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It could be my imagination, but I think there are more PDO & mysqli questions in the these days than there used to be. Could it be the joint effort to eradicate the mysql extension? We can dare to dream.
@rdlowrey I quit looking at questions on SO a long time ago. Wouldn't know.
@LeviMorrison Eh, I sneak a peak a couple of times a day at the most recents
@rdlowrey Dart allows you to define the default implementation of an interface on the language level.
Could be incredibly useful.
that sounds sweeeeet
Honestly, if they keep their promises, I know what language I'll be programming in a few years.
The reason I even mention it is because we are talking about Google. They usually (though not always) keep their promises.
yeah I know whatchya mean
I like google most of the time.
@rdlowrey Exactly.
Also, all their compilers use tree shaking.
Dead code is automatically stripped.
How awesome is that?
seriously? wow
I need to spend some time over on the official page dartlang.org
I'm amazed at the pace the language has developed, but I'm more amazed at the rate their tools are being developed as well.
This thing will launch with a complete platform, unlike many languages.
> As of May 2012, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera Software's Opera browser, and Apple Safari do not have plans to implement support for Dart.
@rdlowrey But they have a Dart to JS compiler.
That compiler still needs a lot of optimization.
Yeah. I'd be a little afraid to dive into something like that before one of the other major browser players got on-board.
But it isn't just client based.
They are actively working on VM-general solutions.
It can definitely be a server-side language.
And if that succeeds, I can share libraries between the client and server.
But unlike Node.js, I can use types, and it can be converted to a binary.
It's nice that as an internet company, what's good for Google is generally good for the internet. And what's good for the internet is generally good for programmers. It's like a really powerful lobby in the congress of software progression.
It would be really sweet to be able to write server-side and client-side code in the same language. And no, node.js doesn't count.
@LeviMorrison Yep. The Dart Language Tour is making me very envious.
~ going offline to install a new OS ~
@rdlowrey It works on all OS's. Why are you installing a new OS?
@rdlowrey Javascript is SO bad for server-side stuff. . . It's SUPER complicated to determine if something is an array. Prototypal inheritance is just . . . lousy compared to C-like ones.
Couple that with all the quirks of variable scope and casting . . .
It's worse than PHP for server-side stuff.
prototypal inheritance has its perks. but if you're used to classes, yeah, i can see how it feels wrong
@LeviMorrison Oh, I was goofing off in CentOS and wanted to move back to Fedora -- had nothing to do with dart :)
eh....fedora pissed me off. i used to be a big fan...now i'm using ubuntu
@LeviMorrison I'm with you -- I'm so much better with C-style anything.
Yeah, I wasn't crazy about gnome3, but my production servers run CentOS so I like to stay close to that
ours run rhel, but still. :P
i have different criteria for my workstation vs what i expect from a server
the biggest dealbreaker is, the default ui must not give me grief.
and fedora fucked that all up with gnome 3
and the other ui's don't work well with the gnome terminal
gnome 2 liked to flake out all the time, and in gnome 2 and kde both, every time i opened up a new terminal window it'd shrink to like 30x3 lines
and of course, the ssh agent wasn't automatic except in gnome 3
everything about fedora just seemed to conspire to piss me off.
I'm a pretty low-maintenance OS user, but I know whatchya mean -- how do you like Ubuntu? I feel like I'm the only person who's never used it.
I don't like Ubuntu at the moment.
Unity is meh.
i hadn't used it before i got tired of fedora either. :) but it's not horrible...unity (the ui) looks a bit like gnome 3, but for some reason isn't quite as annoying to me
Although Unity did improve in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
@cHao It would have been more annoying if you were using a version < 12
kinda irks me that it doesn't do dual launchers
but once i realized it didn't, it wasn't as much of a hassle
At the moment, my favorite linux desktop OS is Linux Mint.
(i was trying to set up different launcher buttons for each screen...for future reference, it hates when you do that.)
It's Ubuntu based, but has a much more traditional feel, but isn't Gnome 2.
and it seems generally more stable than fedora
Fedora stresses me out with it's 5 minute release lifecycles
I am actually using Plain Old Debian for my home station.
it hasn't frozen up on me yet...which used to happen at least every few days with fedora
I like it except I hosed it pretty bad trying to update to the testing repos :)
They got that bit so much better than PHP did.
oh...one thing i do like about ubuntu...i try and use a command, it doesn't exist, it tells me what i need to apt-get to get the command
that's pretty nice imo
That's just because its Debian.
I'm surprised how little Ubuntu has changed, honestly.
Mainly it's just got a different UI and a few different Out Of the Box apps.
wouldn't surprise me if that just took debian and slapped a spiffier face onto it
No, they have made some changes.
Which is why you can have Linux 3.x series kernel in Ubuntu.
well, it kinda would, considering debian and i had a mutual hate for a long time
The debian one is still unusable for many systems.
Like mine, for instance.
Found that out the hard way.
what's the big deal about 3.x anyway?
@LeviMorrison Well it's a heck of a lot easier to iterate a list when your list is an object that can expose iteration methods :)
Although, this bit of lists seems clunky:
var list = [1,2,3,4];
list.removeRange(2, 1); // Remove the third element.
I have to remove a range for 1 element?
Wrap that API up nicely for me, will you?
i remember from 1.x to 2.x, one of the big changes was dynamic module support...and....umm...not much else i remember :)
@cHao I honestly don't know why 3.x is a big deal. Haven't bothered to look it up.
@LeviMorrison Really, there's no plain list.remove(i)?
@rdlowrey Well, it's not in their intro tutorial.
still don't know what changed from 2.x to 3.x to make it worth a major version bump
@LeviMorrison yeah, I don't see one on api.dartlang.org/dart_core/List.html either
that seems like a no-brainer to me
I like their way of implementing multiple constructors, although its a bit different.
of course it would be pretty straight-forward to extend the base list type with a method to wrap the removeRange method ...
@rdlowrey I wonder if you can override the default implementation?
List is just an interface that defaults to ListFactory when you need to make a list.
I wonder if I can specify a different implementation after declaration.
OMG OMG OMG I just saw the native html5 library
I might be telling javascript to shove it and start playing with dart apps in the near future. You know with all the android devices multiplying like bunny rabbits there should be a large base of devices with built-in support ... Worst case scenario it'd be like learning objective-C to develop for ipad/iphone
Except (hopefully) it could matriculate into the web at large and not be platform-specific.
@rdlowrey I'm messing around with their default implementation feature.
Struggling to get it work.
There are hardly any examples because Dart is soo new.
I want to play with it but I need to get my new OS install just right so I can hit the ground running tomorrow :)
Here's my (rather pointless) app in Dart:

