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you wrote that code like 6 months ago
you were already old then :P
In the recent 6 months I have had a huge evolution :-) really exciting ..
@Leigh Yep, still Mallorca. What brings you this way?
Business and Pleasure
@Shafizadeh it would have been a surprise, if you hadn't
anyway I have uploaded our project on the server and will launch it in two days ..!
I'm following a semi-proper git workflow, I'm cloning the repo directly to another server... somewhat progress
so, by the end of the next week you should start working on alternating between refactoring existing code and adding new/missing features (I would estimate, that it will take a week to catch all the existing fuckups), @Shafizadeh
@Shafizadeh I am really curious to see what it looks like, because it seems that you and @tereško have been working on for almost about a year now.
I haven't actually done anything productive
only did some minor code-reviews
@tereško actually it's 3 days I'm involving that .. and yes, it takes about 3-4 days to be ready to launch
@mega6382 you can find teresko here
I guess that looks shit to all of you .. since Persian characters aren't beautifull
@Shafizadeh you should remove the bit about Steam
@tereško I followed your bio on SO
What's it like to live in Larvia? :D
@Shafizadeh it's spelled "Latvia", you ass
@Leigh I didn't get the point .. what you mean exactly? :-)
@tereško Oh sorry
it's a typo .. I will fix it
@Shafizadeh Those are called Arabic script, not Persian characters
don't worry .. we didn't begin our go-to-marker plans. No one has the link of our website
And what does "lamtakam" mean?
means "google"
how is that?
btw, are you sure that the page title "لام تا کام" should be so small (and H3)
@LeviMorrison was up all night working on something but I keep getting stuck on the same thing: imagine you have a BST and you're searching for a node. You want to know if you've found what you're looking for, or to go left or right. So you compare for ordering first, ie. <=>, and it returns 0 (equal ordering). 0 doesn't necessarily imply equal value though so check if equals return true. Equals returns false... now what? Left or right?
@tereško That's what our UI/UX designer decided .. I just can respect to her idea .. noted that, it doesn't look that much bad for us Persian people :-)
@Shafizadeh but in Persian its written like "لام تا کام" which makes it 3 different words.
it sort of make it looks less significant than the second title
@Shafizadeh There's something wrong there... seems like 404 redirects to localhost/myweb
@Shafizadeh except everyone in this room :P
Also your logo makes me think of penises
@Tiffany I don't care about people in this room having the link, since our project is a Persian-only website.
@Leigh and now you ruined it
@LeviMorrison I guess in that case you'd bail, node not found.
@IROEGBU oh thx .. I will fix it
Yep, cannot unsee
@mega6382 that's a term which means "everything"
@rtheunissen How does 0 not imply equality?
1.0 and 1 have equal relative ordering but aren't equal.
Fraction(1, 2) vs 0.5 etc
@Shafizadeh isn't the "questions" page too hidden?
@tereško how do you know where is it?
@Shafizadeh shouldn't that be "alif ta ye"?
@Shafizadeh And I am gonna assume Lam mean "L" and "ta" means "from _ to", and I've no idea what "kam" means
@Shafizadeh I have set it up so that browser shows the URL in the status-bar, when I hover over a link
@mega6382 it is and "alif" is the first Persian alphabet and "ye" is the last one .. so that's a term which means "everything"
@NikiC or is this a case where relative ordering should never be 0 unless the values are equal? SO pick a side one way or another, and go with 1 if there's no clear choice?
also, your "users" page is missing the "under construction"
@Shafizadeh I didn't understand, what you just said.
@tereško actually we have followed SO .. As you know, SO hided the "asking" button from the other pages and placed it inside questions .. So that red button is for asking lamtakam.com/qanda/132/…
@mega6382 do you know "AZ lyrics" site? It's basically like that
@mega6382 "lamtakam" means something like "from A until Z"
(at least that what I got from that explanation)
@Shafizadeh OK, and what does the word "kam" mean, by it self?
@mega6382 It is a term ...!! "kam" doesn't have a meaning o by itself
@mega6382 I suspect Persian is a lot closer to Chinese than to Latin.
