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BTW @JayIsTooCommon fyi ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt
but, why
anyway besides the point
those para's annoy me
because in order to have clarity of communication it necessary to have both clarity of language and clarity of thought
English is already bad at clarity of language, written English doubly so
You just don't use enough caps
You're on your own with clarity of thought though
I am doomed...
I recommend drinking a load of Claret
@DaveRandom shup
/me shups
Pass js variable to php using ajax on same page
Is it possible?
@tereško So, how does this list look to you?
> When processing requests to establish and change memorized secrets, verifiers shall compare the prospective secrets against a list of values known to be commonly-used, expected or compromised. For example, the list MAY include:

For memorized secrets, verifiers should NOT impose other composition rules e.g. requiring mixtures of different character types or prohibiting consecutively repeated characters
that's better now
now fuck off, i'm trying to work
car repaired \o/
@mega6382 why do you need an optical drive? That case is not intended to AIO coolers. You should buy an SSD as a main drive (preferably M.2)and add a HDD only later for long-term storage purposes.
oh, and 120mm AIO coolers are all pointless pieces of crap
@tereško But everyone recommended to use liquid coolers for this processor.
What do you guys think of Symfony vs Laravel
and so you decided to pick a shit one, in a case that is intended for airflow
and who is "everybody"
@tereško I don't really need the optical drive, its just for "incase". And I will definitely get an SSD, but I am still not sure about how much I should get. And I picked this hdd because it was quite cheap price per gb wise.
@tereško You know strangers on the internet.
@tereško So, what would you recommend for that?
if you want an AIO cooler, then find one with 240mm or 280mm rad
I think I am sick. I now open twitter before SO on a normal day. What am I coming to...
@tereško Also, about SSD, I looked at quite a few. But all had so much varying Price/GB, that I couldn't figure out what to get. I just don't know what to look for when buying SSD. Mind sharing some insight on that?
@tereško Great, will definitely look into those.
you probably should go with ~250GB
it's enough for OS, all of your primary programs and few games
the units at that size also happen to be the fastest (for some reason)
@mega6382 I mentioned that you have to check whether they fit, because they require a known amount of clearance (which I could not find for the case of your choice)
flex > grid
just sayin'
@tereško Yes, sure will be looking into all that. Also, I found this with a quick search.. I mean if those won't fit then there is no chance that this will newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835608045
@mega6382 that thing is an overkill
@mega6382 I am currently buying these, although I'm not building gaming rigs so I can't speak to that. They are a decent balance of price/speed/capacity, though.
@Wes they're not really doing the same thing, are they?
you mean css-grid or?
i mean css grid, no they are not doing the same thing, but both can solve a common range of problems
and flexbox is... more flexible
@DaveRandom Thanks, and I don't think I'll be storing games on the SSD. So, that is not a problem. :)
@MadaraUchiha according to google translate the hebrew word: "מניאק" means "maniac". Just as fitting though :)
aha.. I just got bollocked for using mock dependencies in tests. "you should be using the real thing".
My hatred for people has increased so much since I started programming
@JayIsTooCommon who told you that?
a senior
your "senior" does not understand what the point of "isolation in unit tests" is
ZEND_METHOD(MyClass, __construct)
    zval *prefixes;
    zend_update_property(myclass_ce_ptr, getThis(), "prefixes", sizeof("prefixes") - 1, prefixes);
if I was told that, I would probably respond with "you have no idea what you are talking about" even before the thought completed registering, @JayIsTooCommon
What is wrong with array_init here?
I've got Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00005555557f0e07 in _array_init ()
Any help?
@brzuchal if it doesn't make a difference for you maybe: zval prefixes; array_init(&prefixes); should be fine
@pmmaga thx that works, nwo I've got to handle zend_check_protected() :/
@JayIsTooCommon does your senior know a lot about development? Has he done a lot of programming? Pretty sure that is one of the reasons Joel Spolsky started Fog Creek; wanted to work somewhere that understood programmers rather than programmers working for managers who knew little.