interface TimerHandler default TimerHandlerImpl {
  void handle(Timer t);

class TimerHandlerImpl implements TimerHandler {
  num i = 0;

  void handle(Timer t) {
    if (i<20) {
    } else {

main() {
  TimerHandler handler = new TimerHandler();
  new Timer.repeating(1000, handler.handle);
I'm not sure why I have to specify a constructor in the interface.
I should submit that as a feature request or something.
Seems odd that I should have to specify something that is required when many interfaces won't have anything to do with a constructor.
Does every interface have to specify the constructor?
I think so.
I can't get it to compile otherwise.
that does seem odd.
i am facing small problem..uploading magento in online
hey anyone know how to make variable spaces between text thats all in one straight line
im thinking of making a series of divs with auto margins but im wondering if there is a way to do that normally
@ert3 It's text, right?
Only text?
I wonder if you could somehow abuse text-align: justify.
.bounce {
thats where im strating from
i guess that depends on how text align identifies individual characters
any one there ?
Yes, but it doesn't matter.
> Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will.
i have to write my site name in google then click on that link and they redirect to another site
in magento
detect the referer
if its google then redirect
sounds like you just suck at javascript
@tereško sup man
it was aimed at @LeviMorrison
something seems wrong with chat ... it is not refreshing
test 1 ... 2 .. 3
i can see you talking
hey did you take my recomendation
Sensei No Bulge
good stuff man, like onepeace but with a more zelda ish story
yes that is a way to give them an excuse for using the default hero's story
lol .. i'm sorry , but the OnePiece IMHO is a horrible manga
well you know how onepiece is sort of shambling on with far to many characters and anver ending plot with no clear goal in mind
fix all those problems and you have sensei no bulge
i have to write my site name in google they redirect to another site
@tereško i have to write my site name in google they redirect to another site
the official language in this chat room is English, please use it
emmm ... guys , what happened to this article:
why was it removed ?
Is there a markdown-formatted version of the "Don't use mysql_* [...]" snippet for copy pasta?
yes .. somewhere
@Bracketworks : gist.github.com/2907749
@tereško Thank you sir.
i mean .. there was this topic :
Q: How can the "What Stack Overflow Is Not" post be improved?