Chinese is RTL ?
no (it's actually top-down .. originally), but the words have meanings based on context
Then Persian is close to nothing :-)
@Shafizadeh It is very close to old Turkish and Urdu and Pashto
Noted that we have a great EN-FA dictionary .. I love it lamtakam.com/search?s=dictionaries&q=hello
We crawled both MSN and Google-translate :-)
crawl OR use the public API ?
crawl .. we got blocked about 840 times :P
@NikiC it breaks down for compare_objects because there's no context. You don't know whether the objects are being ordered or equated. anguish
Also we have another great database from dictinary.com for abbreviations lamtakam.com/search?s=dictionaries&q=phd&s_s=mokhafaf
you will need to re-design the profile pages at some point (at least change the color schema)
As a technical point: when you click on one of the result, a back button will be created on the top-left under header .. it is a 5 layers stack which holds a json of the page and which create the dom again when you click on it
it looks like 1-to-1 copy of StackOverflow
It is .. I mentioned to "about us" page that we're the Persian version of SE
@tereško except for the mainpage, that looks like google's
@NikiC I think we need to pass the context to compare_objects (eq vs ord)
@Shafizadeh the writing is all broken. it's RTL and uses a weird font.
Which changes compare_func_t..
@Gordon that's the most used font for Persian characters .. also RTL is the direction of our language ..
he's being an ass :D
@Shafizadeh so I am right
I can't be bothered to learn more than 26 characters.
@Gordon Your wife can probably read and understand it, right?
@jjok IKR; but it pays off to learn these in addition ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And colon : P
this is pretty neat instruqt.com/learn
@Gordon I like the part where their advertised courses have no content
which? I clicked two and they worked
(ok it seems like it works if you click on the "play" link, but not directly on any of the topic links)
for example, no content for me
probably a bug. works when you click from the play page though
@NikiC nevermind compare_func_t wouldn't need to be changed.
But both compare and compare_objects handlers would need to accept a comparison context.
@mega6382 you should've gotten a mail...
Bureaucracy: where ideas go to die...
@FlorianMargaine Yes, I was contacted by platform.sh on stackoverflow, and have scheduled an interview with on Monday for the role of "DevOps/SRE". Thank you very much <3
@mega6382 \o/ good luck
@Tiffany and memos get passed around :P
I can't promise it'll go further
Well of course, that mostly depends on me and the expectations of the company for that position, but it won't hurt to try.
though I guess this is more office politics than bureaucracy, but bureaucratic bullshit may be a result of the politics...
$_FILES['attached_file']['size'] always returns int(0) on server .. while it return the size of attached file on the localhost .. any idea why?
@ircmaxell oh boy
@Shafizadeh What's the rest of $_FILES['attached_file']? Is there anything in $_FILES['attached_file']['error']?
lemme check it out
Hopefully it's telling you what the error is.
@Tiffany thanks :)
Here is the result:
array(5) {
  string(5) "1.pdf"
  string(15) "application/pdf"
  string(14) "/tmp/phpNf6ZZh"
what is the actual size of 1.pdf?
oh sorry for wasting your time .. it's zero .. I have to test with another file
@ircmaxell because of one account which credentials were stolen?
or did I miss something?
@FlorianMargaine I'm guessing if eslint is a dependency for another package, and the other package installed the update, it could be compromised as a result
@Tiffany no.
@FlorianMargaine I think the malicious script would upload your npm keys so other packages may be affected in the meanwhile (trying to find where I read that..)
@pmmaga That is true
@jjok You know .. I'm really clever .. but currently I'm in a lack-of-exoprience situation
The claim is that wherever it is used it tries to access this link pastebin.com/raw/XLeVP82h and then tries to send the .npmrc file somewhere.
@ircmaxell not sure why it's not just (3)
So we have (quite often) an odd thing where the first time we run a search it is quite often much slower than when we run it not long later. I don't believe it's caching. I read maybe it's choosing a crappy execution plan, then after it updates to a better one. Feasible or nah?
so, caching?
I don't think so. I run the query with SQL_NO_CACHE and it is fast.
But I am just grasping here.
But it certainly feels like caching.
@Fabor database engines usually have query caching
They also keep frequently accessed data in memory
And evict it when it is accessed infrequently
so... lru?
