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@Jimbo why did trivago send you on a 4 day boat cruise? did they want you out of office so you cannot break stuff?
> CCleaner is an application that allows users to perform routine maintenance on their systems. It includes functionality such as cleaning of temporary files, analyzing the system to determine ways in which performance can be optimized and provides a more streamlined way to manage installed applications.
I don't know about you guys, but I never used stuff like this when I was still using Windows. These tools always felt shady to me and I never trusted them not to break my system instead. I always did improvements myself.
I used to, quite common for IT Departments to use them too
t's a common tool for cleaning out crap - especially the option to remove the entry of installed application, when the uninstall script is borked
@Gordon trivago's 'On Tour' - they sent the whole of 1600 people at trivago on the AIDA prima cruise ship :)
!!wiki AIDAprima
AIDAprima is the flagship of AIDA Cruises, built by Mitsubishi Shipbuilding at their shipyard in Nagasaki, Japan. The cruise ship entered service on April 25, 2016, after suffering several construction delays. == History == Originally, the vessel was planned for delivery in the first half of 2015, with an inaugural trip to 22 countries, but the shipbuilder was unable to complete the vessel on time and the delivery was postponed to December 2015 after several minor accidents during construction. The ship was christened on 7 May 2016 in Hamburg, Germany as part of the 827th Hamburg Port Anniversary...
Hello any one related to laravel here ??
@Jimbo nice. is that leisure or does it have work related activities?
@Tamizharasan Don't you mean, "is anyone related to satan"?
@Tamizharasan I doubt you'll find anyone willing to admit to that here.
@Gordon Leisure. Of course there were a few activities and team building events - high speed boat, hike etc
But mostly partying, everyone smashed at 5 in the morning
I think I'm getting old though, I went to bed at 11 each night and everyone was trashed and felt awful and I felt okay. 7 hour train journey to the north to get on the ship was awful though
May 9 at 12:33, by JayIsTooCommon
@WorkingPig not here, if you can generalise your question out of Laravel someone may be able to help you.
If not, try larachat.co
Really thanks @ja
@JayIsTooCommon thanks
@Jimbo nice. enjoy :)
Haha, thanks, back home now :)
Gotta get this bloody workshop finished before the end of the month. Did you go to the new PHPucEU? I heard that there was a storm when it was on :D
Q: Can't use shell_exec for laravel artisan command in live server

TamizharasanI am using shell_exec command to run my artisan commands in the background. But when I run shell_exec in production server. The route code as follows Route::get('/test/exec', function () { echo shell_exec('php ../artisan migrate:status 2>&1; echo $?'); }); it throws me error as follows. ...

@Jimbo I didnt. too expensive. also, there was only about two dozen or something like this
is it mandatory to label everything as artisan in laravel?
yes, you have be very artis-anal about it
Wiki.php.net is down?
@Jimbo Yes, dunno why, but it's moving to a new server.
posted on September 20, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@Wes I, also, was going to make the art-is-anal joke.
Hello . I am usiing colorbox to view images that have class named photosx with x being a number
$("body").on("click", ".photos", function(event){

$(".photos").colorbox({rel:'photos', transition:"fade"});



is it possible to call the class with php automatically and generate it in javascript without copying always the same code

something like

anywhere there is photos it will be a variable ?
> is it possible to call the class with php
most likely no, since php runs on the server and your js runs on the client. But you might want to clarify what you intend to do because I dont understand most of what you are saying.
wasn't my place to say but he's doing my nut in.
Tks @Gord
@Gordon Tks. What i want to do is to have in image called like class='photos_1' and another images called like class='photos_2' without copying the entire javascript code and replacing photos with photos_1 and photos_2. Can you help with that ?