@tereško You have a bachelors or masters?
this all sounds like opening lines from a recruiter...
I'm not.
It does though now that I have read it again.
Two totally isolated thoughts.
So... would you like to make 9k per week? FROM HOME?
People seem to want to recruit a lot, but I never see anyone cruiting in the first place. Maybe these people should invest more effort in getting it right first time.
Mar 12 at 16:25, by JayIsTooCommon
You're such a dad.
implements DadJokeFactory
DadJokeFactory->getJoke('Where are my sunglasses?');
I don't know, where are my dad glasses?
ugh.. Joke locator is an anti-pattern :/
@DaveRandom ->getJoke(rand(0,10000));
What's orange and green and sounds like a parrot? A carrot
@BruceBanEm bachelors, but what I gained from it has very little to do with anything in my current skillset
@tereško I believe that completely. Was just curious.
@tereško Many I talk to say they needed the paper for the wall and then had to unlearn a lot of things they learned in college in order to learn to do something the correct way.
I tried getting master's 4 times ... but that was actually a scam the get cheap housing for a time
wow... 4 times?
I flunked out every time at the end of a year
(you can study for free in my country, if you get good enough results at the entrance exams)
You flunked? That seems hard to believe. Oh... but that was the scam?
Wow... study for free... we don't know anything about free in the States.
well, I was not actually attending any lectures .. it's hard to do while being full-time employed
I know... work full-time and have two kids... and a wife. Very hard to go to school with all of that.
@tereško So, only for the hostel??
basically, also entertainment :D
@tereško must be a constant source of entertainment in a classroom
@tereško So, basically everything else is ok with the list? Just get a HSF cooler and a 250g ssd.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier But he doesn't attend the lectures.
He's at the hostel playing video games.
I hate mmcli so bad
I hate iOS development so bad
I hate @DaveRandom so bad
Each little step that brings me closer to getting this fucking thing ready for testing, there's some kind of inane road block. The current one is "Invalid App Store icon. The App Store icon can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel." WHY DO YOU CARE
@JayIsTooCommon that reminds me, your fan club fees are due
bloodthirsty puppy chases google street view car google.com/maps/@30.3835514,130.8626656,3a,20.7y,239.27h,71.03t/…
lol, it's in Japan
@DaveRandom sorry, will sort it.
Use bubblesort
why not bogosort?
Anyone have any knowledge of how to organise Jenkines pipeline files, particularly when you want to be able to do things like define some integration tests that get run hourly, but not part of a normal deployment process?
@Danack hmmm.. configure that part in the UI?
@pmmaga i have a sysadmin who's being a little bit precious about not having stuff that is required for the project anywhere other than source control....and I can't currently see how you'd have all the stuff jenkins needs to know about in the one jenkins file, but have it do completely different stuff based on how it was triggered.
@Danack potentially this is a possible route but yeah, I understand why you'd prefer something more organized... Maybe that solution in conjunction with fileLoader to load A or B depending on it
@mega6382 you might actually avoid buying additional fans
unless you are actually buying 3x of the 120mm fans for the front
the case seems to come with 3 of the fans already: all 140mm (two in front and one in back)
Actually it was part of my plan to get additional fans. But as it comes with 3 fans builtin, I can just get 3 12mm fans and it'll be complete.
Did this ever work in PHP? I recall it did, but it no longer seems to.
function f($x, $y = 1, $z = 2) {
    echo "$x $y $x";
f(1, , 3); // echos "1 1 3"
Seems like HipHop supports this.
It works on list() but not sure about this
Maybe it was a different programming language I was using.
I remember asking for the same thing be implemented but @NikiC didn't like it
@rightfold Just tried it on some online sandbox for php 4.4.9, didn't work.
Yeah but I swear I used this like ten years ago in some language.
