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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

argh @tereško why did you do this to me? :)
have have I harmed you, @samayo ?
The games are too difficult or strange
which ones?
you mean Age of Wonders, @samayo?
it is a strategy game
xcom and age of wander
and, I think it comes with a tutorial
I'm not angry btw, I'm just laughing with amazement. Most games you suggest have mobility flaws. xcom doesn't let you move a character freely, and AoW doesn't even allow you move without garnering steps
That's the craziest thing to impose on a game
I spent way more time idle because I could not move
"mobility flaws" :D
it is called "turn based combat"
the idea is to represent a "moment of time"
and since your are not moving at the speed of light, you are not able to cross the "game board" in that single "moment of time"
Well, I spent pressing every button and option standing on one place instead of playing the game
what do you meant?
hmm... so you found that enjoyable?
I played AoE or Command & Conquer, both games let you walk anywhere
wait a moment
you can still move
but you need to press "end turn" to get more moves
these both games are strategies, that let you drink tea and think about what to do next
in "real time strategies" your victory depends on how fast you can click around
I can move, but in AoW if I don't have any steps left, my character just stands still with me oblivious trying to figure out what to do
@samayo you press "end turn" button
that should have been covered in the tutorial
when you end your turn, then the enemies move
... kinda like chess
I was in the tutorial mode, as soon as the girl on the horse moved towards the enemy, I finished all my steps, so I had to press every button but nothing happend
I think I spent an hour alone just standing at once place
I makes sense if you phrase it like chess, but I was looking for something more fast-paced action
@samayo watch some of this: youtu.be/-Vbj0C1KKwE?t=1134 (I already skipped to the actual gameplay)
I will give it another try from scratch. I'm sure the game is good, so I won't give up easily
I was talking above AoW, but Xcom is no different. You can't move a character more than 2 steps at once, and you must change a character ... and also the camera view is not 360 degrees, which was a major turn off
Is there a setting change the camera settings?
@samayo emm .. in games with this perspective, you hold right-mouse-button and move the mouse to adjust camera
also, you use scroll for zoom
Yeah, but you can only move within 1/3 or 1/4 of the field view
in one move, yes
in the next turn you can move again
About the view in Xcom, here is the problem. It's like a pizza with 1 slice removed, and the camera can only move within that part. You can't rotate it around the players
It's just bad imho
you can move the camera position with WASD keys
Yeah, you can zoom ... I have seen that part
hmm... I will give AoW another try. I need a change in mindset maybe.
will let you know after I play it again
sodium_memzero() segfaults on PHP 7.3 – #77297
@samayo if you are having issues, just watch/skip-around some "let's play" on youtube
or ping me
Thanks. I will try again
2 hours later…
do you think i risk something if i sell t-shirts with the php logo on it, although not in a primary position?
> 3. The name "PHP" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact [email protected].
there are tons of t-shirts already with the php logo on it, probably all unauthorized
although, i am not promoting products derived from the software
i am using the logo
1 hour later…
@Wes What are you using it for?
a t-shirt :B
but it's not just the logo
Is there another product on the T-Shirt? If so it might be considered promoting that other product
the product is the t-shirt itself
and no, no other products
Ah idk. I would shoot them an email to be safe?
Hi all
Please refer the link : secure.php.net/manual/en/…
yep i will do that @Alesana
Why the code examples under this heading are not working? Giving syntax error.
Below is the first code example :
function test_global_ref() {
global $obj;
$obj = &new stdclass;

function test_global_noref() {
global $obj;
$obj = new stdclass;

@user2839497 It was deprecated in PHP 5
@Alesana : You mean to say using & with the new object has been deprecated as of PHP5?
Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated
So yes
ok i made progresses with the t-shirt
I wanna see
Night all
i need a danack to help me with the text
1 hour later…
I'm tearing my hair out over a client's custom WordPress login system. After creating an account, you're supposed to be logged in automatically. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. There appear to be patterns as to when it works and when it doesn't, but I can't find the solution.
I've tried both wp_signon();


wp_set_auth_cookie($user->id, true);

