume the OP is interested in something to parse arbitrary depth, not specifically the provided data.
@refp Because it is an officially accepted reason to close vote. It's called General Reference.
@PeeHaa I wouldn't call that a dupe of that question, if you are asking me
@Bracketworks it does if you add more OR statements :X
@refp , the point is , that you should have found a duplicate and pasted your answer in the said duplicate
@tereško I can migrate my answer to that said duplicate afterwards (if such is found), no problem.
@Leigh So... add an alternation for each level of depth?
I don't think that'll be feasible.
I cannot find any question that should be considered an original over the above, it can't be closed just because someone asked "0 in switch-statement", they are not really equivalent.
a {
    b {
        c {
            d {
                e {
                    f {
                        g {
                            h {
                                i {
                                    j {
                                        k {
I don't think regex will solve that @Leigh
@refp JHave you read the anszwer?
damn my typing sucks even more than usual
Well, regexpes can.
@Bracketworks check again, added recursion ;)
This regexp will match {{}{{}}} but won't {{}.
@Bracketworks You poor soul
@NikiC Was it you who did the awesome SAT solver thingy regex blog?
@PeeHaa it's not just that the questions should have matching answers, it's also a matter of having a question with a good title so that dupes can be prevented in the future
@refp When closing, the dupe will still available as a signpost...
@PeeHaa of course, but at least from my experience that doesn't always aid as much as leaving a question intact
but heck, isn't even my general tag.. I'm just here because I'm bored, you handle it the way you find best. I'll get back to where I belong.
@refp I thought you c++ guys hated us? ;)
@PeeHaa we do, that's why I come here to provide you with some good answers now and then.. ;)
@refp :D
@PeeHaa he hated us now more... poor we :P
@NikiC lol what?
also; I don't hate you guys, I hate the language you currently have an interest in.. therefor it's my quest to enlighten you of it's flaws and you will, as I realized when I was young, that there are far more superior languages out there than PHP.
@refp you can find same topics about javascript and other dynamic languages. It's not about PHP exactly.
@refp , you might notice , that when you tell php developers about flaws in the language they go "hmm ... that kinda sucks"
@refp Can't speak for everyone obviously, but I think most of us know that. We still choose to work with PHP for various reasons or other.
try doing same in ruby chat rooms ...
@OZ_ php has deeper flaws than other languages, mainly in it's implementation
Deeper flaws than Javascript?! No way! ;P
btw , i think language itself is just fine ... the API is fucks though
yeah, PHP sucks
@refp Some languages have flaws such as bad implementation, others have flaws such as elitist douche communities; some have both and more.
@Bracketworks some have flaws such as.. PHP.
now you are just trolling
JavaScript is fine
@refp That's... that's not really ...
@refp don't waste your time to hate, choose language which you like and spend time to love
@tereško nope, not really.. sadly. PHP is flawed both in it's design and it's implementation (a more insecure interpreter is hard to find).
@Leigh yup
@OZ_ I'm more of a "use the appropriate language for the appropriate project" kinda guy
@refp and what? you can't find alternatives to PHP?
@OZ_ I can. when did I say that I actually write PHP?
@refp How about you be a "use the appropriate chat room" kinda guy?
knowledge about a language can be present even though you don't actually work with the language.
@refp So you don't work in PHP, right?
@Bracketworks I'm talking about PHP, this is the appropriate chat room.. if you don't like it the ignore feature is awesome!
@refp since I am not a core developer , i cannot say anything about the implementation of interpretator .. though .. have you really read PHP source , or just sharing the "common knowledge" of c++ community
@refp so find them and don't waste your time to useless hateful words
@NikiC not anymore, no.
Hi everyone!
@tereško I've read it, hacked it, used it. I'm not just another "oh PHP sucks because it's PHP"-guy
I got to ask about Zend PHP 5.3 Certificate. Is it worth?
@tereško I think for once the common knowledge of the c++ chat and reality do match pretty well ;)
@Daniels yes
@DanielsPitkevičs no
@DanielsPitkevičs nope
Why yes and why no?
now he is confused
@Daniels Maybe!