@tereško BTW, what are the specs of your system>
list(, $two) = [1, 2];
var_dump($two); // int(2)
It works with list() though
@mega6382 I have an a 3+ year old machine: fx8270,290x,16gb
@samayo Yeah that's a fairly recent addition.
@samayo but 10 yrs ago list() didn't exist.
@rightfold that narrows it down.
Ahh, I know.
It was Visual Basic .NET.
in JS you can also pass undefined to get the default value
Not sure I like it.
I'd like f(1, default, 3) more.
@pmmaga how?
Ok, I just hate js
I will move to Python now
IMHO the way to have that proper is with named params
Yeah, undefined is just "undefined"... what if you have even 2 undefined? ... its just ugly design imho
unless I am too dumb to get it
@samayo that's... a peculiar way of changing the pain
@samayo Go for Go
Although I am not a fan of JS, but I do like jQuery in the backend. ;P
posted on April 17, 2018 by CommitStrip

@FélixGagnon-Grenier Yes, and in the backend too :)
yeah, that's the scary part
@tereško Cool, I wanted to go for AMD too, but I just don't know much about it. Not that I know anything about intel, but still its all around me. :)
well, I would have built a system using AMD, but you had already made that choice
Well its still a week before I start buying these things. You can certainly recommend something if you have in mind.
in two days the Ryzen2 CPUs are being released
Loque Ghost is almost here
@tereško Will those be compatible with my mobo?
I don't know
hadn't had any time to research them
and what is the "your mobo", that you are talking about
if you are referring to the one in your list, then - no
my mobo to be
intel motherboards are not compatible with amd motherboards
oh, ok
So, will have to settle on a different mobo too, if I want to use AMD.
use function getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), i get Internal Server Error – #76230
`$config = parse_ini_file('../myDBfile.ini');
$dbusername = $config['dbusername'];
$dbpass = $config['dbpass'];
$dbname = $config['dbname'];
$dbhost = $config['dbhost'];

$db = new PDO('mysql:host='.$dbhost.';dbname='.$dbname.';charset=utf8mb4', $dbusername, $dbpass);
$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);`
Does this look proper? Is there anyway to pass the db creds into PDO without concatenating?
@pmmaga asked scott on twitter and he likes the "always allow override unless final" approach
so let's think about it. i'll write tests :B i think that's something i can do :B
not much info here but this was the thread i remembered he posted externals.io/message/97950
@BruceBanEm sprintf
@BruceBanEm why the fuck are you splitting the DSN just to concatenate it few lined later?
@Wes sounds good! write them and I'll TDD my way into an implementation :D
also, you can imply use a php file for the configuration, since you can return form an include
@pmmaga deal :P
<?php return [
    'user' => 'foo',
    'pass' => 'bar';
^ put that in a file
then do:
I had a syntax error when I first dropped it in as $config['dbusername'] in the PDO statement. I ended up moving it up and trying to figure out what was wrong with my PDO and figured concatenating fixed it. I can remove those and drop them in just wondering if I could do it without concatenating.
$config = include 'config.file.php';
i was thinking that traits would be an issue but (thank god for that) constants are not allowed in traits
so it's just this error that must be kept:
interface X1{ const X = 1; }
interface X2{ const X = 2; }
class A implements X1, X2{}
@tereško okay ty.
@PeeHaa thanks!
@tereško Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting ']'
@tereško ah- nevermind got it.
<?php return [
'user' => 'foo',
'pass' => 'bar'
Wouldn't I still have to concatenate those in '.$config['user'].'
Saw a bunch of these in Kansas.
What is it?
Didnt know you were allowed to have CornHub in public.
@BruceBanEm please start using an IDE that highlights these types of trivial error.
@BruceBanEm you are overthinking this PDO stuff, have you seen wiki.hashphp.org/PDO_Tutorial_for_MySQL_Developers?
@samayo yep- in a tab right now
Good! I don't understand why you must store the DB user/pass in a .ini though
and then you have to parse it, can't you just return an array from a PHP file?
