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i wonder what the other methods are :D
well, it just made me think of the eternal framework war happening in this room
right, or even language war
I believe I have been pretty closed to using any framework / other methods than those deemed "kosher" by what I made up as this room's opinion.
"if you get the blank page syndrome when trying to code a routine, go back to design"
something like that. how often have I tried to code something without really understanding what the hell I am trying to do.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier it is hard to plan code
even when you have a deep domain knowledge you can easily do mistakes
that's why some people suggest to code skeletons rather than design on paper
tdd in fact
I would actually go towards not coding for as long as you can afford it
as soon as code starts being written, it is that much harder to change the design
skeleton, then redo properly, or if the skeleton is ok, improve that one
something like that :)
that's why people like F# and shit, because you can write prototypes in minutes
ok, something not like that
actually, I believe the more you can avoid doing prototypes, the better the design can get
by the way... i need to write an rfc and i am so scared
i need to do now so that people will have all the time to implement it for php 7.3
s/believe/have read something and will only think like that for a few months/
the problem is that writing prototypes is hard in php
I thought we were going for 8.0 already
in F# is like writing a uml diagram
in pdl it's literally like writing a text
a prototype does not need to run
you don't need to run it
when i design classes i just sketch the types and the signatures without writing actual code... you don't?
yes, but that doesn't need to be done in actual code
why not
designing a routine expected inputs, and effective outputs, could as well be done at a higher design level
i mean, it's not too bad
well, it gets one all emotional about their code
whereas, when it's still design, it's much easier to just scratch an idea and start over
i don't get emotional :B
Hi! are there anyone can help me with inserting openquery from sql to mysql? I can do select query but insert query returns error:
OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "MYSQL1" returned message "[MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.5.44-MariaDB-log]Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging. InnoDB is limited to row-logging when transaction isolation level is READ COMMITTED or READ UNCOMMITTED.".
it's always funny when i spend hours testing and i think i'm decently covered
just to realize eventually that i miss tests for big pieces of logic
ad as it turns out, the code is buggy :B
dune buggy
need to revisit all the things
[the sound of having properly designed that piece of software having solved that before even having to test it]
ye ye :B
it's fluent shit, of course it doesn't work
no, really @Wes. open a long comment, write the fuck what your routine is supposed to do, then refine it until you think it'd be simpler to just code it than write it in english.
... well yeah, that holds as long as you don't originally think that everything is more easily coded than written ;)
it's just that i'm tired and being distracted
eat a baguette
imagine, when you write it down, you can be distracted all you want, when you come back, it's still written down
whereas when you hold all your design in your head, it's aerial, disappears at once
ok, ima go eat a baguette, sorry for being an ass :)
i always write down stuff... maybe not in a schematic way
@FélixGagnon-Grenier i joke tho
no worries. I can totally get how "that smartass guy from canada speaking as though he's understood what all this software thing is about" can get on one's nerves
I'm just really excited about these things I think I learn, so please excuse that
i always write down stuff... i even have a whiteboard
PHP 7.2 upgrade guide missing lots of new constants – #75435
it's better than paper :B
@Jeeves nice constants
@Wes How much is it in cifers?
@Jeeves lou cifers?
@Wes I thought it is something like 3.142.
@Jeeves the number of the beast
@Wes Is that an alice in chains song?
@Jeeves it's iron maiden...
@Wes The band?
no your mum
iron maiden get it? get it?
does anyone know what this error means "Magic request methods require a URI and optional options array"
PHP 7.2 upgrade guide missing lots of new functions – #75436
@FélixGagnon-Grenier not sure why it's happening.
I have atest method that tries to SET a GuzzleClient.
And I get that error
after the check for InstanceOf passes.
well, the exception is thrown in the __call magic method. __call is a method that will be invoked when an object is used as a function, afaik. somewhere, the client object is invoked
the stack trace should tell you where
but i don't understand why it is thrown.