@JayIsTooCommon Not interested in your nuts lol. Help me out here
@ManOfGod nope. I still dont get what you mean by w\out having to copy the entire js code
I just wrote 8 lines of jQuery and only referred to its documentation 10 times. flex
@ManOfGod so like an array of HTML class names?
> where do kids go to learn at school?
> the classroom
yeah, that's terrible
hence the # Sorry.
@Danack jQuery translates from hindu as "me not know javascript"
Meh, you should be sorrier about the python code ;)
... also, the whole wine bottle might have been a bit much
@FélixGagnon-Grenier is this price in USD or CAD? directcanada.com/products/?sku=10361139481
probably CAD
in that case, here is the first draft: ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/JgbtzM (I assume it is in CAD and not USD), @FélixGagnon-Grenier
now I will start looking at what can be cut down
Yep sounds like cad
That's actually less than 1k euros tho
CAD is so cheap
no wonder they are commonly know as "canadian pesos"
yeah, that's a popular name for them at my neck of the woods
if you want the price to be lower, I would have to toss the 16gb ram from that list
and maybe downgrade to 1060 for gpu
Let me think on it, at first sight, I am okay with that
damn, 589 for a 1070? I don't think I paid that much
that's one of the cheapest 1070 out there ... well .. from the "decent list"
you can get it to 500, if you want a "leafblower"
hmmm... why is cad currency such an issue
keep in mind, @FélixGagnon-Grenier @Tiffany, that list only give the approximate pricing - if you want to get actual prices, you will have to hit the local online shops
@FélixGagnon-Grenier because it is confusing
I thought our yes-personship made up for that
I spent 440 on my 1070
@FélixGagnon-Grenier shops seem to use "$" for both
but that's USD
I guess that's the same in CAD o_O
externals is so broken
@JayIsTooCommon compared to what alternative?
@tereško yeah, CAD and USD use the same symbol, it's confusing
@tereško no comparison, just standalone broken
we have a sale at work on Friday, I'll be able to buy a second monitor for ten bucks
might buy two
won't be anything special, but I don't need anything special, just another monitor to keep other windows open
or you could switch to linux for your non-gaming needs and use virtual desktops
this is for gaming needs though
broadcasting software prefers to have game at full screen
so I would need chat open on another monitor
ah, forgot that you attempting to stream
third monitor might be used to leave OBS open so that I can make sure stuff looks right
yeah, otherwise I probably wouldn't bother, though it is nice to have something open while grinding
btw, how are you HC chars?
many fatalities?
@Tiffany what's your twitch? assuming that's what you're using
good morning/evening everybody. I don't know if it is the right place to ask, but I have a little problem in a query with symfony and i'm not too close of the answer, but I guess I have sold out all my possibilites so I wanted to know if anybody here could give me a little help?
@JayIsTooCommon tylae
!!welcome chickenburger
Welcome @chickenburger, please read the Chat Guidelines
@tereško sunder marauder is still going, I'll need to run lab eventually. Slowly trudging my way through act four, probably going to farm dried lake a bit before doing lab
I'm being super careful
@Jeeves thank you for the guidelines
@chickenburger You're welcome!
after reading the guidelines, i will do as the rules. I have a question here:

And it is about checking if a date has been searched in a filter bar in this format **/**/****
< doesnt use query builders
Hi everyone
hi @R1ddler
I need help with creation of wordpress shortcodes. The function I want to create a shortcode for, has a null return value.
Welcome @R1ddler please read the chat guidelines guide.room11.org
Thanks @chicken
@R1ddler You're welcome !
I want to create a shortcode using the 'load_custom_wp_admin_style' function in the code
I have checked some basic shortcode creation tuts but that approach doesn't work
@R1ddler in my case I would not be able to help you, I am sorry, your link is too vague to myself. I hope you will be able to find what you are looking for. Maybe start a question in stack for better visibility ?
you'll have to be more specific than "doesn't work"
Well it doesn't work. It doesn't display it, when I place the shortcode on a new page. It doesn't show me the contents of the function I wanna display there. This is how I tried to create a shortcode
add_shortcode('create_req', array($this, 'load_custom_wp_admin_style($hook)'));
I also tried without ($hook) but that didn't work either
@R1ddler Have you tried to open a question in Slack to reach people who can be concerned more specifically to your problem using tags such as "wordpress" or "shortcode" for example ?
@Tiffany actually, usd is supposed to have the sign before $500 while canadian is supopsed to have it after 500$
I haven't, as I'm not sure how to correctly ask the question there.
but yeah, that store seems not to know of that convention
@FélixGagnon-Grenier huh, didn't know that
@R1ddler try to locate down your problem in a specific manner, after pointing the finger at it, please ask a question on Slack to locate further possibilities adding tags to your problem. narrow it until you see the problem and the start of it.
phew, it would seem, there is at least some truth in it
A: What is the difference between 20$ and $20?