@DanielsPitkevičs in same dilemma
now he is uber confused
@DanielsPitkevičs no
@deceze They just ask you lots of pointless questions that have nothing to do with reality.
there are more NO
@DanielsPitkevičs , no because it is not cheap , and actually only proves that you have basic knowledge in the language
some NO are for its high price (may be)
questions can be learned like a poem...
@tereško True about price, but really basic knowledge?
@tereško I knew some type about it
You can have any certificate you want and still not be able to get a job done. The latter is much more of a certification IMO.
@DanielsPitkevičs , it's only useful as HR-bait in CV (easier to get an job interview), if you have nothing in the portfolio
It would be quite interesting with the age of the average developer when talking about a certain language.. speaking of, things written earlier
@tereško, that's one advantage of it
@tereško Well, i'm in the situation that I don't have many projects which can be put in portfolio because working on internal systems
@DanielsPitkevičs , two nice projects to put in CV is enough .. they should be there to show that you have actually done something .. and it give you something to talk about in the interview, if you have more
@tereško True, true
@Daniels That's still something that can go on your portfolio, not everything needs to be open source publicly viewable.
it's not even about CV, I had CV with 20 projects and it worth nothing without strong references
@webarto lolwut ?
@deceze Indeed, but noone can prove that I really have that project
if you have made a project, you have source
didn't come out in english... @tereško dunno, it depends on what job you are after, I generally hate HR and ignore emails from them...
Anyway, almost all of you said, that Zend Certificate is useless.
My plans just die
@DanielsPitkevičs you mean interviewer don't believe on your knowledge also?
@Daniels Sure. But if they're halfway competent at all they'll interview you, and if you say you have build such-and-such but cannot talk your way through a good interview despite of that, they'll figure it out.
@DanielsPitkevičs , here is something more useful : github page with some good project
even if they are just some experiments
@PHP Well, I can talk using my knowledge so it proves that I know something, but with real projects is kind of different - I can't show them
@tereško Good suggestion
@Daniels In my experience it really depends on the company you apply to. Some don't even want to listen to you unless you have a stack of certification, some (especially smaller companies) are much more interested in you as a person and try to figure out your actual skills.
^ correct
that is why I have certificate and go to college... just to be safe when bubble bursts...
@deceze If the company doesn't listen to you, it isn't worth applying anyways ^^
@deceze Yes, but in my country the biggest problem is that almost noone will ask You on interview without good CV, not even answering on email when sending CV. So I thought about some extra qualification.
It depends on who you want to work for. Certificate-based job with probably lots of paperwork, or small company working closely with other people.
agree with @deceze .some companies just see your skills and hire you, some just need some projects, some just refrences and some see what you expect in salary point of view
If you have no choice... well, then you need to play the same game as everyone else...
carnationgroup.com/careers#developerhacker I applied here, and they won't give $4k with all the certifications and s*... so it depends...
@webarto Zend certificate will make the party better
> We want fellow dreamers who will stay up 48 hrs in a row just to make sure that the project is secured
be bye!
/me cannot dream when staying up...?
It's not a problem, pay me...
@DanielsPitkevičs I have it, so why I can't get $4k?
@webarto when there is a need to do that it show something is wrong with their organization
Maybe they're talking about hallucinations?
It at least a huge sign in my book
@webarto Ok, but did certificate helped You get more paid job?
@deceze I guess you have to be on some kind of drugs :D
@webarto Yeah, coffee alone don't do that.
hello everyone does it bother if your site have errors in validators, like w3c markup validator or any other. .
@DanielsPitkevičs no, I'm working www.site5.com and here is what they said to me "No worries, we don't need certifications, what is important is your drive to learn and that you enjoy it"
@webarto Gotta a sweet deal ain't ya?? :)
@deceze I hear my heart pounding :D :toomuch*ine:
@tomexsans If you're asking whether your HTML should be valid: of course!