Robert HarveyI've had a number of comments made about What Stack Overflow is Not, mostly to the effect that the post is too "cold and prickly" to properly represent the community of nice people that frequent Stack Overflow every day. In particular, the Community Team likes some of the explanations of the lan...

a month ago .. and now it is gone
@tereško, remake, probably
Given passwords can normally contain nearly anything I can mash out on a keyboard, what the hell is the point of enforcing requirements on anything besides length? I use a sentence for a password, it has no numbers in it, and I hate appending superfluous 1's to stuff.
@Bracketworks .. well .. part of the problem is that they HAVE length requirement .. usually "max 12"
@tereško It should be "min 12". If an application is hashing passwords, the length of what I provide is moot.
(not being argumentative, just pissed off)
you are preaching to the choir .. stop it
I asked out of rant, and curiosity; for if there was some bizarre reason. I couldn't see one.
@Bracketworks Yeah.. whats the need for passwords to contain numbers.. I frigging forgot loads of password cos they had numbers in them..
@Bracketworks gota love XKCD
also back reading, this is why im learning PDO
though mysql in general needs some serious upgrades
@ert3 maybe you could just drop it and start using PostreSQL whenever possible
@tereško problem with that right now is the whenever possible part, right now im kinda trapped on mysql until i can afford to switch hosts
only major difference for basic .. intermediate level SQL would be AUTO_INCREMENT vs CREATE SEQUENCE
Is there ever any reason I would need to pass the result of a number_format() call through a function like htmlspecialchars()?
thats good to know
i think postgre is better with php, because they both like elephants :D
@RowanParker Yes, if you don't trust your database to always have correct data, even scrubbed inputs can let malicous code through if some one studies you for long enough
i remember when postgre first came out and everyone was raving about it
and some one told me it would never last, and here i am having it recomended to me
and im getting way to god damn old
still have to enjoy that macs come with a built in boss key, that is something ill never stop enjoying
@ert3 , yes , you are ... mostly because you exhibit tendency to go on rants to which nobody pays any attention
hi, PeeHaa
@PeeHaa Often, when you said "morning", I know it's time to go to bed...
@PeeHaa hi
@Bracketworks :-)
I hate it when I just got in the office and other people can go to bed :(
It's better than being up, drinking taurine at 3:35AM.
i sleep better at the office than on my bed :)
How come you are awake at this hour @tereško?
@PeeHaa , i woke up at 6AM
had Andromeda-marathon yested .. this week
hello is there anyone here with experience on sunrise calculations in php? Because i get the wrong results
lolwut ?!
@sanders , have you set the correct timezone ?
yes. It seems to have something to do with the zenith
where can i post my example
i have to searching in site name in google after the click on the site url link they redirect to anoher site but i have to direct write site name in address bar they properly open.
@sanders codepad.viper-7.com is the recommended location
@NikunjAkabari , if you cannot write in English (which is your problem) , you will get better results in local forums where you can write in native language
@tereško ok
google translate maybe :)
@deceze morning
@ShyamK .. might be
your people have a strange relationship with question marks
@tereško here is my code. codepad.viper-7.com/IHJwx1 the outcome should be about 5:30. But it is much later!!!!
@tereško nice site.. didn't know one similar to jsfiddle existed for php.. thanks for posting that there.. :)
@sanders , are you on a ship ?
nope i am in Amsterdam / netherlands
^ @tereško
well .. your lon:lat is pointing in the middle of Irish Sea
or indian ocean
@tereško lol
hello everyone, can you help me here ? ;D
@sanders serves you right when coming from amsterdam ;)
@blankon91 , are you looking for a good books to learn javascript ?
maybe, but now I need to find the solution for my problem :(
perhaps someone in here can help me :(
Somewhat offtopic, but: Live Mail does support UTF-8 encoded mails, right? stackoverflow.com/q/11466499/476
It can't possibly not, right?
@teresko one sec
@tereško now i have the right lat long but still the same prob : codepad.viper-7.com/ILOwIT
@tereško Your second link is correct Latitude is N/S of the equator and Longitude is E/W of Greenwich.
Hi All I am struggling with a search results problem in Wordpress, was hoping I could get some guidance from the crew here. Question is best explained here stackoverflow.com/questions/11448872/…
@sanders What do you think that Zenith is? You know it is just the point on the celestial sphere directly above the lat/long in question? Zenith = 102 makes no sense. Do you mean azimuth?
it's the position of the sun towards the earth on a certain date.....
so what should it be @vasc
please .. look at the top number
@sanders What about using php.net/date_sun_info instead, which automates the zenith and all other extra parameters?
@sanders Well the sun's position is measure by Hour Angle and Declination. Azimuth is the angle between North and the sun (or any other body).
@sanders Yes, you need the word Azimuth in place of Zenith.
An azimuth (; ) is an angular measurement in a spherical coordinate system that is calculated by perpendicularly projecting the vector from an observer (origin) to a point of interest onto a reference plane and measuring the angle between it and a reference vector on the reference plane. An example of an azimuth is the measurement of the position of a star in the sky. The star is the point of interest, the reference plane is the horizon or the surface of the sea, and the reference vector points to the north. The azimuth is between the north point and the perpendicular projection of the...
i will try out date_sun _info because that might do it already for me
@tereško the timestamp is wrong??????
@sanders I see your misunderstanding. PHP uses the wrong term. php.net/date_sunrise
@vasco Why am I not very surprised? :-3
Morning Nikita
The zenith is an imaginary point directly "above" a particular location, on the imaginary celestial sphere. "Above" means in the vertical direction opposite to the apparent gravitational force at that location. The opposite direction, i.e. the direction in which gravity pulls, is toward the nadir. Origin The word "zenith" derives from the inaccurate reading of the Arabic expression (), meaning "direction of the head" or "path above the head", by Medieval Latin scribes in the Middle Ages (during the 14th century), possibly through Old Spanish. It was reduced to 'samt' ("direction") and ...
@vascowhite , you give it up
@tereško I'm tempted to comment on that saying OP should use MVC when there are more than 1k users :|
it's not even about MVC ... he want to use framework, because all the cool kids do
@tereško "cool" kids
i guess i will have to start collecting for 20k
@Bracketworks , here is the sad part : he has two upvotes
Oh god, I didn't look at the difference.
@PeeHaa Would if I could... would if I could..
posted on July 13, 2012 by Derick Rethans

