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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

I have a question
so...Can you use w3css in PHP?
Do you know w3css, right?
> W3.CSS is a modern CSS framework with built-in responsiveness: Smaller and faster than other CSS frameworks. Easier to learn, and easier to use than other CSS frameworks.
what an original name
> Provides CSS equality for all browsers
such welcoming
ok my question is: Can you use it in PHP
Working on this web app. That has a table for projects, want to be able to have a task to that project, that has the same properties as the project. Should I create another table with the same properties or just add a (type_of_project) field to existing table.
@GuilhermeR css is not in php.
css is style, applied by the browser, over html. html containing w3css classes can be produced by php, yes
but as it is an npm package, you might have trouble putting all that together
@FélixGagnon-Grenier i know but
you can HTML in PHP language, right
Yes, that is what I was saying with "html containing w3css classes can be produced by php, yes"
... but that is not all for it to work. you need to link the css stylesheets for the classes to do anything
which, w3css being distributed mainly as an npm package, can or not be complicated
So I have a database informaton that was retrieved with a SELECT statement. That statement is inside an echo
and that information is displayed in a row
in a single column*
but I want it to be displayed in like 2 or 3 columns
Use a table
I mean
Mornings v3
I tried once and didn't work
Can you do it without a table?
til the id for the markdown reference link can be any string
[click me][bar]

[bar]: http://example.org "Example"
Another question (sorry): Can you display text at right side of an image?
morns v2
This weekend has not been going good so far, and the heat is killing me. 45C, its hell in here. :(
Where at?
that's because you never felt the cold :B hot weather -> <3
just have frequent showers, drink a lot :B
I need your guy's advice, working with legacy code. The database design is a mess. Adding a new feature.
@Wes Yeah, I guess. The winters here are usually very nice, because they aren't that cold.
@Wes I am drinking on average like 10 liters of water, and I guess that does help a bit.
@StatikStasis finished third season of Sherlock... wow
@mega6382 I grew up in a desert and currently I live in an area that has seasons... I'd rather have the desert
@GuilhermeR float: right?
@Tiffany Ohhh, I've been to the desert, and I am not cut out for that. :)
@mega6382 what kind of dessert? something with chocolate?
fixed. :P
no result if field in where clause of SQL-statement is float – #76408
the danaerys chapters in the game of thrones books are so ffin boring
i am a princess and stuff happens to me and i succeed at everything despite i am clueless because i have dragons
also i stopped watching it's always sunny in philadelphia
i hate the westworld guy, and danny devito
@Wes on the other hand, dragons.
i thought the storyline was terrible in the show, but it's like that in the books too. she doesn't follow a path, she doesn't take decisions... stuff just happens to her
and dragons are meh
why would anyone keep a hedge maze on their property... what purpose would it serve
@Wes tell that to red me
How apt
@Wes watching an episode of Sherlock, and this rich family has a hedge maze on their property, so far, all it's served is the wife running around in it trying to find her husband, who's deep in it and staring at a dead woman who's supposedly going to kill him
@Tiffany it's a style; it's like asking why people like red or blue
a maze though?
@Tiffany you can't spell amazing without a maze
Also holy fuckerdy fuck chat mobile Suuuuuucks
Also v2 meth is kinda somewhat bad
nah it's just badly marketed
on a related note, git submodules are a generally bad idea :-P
tbh I feel like that is of sufficient importance that we should pin it legibly
Update your git client to 2.17.1 asap to address an RCE vulnerability
in order to update, i need to download .NET Framework 4.7.2
only 76 hours then
sourcetree obviously
need to restart computer
i hate my life
@Wes that's rather extreme for only needing to restart your computer
no I totally get that
I do too...unfortunately
when software updates are pushed at work... it's the bane of my productivity
it induces The Fear, the same way a browser crash does
"wtf did I have open before?"
the nagging feeling that the tab that's been open but not looked at for 3 weeks in some way contained the meaning of life
the email you opened in a separate window as a reminder to deal with it in some way
all lost and gone forever
lol, I have a tab open for an audio that I want to listen to... and I can't close the tab because it's officially expired already... if the tab is refreshed, I"ll lose access to it
I should just probably listen to it now before I fuck something up and lose the tab
turn your speakers off, play it and record it on loopback
omg I cannot believe arrested development S5 has been available for 4 whole days and I forgot about it
You can always tell your browser to restart session (won't work for the expired session case though).
I think a recent windows update made it possible to resume apps after a restart... It's a stupid feature. It doesn't restore "session", just acts like you double-clicked the apps.
So, VS reopens without loading the solution you were working on... If you had 3 VS windows open, after restart it'll look like you just double-clicked VS 3 times!
@FlorianMargaine you strike me as the kind of guy who is enough of a masochist to have dug around in libxml a bit at some point maybe?
@DaveRandom far less than you
@FlorianMargaine well you might have some useful thoughts anyway tbh, think about $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $xpath->evaluate('//foo'); - would you imagine that will traverse the entire document tree looking for <foo> elements in an O(scary) way, or do you think there is a sane way that could be avoided? Bearing in mind the complexity of xpath, it is presumably not building huge indices during creation of the tree because it would use masses of memory for an operation that may never happen
otoh xpath is generally very fast, to the extent that I feel like it must have some sort of shortcut to avoid walking the entire tree all the time
I don't see how it could avoid traversing the entire tree
or maybe it's using some regex-like trickery?
I have no idea how regex is implemented either :-P
like if it does a grep (see grep tricks) and gets a rough index, it can maybe guess where in the tree the elements are?
that sounds like more magic than what libxml would do though
oic, no it's not storing the docs as a string representation
I'd say O(scary) then
that much I do know, it's definitely a lot of heap-allocated structs with a lot of ptrs to other structs
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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