@webarto Sounds like the correct requirements
@webarto Well, that is true that certificate doesn't help You to get job done
@PeeHaa really nice company and people, I was :shocked: they don't have some "managers" and "HR" departments... you just do your s* and it's OK
how much do they pay? :P
But if certificates are not needed then what? Mentioned github page with some projects - what kind of projects? Any ideas?
I suppose that I'm in the stage of my PHP carrier that I want to create something new, to build something on my own, to get $4k salary, to improve myself as a programmer.
@webarto Hey, sounds like my company. :D spinshell.com
@deceze That looks very Chinese. Or Japanese. Or whatever.
@webarto do you guys have any opening in PHP
@deceze you too
@deceze Very japanese :D
Japanese it is. :)
@deceze, well i tried other good sites they seemed to be having 'invalid markups'. i don't get it their site looks good. I think this validators just make your work look bad :)
We are working on a Germany/Berlin based branch though...
@tomexsans What is the problem you have wti valid html?
@NikiC 4, chosen by fair dice roll :P
how to remove all the $_POST data? unset($_POST) doesn't seem to be doing the trick...
problem is that the form resubmits on page refresh.. don't want it to do that .... any ideas?
@PHP no, I'm the (almost) only one working with PHP, they use Ruby :P
@tomexsans Sometimes it is imposiburu to have 100% perfect code that also works on those other browsers, but you need to aim for 100%. Exceptions must be carefully calculated.
@deceze even the colors are similar :D
@ShyamK Add session when user submits form and check for it.
@webarto Wow, true! :D
Hey do guys feel the same..that any other language developer get more pay than us?
@DanielsPitkevičs hmm.. okay.. I shall do that..
@webarto ohh my bad
ya php guys get less
although the whole world runs on php
@PeeHaa, i had the chance to validate a hundred good site, and most have errors :), so i'm on the right track, :D
whole world.. you mean facebook world?
@ShyamK I think that is relative, where I live you can live pretty good with $1000 per month...
well.. ya.. its relative.. but don't you always wish that you had more :)
@webarto Where do You live?
@deceze, 80% is not so bad right . .
@PHP It depends on the industry. If you want to make shiploads of money, work in the financial sector writing backend stuff in C. That's not exactly your average web dev job though, neither paperwork-wise nor atmosphere-wise.
@webarto where I live a java dev. of 2 year exp. get 2 times more than me
@DanielsPitkevičs serbia, currently, you?
@webarto Latvia
ah, tereško is from Latvia too :)
really? :D
@PHP that is probably true everywhere, because Java is "enterprise"
@deceze well.. I am talking about general scenario.
@webartomay be this is the case.. even some MNC don't want to accept PHP
@webarto Really, I think of Java as "legacy"
If it is not secret, then it would be interesting to know average salaries in your countries as a PHP dev
@PHP So am I. PHP is not typically used in the industries where the big money is. That's the main problem, not the language itself.
(in terms of web apps)
@DanielsPitkevičs , this should be in github : danielspitkevics.id.lv/index.php?r=site/scripts
and half of it should not exist =P
@deceze exactly! thats make me think ..I should use any other lang. instead
@tereško hehe, which half?
@DanielsPitkevičs 25,000/month for 2 year dev. in PHP (India)
any that contains global , static, @ or mysql_*
@PHP 25,000 what?
@tereško And these scripts were taken from my framework which i tried to create so that is why there is some globals.
@deceze INR(RS.)
@PHP India is great place for programmers - they are king there.
@DanielsPitkevičs how can that be an excuse ?!?
@PHP Sounds a lot less impressive. ;)
@DanielsPitkevičs yes.. India have so many PHP dev. ..may be thats killing us :(
@tereško It is not, I just explained why they are there.
"it's from a framework, therefor it has globals"
@tereško instastar
@deceze yes it is... if I would be a JAVA dev. I would have 45,000 INR atleast and tag of big MNC
@tereško is this I don't even...
@PHP , have you seen what most of India's developers write !?
@tereško explain, what they write
@DanielsPitkevičs They have a shit-to-code converter
Or something like that
@tereško ..not really! does it too bad or what?