It's either that or a php file; either one outside of root. I was trying the ini file instead because I liked how clean the file looked. Like .htaccess file.
Not to shit on your preferences, but storing stuff like that in .ini is 2009-ish, it's cleaner to return an array from a php file just like tereško showed you, or store it in a .yaml file or better yet, use environment variables
@Danack phpStorm trial ended. Need to breakdown and spend the money I agree.
But, that's just my opinion :)
@samayo Thanks for the advice.
Also, make sure to wrap your PDO instance inside a try/catch block to handle (catch) exceptions
I've got that.
try {
$results = getData($db);
catch(PDOException $ex) {
echo $ex->getMessage();
I'm assuming that is for your actual query, but you can also use the same for the instance in-case the connection fails.
try {
 $db = new \PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx;charset=utf8", "xx", "xx", [
} catch(\PDOException $e){
  echo "Error connecting to mysql: " . $e->getMessage();
phphash said it was better to catch the exception later I thought...?
Hi everyone. Does anyone have any 'bibles' of recursive programming in PHP? I've been hitting my head against the wall for months trying to figure out how to recursively build a nested array/object, but haven't been able to find it, most resources require a particular database schema OR refer to the case of recursively searching through an already nested array/object
Yeah, that is the actual query as I said, but when you instantiate the PDO class you don't have an option to catch it later, you have to catch it then. Unless you are instantiating PDO in the getData function which is highly unlikely
@samayo Oh sorry. I misread that.
You can also read more about on handling exceptions: php.net/manual/en/function.set-exception-handler.php
probably should find a better doc than that
If setting the charset is so important I wonder why they do not have it in the documentation examples for PDO. php.net/manual/en/pdo.construct.php
@SimaPro Do you have any 'bibles' of recursive programming in PHP?
@BruceBanEm good point, you can add to the docs if you want, it can be your first contribution to the phpmaual :)
I mean, in the context of recursive programming... you'd just follow convention and apply it to what you need, right? To my knowledge, recursion would require some kind of condition logic to stop the recursion, similar to a condition in a loop.
But I make it seem like I know what I'm doing, and I can barely write a basic recursive program...so...
are bibles needed in order to understand recursion? :-\
I think that's why bibles was in quotes. Some people will call a reference book a "bible" because it's considered a definitive source. It's also a marketing tactic.
it's quite apt in some ways, since said "definitive sources" are frequently similar to the bible in that they are significantly copypasta, and often seem to have been written and edited by people without a full grasp of the problem domain
@Tiffany did you figure out that C# question? I was busy all w/e and forgot about it until right now
@DaveRandom someone answered part of it, but they weren't sure and it didn't fully cover it
@DaveRandom =/
@PeeHaa book of mormon?
then again, most of "holy books" can be described both as "recursive" and "programming"
Did you know Jon Skeet is either a minister or just teaches at his church. Cannot remember which it is.
@BruceBanEm or he works at a startup and has "evangelist" as a job title
this is getting silly ...
I read it in an article. Let me see if I can find it.
writing tests is taking forever ...
@tereško This isn't it, but serve's the same purpose. codeblog.jonskeet.uk/2006/04/16/faith-blog
1 min ago, by Joe Watkins
writing tests is taking forever ...
^ here you see a text book example pf "blasphemy" .. according to believers of TDD
Educate me prophet @tereško - what does TDD stand for?
you write compilers by covering the cases vital to the compiler, then spend the next 10 years arguing about whether to fix the edge cases ... nobody ever wrote a compiler using tdd ...
test driven development
according to the scriptures, the tests should be written before implementing code, which would double the programming speed
You're too much.
it is plain to see, that @JoeWatkins has strayed from the path and requires some additional guidance
scriptures are always written by wandering desert tribes, we can mostly ignore them ...