I am not passing the array options and the base_uri
method at all in the constructor
-- but i have not provided the test, other people have.
wait I'm saying nonsense
> __call() is triggered when invoking inaccessible methods in an object context.
here is a question - do you have to implement all magic methods for aclass that you create?
no.. actually I try to stay as far as I can from those
@DonCode it is excessively clear why it is thrown. github.com/guzzle/guzzle/blob/master/src/Client.php#L81
lol don't mind that
note that methods that do not exist on object will also trigger __call
so, if you try something like $client->get(), it will trigger __call, because get() doesn't exist on $client
!!bug-report misleading inaccessible word is misleading php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.overloading.php#object.call
@PeeHaa You have documentation access, or something like that? can you change "inaccessible" for "undefined method" or something that actually does not say "visibility problem"? ^
but i am not sure what is invoking "__call"
here is the code
@FélixGagnon-Grenier pastebin.com/PYQvJxuT
top is test function
bottom is code
not sure where/ what is invoking __call
that is an object. please post the complete object? also, the code that constructs the object would be relevant
from just that, I can't tell.
what object?
there is no other code
the object on the test clas
or on the Oauth class?
oh actually
this $clientArg->get_class()
ok ?
what about that
who calls this?
i just call that on the argument that was provided to my class
to see if it's class is same as what im expecting
yes. please read the comment there:
// check for invalid argument type - client has to be a guzzle
// client
yeah that's what i'm doing
this is how i am checking -->
if ($clientArg->get_class() != Client::class ||
!($clientArg instanceof GuzzleHttp\Client))
throw new AssessmentException("Argument type must be of Guzzle client");
does that seem ok?
do u have other suggestions ?
you are calling the get_class method on an GuzzleHttp\Client instance
doesn't that ring some bells about what we just said about __call?
i shouldn't do that ?
specifically, invoking inaccessible methods on an object?
what do you mean by inacessible methods?
you're saying that the client doesn't hae a public get_class method ?
I mean, what's written in the __call documentation
no, it probably doesn't
so what would be a way around this ?
how do I make sure that what i am being passed in, is indeed a GuzzleClient ?
just type hint client in the method declaration
public function setClient(GuzzleHttp\Client $clientArg)
no need to manually check for types, php does that for you already
actually, any typed language does that
so no if / no throw exception nothing ?
no. specifically no.
what would be even better would be to require a GuzzleHttp\Client parameter in your object constructor
but i dont' want to do that
you don't know it yet, but yes, you do
cause they initialize the object without any parameter
i'm only trying to pass the test
im doing TDD
i need to comply with the provided test
so, you have to pass a test, that instantiates an objects, that requires a http client, but doesn't accept that client in the constructor?
wtf is wrong with these people
well i can make it so that the constructor has something like client=NULL
... it's a bullshit test if it requires an external connection but doesn't want it to happen
unless you have a teacher that want you to use curl
not sure honestly
wtf is happening
just trying to get through these test cases that don't make sense.
1 - who made these test cases?
2 - are you paid?
3 - do you know the difference between setter and constructor injection?
its a class project
not paid
constructor does initialization , setter is basically a replacement
but now i get another error
so, teacher made tests, handed you a bit of software, and you have to implement something that passes these tests
what prevents you from creating a new object that accepts said client in the constructor?
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to mynamespace\OAuthAssess::setClient() must be an instance of mynamespace\GuzzleHttp\Client, instance of GuzzleHttp\Client given, called in mypath/assessment/tests/OauthAssess/OAuthAssessTest.php on line 29 and defined in path/src/mynamespace/OAuthAssess.php:13
A: warning: incorrect argument passed to function

Félix Gagnon-GrenierIt's probably a namespace issue. The error is that the function wants a precise type of object and it receives an other one. I'm assuming beforeMarshal() is your own custom function and it is placed in the namespace App\Model\Table (as it belongs to the ModelTable class). Furthermore, you are p...

great that helped.
so next question, they provide a different type of client.
and i need to handle it in the same method.
what would be a safe way to check the types
of the arg provided
create an interface, and make an adapter implementing the interface over the clients
so you can type hint the interface in the method
but yeah, I say this, I say nothing. I've no idea what you actual requirement is about, and teachers have a propensity to create assignments that do not fit well in everyday stuff
no idea what any of that means
i would just need some way to ensure that the class of the provided argument is what I am expecting
Get googling on the parts you don't understand then :)
mornin everythings
if internet is to be trusted: math is now racist
how so?
