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Q: Can we make language wars a punishable offense in chat?

Carrie KendallOn June 29, 2012 Jeff Atwood wrote a blog about PHP which a lot of people saw as another language bashing blog. Whether it is or not is not really my concern with this question but, more so, the aftermath. Many replies¹ (mostly counter-rants) were written and a great bit of this talk gets fi...

@ircmaxell no good words
@tereško no
A: Can we make language wars a punishable offense on SO?

ircmaxellIn general, chat doesn't follow the normal rules of SO regarding non-constructive discussions... So the argument that it's non-constructive doesn't really apply much. With that said, I think this is a valid concern to bring up. I think it actually hits on a larger problems of the limited authori...

constructive isnt the right word, offensive <--
agree there
edited in my answer
i like your solution.. but it feels incomplete @ircmaxell
sure it does
i pretty much hate meta, its the pessimist's hangout
usually, sure
whats editing to unlock vote
undo a vote?
he wanted to flip his vote (+1 to -1, or vice versa, or just removing the vote)...
okay, thanks
alright, so ill probably get flamed for this after reading ircmaxell's article but... by docblock standards if i had models, and controllers that dealt with a specific task. would i consider those @category or @package
for instance, models and controllers for generating financial data from a specific seperate database
would the @category be @category model and @category controller and then the @package be @package ora_report_db
@Mike why would you get flamed for that? which article are you referring to?
straight from the doc manual from pear
class doc blocks
i have another question pertaining to @version:, i see they use SVN keyword expansion, need to know of a way to do this with phing and git if anyones done it.
i guess its not really needed with git tags
I've never used category
I use package and subpackage though
could you put them in a real world example?
like would you consider your phpass lib a single @package?
ah so your @category is the entire library
yeah. in this context apparently (I forgot I used that)...
and @package is like anything to do with random generation
right, it's so pdepend can do inter-project dependencies
really trying to work on proper thorough documentation
now that i read your article
I just moved the #PHP password_hash #RFC into proposed status (Under Discussion). All Feedback is appreciated!!! https://wiki.php.net/rfc/password_hash
Ok, good night!
thanks @ircmaxell
2 hours later…
@LeviMorrison The break was good. Sadly, I had to spend my entire night doing terrible business paperwork type things. And I was all jazzed up to write code tonight. Oh well, more Atreyu unit-testing on the docket for tomorrow. I have a lot of committed but unpushed stuff on my machine right now. I'm waiting to finish a few more things so I can rebase and organize the commits a bit better. Anyway, catch ya later.
<?php echo "Hello everyone!"; ?>
@rdlowrey By the way, I think Google Dart is very promising.
At first I thought it was just a JavaScript 'replacement' and I thought they were wasting their time.
It's also promising because they are launching it with a LOT of built-in tools.
anyone familiar with codeigniter
It's also very early to judge dart at all.
Only time will tell.
Tried to sleep. Failed miserably.
fuck im beginning to hate CI more and more
@LeviMorrison I haven't looked at it. All I know is that it has vague similarities to javascript. I might have to take a look.
@Mike hehe, that's only going to get worse as you become a better and better programmer.
oh i fear for it
because 3/4 of the shit i've done is in CI
im about to graduate to kohana
started to use FuelPHP then i realized it was shit too
the scaffolding was nice, but jesus
I wouldn't worry about it too much. Writing better code is never a bad thing.
Q: How To Make CodeIgniter's profiler and ajax requests play nice

Mikefrom what i can tell, ajax hates when CIs profiler is enabled as it injects html into the page at the end. Which messes with the success: callback on $.ajax(). My thoughts were, rather than defining $this->output->enable_profiler(false); on all of my methods that are used for ajax calls, i...

there we go
@Mike get ready for some flame, the SO peeps don't like CI.
you'd think EllisLabs would of solved this by now, but its been an issue since 2.0 that i know of.
@OmeidHerat no, specific people in SO chat don't.
cough @rdlowrey
It sucks, but if you want to use it that's your deal :)
most of people don't like it.
and that includes me.
@OmeidHerat that, and i really don't care.. the apps 3/4 written and im not going back.
because I am not a freaking hipster.
no no, hipster = laravel, or fuelPHP
all my new apps are written in either RoR or PHP, if PHP im using kohana
I design my own applications, so need for FW.
and haven't worked with something really big to use Zend components.
Symphony is 'aight, but its a full stack, which isn't really what I want most of the time.
CI supports memcached now natively, at least in their latest dev branch
how to send app request to all friends of user ?
Morning Phpeoples. CI Noobie here: Someone please help:
Q: Append data from Reference table to another table in Doctrine and Codeigniter

watkibI have a Departments reference table like: Id Name 1. Dept1 2. Dept2 3. Dept3 I have a Users table like: Id Name 1. User1 2. User2 On adding a user I want to be able to assign them a department. However I dont want to store the department name in the user table, hence the reference tab...

