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guys, how do I get a seeded random in javascript?
it sounds like I will have to write my own pseudo-random-number generator to actually get it :(
(I need it for generating obsolesces in a game map, so that everyone sees the same obstacles)
and the number that I want are actually in the range [-6 .. 6]
google said this is good github.com/davidbau/seedrandom
yeah, I already stumbled upon it
what I am thinking is gutting it and taking a part of it
3 hours later…
Using "parent" in class without parent results in compile-time error [Zend/tests/compile_time_parent_error_01.phpt]
Using "parent" in class without parent results in compile-time error [Zend/tests/compile_time_parent_error_02.phpt]
@NikiC My PR keeps failing on those 2 tests (and only those 2) on Travis. This is for non-debug builds. I am away for the weekend but do you have any idea why those two tests would behavior differently in non-debug?
2/5 PR for hacktoberfest completed :B
@Wes I might try to work on that tomorrow. I managed to get some cleaning done today.
need to do some cleaning too tomorrow. gods :B
i have like 3 washing machine stints waiting for me
I got some laundry done today, but I can't leave my dryer unattended now... I think the the dryer timer is borked, and I'll need to replace it. but they cost like 100 USD :|
yeah winter came and i need to get rid of all summery stuff
the dryer is so american btw
also I guess the cutoff thingie for when the dryer gets too hot doesn't work either, because it was left running for eight hours or so one day
we are patient enough to wait some hours that things dry in the sun :B
@Wes my mom used to hang dry clothes outside, but I hate it
my clothes feel all rough and stiff
I have some formal clothes that I can't dry though, so I have to hang them up over my shower bar or a door or something
if the dryer is like the washing machine it probably consumes a lot of energy
@Wes there are energy efficient varieties, but mine aren't
FWIW I do laundry about once a week, and it's one load
give or take 2-3 loads every two to three weeks
my energy bill runs around 100 USD a month, but that's because I opted into a program where it keeps the bill cost consistent each month. So I pay the same every month, accounting for months where I don't use a lot of electricity, and accounting for months that I use more, so it evens out.
100 is a lot
i am on average 70$/month i think
but i live alone
does that include natural gas, for heating? dunno how it works there
2 hours later…

My php code is importing values from SQL database.

How can I add a crossline on a row output if that row has a specific value in one of the columns?

I mean, I want to add crossline to row that has "Old/cancelled product" in the "notes" column.

Is there any example code for this ?

crossline = strikethrough (I mean)
@bishara If your application following rest architecture then crossline can be done on UI side based on notes value fetched from db
@JaiNarayanSingh I shared the code o this port
brio vigor; vivacity.
@LeviMorrison because ce->parent_name is never initialized, you're comparing against random memory which may or may not be zeroes.
But that's weird to me… as there are also other places in code comparing against ce->parent_name (e.g. in destroy_zend_class())
\cc @NikiC ?!
Looks to me like one would simply need to set ce->parent_name = NULL; in zend_initialize_class_data()
Okay, this is a master only change until now, not surprised it hasn't blown up yet
I'm just going to fix it
@Levi fixed, feel free to rebase and retry
@bwoebi parent and parent_name are in a union
parent is already initialized to NULL, so parent_name is as well...
okay my bad
@NikiC So we apparently started to use anonymous unions...
yes, all over the place
Didn't expect that given that formerly we always used explicit unions
so I just assumed it to be part of the struct...
Stuck with a noob question since I'm playing with vue.js for the first time. Static pages like about-us.html , how would I send that page to front-end? I understand I can send requests to manipulate data and select data and json encode it for a response, but what about static stuff that isn't held in database?
It's one of those dirty areas, javascript + php.. so .. not sure where the logic should lie.
ehh seems everyone's just bloating the javascript by having it all in front-side components
well, I'm not :D
I like to write stuff native
How would you do it? SPA loads -> request page -> back-end generates html non-json format -> output into place?
@Darius why do you need to sent the entire page?
first of all, there is this thing <template>, that you can us to have the structure already part of your .. emm ... index page
I don't, I just need the "About Us" text + images. Just to put between header and footer.
That content is static
so when I say back-end generates html , I mean it grabs a twig or html file's contents which could be <h1>Hello World</h1><p>some text and images</p>
No <doctype> or <html><head> stuff in there.
since I have no context, it is really hard to give good advice .... hmmm ... easiest would be to just abuse innerHTML to replace the body
but I am not sure sure it's what you would need
I know, it's stupid how hard it is to explain. I'm literally trying the most basic of tasks. lol.
innerHTML was what I was thinking.
that's the quick'n'dirty solution
Let me try another way of asking
if it works - use it
if there are issues, then you will need something completely different, because it is very ... blunt instrument
.. back to trying to figure out, how to do "line of sight" in hexgrid map
good luck!
hi open cart does not show front page but show admin panel
I don't think anyone here uses OpenCart
any time someone has mentioned it in this chat room, it has been either regarding security flaws ... or someone, like you, "screaming in dark for help"
@tereško :)
same for magento ?
@Noni magento has better reputation, but still no active users of it in this chat room
(nobody likes to make e-shops)
but there is a separate StackExchange page for it: magento.stackexchange.com
Hey everybody. Got another question about Laravel.