 #0	 FCN	 0	 1	|loop
 #1	 CON	 1	 #30	|(List)
 #2	 FCN	 1	 2	|loop
 #3	 CON	 2	 #25	|(Item)
 #4	 NEN	 2	 3	|loop
 #5	 CON	 3	 #20	|(Item)
 #6	 FCN	 3	 4	|loop
 #7	 CON	 4	 #16	|(Paragraph)
 #8	 FCN	 4	 5	|loop
 #9	 CON	 5	 #11	|(Text)
 #10	 ENT	 5	 -	|-
 #11	 NEN	 5	 6	|
 #12	 SET	 5	 6	|-
 #13	 CON	 6	 #11	|(Text)
 #14	 JMP	 6	 #10	|-
 #15	 GOTO	 -	 #20	|-
 #16	 NEN	 4	 7	|
 #17	 SET	 4	 7	|-
@JoeWatkins you should not be so dismissive of Rails users
it's not their fault that they were abandoned in a desert
... mostly in California
CQL has been developing using FDD ... I generate some code, then spend a day frowning at it, until I understand how it should work, then like a week later I might write a test ...
ah, yes, FDD - the preferred methods, when working with graphs and trees .. also recursions, with graphs and trees
Oh, I thought it was frown-driven
"failure driven"
it's the only way to work, and you're not doing it properly unless at the end of every day you have an actual headache, and a painful face from all the frowning ...
Quite a lot of mine is FFDD, where FF is fire-fighting
It's about 60% removed, only taken a year
@Leigh you missed "S"
Is it true on php 7.0 you can no longer use localhost as the dbhost, but must actually put
I dunno what you are saying
It will be down to the underlying platforms resolver
Windows does some stupid shit with localhost/, I'm guessing windows
@Leigh ha ha, try laravel and react :P
most of educated people would prefer syphilis
Luckily I'm back-end only
But you know, full-stack back-end
i... couldn't tell you how to vertically center a div
nobody can :)
I can (with 4 different methods)
@Leigh oh it's dead easy, you just make a fiddle and get @Wes to do it
I also have people to do it for me
@PeeHaa is on the frontpage of /r/ProgrammerHumor i.redd.it/dr965bofxes01.png
I made it to the front page once. I'm in the /r/EternityClub now... no one hardly uses it. My post was about Burger King.
thought it was funny... browsing front page of that subreddit, open an image and I see "PeeHaa"
"hey, I know that guy!"
lol... I broke the production web server one time and had to be restored from backup. It was an impromptu "test of restoring from backup"
I bet you were in panic mode.
you have no idea
Jan 26 at 16:04, by Tiffany
mother fucker
omg that is too funny.
I love Dave's response.
yeah @PeeHaa is a celebrity
@BruceBanEm let's downvote that note shall we?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier So that isn't true?
Good to hear.
At 13 now.
oh well. guess a few people observed a problem, and stick it on 7.0
Have to run. Night all.
... great. I'm getting a segfault in mailparse.
PHP bug?
@LeviMorrison I thought you were the segfault in the mailparse :P
I am sorry, I'll show myself out.
@Tiffany A coworker of mine deployed an in-dev version to production... twice.
Yes, despite all of the safety features in place.
Oh I do that all the time.. I even test on prod sometimes :P
@mega6382 PHP doesn't count, FTP and Pray is in your DNA.
I actually had this conversation with someone recently
He moaned about how he's working on this WordPress project, and it's all FTP and crappy and stuff
And so I reminded him that he was the developer, and he didn't have to work in these conditions.
He could, tomorrow, in 5 minutes, start working with Git and the rest of the company would have to align.
Most developers don't realize that they posses, somewhere in the back of their closets, the "I'm the developer" hat. And when you wear that magical hat (to be used only in extreme situations, for sure), your word becomes God.
same can be said in the sysadmin/netadmin and DBA's situation too
@Tiffany See, as the dev, you can wear all of their hats
Maybe not as proficient as they would, but you could.