Because a human being just can't write that kind of code...
I don't mean to be racist, but somehow it seems all the worst questions on SO are written by Indians.
@deceze We call it "India Asking Pattern" ;)
so they have patterns now.
@deceze It's not racist, its an observation, and one that many will agree with
@deceze yes ..that may be because language issue.
@NikiC That's an anti-pattern, right?
@PHP I don't mean the language, I mean the content.
@PHP It also appears to be a lazyness issue, and an issue with them not understanding what the site is for
^ correct
It is not because they dont know English and they can't just write good looking and understandable questions?
Or what manuals are for.
@Leigh, maybe stack answers faster than google :D
@deceze and @Leigh yes it may be.. but does it implies that coding is poor as well ?
@PHP It implies it, yes.
@deceze I think the FDA should approve it as a psychological disease or something ;)
@PHP when they actually provide code
actually the problem is caused my government policy .. basically , the education system is producing large amount of "developers" , but they actually just receive a paper .. no skill attached .. or maybe I have got it completely wrong , @ShyamK ?
@deceze That's not racist it's a fact
@NikiC You can be diagnosed with an "indian asking pattern"? O_O
Ah @Leigh already said that :)
@deceze You can't, but you should be able to...
@tereško What I was saying about certifications earlier...
@deceze , the other site of problem is the "English"
@tereško Maybe a hindi/punjabi SO variant would help improve the quality of questions here? :)
@deceze and @Leigh ..do you really notice.. which country written this question ?
@Leigh , not really
@PHP You can guess very quickly
@Leigh I am in agree.
@tereško yeah I mentioned that ..may be lang. is a problem
partly base rate falacy, there are A LOT of indians and as teresko says, there are due to policy, market, oportunities A LOT of (new) 'programmers' and those who would become it in India
@PHP If the question starts with "facebook api", 99% chance it's an indian asking ;)
@Leigh..ohh thats a new thing ...I found
@tereško Wow.. very aptly put..
@tereško and not just the language as such but the culture of language use
I mainly visit SO from Japan during Japanese daytime, and saw a lot of Indian questions. Interestingly, I'm in Europe visiting during European daytime right now and am not seeing as many anymore. Continental SO is slightly better... ;)
@deceze Where are you in Europe?
@deceze Where in Japan? :)
too many colleges... now every one is an engineer.. does n't matter whether you did EE or EC or CS or IT.. you're most probably gonna end up doing coding.. Thats the case in India..
@NikiC Right around your corner I think, Potsdam.
@Leigh Tokyo.
@deceze Yup
@NikiC We should meet up for a drink. :o)
Latvia had same problem with economist for a long time .. hell .. making a "business college" was a recipe for printing money in 90s and early 00s
@ShyamK I think you catch it up !
@deceze Probably not :/ I'm a really shy person
@deceze Stayed in Soka for a bit, nice place
@NikiC And not old enough to drink ;)
@deceze , IIRC, he's not of a drinking age yet
@Leigh hehe
.. too slow
@NikiC Alright, a soda will do then. :o)
hohesC++ ?
You're all too far north, I'll be in Karlsruhe in August
I'm too far north for sure... ^^
> Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 50 bytes) in /home/whisperity/Documents/whf-dev/trunk/includes/functions.php on line 148
PHP went full retard, as the said line is something like ':as:' => "/as",.
the line is not very indicative for this problem, what does the whole script do?
@Whisperity is that php 5.2? I've seen some leak bugs similar, fixed by upgrading to php 5.3
@ElzoValugi .8
@Whisperity , talk is cheap , where's the source
@tereško The problem is that the error is totally unrelated to the functions.php. I am trying to modify another include (the template object) using this answer. And I commented out a part of the script and PHP started doing that. Apparently it is not wise to execute halfway-there code.
A: Securing snippet with dropping eval() in input-file parsing

FlorentYou can use preg_match_all to do that: // Remove CR and NL $buffer = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $this->_buffer); // Grab interesting parts $matches = array(); preg_match_all('/\?\?\? BOT (?P<group>[^ ]+) \?\?\?(?P<content>.*)!!! EOT \1 !!!/', $buffer, $matches); // Build...