laravel provides an oauth server with laravel/passport package.

I set up all the routes to retrieve a bearer token to an matching client.
The Routes return the Token as an JSON Response.

If i want to access the api then, i go along and pass the token as the authorization header within my request to the api route.

Unfurtonally i always got Unauthenticated back... any ideas ?
@tereško thanks (y) client requirement what suppose i do :( i have to do what ever clients says client is always right :)
1 hour later…
holy shit: I managed to draw a line :D
ah, that was unintentional
@mega6382 Oi, that's mine
You stealing my memes blaster boy?
@Wes yes, includes electricity and gas. Before I opted into this program, the months I didn't use heating or a/c, it would be around 60-70 USD. Otherwise it'd be around 120-140 USD
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, I know :P
@MadaraUchiha the situation called for it, so it was meant to be :P
@tereško where's it from?
from a thing I am making
I am playing around with hex-grids
Are you making a game?
@Tiffany currently I am only making a game-board. If I manage to get the basics, then I can start thinking about maybe making a game
@tereško I see
Which language? PHP?
currently - javascript
the hope is that today I get a working "field of view" system
that's why I needed the ability to draw a line
@tereško what kind of game?
currently - none of kind
as I said, I am just poking at hexgrid board
I have some ideas, but if I can't get this working, they have as much value as dog's farts
I used to want to be a game developer, years ago. Then the job market became saturated with game developers, so wages were shit and conditions were bad. I still think about making something indie at times, but I can't think of what I'd like to make.
The ideas I've had have already been done in some form or another.
I ought to find some more shmups with RPG elements
morning room
hmm ... btw, any riots in USA?
There will be if RvW is overturned or even on the table again
lol, no
@rtheunissen people who believe that are in the same bag as the ones who believed that Obama was building FEMA concentration camps
I don't believe that he was building FEMA concentration camps?
no, but "the opposition" believed
your country has a rich history of conspiracy theories, and the side that ends up in the opposition usually is the one that fuels it
As someone who lives here but isn't an American.. it's a broken system.
My team vs your team.
well, yes, but I think that's the "small script" under each 2-party system
Exactly. We have 2 major parties in NZ too but the minor parties get proportional representation.
And can form coalitions to create a government.
But amongst the people it's not so hostile like it is here.
I don't want to see the opposition lose, or their heads explode, or their families in ruin.
The US is too big, there's a missing level I think.
West, Central, East, maybe a North.
let's put it this way: Latvia had the elections yesterday
the "winner" got 19%
The winner in NZ got 37%
But combined with 2 other parties in an agreement to get a majority.
here, to get the majority it would take top-4 parties ... and they won't
So the one with the highest % leads?
the one who can form a coalition - leads
and in these elections the 1st place is demacratic socialists and 2nd are libertarians
those won't be in the same coalition
Does anyone know why I would use zend_strtod vs stdlib's strtod?
probably @NikiC or @bwoebi
/me goes back to magicing js
I'll compare output
@rtheunissen I thought you were living in NZ?
@rtheunissen consistent output and performance
Thanks @NikiC
@Tiffany moved to the US a few months ago :)
@rtheunissen ah, cool
Assuming my immigration papers are accepted..
you are a programmer - so, most likely
it's a lengthy process from what I've heard, two coworkers are immigrants
in Latvia the complete process takes 10 years + an exam
one, I'm not sure if he's a citizen yet or if that's even his plan, but he had to go back and forth between doctors and stuff for his green card
@tereško good lord
you need to 10 years be an official "country's resident" (that requires either having a job or a $250k+ property) ... and no special marriage-rules
Just trying to get pr so I can live and work here.
Got married in August :D
I think that's what the one coworker got. The other one has been a citizen for a while.
@tereško even with marriage, here, it isn't guaranteed
but it does help things
Not all DateTime methods show up on the right column – #76981
I hate math
me too