Not sure if it's exactly LRU
but I expect that plays a part
So example. The query is searching for a name. First attempt, takes a long time. Second fast, change name, still fast.
@NikiC sorry for the spam / thinking out loud. I just have one question: would it be possible to add another arg to zend_object_compare_zvals_t handler def without breaking things in a bad way for extensions?
typedef int (*zend_object_compare_zvals_t)(zval *result, zval *op1, zval *op2, int ctx);
@rtheunissen any extension using it will need an update
it's not overly problematic
What would those extensions need to do for php < next?
at least if you have good reason to do the change
@rtheunissen as usual, #if's?
What's LRU?
I've had to do that for macro calls but haven't encountered function headers before.
Just wanted to check.
Does the compare handler not make the compare_objects handler redundant?
I'm struggling to think of a good reason to have both
@rtheunissen It is redundant
That one was added to avoid having to change existing ones ^^
@Fabor least recently used, according to wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
php 7 was probably a good moment to join those back together
do you know where this photo is from? pbs.twimg.com/media/Dhxq0ScW0AAwXNH.jpg
@Wes google image search says taiwan earthquake
that's crazy
ugh, this function name is deceiving secure.php.net/manual/en/function.getmyuid.php the uid of the owner of the script.. am I alone expecting the uid of the user running php?
@Wes I wouldn't want to be standing that close to it as those men are standing.
1 hour later…
@bwoebi did you get any insight into the perf issue?
1 hour later…
@NikiC no, I discovered that hyper-v does not support pmu event virtualization ... Setting up ubuntu on an other bare machine right now
@ircmaxell It also seems there was some drama involved
there has been drama in python community for years now
@Jimbo yeah that's true... My goal now is to learn Kotlin with the hope that a lot of Java shops will start to move to that over the next few years. But will probably be decades if it's a bank...
@tereško hearing them about how good python is, one'd have thought they were magically exempt from it
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I have had no such illusions - github.com/django/django/pull/2692
gods, I had sucessfully forgotten that
damn, I need to clean my keyboard on the weekend
the switches have begun really sticking
I hope I wont have to actually replace them
@Tiffany what brand ?
@Tiffany That seems like a pretty weak test
my first thought was: it's not a squirt-gun
@NikiC bbc tests it in a burn furnace alongside another HD, and drops, and bulldozes it youtube.com/watch?v=8_nQPjR1Wb8
@rtheunissen Your BST handles duplicates or it does not.
If it does then you would always stick them to the right or always to the left.
So you can use <=> to get the the correct root and then you'd have to use == to try to find the exact one.
@ircmaxell I thought their PEPs also went to vote. I guess that's what they'll do, someone already mentioned PHP RFCs in the thread
@pmmaga they may have had a vote, but it was all up to Guido if it was accepted or not
(even if the vote passed, he could say no)
@ircmaxell So, he really was a BDFL..
What on earth is user_tick_function_compare?
!!lxr user_tick_function_compare
[ /ext/standard/basic_functions.c#5107 ] static int user_tick_function_compare(user_tick_function_entry * tick_fe1, user_tick_function_entry * tick_fe2) /* {{{ */
it seems to be a helper to figure out which user tick function to delete
What is a user tick function?
and apparently if you try to unregister a currently running tick function you get a fancy warning!
@pmmaga Your face is a fancy warning
I mean .. errrr... morning room
@PeeHaa I'll take it as a compliment :D
Quiet here for a prebecca night
@mega6382 yes
It's ok
We still have rasmus
On a more serious note
Am I the only one who hates operator overloading?
Like actual hate
There are at least two \o/
Oh, I don't hate it.
I have met some unsavory chaps who do, though.
Still that means at least two sane people
I've not had to encounter enough of them to have an opinion.
@PeeHaa I wouldn't if: 1) either we drop __equals and just accept that __compareTo == 0 means equality or == only uses __equals and the rest only uses __compareTo; 2) only use it if $a->__equals === $b->__equals; and 3) return values wouldn't be coerced
I've worked in enough domains where symbols mean different things that I don't care about the same symbol meaning the same thing all the time.
I like consistency in most cases.