(unfortunately, the publication, that is being talked about, is behind a paywall)
> School mathematics curricula emphasizing terms like Pythagorean Theorem and pi perpetuate a perception that mathematics was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans
definitely the curriculums fault
lately I am struck with this fear, that we are looking at another solution for the Fermi paradox
I don't get why would the countries where the theoreticians were born matter at all
Imo it's not a curriculum fault either, just some people who lost their focus / train of thought on the actual matter
not according the "social critical theory" (which is a really fancy name for something really idiotic)
/me checks, noted for lunch (although I am more excited about the Stallings book today)
posted on October 25, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@Feeds touché
What do you call an Argentinian with a rubber toe? Roberto
Morning Friendos
Wrong reflection on imagewebp – #75437
yomin chris / sean
2nd parameter of imagewebp() is optional – #75438
fuck, I hate naming things
all the same
what would you call a cart for phone numbers to be messaged?
recipients cart?
trump cart
ok let me show you the real naming
$ git branch -a
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
* remotes/origin/spike/prettier
(I hid the most inappropriate branch names)
@AlmaDo scrum like naming detected.
We're being made to complete a scrum team member certification course
I feel like we're just throwing team budget away
> remotes/origin/release/gangsta-gorilla
I'm not worthy
@DaveRandom Finally access to the main (CISCO) router :D
And now Xbox NAT is "Open" \o/
@Sean I always find it strange, when management thinks that they can improve development process, by teaching developers latest hyped management "silver bullet"
you should ask your instructor, whether instead of changing the "processes and tools" you should instead focus on "Individuals and interactions", @Sean
WTF ... Guys, what's DNS in one sentence? I've read 5 different definitions of it yet :-(
@tereško you and your crazy ideas. everyone knows this wont work. We need processes and tools to prevent people from doing such stupid things as interactions. also, when they dont talk and just adhere to process and the associated tools, they will be much more efficient.
@Shafizadeh service that translates domain names (google.com) into IP addresses (
@Gordon inorite
@Shafizadeh I find it somewhat amusing that you know WTF but not DNS. Priorities FTW :D
@pmmaga thx
@pmmaga @Shafizadeh It's a bit more than that, it's a service that attaches records to a domain name. Some of those records can be for IP addresses, some can be for email servers, some are for security purposes
I thought DNS was short for Dance ...
it is somewhat like a dance indeed
@Leigh well, yes, but that's more than one sentence :P
DNSs get sent recordings of dances and they return the name of the dance.
It's a pretty complicated process.
deadwood (in writing) unnecessary words, phrases, or exposition; expendable verbiage.
@Jeeves 99% of everything you say is deadwood
@Leigh Nope. Not that I know of...
@Danack you probably meant scum
@crypticツ almost (:
Or did I mean twatwaffle?
I mean that you mean what I don't mean when you mean it
@Jeeves What does DNS stand for?
@Sean I don't know.
@Leigh I see
Numbers in variable names are gross, right?
@Shafizadeh if you're using Linux or Mac put dig stackoverflow.com any into a terminal
@JayIsTooCommon depends......if there's a known number then it's okay, maybe?
it's when there's like 10 - then it gets a bit much
@AlmaDo why is your emoticon upside down? -_-
@IROEGBU why your monitor is upside down? -_-
@JayIsTooCommon For something like $pkcs7padding, I'd say it's fine. For $part1, $part2, I'd say those names could be more descriptive
@AlmaDo Your face is upside down. -_-
@IROEGBU stop standing on your head -_-
_-_ better
Ah ok, thought any number was gross. Now I have to admit I was wrong to a colleague... @Danack @Leigh thanks -.-
(.)(.) better
8====D~~~ ( . Y . ) better
/goes back to being productive
@IROEGBU can't argue. everyone has own tastes. I prefer boobs (:
Oppai are the best
mune (:
(we probably should stop with this topic :p )
@Leigh what? that's a command?
@JayIsTooCommon if that number is an important part of the description, what's wrong with it?
@Shafizadeh yes, a console command
@Leigh The mix of letters and numbers just looked a bit suckish with camelCase but not the end of the world
@Gordon r u there?
@BilalAhmed maybe?
@JayIsTooCommon yea the capital after the number can look odd
@AlmaDo q:
you remember me? yesterday i asked one question about diamond inheritance?
@BilalAhmed yes
is that possible with single inheritance enforced?