What is PHP doing? London, UK Friday, July 13th 2012, 09:42 BST Sometimes when you have a long running PHP script, you might wonder what the hell it is doing at the moment. There are a few tools that can help you to find out, without having to stop the script. Some of these work only on Linux. strace The first

@Feeds , wow .. thats just terrifying
Time to update my PHP install... ApacheFriends' LAMPP only has 5.3.8.
I updated to Apache 2.4, don't know if it's me, or it's lot faster... LAMP? apt-get install php5 ?
@Whisperity just download php source and nginx source, and compile them
why is that most of noobs use canned "servers" ?
@tereško Because most noobs develop on windows, and compiling there is a pain
Although I suppose there are individual binaries to download too
yes , you can download binaries
I guess 2-3 lines of configuration is too hard for the average guy :)
I dunno what Zoho is, but I'm guessing the OP doesn't really either.
:( I'ma noob then, I develop on MAMP for sheer convenience. I do set up the staging and production env from scratch though, does that count?
@Bracketworks Definitely cv
@Bracketworks , an edited version would be a "give me free code" topic
I assumed as such.
@tereško "I need to ask a question on SO... Well, I'll mash the keyboard for a title, append a question mark, and paste an exception trace. There you have it, a quality question deserving of a quality answer"
@deceze if they keep everything up to date, then why not... It's impossibru to be a noob with 100k :D
emm ... what is "MVC framework design pattern" ?
I'm surprised you haven't heard of it :P
@webarto Well, at least 50k are from the same array_map, empty/isset and utf8_decode answers... ;(
so that is the secret
Just earlier I was wondering again why nobody understands empty()... seriously.
@deceze 'Cause nobody has the guts to RTFM.
@Whisperity Unfortunately though, TFM is not very well written on this topic.
But even so, with some experimentation one should be able to figure out what it does... :(
back to Markdown FM
@deceze As I see, manual pretty much covers what we need to have for $var to empty($var) be TRUE.
@web Agreed though.
Hello All, Did anyone try here any off -the-shelf or hosted solution product to create an API?
@Whisperity Yeah, but it's written in a lot of "does not return false if not not true" language, which is pretty confusing. The summary needs to state "use this for variables that may not exist, and which you want to test for truthiness, period." That's missing right now...
nicely put, because $x = '0'; echo empty($x); it is not empty per se... but evaluates to false...
@deceze if ( !($var != TRUE) ) return !FALSE; I can only agree, the composition does have some dodgyness in it.
Speaking of which, I think I did edit that entry some time ago through the new online docs editor they offer, but nothing came of it. Does anybody know if anyone's looking at that thing?
@NikiC can push changes @deceze
what is the best way to add 72 minutes to a timestamp?
@sanders What have you tried? :-P
72 * 60 + $timestamp ?
@sanders $foo += (72 * 60);
@webarto How to get a hold of him?
@deceze what is the patch?
@deceze or userid?
Whisperity and how do i get a nice time from it
hang on...
@PeeHaa you have @php.net ? :)
Looks like userid 13901
@webarto yup
noice :)
@webarto , when i stumbled upon that method , i had an "why didn't i think of it sooner" moment
noice indeed
@sanders The date() function will give the answer. The first parameter is the format you want, the second parameter needs to be the timestamp.
ohh....I am pinged
@tereško (almost) every day in my life, I'm such a noob
yeah, sorry they ping now with %
someone should really fix that (khmm, revert changes)
@tereško seriously ..it had 20 up-vote
it's from '08
the rules were .. emm .. not there
then it must be so many kind of question..
@deceze committed
@PeeHaa Thanks! Lets see if the number of empty question suddenly drops now. ;P
So that means you pretty much need to contact someone @php for those things to go through, nobody's actually looking at them?
And no, not you @PHP ;)

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