@Whisperity , because that was the spot where you exceeded the memory limit
@ircmaxell , that user has a legendary level of stupidity and ego
@Whisperity that's why I'm saying the line doesn't matter... just when this line should have been executed, the limit was reached, that's all... the problem is somewhere before that
@ircmaxell Hello Mr. Maxwell!
or ... better know as Dunning–Kruger effect
@tereško I know, which is why the sigh
@ircmaxell You were the one who had a post (somewhere) about "too much comment is too bad"? I am trying to find it but I'm unable...
just look at the tags on the right side. There's one for comments
"from behind the PHP University" -> he's an idiot
> I'm advertising my services as a mentor at a deep discounted rate of just about $12/hr just to make the PHP community more proficient. That's exactly what this article is talking about.
@ircmaxell Thank you. :)
@PeeHaa , maybe i should too make a scam like this .. i could pay most of my bill by working 4 day's per month
.. fak the grammar
@PeeHaa sooo, tutorial wiki, donators get early access to new content... ;)
@PeeHaa And what exactly are hir services?
it's either missing "a" or "e" .. or "s"
@tereško -r +s
I must ask again - any suggestions on developing something to improve skills?
in which area
@DanielsPitkevičs You want a suggestion on a small project to get you started?
@DanielsPitkevičs , if you want to learn more about OOP in general , then search for "clean code talks" on youtube
@tereško classes, some experimental projects, frameworks, anything. I have no idea which could be useful to improve skill as a programmer and useful to use it maybe in future.
@DanielsPitkevičs just developing is good, if you have enough time, developing a framework, will provide a lot of insights, but anything is good, as long as you develop
@tereško Well, I suppose I have quite good OOP knowledge, maybe should improve structuring OOP code.
have you seen the lectures , which i mentioned ?
just because you know how to write a class does not mean that you know OOP
developing a framework and actually using it might provide a lot of insights
@markustharkun Already tried to develop framework, even showed my big practical work in University on my own framework, but since there are many other and many better frameworks, it is not useful in the point of view, that I wont use it
@tereško Not really, haven't seen them
@DanielsPitkevičs , github link or it did not happen
@DanielsPitkevičs if you want to develop something you can use, look around you and think of what's needed and develop that? some small business idea maybe?
@tereško It is on github
i have an online documentation
@DanielsPitkevičs Find a niche then
@markustharkun Maybe, maybe
I started work on (and never finished) a framework for console apps / daemons
not sure if there are even any out there already
@Whisperity The usual scam
Is this HTML Documentation SEO Friendly
@DanielsPitkevičs well, what are you expecting as an outcome of your question? it really doesn't matter WHAT you develop, it just matters that you do it!
Well I did develop a framework-esque thingy. The usual user-profile-forum stuff. We used the thingy also as a basic schedule organizer. Never really reached any sort of finished state.
I'm doodling with it when I have the feeling to do so. It's basically a self-used test bed for approaches.
@markustharkun , just developing something does not help , actually ... you must have your code reviewed
@markustharkun I expected some good idea :) But You are right, only matters that I develop.
@tereško just developing as such provides a lot of feedback too, but I agree
otherwise you can end up as just another person suffering from Dunning–Kruger effect
true that, the path through reviews is more effective
@DanielsPitkevičs good idea is relative... and if anyone in here thinks they have 'the' idea, they'll probably keep it to themselves
Randomly throwing this in: implement your favorite board game, or at least its ruleset. I have found that to be just the right level of complexity for playing around with languages and different approaches, and even if it's not going to be used, the topic is interesting.
@deceze Interesting, interesting
@deceze good idea, will provide a wide range of tasks including everything from logics to UI
backgammon ftw
And even without UI, having a full set of rules implemented and completely unit tested and verified is already very interesting.
Puerto Rico! :D
@deceze That moment when your favorite board game is something like MAGUS, a tabletop RPG.

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