I don't want the netadmin, sysadmin and DBA's job
They can't wear your hat, however much they want to
on top of what I already do... mind you, DBA is in charge of our ERP... I touch that thing as little as I possibly can
You don't need to do their job.
first time I said something about "the database" in reference to the website database, she did a doubletake
You just say "This is code, my specialty is code, therefore I make decisions about the code"
There are two options at that point
Either you're the one managing the uploads, or someone else is.
If you're the one managing the uploads and deploys, sweet, you have full control
which is where they would say something like, "this is the network/database/server, my specialty is the network/database/servers, therefore I make decisions about the network/database/servers"
And if you don't, you just go to the other person and tell them "I have started using Git, let's sit and figure out a way to make deployments work"
most of what I do affects the DBA, sysadmin and netadmin very little
Then what is the problem? I'm guessing by this discussion that you don't use Git?
In your day job that is
merely pointing out that just because you say you're the developer and your word is law... isn't always the case, depending on the situation... but in those situations, it's usually multi-faceted so considerations and compromises have to be made
@Tiffany I only had one case of wearing the developer hat
I can use git for the website (php) code and the mobile app (java? and swift)
And it was when facing an unreasonable deadline by management
in which those situations, I would drop the hammer as well :P
Even that has counter argument mind you, they can bail and say "Then this version is off" or "I don't mind that this version goes out with embarrassing bugs"
but there's a slight possibility I will get told "just make it work, it doesn't have to be pretty or perfect, just get it done..." which is the root of most bad code
One thing my managers know very well about me is that I compromise very little in that area.
Just ask Benji, he'd tell you I'm like that to a fault, which is probably true.
I don't have code reviews
@Tiffany Do you have anyone to review your code?
Or are you the only developer?
I am the only developer
my job is basically an island
Remind me why are you still there?
with a seaport, opened to a few other islands nearby
I once had a instance where I wanted PHP 7 but the staging server had PHP 5.6. I went to the devops, they said nothing can be done. You will have to downgrade your dependencies. So, instead I went to the CTO and told him my reqs and got the staging server within an hour. :P
That is my instance of wearing the dev hat(discreetly)
devops in my case is the server admin, and he only sets up the VM and installs the OS, then hands it off to me and I do everything else
Yeah, our devops are suppose to do the same thing, but I even make them clone from git and set up the DB.
@mega6382 Over the past 9 months, we replaced the entire build system (from what amounts to custom bash scripts to more standard webpack), refactored large portions of our infrastructure code, replaced most of the JS code with TypeScript, revamped the performance of the site by an order of magnitude, and improved our analytics accuracy by a lot. All of this, despite other factors in the company that didn't see the business value of such endavors
@MadaraUchiha I have a myriad of reasons, but most of them are just excuses. After visiting California again and coming back here... I've become motivated again in the hunt for a new job.
looks like there is an :end of the world" scheduled for 23th
@MadaraUchiha seems like way way way too much work and effort to spend on JS :)
@tereško ?
like 2012 type bs?
@mega6382 We were left with quite a bit of crud.
@tereško fuck it, my birthday's on 25th
@FélixGagnon-Grenier mine's the 30th
@tereško fricking autoplay videos
dat too
@Tiffany ohai, fellow taurus
@FélixGagnon-Grenier so .. you know your zodiac sign, but have no clue what your blood type is ...
@FélixGagnon-Grenier thought you said Catholic for a moment
@tereško ... when you put it that way...
I only know my blood type because I've donated blood to the Red Cross
zodiac is easy to figure out, learning blood type requires blood to be drawn and tested
@Tiffany and all this time I thought, that the main difference was one of them being bullshit
I have known my blood type since I was 10 years old.
Did you hear about the new restaurant called Karma? There’s no menu; You get what you deserve.
@tereško ...please tell me you don't believe personalities and mannerisms are based on one's blood type...
@Tiffany of course not. That would require me to be japanese and dumb
while you could argue for one of those, I am unfortunately eastern europian
@Wes I could so tell it was peele, right from the start :P

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