Q: How to send app request to user all friends using facebook request dialogue?

Danish IqbalI am able to send app request using request dialogue to users 50 friends with to= field modification but i want to send request to users all friends as this application do Invite your friend button for pages this app invites users first 50 friends than again invites users next 50 friends and so o...

morning people
morning :)
@rdlowrey Sorry about that. I tried to ping rlemin, but you're always on my mind ;)
Wow that sounds gay. Then again you are damn tanned
@hakre Ah right. Will do
@NikiC I need my rest so I can work without making mistakes
hello everyone. .
hi guys, what is the best datatype to use in UNIX Timestamps, in MySQL
@PeeHaa how to post question as you posting
@tomexsans int 11?
@DanishIqbal [tag:cv-pls] http://linktoquestion
oh thanks :)
@PeeHaa, yeah i'm on the right track. . :D
Hello @PeeHaa @DanishIqbal @tomexsans
You guys could help with a php problem
@PeeHaa @DanishIqbal @tomexsans stackoverflow.com/questions/11446166/…
@DanishIqbal Why do you want to close your own question?
lol i think this cv-pls means "can view please"
and i give my question link to view and maybe some one here can answer
@PeeHaa thanks again for clearing this :)
can view please isn't English
gist: A brief description of cv-ring and cv-pls, 2012-01-27 15:55:00Z
# What is 'cv-ring' and 'cv-pls'

In the [Stack Overflow](http://www.stackoverflow.com/) [PHP chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/11/php) you may notice that the regulars use a tag called `cv-ring` and `cv-pls`.  These tags are used only in the chat room to communicate with other users that a question or answer may need more votes to be closed.  You see, PHP has a lot of inferior quality and duplicative information on Stack Overflow.  We feel that these questions bring down the site and make it harder to find good information, particularly about PHP. By closing and merging these questions as appropriate you'll find the information you need quicker.

`cv-ring` is just a 'funny name' we give to the process and `cv-pls` is simply an in-chat tag that communicates "Hey, this question may be of inferior quality.  Check it out and, if you feel appropriate, cast a close vote."  

There's been a question on [meta.stackoverflow.com](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/) that [asks whether the community should vote-to-close in this way](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/120275/is-asking-others-for-a-close-vote-appropriate/120278#120278) if you feel the need to provide feedback.  If you have a problem with the process or notice abuse please post something on meta or talk to us in chat.  This process is meant to *help the community* but can easily start *hurting the community* and that is not our intent.  I hope this clears up a little more about what `cv-ring` and `cv-pls` means.
@watkib, i have not tried doctrine yet, but in structural query you can do "select user.u, department.d from users u, department d"
@PeeHaa morning :)
morning mr. @Hakre
@watkib, or better joining 2 tables
@PeeHaa thank you so much :)
Thanks @tomexsans let me try either.
and morning @PeeHaa :)
@NikiC morning :)
how to add sub menu in wordpress
@PeeHaa can you tell me how to add sub menu in wordpress sir.
thank you sir
@BrunoThileeban, i just googled it :D
this is where it all started, :D twitter on (IE 1)
@tomexsans -1 not enough lynx :)
@markustharkun Every time someone writes "fabpot" I always read "fapbot", maybe there's something wrong with me.
@PeeHaa :D, haha sort of . .
friends what do you suggests to sent app request to all friends of user or just 100 or 200 friends ?
Using facebook request dialogue
but... people with friends don't use facebook
I need some help with a regex expression.
I want to match parts of strings that are between "{" "}". For example:

abcdef{ghij}klmn <-- here I want {ghij} to be matched.
I wrote this regex rule to do that: ([\{](.+)[\}]) and it works.
I want to add something like "escape character" so that if the user will have the option of having a string in their string that is contained within curly brackets but won't be captured by my algorithm, so I thought about doing this: if we have two consecutive curly brackets, then it won't match.
so in this example: abcdef{ghij}k{{lm}}n <-- only ghij would match but not lm
what should I change in my regex to get this?
Hi i am confused here anybody please help .where shall i write return paramerer in this
function remoteValidation()