JSBձոգչIn English, the dollar sign is placed before the amount, so the correct order is $20, as others have noted. However, when you see people using 20$, it's likely they're being influenced by a few different things: Many other countries (and the Canadian province of Quebec) put the currency symbo...

aight running to work laters
@chickenburger I can't see your whole message for some reason
@R1ddler try to locate down your problem in a specific manner, after pointing the finger at it, please ask a question on Slack to locate further possibilities adding tags to your problem. narrow it until you see the problem and the start of it.
@R1ddler you are welcome, don't loose faith and keep trying, you will find a solution if you take a minute to understand the start of it.
Thanks again.
I posted my question SE wordpress, this is the link wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/280564/…
want a new opperator ?= – #75233
I misread that as a question
who is "we"?
i think it wouldn't be too hard to implement.. but is $a = $a ?? $b that overly verbose?
> Want a new website? Here are 68023 secret tricks that will make the developer industrial complex hate you!
wiki 502 – #75234
I google a problem, specifying php as the preferred language. I get answers in javascript.
@pmmaga Famous last words
We already have an accepted RFC for ??=, but nobody managed to implement it
@NikiC true :P
@NikiC I saw that. Isn't that stupidly weird
As in isn't the actual implementation also kinda important
@NikiC was it harder than expected or nobody tried?
I am going to start my generics rfc now. Surely somebody will pick up the implementation? :P
@pmmaga I think nobody actually tried a real implementation, but we considered some possibilities and it's very hard
can someone give me a hint on how I should do this? don't write the code for me. I just want an idea of what I should do. I have a few HTML tables that are grouped by year, and each row has a checkbox which is used as a selector. Each table has a "select all" checkbox in the table header. The problem is that the "select all" checkbox ignores year, and selects all checkboxes on the page. The form is generated in PHP, but the select all is done in javascript. The year is in a PHP class.
It's the combination of lazy evaluation of the RHS and single evaluation of the LHS that does it, not to mention issues regarding the different fetch modes for the operations (while still maintaining single-evaluation to some degree)
should I bind an id using PHP, and then use that in the JS?
give it a data attribute for year
pick that up in js and only select rows relating to that year
that makes sense
@NikiC interesting.. maybe I should bang my head against that particular wall to grasp that kind of problems better
@Tiffany i use classes that have no CSS for that type of thing.
as the class selectors are easier to use than id or attribute selectors.
but it wouldn't be used as a selector in this case, would it?
it's in jQuery, so I think I could do $(".className")
Ah, I thought your issue was getting the year, not the selection
well, it could be
    let contentBlockCallback = function (index, element) {
      let disableContentBlockFn = function () {
        let content_block_id = $(element).data('content_block_id');
        let selector = ".hf_content_block_" + content_block_id + "_translation";
        if ($(element).is(':checked')) {
          $(selector).prop("checked", true);
          $(selector).prop("disabled", true);
        else {
          $(selector).prop("checked", false);
          $(selector).prop("disabled", false);
actual jquery written by myself, today.
s/let/const/ ;-)
Also arrow functions
changes it back to var
Hey, incoming potential dumb. I want to see my InnoDB setting for binlog_checksum. How can I find it out?
Probably that
what do you suggest I name the class? like class="year_<?= $roster->year ?>"?
Cheers @Danack and @PeeHaa.
@Tiffany yes, but give it some prefixes to make it distinct. From above 'hf_exporter_content_block' - hf is the company initials, and 'exporter' is the widget name.
what's the reason for putting company initials? just curious
for (const el of document.getElementsByClassName('hf_exporter_content_block')) {
  el.addEventListener('change', () => {
    const contentBlockID = el.dataset['content_block_id'];
    const selector = `.hf_content_block_${contentBlockId}_translation`;
    const translationEl = document.querySelector(selector);
    if (el.checked) {
      translationEl.checked = true;
      translationEl.disabled = true;
    } else {
      translationEl.checked = false;
      translationEl.disabled = false;
(Browser support may vary)
const is "functional"? (immutable)