Hello humans
how rude
@Gordon watch aboves pic... today i login with gmail and my all badges remove. i can't understand what happens with me. see my profile no badges
@BilalAhmed ping a mod, like @MadaraUchiha
@Unknown what about non-humans?
the author is "Lead System analyst at University of Latvia"
@tereško Thing is, I'm glad about that. I don't pretend to know what a Systems Analyst is or does, but I reckon it'll be more expert than what I do. I don't want them also knowing all the best practices as it's not their jobs :P A little like how data scientists who are way more clever than I will ever be also write code in C. Srsly
It's like, they do my job which is trivial to them, and then their extra genius shit
@Jimbo he has made 400 post in
I suspect that it's just a fancy title for "lead developer"
well, there is lead and there is lead. one sinks.
@DaveRandom you hear much good stuff about UKFast?
@JayIsTooCommon Yes I get on well with them, I have a couple of things hosted with them and every time I interact with people from there I get a warm fuzzy-ish
Their offices are about 1 mile away from me right now
@DaveRandom what about on an employment basis?
@JayIsTooCommon well yeh they seem decent, I would consider working for them certainly
They are quite pro-active about community stuff, they sponsored phpnw every year and some of their guys are usually at every ug meet
They did seem like a nice bunch of people
They do a lot of stuff like providing free hosting for FOSS distribution architecture and things
but obv I don't work for them so I don't know what it's actually like in the office
Their office and benefits looks unreal to be fair
They've never given me any reason to doubt them
I just looked at their salaries on glass door and from a quick glance though I'd laugh them off
Yeah.. 24k - 35k. But free bar init
Those 'free bars' are now STANDARD in companies that want to attract talent
Don't even think of it as a benefit. It is so common now that it is something you should expect as a minimum
My office doesn't have hot water.
lol :-P
Hi all,
quick question: how to secure an android-php connection (aside form using https) ?
@JayIsTooCommon want a job here yet?
@Jimbo tbf if they want you then salaries are highly negotiable
I can't remember why you said no
@user6019827 use https?
seriously though, what do you mean by "secure"?
you want authentication or encryption or what?
@Jimbo I got rid of the girlfriend problem but still have dogs. Manchester is the location I'm looking at atm
i am concerned about man in the middle attacks or sniffing credentials
@JayIsTooCommon You can bring the doggies, may be stressful for them though depending on their age
Also for me moving countries, job, gf, life, everything all in one go, I was sick for about 6 months
@DaveRandom the data i am getting from the user is stored in a db for future use, payment online is to be implemented later on.
so such attacks are not cool for me.
my current connection is Android -> PHP -> mySQL and back
3 mins ago, by DaveRandom
@user6019827 use https?
@user6019827 Configure your server to implement SSL correctly and you have done everything you reasonably can to mitigate MITM
Use the ssllabs SSL tester
SSL shudders
@FlorianMargaine tls ftw
@Jimbo mm it's the heat that they wouldn't manage. I should be out of Devon soon, and i'll play it by ear then I guess. But yes, I do want a job there :B
TLS, whatever :-P
@Sjon exactly
when people say "SSL" they mean TLS
wondering if SSLLabs will change their name to TLSLabs
@DaveRandom speak for yourself
@DaveRandom the server is not mine, hosting online on ecowebhosting
main concern about UKFast would be the requirement of PHP 5.x knowledge.
@user6019827 If you are concerned that your host is not secure enough, you need a new host.
Oct 13 at 18:13, by Dereleased
Oct 13 at 18:13, by DaveRandom
@Dereleased screw DIRECTORY_SEPARTOR, just use /
DIRECTORY_SEPARTOR doesn't even exist
@DaveRandom thank you
@JayIsTooCommon you should probably look at Bristol as well.....though possibly the salary/accommodation cost ratio might be better in Manchester.
@Danack Manchester because I'd be living in Chesire but yes, i've always been attracted to working in Bristol
I guess you might also want to be worried about rats eating through the power cables.
@Danack it looks more like place where you can buy stolen phones
nah not my issue, i dont mind some down time (it is a project, not work so it is okay)
@user6019827 The thing about security is it's about trust. You need to trust every part of your system, and if you don't trust a part then you need to change it. The most important point is that you shouldn't try to invent your own security - HTTPS is the best way to encrypt things. If you want authentication, use a tried and tested implementation of an existing standard (e.g. OAuth)
@tereško lol :-p
if you are creating an android app, it's worth looking into using google as your authentication provider - every android phone has a google account you can authenticate against
@rlemon well deserved :P
what i am more concerned about is the client.
my current connection model is something like this:
Android sends identifiers --> php checks the user name and password
if valid:
php sends a string--> android checks this string to see if connection was successful or not
i am aware this method is weak

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