var oldPass = $("input#oldPassword").val();
var status = "";
var Qstr='';
Qstr +='';
Qstr +='pp='+oldPass;

type: "GET",
url: ROOT_URL,
data: Qstr,
success: function(data) {
data = data.replace(/\s+$/, '');
data = data.replace(/^\s+/, '');
var obj = $.parseJSON(data);
if(msg == 'success'){
status = "success";
@KarimA Use a negative lookbehind
anyway got it
@sehe Yeah, it seems like a reasonable conclusion
Let me balance it with another truth from the comment thread:
Well, not that anything needed balancing with the first quote. But that's just my verbiage getting the better of me...
@sehe Why is it that I always have to google words when you say something... :)
"verbiage", that sounds nice
It does so, indeed.
It's a carriage of verbs. Obviously.
It's probably because I'm a programmer and English isn't my native language
yeah obviously? :P
@sehe Where you from?
@PeeHaa The Netherlands
@PeeHaa Same place as you
NULL? <-- works as a location only in PHP :)
I'm English and I'd never use words like verbiage in general conversation :x (even if I understand their usage)
I' mdutch
@Leigh I don't consider programmer's chat rooms general conversation. I consider them nerd hangouts.
@sehe I used to think that, until nobody got the joke about ror / rol the other day :(
@Leigh because it's role, not rol
@Leigh Try spelling it as _rotl / _rotr, that might cross the language barrier
@sehe Thought only for C++ folks. We don't do rots in here
@markustharkun eh, no it was someone talking about ruby on rails, and someone said "why ror?", and the reply was like... "why ror? because that's not how i rol", now knowing the former is rotate right and the latter is rotate left, I thought it was funny
rots in de branding /cc @PeeHaa
There, still got some mileage out of that one
/me dons nerd hat and sits in the corner
should don the nerd apparel and take a bow before your valued audience
@Leigh ah yes, I remember... but again, it was not 100% hilarious because rol is actually roll
verbiage ;)
misapplied verbiage
@markustharkun You need to readjust your sense of humour against your spelling nitpickiness.
Oh and on the subject of English language, there is a word I say a lot that people look at me strangely for; quaff
@RMartinhoFernandes that, and look up the definition of pun /cc @markustharkun
quaff, meet google
Dammit, keep forgetting I switched to DuckDuckGo
@Leigh Drink!
I know that one from NetHack.
I'm awesome.
:) text based RPGs influenced me a lot
@Leigh lol
slain by many a grue I was
split and inverted your infinitives should always be
People: I'm thinking about doing my first blog post about the political parties at our upcoming elections with regard to internet stuff. Anything else I could add to the list?
in Lounge<C++>, 1 min ago, by DeadMG
if you're a PHP user, you must have a pretty high shit tolerance bar
@Whisperity yeah, we have to tolerate a lot of shit coming from C++ users :D
Those people bore me
@PeeHaa Well I think the matter of copyright could be added too.
@PeeHaa What is the infrastructure like in NL? fibre to the premesis for all?
@PeeHaa what political parties?
@Whisperity Good one
@Leigh At the moment they are busy digging at lots of places
@PeeHaa Ok, so maybe their stances on the availability of high speed access for all doesn't need to be addressed. Do you know anything about how your government spends their IT budget, the selection process, does it need to be more open. What about their "cyber terrorism" unit, does it exist? What does it do? How much does it cost the tax payer? :)
@markustharkun All of them. My idea is sending a simple question list to all of them to see their stances on this stuff
@Leigh Good items
Recently (after several failures) UK gov has opened up a lot of their data to the public, they've even gone open about their infrastructure
@PeeHaa great idea... depending on your country of origin, you'll have either a lot (Switzerland, Netherlands, ) or not much (China, USA) to do :)
So "openness" is a possible topic, not sure how much detail you'd be able to find on your governments IT infrastructure at present
@Leigh government and IT === failure (I think it's the same everywhere) :(
It's getting better
we recently got a thing called the g-cloud (government cloud), which allows govt departments to streamline their product purchasing process without a lot of unnecessary tendering
allows a lot of smaller vendors to participate, and reduces IT costs
@Leigh We have a law about that too, however often it happens without going through that process to get a contract. That's what you get when you have lots of semi-government authorities
They can just say: we are not government
.gov.uk using WP === fail
@webarto Hey at least it is OSS
Hahahah you just gotta love this: theoatmeal.com/blog/charity_money
well, WP is bad, but it's PHP, so someone probably got a job in goverment to fiddle with PHP sites... which is always good.
@PeeHaa I can agree. I had my rounds with IT-incompetent governmental offices. Sometimes I am so tempted to tell the man/woman sitting behind the desk in the office to (diplomatically) GTFO and let me in and let me do it.
@PeeHaa master of the internetz
You know the car's license plate and all that crap. We needed to renew it (not the license plate but the 'your car is able to function properly and legalized to run in traffic'-type of paper). The police and traffic agency's office database listed the car as Seat Cordoba Vario 1.4, while the city hall office did not have such entry.
hey all
wats new today?
Two centralized databases, perfectly conflicting each other. I can only say, what kind of people set up them?!
heya @ShyamK
hey tom
@Whisperity I quit my local government job because higher management kept overriding my decisions.
@tomexsans how have you been?
@ShyamK, same as usual, not much work this days
@tomexsans ya same here.. not much work.. and since I gotta clock 8 hours per day I'm bored as hell
@ShyamK Go and pick a random APC bug, and fix it. :)
you can replace a faster ticking clock. .
:D, or you can just do what leigh said
hmm.. now thats a thought..
Q: PHP- html2ps adding white space before $ sign