@Tiffany habit and it's been useful in the past. It's like namespacing functions and classes. Not necessary to begin with, but you're really glad you've done it when there would otherwise be a clash.
@Danack makes sense, thanks
Assuming due to public sector you have to support ieAncient, you probably don't want to use const
I probably wasn't going to use it, but I was curious the reason for using it, I wanted to see if I understood the reason correctly.
now I have to think...maybe my brain will cooperate
Allow multi threads in PHP built in Server – #75235
Does "going to" mean "intent" ?
need context
@Danack so you use both class and data attribute, the content_block_id is the unique identifier?
yes, use classes for selecting things, and then data attributes for reading values to be used by functions.
interesting, my code is already doing that, it's just generic
@Wes And @DaveRandom has them to distribute in Europe. Ping him if you want some.
I have var content_block_id = $(target).data('content_block_id'); how would I use a conditional to check that it has a value? Is there something like isset() in JS?
is an empty string an allowed value?
It would attempt to grab the value in the data attribute if it exists
@PeeHaa I don't get it
The examples contain the conditional whether or nor the attribute exists
No idea what jquery's .data() returns
guess I could run a simple test
@Tiffany just if (content_block_id) - probably
@PeeHaa dataset
I read that as "No idea" as much as "really do not want to know"
I guess so.
halp, I am getting really angry at the general way projects are managed
especially about stupid decisions taken against all the advice of people who actually program
am I just starting to experience real life, or is there a mythical place where intelligent and healthy design decisions are made?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier o/
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Yes, they are called "failed startups"
@FélixGagnon-Grenier have some drink
@Dereleased :(
@samayo it's like, 11:31 am, but I will keep that in mind ;)
Since when is php.net down?
I meant wiki.php.net
a few days I believe
8 hours ago, by Ekin
uhm, is it just me getting 502 Bad Gateway from https://wiki.php.net/?
wait wat? that was 8 hours ago?
you mean to say that I played PoE until 3 in the morning?
we have a potluck today... they're getting it set up... I want to eat
@FélixGagnon-Grenier haha
bon appétit!
were you playing your assassin?
@Tiffany I discovered that multistrike support, with frost blades, really kicks asses
multistrike is pretty fun when paired with certain abilities
like lacerate, it's great, but sunder, not so great
I think it's because sunder is kind of used to kite
totally not just googled kite
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Since about 16 hours ago. /cc @samayo
sunder is considered a melee attack, but it shoots outward, so it's a short ranged attack as well
@Allenph that's a fun tweak to the "chicken" game
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Seeing if you're going to end up on the wrong side?
@LeviMorrison What did you want me to do in the wiki during the update?
yeah, something like that.
@kelunik Sorry?
@LeviMorrison You wanted me to do something with php/web-wiki. Was it something about the vote plugin or just updating the wiki itself?
@JayIsTooCommon holy shit, what an asshole.
@kelunik First update the wiki to the newer versions, yes. But the vote=multi is broken.
It behaves like single but there is code that is supposed to handle it so something is wrong.
@NikiC Do you think short closures or $$ and ... are more promising in the short-term?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier pffft, I wasn't that bad
he gets offended at being called "part of the master race"
@FélixGagnon-Grenier There's no way he's getting a-rrays.
@JayIsTooCommon lol. you know I,m not talking about you ;)
@Dereleased pfffff
but seriously, his use of calling people with mental health problems in a derogatory fashion is shitty
if I had OCD, suddenly I shouldn't be a programmer because of it
keep faith, some day these type of thoughts will not be anymore
I believe I've found just the music I needed to defuse myself. I give you japanese koto youtube.com/watch?v=QJI5gaWuf6w
music where silence is as important as sound, always make me feel better
you might like Opeth's Heritage
if you're a fan of progressive metal at all
I'm pretty much that, yes
[this is how you \[embed\]](https://www.google.com)
[this is how you [embed]](google.com)
you need the backslashes to escape
copy exactly what appears from me and you'll get that link
so you actually double escaped them for it to appear?
/me goes to eat
there's foot food outside my office, but I'm not allowed to touch it yet
@Gordon Assuming i want colorbox to be linked to every image with the class photos, i have to do something like