Both appear to work when I use is_user_logged_in() or get_current_user_id(), at least most of the time
But when you load another page, you're not logged in and both of those report false/0
Disabling all other plugins didn't help
It works fine on our main domain (example.com) but not on our staging environment (test.example.com)
So it doesn't seem like a problem with the code itself
But everything else seems to work besides the login code, so I don't get it
Also, if you wait a few minutes, sometimes you'll find yourself logged in after all
2 hours later…
luculent convincing; cogent.
1 hour later…
@Pikamander2 maybe it has something to do with the domain in the session db?
I'd say good morning, while technically it's morning, but I'm about to go sleep haha
> k. zend_fcall_info_cache.initialized is removed. zend_fcall_info_cache is initialized if zend_fcall_info_cache.function_handler is set.
how do I know if a function handler is set?
or do I need to care at all?
@Gordon check it's not null? I think you'd probably only care if you wanted to call that function? Maybe...
(counts down to nikic appearing and telling me I'm completely wrong in.....5
@Danack Since he's not coming let me say it, you are completely wrong(now don't ask me why cause I don't know)
Good morning everyone! I'm trying to create my first Iterator, it is a FilesImplementsInterfaceIterator
eg: $roles = new FilesImplementsInterfaceIterator(RoleInterface::class, DIR . '/roles);
returns all files in that folder that implements given interface
in my case I would return the instances
first question: has anyone seem this implemented?
is there a working piece of code similar to that, that I can study?
second, would it make sense to use an iterator inside that iterator? such as:
new RegexIterator(
    new DirectoryIterator($dir),
and then reflect on the results of RegexIterator, wich would be all .php files inside given directory
no longer maintained so YMMV
and I likely wouldn't built it the same way nowadays
that's great! way above what I'm trying to accomplish, but a good source of study, thanks!
@LucasBustamante note that I am not using files but reflection.
segfault occurs when add property to unserialized ArrayObject – #77298
@Gordon yeah, I was thinking of returning an iterable ReflecionClass::newInstance() as result (I mean, iterable instances of concrete classes that implements that interface in that dir, is that you meant?)
@LucasBustamante Maybe I don't understand what you are doing, but wouldn''t it be much nicer to just register the classes you want to use?
@PeeHaa yeah, it would work too, but I'm going for that "magic" thing, kinda convention over configuration philosophy
@LucasBustamante note that files dont implement interfaces.
@LucasBustamante I guessed that, just seemed a bit wasteful to me :)
And as you said magic :P
@LucasBustamante I am not a big fan of convention over configuration, I have always seen it as a "abstraction for the sake of abstraction" concept
@mega6382 Both extremes suck imo
@Gordon I mean something like:
    $finder = new \Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder();

    foreach ($finder as $file) {
        $ns = $namespace;
        if ($relativePath = $file->getRelativePath()) {
            $ns .= '\\'.strtr($relativePath, '/', '\\');
        $class = $ns.'\\'.$file->getBasename('.php');

        $r = new \ReflectionClass($class);

        if ($r->isSubclassOf('Illuminate\\Console\\Command') && !$r->isAbstract() && !$r->getConstructor()->getNumberOfRequiredParameters()) {
@mega6382 Well, I'm a learner, I want to be good at software architecture, so I'm open to critics and teachings
I have this strong tendency of liking simplicity and cleanliness
I mean, for real, it ends up being a form of art
@LucasBustamante Since you are open to critics. A general tip: try to avoid black magic as much as possible and instead make your software easy to understand and maintain
@LucasBustamante while this would work, it does some assumptions. What if I don't follow PSR namespace standards? And what if the file does not contain a class of that name?
@Gordon yeah, there's no silver bullet, the code will return instances of what you asked it, I think it's just a clean way to have as many "commands" as you'd like without having to manage their instantiation manually
I mean, you guys have at least 10+ year experience in this thing, so I trust your advice
the question is: are you okay with this working with certain assumptions which then might limit this to your specific usecase or do you want to have this work in a generic way.
yeah, totally - it would be ideal if it could be re-used in a generic way
the Symfony example was just an example on how the FilesImplementsInterfaceIterator should work
I'm bothered by the name of this thing, perhaps "File" is not the best one, but it does iterate over a Directory...
you guys should let him learn....
Yeah... sorry for bothering you guys, thanks for your time
you didn't bother… at least not me
Last night I posted about the term “domain driven design,” frequently abbreviated “DDD” - which is a common large bra measurement in the US, & often part of dirty movie titles. I’ve deleted the thread. And replaced it with this one!
The only thing bothering me right now is that it is friday 15:30 and I don't have beers
some people are reaaaaaly trrying to be offended
I’m still angry. Let’s be clear about that. The name is still exclusionary (and as majority group members, you don’t get to argue with that).
tbf you actually go out of your way to find this stuff :P
so, yeah, apparently DDD is misogyny
@PeeHaa no, I just opened my reddit's home page ... which admittedly is a mistake
Oh my… let's hope she doesn't drink cocktails
Also, all these Spas offer Facials… that's clearly offensive, too
@mattwynne @sarahmei Well... acronyms have multiple meanings. I am certain there was no ulterior intent in nicknaming Domain Driven Design, DDD. A google search comes up w these meanings.. If you look in the urban dictionary you find another list Acronyms have specific meanings in context So be it
Thanks Rebecca
@Gordon to be honest, what pisses me off is "since you are member of a majority, your opinion is worth shit"
fucking neo-communists
what about the grade "summa cum laude". Should we stop calling it that because cum is used in porn. why did none of the romans think of that when they invented latin?
or what about that tax fraud thing cum ex?
Also Internet Rule 34
@tereško please, don't confuse SJW with the leftists or the leftists with (neo-)communists
@Gordon Maybe it would be lot easier if certain personas stop watch porn that much. :D
@tereško another example of USA != the rest of the world. Also disagree with twitter.com/sarahmei/status/1073244585403379720
apparently "craftsmanship" is also exclusionary
@tereško Just take a look at your avatar which is mentioned in today's congress as one of our consultant:
@tereško because crafts_man
@Shafizadeh thanks, probably :D
a congress Oo
with flags and guys sitting at a formal table?!
@Gordon That whole thread is a WTF!
@mega6382 yeah
posted on December 14, 2018