ShraddhaPHP - - We are using html2ps to generate PDF. Its taking white space before $ - Ex. We want R$ and its printing R $

in Lounge<C++>, 26 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
user image
in Lounge<C++>, 26 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
This is a map of key usage frequency of a certain programming language. Red is more use. Guess which language it is.
I feel they did this to mock PHP, but I fail to see the relevance. After all, most programming languages use the ( and ) characters...
No, it was to mock LISP.
@Whisperity No, it's about Lisp
Because that's LISP.
I wonder, if we do the same type of image generation on PHP files... we will get the same result, apart from $ and ; blowing up in redness.
@Whisperity Source here: mahdiyusuf.com/post/9947002105/…
Includes PHP, but I have no idea what I should be expecting.
e is pretty hot everywhere.
@Whisperity in what language do you type "arse" so much?
@Whisperity It's because of English.
etaoins are the most commonly used English letters.
Good morning
Good day :)
@ircmaxell morning
Hello, is there any way to change whole $_POST to $_GET array/string? Other than using a loop?
@Davinder How do You want to change?
Stop spamming
@Davinder What are you trying to do?
In a POST>Redirect>GET approach, I am receiving a $_POST array in script1.php I want to make an header (303)redirect to file2.php with exact same variables.
@ircmaxell morning
Form>POST to file1.php>Get to file2.php
what's up?
@Davinder Not that I know without using a foreach construct. But why would you want to do it? (You can use $_REQUEST which contains the combinative user input of $_POST and $_GET.)
@Davinder And why do you want to do that?
I am using for loop right now. but I thought if there is some built in function.
@Davinder Use REQUEST
@Davinder isn't for builtin?
@PeeHaa Reason: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post/Redirect/Get To prevent some duplicate form submissions
@Davinder read it again
ummm, my moving from GET to POST, you're explicitly allowing duplicate form submissions
@Davinder You mean when form is submitted and then refreshed?
@ircmaxell Nothing much. I am thinking about how to improve the database layer with, at first glance, dropping mysql_.
There is no reason whatsoever to add the variables to the redirect
@PeeHaa yeah, but in for, i have to check if it is not last variable, then add &
@Davinder sigh
@DanielsPitkevičs When user once submits the form, from resulting page comes back to form via browser Back button and if he refreshes F5 the page, browser asks "DO you want to resend the data?" In POST>REDIRECT>GET approach, this will b eprevented
@PeeHaa Sorry?
@Davinder Implode $_POST and add what you need at the beginning of string and at the end
@NikiC: +1 on the blog post
@Davinder Use sessions - when user submits form, create session variable. And then where is form, check whether session exists or not.
@Davinder I just told you you are doing it wrong and you don't need the variables after the redirect and you react by saying:
3 mins ago, by Davinder
@PeeHaa yeah, but in for, i have to check if it is not last variable, then add &
Yeah, I have code right now which is working fine, but I thought to ask you guys if I am doing it in the right way. My current code: codepad.org/jeHqJUgQ
@PeeHaa :) Ok..
@Davinder no you are an .....
5 dots
@Davinder I will write You script to do that
@PeeHaa I am just asking the opinion. an 5 Dotsis little uncalled.
@Davinder You don't listen
2 mins ago, by PeeHaa
@Davinder I just told you you are doing it wrong and you don't need the variables after the redirect and you react by saying:
Second time I linked that
$string = "projects.php?";
foreach($_POST as $key=>$val) {
$string .= $key."=".$val."&";
thats all
yeah, and that'll blow up if a value or key contains &
@ircmaxell Thanks
adding htmlspecialchars
no, that won't help
But I feel like I should have made it more focused on the important stuff, rather than trying to be exhaustive
@PeeHaa I read that. Ok, but the actual processing is going in file2.php and it needs the values submitted by user.
@NikiC agree 100%
@DanielsPitkevičs Thanks, I will start from here.
Also I feel like the formatting makes it rather hard to read :/
@ircmaxell Thanks for htmlspecialchars
@ircmaxell Hmm, Indeed. But then checking for & signs and removing or replacing
@Davinder it won't help...
no, there are functions for dealing with this
@ircmaxell Ok, what about urlencoding each $key and $val ?
@ircmaxell htmlspecialchars, htmlentities
@ircmaxell Sweet, looks like a good function
@ircmaxell That was what I looking for.. A built-in function instead of a loop-hack
Morning people
I knew there was some function, but I forgot the name. I tried to search Google for "How to convert $_POST to $_GET", but din't get that function in result. Maybe I should have searched with better keywords. Thanks..
@Davinder Yeah and now simply $str='project.php?'; $var=http_build_query($_POST); $str .=$var;
@DanielsPitkevičs Yeah, .. :)
Guys there is a new guy coming over for an interview. Any interview question I should ask?
@ircmaxell Any specific "puzzle" at hand by any chance?
@ircmaxell Netherlands
Oh really? I used to travel there quite often
@ircmaxell Cool. You're not coming here anymore?
eventually maybe, but no reason now. (I was business partners with a few people over there for a while)
One puzzle could be how many Piano tuners are there in Amsterdam...
@ircmaxell heh
Quite interesting to talk with people all around the world
@ircmaxell ha I like that one
@PeeHaa "puzzle" like logical questions and challenges or something tricky?
@FabioCosta doesn't matter
I'm thinking about adding a PHP wtf just to see the reaction
yeah, you can do that as well
just remember that the pressure of an interview can make all but the most senior experts fail even pretty simple wtf questions
@PeeHaa if it's not php related, i have a logical question that i was aplying that i can't figure out for f#$k sake why the interviewings are erroring so much
For php i usually vamp the zend certification questions
@ircmaxell Noted.
Q: Taking screen shot of webpage in php