@LeviMorrison that's so weird to me
Weird or not, it's how it is ^_^
I also use a lot of different programming languages, and they don't always have the same symbol set.
@LeviMorrison i know. Which is both good and scary
Need to board
@LeviMorrison it makes it easier in the beginning when learning a new language if the syntax has some similarities.
Night all o/
I don't understand people who complain about argument order. I mean, I look up the functions in the manual nearly every time I use them to check for error conditions, gotchas, etc.
Gonna be a long one :(
Where you going?
And in C++ the order is not always "consistent" either, so it's not even just PHP's problem.
@LeviMorrison me neither, but I don't think we have to make it worse
@StatikStasis back to turkey
@LeviMorrison /me reusing so much code from my previous projects keeps me googling sometimes the simplest things because I have forgot.
Also if you are so inclined you can actually already just add a method right now
Safe travels!
Really need to board now :(
Keep your phone on. Don't let the flight attendants use their scare tactics to turn off your electronically devices. =p
I have a screenshot of my gps registering almost 300mph when landing. It never picks up the towers in the air. Not sure if because of the protections (I know it cannot do speeds over 600 because of the possibility of misusing for weapons) or if it just doesn't pick it up due to location.
I would, but pretty much useless
In your seat?
They don't do internet in the air like it's 1980
So stupid
They promote the onboard WiFi, but it is crap.
At least ours is.
I would take crap over nothing tbh
It pretty much is nothing.
I just get loading screens and errors.
What does it cost?
Planes are the best time to read a book, listen to an audio book, or write.
I think it's like $6-$10 for 30 minutes.
Might try to produce some music while drinki ng
I only paid once. The other times it was free but it never could load anything.
You do music?
I've got Ableton Live 10 Suite and Logic Pro X
What do you make?
As in genre?
Breaks, progressive trance
Some Nu Skool
Imma need some project at some point tontouch
I used to be a DJ for a few years. Then I got married.
Lol awesome
Gimme the soundcloud
I'm glad I did. A lot of my friends ended up in jail for drugs. I was glad to leave the scene.
I have 6 or 7 cds I put out. (Not my music- just spinning vinyl.) I will try and upload sometime.
Who is your favorite artist from that genre?
Favorite for any electronic music.
Like all my data, @PeeHaa must be in the clouds now. =p
Hey, does anybody have any thoughts on this proposal: github.com/php/php-src/pull/3382
@duncan3dc so, to avoid the new ArrayObject($result)?
@pmmaga Hmm, when you put it like that...
I was approaching it originally as trying to make stdClass iterable
That felt off though, so I then thought about returning some sort of JsonData extends stdClass
Until I ended up returning an ArrayObject
@duncan3dc yeah, IMHO it wouldn't be worth it
What do you think about making iterable accept stdClass?
@duncan3dc what guarantees stdClass iterable-ility? :P
The fact that foreach accepts it without raising any warnings or errors under any circumstance?
@duncan3dc by that standard any class is iterable
@pmmaga It's analogous to an array, so I'd say it's no more or less iterable than an array is
@pmmaga I'd say there's a big difference between most classes and stdClass
@duncan3dc $result = json_decode('{"one": "1", "two": "2"}', true); done. stop asking json_decode to return objects
@PaulCrovella yeh I know, it just caught me out that by default it returns something I can use with foreach, but that iterable balks at
by default it'll also fail completely with valid json 3v4l.org/dsSnE
@PeeHaa hate is a strong word. I'm mostly not too keen on it, but it doesn't bother me when it's used appropriately (e.g. gmp, datetime).
@DaveRandom !==
Not even PHP's equality is that loose
fuck knows with JS though
that expr might return a bowl of petunias in JS
iirc, JS equality rules look a bit like jesus/god/spirit, while PHP rules table looks like the kraken
hail hydra
@PaulCrovella mostly agree, but at the same time those are the only valid use cases I have been able to come up with for non-comparison operator overloading. I'm not convinced there are enough use cases to warrant full-fledged operator overloading in userland. Comparison operators are a slightly different matter, I'm more OK with doing that, but I personally would rather just deprecate == with object operands and let the dust settle before doing anything there
(obv if it were deprecated I would also introduce a function that provides the old behaviour if you explicitly want that)
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