News will be posted here when I write it. If I write it. How I write it. Who I write it.

@pmmaga you're right - saying that she's a communist would probably be an insult to the actual communists
I originally thought that it was satire
@tereško Ridiculous. And I have never heard of reference to triple D for a bra size, only double D... and it's usually not something I hear referenced regularly... maybe when I was in grade school.
@Gordon Someone in that Twitter feed talks about the word "root" being used in CS which is a source of innuendos in Australia. It's impossible to please everyone because there are so many cultures and they are all so different- which is actually really great!
And... Good Morning, all!
@PeeHaa Did you decide on a name?
@StatikStasis Not entirely yet. I feel like I can use Set, but I also feel like I need two directories / namespaces now
Still brewing a bit
1 message moved to Trash can
ffs @mega6382
Just because someone says something stupid, doesn't give someone else excuse to be an asshole.
Especially not in a public, indexed, moderated chat. Please take care in the future.
@mega6382 Here is a good source on chat conduct I watch often: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56hSbNy9imI
Must watch ^
@StatikStasis you are not fooloing me :p
@mega6382 Hey, square waves are a big deal!
@MadaraUchiha I love that you actually looked up the actual video link -displayed. LOL!
Full Throttle Remastered is free on gog right now
@StatikStasis this is my current thought github.com/HarmonyIO/Validation/issues/37 (still thinking about it some more while I drink this weekend probably)
@StatikStasis yeah saw that earlier :O
Mondays suck
@PeeHaa That makes more sense splitting it up into two.
Yeah after talking to you guys and to Ekin here I realized they are totes different things
Yesterday I was just going through Google results for "list thesaurus" =P
I started the same before asking here :-)
@StatikStasis When you finally release to production and the first user enters the app.
lol- sounds about right.
or... making a quick, minor change in production without testing in dev environment first.
Hmm, I am either doing sth wrong or the new zend_gc_get_status() is off by one to the old GC_G
has Chris been online today ?
should `zend_gc_status gcs; zend_gc_get_status(&gcs);` return the same as just `GC_G(collected)`?
if my reading of https://externals.io/message/102338 is correct, it should. just that it isn't. it's off by one.
1 hour later…
!!summon @Danack
@JoeWatkins he's vanished from chat for awhile, dealing with meatspace stuff, I think
I recently created a tracker for web analytics intended for metrics and accuracy. saleemkce.github.io/timeonsite Thinking about stable backend to be utilized to be PHP or Mongodb.
@webblover PHP and MongoDB are entirely different things... do you mean MySQL/MariaDB or MongoDB?
sorry by PHP, I meant Mysql only.
also, your tracker stops when I switch tabs
that's metrics precision.
ah, wasn't sure if it was intentional
yes it's intentional because we measure only active time spent on time. I initially planned to create it entirely on LAMP stack since I like PHP and MySQL very much.
I think of dropping support of MongoDB since that's updating itself too fast all the time. It tracks data instantly just like MySQL but not that stable.
Never personally used mongodb, but I've seen it get a lot of hate in here
For saving time metrics data instantly, I always thought MySQL to be good fit since PHP supports many drivers for this like PDO, Mysqli etc.
wrote u on twatter @Danack
I guess the TL;DR of it is: you're better off improving your SQL skill set than switching to mongodb
@Tiffany Yes, I like that idea greatly.
Jul 20 at 11:16, by Gordon
@Tiffany sqlite is for single user applications. mongodb is good when you want digital obsolescence as a feature… because well, it will forget your data eventually.
came across this while searching "mongodb" in the chat search, I feel this bears repeating
Jan 26 '17 at 12:23, by Gordon
The Absolute Basic Guide on How to Make Friends with @tereško:

- Rule 1: call him dude or sir
- Rule 2: tell him the M in MVC stands for MongoDb
- Rule 3: mention you do OOP with jQuery
- Rule 4: doesn't need rule 4. You are dead anyway
That's why timeonstie tracker's analytics is enitrely based on MySQL github.com/saleemkce/timeonsite_analytics I don't know if these queries are written in Mongo directly.
@webblover can you link to one of the files that you think might have a mongo query? I don't feel like digging through a project atm
project page itself contains some SQL queries for calculating time metrics. I wonder if these can be rewritten in MongoDB easily.
why are you interesting switching to mongodb?
I mean, if you're looking for something performance based, wouldn't something like redis be better? (assuming I understand what redis is...)
No, I am not interested to switch to mongodb. But planning to provide stable development in MySQL-PHP itself.
instead of mongo-node duo.
No issues. I'm just looking for more suggestions on improving time on page measures saleemkce.github.io/timeonsite
I see
Sorry, I don't have any suggestions :/
why does SO give me a hat that looks like a cross between a wrapped gift with a flap hanging out and a weaved basket, with cat tails ...
mime_content_type always returns default value – #77299
This is fucking annoying, Docker for Windows requires Windows 10 Pro because of hyper-V requirements 😐 The other option is a legacy application
@Danack do you know if your Example repo works on Docker Toolbox? (note: I haven't tried it yet, I'm about to, just wasn't sure if you knew before I try it)
@Tiffany I don't know. so long as the docker-compose tool is part of that then it should work.
alright, I'll give it a shot
i've added some contact spray to my very expensive speakers because they were making noise when idle... now they make much more noise... like a boeing 747 on take off noise......... :B
it's the potentiometer shorting
@Wes Might need the connections soldered again.
Also could be interference from some high-voltage source, though I wouldn't think the contact spray would make that worse.
if there is any oxidation it's in the potentiometer itself
might need to change that
Potentiometers are usually carbon. If the little tab that rides over the sled is oxidized that should increase resistance not decrease it.
I think it's more likely you've got a busted cap in a low pass filter somewhere @Wes.
think i'll just trash them then :B
don't want to figure out whats wrong with them
Speakers are not usually that complex.
If they're super expensive you can probably figure it out with a multimeter.
You also could have just literally busted the cone or there could be a mechanical failure.
they aren't super expensive... just expensive, but they are also old
Are they paper cones?
i have no idea
If they're old there's a pretty good chance they are...and those just bust after a while.
@tereško There's Warcraft 3 remaster coming out if you like RTS.
@Danack I almost have it working, but I'm not sure if this is a "file sharing" issue, can you tell? the error message has me think it might be a file sharing issue.
One google result said it's permissions related so I opened git as administrator and retried (removed docker containers, deleted example repo, recloned and did docker-compose build all over again). The whole "not a directory" makes me think maybe if I manually create the directories it'll work, but that kind of defeats the purpose of it automating it. Thoughts?
and if this is something that I can solve just by googling harder, then I'll do that
yeah - you normally need to add the directory that is going to contain all the docker projects to be accessible by docker.
Do you have a whale in your system tray?
If so, there should be a 'file sharing' setting in there somewhere.
I'm guessing it's the docker application
In the bottom right corner of the screen.
where the crap like printer icons live
all I was given was the kitematic and docker-quickstart-terminal (which I've gone through already, and when I try to go through it again it basically tells me "no")
I do not have that :(
In that image - ignore the text, there is a whale icon next to the battery level icon
also, sorry for being dense, I rarely use that part of Windows anymore, ever since switching to Win7 years ago
@Tiffany Reminds me of a Final Fantasy airship instead of a whale. vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/8/87/…
@Danack it requires Windows 10 Pro :|
that was what I tried first, but because I don't have Hyper-V (which requires Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise) it directed me to Docker Toolbox