nirI am using following function to take screenshot of a webpage. function my2() { $Browser = new COM('InternetExplorer.Application'); $Browserhandle = $Browser->HWND; $Browser->Visible = true; $Browser->Fullscreen = true; $Browser->Navigate('http://www.tatvic.co...

I've got a simple question that I use, but I'm hesitant to let it out in the public...
wow. twitter followers are blowing up. I only broke 700 a few months ago, and I'm already at 870...
@ircmaxell it's embarassing or what?
No, I'd rather not let people know we ask it...
@ircmaxell because they would come with the answer prepared?
@ircmaxell feel the need to mail it?
@PeeHaa why not change some certification exams questions? Or copy the logical from (i don't know how you call it in english but is the test that you take to let you in a university)
neone there ?
Q: Taking screen shot of webpage in php

nirI am using following function to take screenshot of a webpage. function my2() { $Browser = new COM('InternetExplorer.Application'); $Browserhandle = $Browser->HWND; $Browser->Visible = true; $Browser->Fullscreen = true; $Browser->Navigate('http://www.tatvic.co...

@nir: Are you asking for trouble?
14 mins ago, by nir
Q: Taking screen shot of webpage in php

nirI am using following function to take screenshot of a webpage. function my2() { $Browser = new COM('InternetExplorer.Application'); $Browserhandle = $Browser->HWND; $Browser->Visible = true; $Browser->Fullscreen = true; $Browser->Navigate('http://www.tatvic.co...

@NikiC Loving the new blog post about 5.5.
posted on July 12, 2012 by Henri Bergius

Our concept of Decoupled Content Management, together with the VIE and Create.js is really taking off. I've spent in various conferences this summer speaking about them. Here is a video from the talk I gave in the IKS Salzburg Workshop last month. It is quite a lot shorter than the more comprehensive talks like the one in Symfony Live, but should introduce the ideas pretty well: Those in

man how i hate wordpress

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