2 hours later…
@tereško what did math ever do to you?
@Tiffany "line of sight" detection in a hexagonal map
hell, I am still stuck at determining even the "search area"
basically I end up writing up some abomination js function and the attempting to refactor
evening :)
@tereško can you turn it into a class? (I am talking out of my ass, so I'm not sure)
well, I managed to get rid of the Z, because the sum of all coordinates is 0
and class wont really help here
especially since it is JS - I tend to stick to pure functional style in it
I also noticed that the values seem to have a repeating [0, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1] pattern (with an offset) ans since the condition is based on degrees, I can offset & wrap it
god, trying to make any kind of decent graphic without photoshop is balls
trying to make a "credit card" like image with rounded corners in paint
since I can't even use a seect-tool in PS, I have no idea
also, Gimp
I've memorized a lot of the key commands in photoshop
@Tiffany sketchtoy.com/68472828 #showoff
not sure why you are a developer
@Wes I get the feeling that you're bored
@tereško what's wrong with being multi-talented? :P
@Tiffany that is a old work :B
@Tiffany it's irritating
@tereško because consider the average impossible client, multiply by 10 and that is what you have in graphics design and artsy stuff
freelance is a form of slavery
"i know you are the designer, but i really think this should be that way"
"i know you are the surgeon, but i really think my liver should oriented another way"
we will never get that kind of respect
@Wes the arts aren't taken seriously in this day and age, they're "not a real job" to a lot of people
"can you draw this for me?" "sure, that'll be around 200 USD." "oh... it costs money? can't you do it for free?"
yes i think people wanted to pay for my ability to use photoshop, not my creativity
i don't miss those days at all
trying to find a conversation between an artist and potential "client" who was saying his son had cancer or something, and want to give him a portrait of himself to his son, and was asking the artist to do it for either free or like way under what the artist normally charges
@Tiffany terrible
@Tiffany you'll probably find that here along with many others :P
@pmmaga yeah, that's where I was searching
@pmmaga saw some good ones, but not the same that I saw a while back
the whole industry is a bike shed, and everybody is welcome in
It's always entertaining anyway
i tried a million syntaxes in xcopy /EXCLUDE none worked
why is everything so far from expectations
@Tiffany that's... photoshopped rite?
(I mean, I understand that the text is, but the stock photo)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier no idea
that's me hoping it is
I'm guessing not
like a stock image of "this is what bullying looks like"
was it... flagged? hey there Andras
Hey. This bug is affecting chat.SO as well. There are 8 phantom flags that are supposed to have come from here. I'm curious: have there been any flags today?
i had an idea for a t-shirt. i want to get it printed and sell it :B
I wasn't there, can't say.
@Tiffany this brings back memories
i think it's the problem of intangible things
@Wes the whole idea that someone's time isn't worth paying for
an actual painted picture is worth paying for... the same picture, digital, made in photoshop is not
@Wes but even then, people don't want to pay for physical stuff either
"can't you give it to me for free? come on... I could draw it myself, but I like your art style better...."
artist: "wat"
i once discussed for hours about paying sketches with a client
"but if i am not using them why should i pay them"
"i am paying for the final product only"
"if you didn't do what i wanted at the first attempt then it is your fault. why should i pay for your mistakes?"
and things like that
so one of the tactics we used at my previous work is let the client sit with me while i was doing their work
6 hours straight of photoshop really gave them a measure of what it takes to do anything
@Wes 27bslash6.com/p2p2.html not sure if you've heard of this guy 27bslash6.com/bob.html
he has one story where he explains to the client that the client is paying for him to use a program, and his 16 years of experience
that's a serious logo
was i flagged already?
this is what I was looking for
> Actually, you were asking me to design a logotype which would have taken me a few hours and fifteen years experience. For free. With pie charts

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