$("body").on("click", ".photos", function(event){

$(".photos").colorbox({rel:'photos', transition:"fade"});


Now if i want colorbox to be linked to every article with the class other_pictures i will have to copy the same code and replace photos with other_pictures, therefore i will have something like

$("body").on("click", ".other_pictures", function(event){

$(".other_pictures").colorbox({rel:'other_pictures', transition:"fade"});
infinite loop when printing an error-message – #75236
@Tiffany awwww, what a torture!
I'm basically derailed at this point
!!github status
yeah, some kids are hiding the sky, but that's pretty ;)
@Tiffany I have a question for you:
how do mobile phone numbers work in USA?
are they in any way tied to area codes?
I get it that the wired phones have area codes, buuuut, the project I am working on doesn't really target people over 70
@tereško I can answer this if you're open to it. Area codes are not particularly relevant anymore, though you will find people tend to opt for area codes of where they're from. I have the area code of my home city, and I kept that when I moved all around the state, and will likely keep it when I move out of state
In older times, the first three digits after the area code (called the Exchange I think?) were also geographical identifiers, so people nearby eachother would all be under XXX-YYY-ZZZZ with only 'Z' digits being different
I'm trying to remember where this was a thing, but I heard a story once where a new set of luxury apartments were built, but when the phone lines were installed, they all had the YYY of a less desirable area, rather than the YYY of an upscale area they thought they were going to get. As such, upscale people refused to move in, or moved out, and it... it didn't go well
hmmm, not sure if north america is considered as a whole, but here the first three digits of the 10 numbers are important
as in, it doesn't dial if we don't dial in all them codez
well, yes, they are important
@FélixGagnon-Grenier define important. I mean, you can't not have them, but they just indicate where you were when you got the number, not where you are now
@FélixGagnon-Grenier the question is, whether there is a strict link to zip code
@tereško not for mobiles, no
not in the US anyway
I'm pretty sure I could change my area code right now to anywhere I wanted
phone providers are a bit savvy about that though
important as in, not a valid phone number if you don't include them
> as in, it doesn't dial if we don't dial in all them codez
ok, time to go home
@FélixGagnon-Grenier well no shit man, they're just not any kind of geographical indicator anymore
I am agree... did not mean to antagonize that part!
it's just that
@FélixGagnon-Grenier will you please come down to FL and visit our canada with me?
> "Area codes are not particularly relevant anymore"
kinda surprised me
yes please
any time, as soon as I get my passport done, in anything from 3 months to 10 years
"how soon? I'm going in a out a mon" -- that's how far I got on my last post, @FélixGagnon-Grenier
My offer just came in. My job title is "Sr. Software Architect" -- whaaaa!!
@Dereleased Demand it be officially "Señor Software Architect"
Buenos Dias
@DaveRandom What if they want me to compromise with "Señior Software Architect"?
guten tag o/
@DaveRandom moin
@DaveRandom moin
@DaveRandom Boid
@Wes Which is why partial application is explicitly mentioned as a way to make the pipe op properly useful.
PipeOp1? Sure. That example becomes:
$o = new Qux("qux", new Bar(new Foo(), "foo"));
@Dereleased how?
@tereško I talk a good game?
Senor :P
Working for Jimbo's company?
@Dereleased Wow!!!
Oh somehow I read Dave's as yours. Damn it Chris
There's quite a broad spectrum of IT titles for similar jobs. @Dereleased You really get to do some architecting?
when I start looking for a new job, I too should get a fancy title
I interviewed for Sr Software Engineer (current title), I didn't expect to get a promotion out of this
well, my job title is "Developer"
@tereško You really should, honestly. I've learned a ton from you in the last 18 months
"Programming & Ops Specialist"
New one for me.
Yeah, I still have the area code from when I lived in CA, and I'm in IL now.
I occasionally get random calls from the 310 area code. And it's funny seeing people's faces when I tell them my phone number in this area because it's a different area code. The area code here covers like a 50 mile radius
Actually, probably farther than that
@Sara people are seemingly never happy :D
Someone on Reddit has basically said |> and $$ being separate are great and we should do them separately but |> should come after $$.
And based on the voting that sentiment seems common among that demographic.
@LeviMorrison Pfft. People... Who needs 'em.
@JayIsTooCommon bash.org/?367896
Judging by the name, this is clearly a porn site.. but here goes
not a porn site
well, the quote doesn't help, but it's a site for chat quotes
Hahaha, I hope someone uses that. Quality
I was thinking about Tony when I read it
CaUsE tHeRe'S nO dIfFeReNcE
It wasn’t really my place to say what I said tbh. I have absolutely no contribution to internals. But I was pissed
It wasn’t really my place to say what I said tbh. I have absolutely no contribution to internals. But I was pissed off
Thank you, mobile.
I don't think he contributes anything other than complaining
Only wordpress fixes a major security vulnerability by triggering an error ONLY IN DEBUG MODE: github.com/WordPress/WordPress/commit/…
Working as a programmer makes me afraid to use the internet. I can't believe we got paid for this steaming pile.
@kelunik Inb4 you say it should be a different event loop
@Jimbo lol
@Jimbo I don't care about the event loop you run, the libraries on top are way more important. :P

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