I don't want to dump 200 dollars just to dink around with Docker
@Tiffany apparently if you put stuff in to C:\Users it would be more likely to work, or other instructions are here: support.divio.com/local-development/docker/…
@Danack thanks
docker@default:~$ cwd
-bash: cwd: command not found
(random complaining) (apparently it's pwd)
I am very tired.
why would it be cwd!
> pwurrent working directory
printttt working directory
fair enough... (linux.die.net/man/1/pwd)
@Danack okay, so I have a shared folder set up, mounted in the docker container, and I can see the files from the host shared folder inside the docker container's mounted folder. When I exit out of ssh with the container and attempt docker-compose up --build --abort-on-container-exit, but I still get the error message I was originally getting before: gist.github.com/tiffany-taylor/f3594d3a9c3f5a1f75e4120d940eec50
I'm attempting docker-compose up --build --abort-on-container-exit from the example directory on the host machine
@Allenph sounds like Activision has decided to suck all of Blizzard dry ASAP
@tereško it looks really good, and it has been asked for quite a bit... well either a remaster of Warcraft 3 or a Warcraft 4, but they don't want to make a Warcraft 4 because of the ever changing lore with WoW ...
so remaster is easier, and I'm looking forward to it
@Tiffany "ever changing" a very generous description of what the have done with lore in WoW ... maybe in the same way as a dead rat in the alleyway is "ever changing" over the seasons
I want Warcraft 4.
I don't care about WoW. Just separate the story lines, who gives a fuck?
pit it in the same list as Half Life 3
Don't get why they keep making Starcraft but just gave up on Warcraft.
And fucking mobile Diablo. Fuck you Blizzard.
last StarCraft expansion was in 2015
The last Warcraft expansion was in 2002.
I remember getting it for Christmas when I was 6.
well .. from their point of view, it was actually this year
also, honestly, I don't give a fuck about Warcraft
I never liked it
Do you not like RTS or just WC specifically?
WC specifically
Every guy I know in my generation at some point was addicted to WoW. Very few played the RTS though.
You like SC? I thought SC was waaaaay easier.
I played for 2 days on a hacked WoW server
Yeah. I mostly played on private servers too.
They've completely ruined it now. No one quests anymore.
it looked like ass and was extremely boring
then again, only Blizzard properties that I have actually enjoyed were Starcraft 2 and Diablo 2
@Allenph I loved Warcraft II. Played the crap out of it. I loved Warcraft 3. It took me awhile to get into WoW. I played Ultima Online when it first came out. Nothing compared to that for a long time for me. I played WoW Vanilla on a trial. But I finally got into it right towards the end of Burning legion.
Played it a lot during Lich King. Left during ICC - phase 2 I think. Came back during Cata. Haven't been back since. Level 95 was highest level at the time I left.
Running 25 man Naxx every Thursday with online friends was the highlight of that game for me the entire time I played it.
I never raided much. I liked questing.
Floating Naxx was awesome.
Of course- it's the people I raided with that really made that experience great.
Maybe we should do some private server stuff.
I'd probably give it another go.
What I loved about Ultima Online was having your own house, keep, home, etc.
Customizing them. Running a actual shop with NPC vendors. I would come home from school and check my NPC vendors to see if they sold anything. Plus you could rent out spots to other players which allowed them to place an NPC vendor at your house.
The graphics are really dated now- but I can still play that game today.
When I finally sold my account I sold it for $700 on eBay. Which was a lot at the time.
ESO has a system marginally similar.
I'm sort of glad I never got into Everquest. My friend was addicted to that game.
Never played it.
MMOs are a waste of time
All games are a waste of time by some measures. If you have fun doing it then it's not a waste of time.
@StatikStasis because they are universally shallow
I would say they are fun for a season.
Ugh I have to do a phone call with a client with a cold. I'm not the biggest fan of talking to clients in the first place but then when I have a cold it makes it a lot worse
Getting in a MMO during the right season (season being certain period of development) with the right people can be amazing.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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