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@Danack uh, can't we just deprecate coercions for cases where (int)$float != $float for non-strict? Don't care much about strict…
\cc @Wes ^
@bwoebi i know you don't......but other people do.
@Danack I mean on top of that.
I don't have a strong opinion on the strict part, I mean.
what, you use weak?
i'm living a lie.
I'm really just suggesting to expand the scope of the RFC to also deprecate float truncations in weak mode as well. @Wes @Danack
eh, that makes more sense than what i wanted :P
but i don't think i can do it. i know nothing about casting. forgot everything i knew...
all the types of coercion that php can do are just too many and they confuse me. strict is much easier to remember :P
just few days ago i read an article that (even experienced) c developers don't remember operator precedence
that's the kind of things that shouldn't exist in a proper language. i abuse parentheses. i abuse explicit casting. i like it :B
it's not that i'm casting all the time. i only have a (string) once in a while...
@WesStark I have one word for you: Lisp.
i mean, unless it has pipe op :P
@WesStark Timmy!
Jul 10 at 16:48, by Wes Stark
the guy that wanted the parentheses like that was obviously a troll
@WesStark operator precedence is a thing of the past.
though i have also a problem with parentheses :B 3 or more nested parentheses for me, especially if they happen to start or end in the same place, are like hell
Yay, I've added PHP under Functional programming on Wikipedia, I hope I didn't messed up something :/
you did.
$fib = static function(int $n) : int {
return ($n === 0 || $n === 1) ? $n : fib($n - 1) + fib($n - 2); // fib() is undefined

for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) echo $fib($i) . PHP_EOL;
also no ending ;
and remove that static :B
$fib = function(int $n) use(&$fib): int {
    return ($n === 0 || $n === 1) ? $n : $fib($n - 1) + $fib($n - 2);

for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) echo $fib($i) . PHP_EOL;
right :( I'm ashamed of myself, please slap me on
statiuc is good
it's not binding $this then
ok, fixed thx @WesStark
i like that you added it before anything else
I did it on purpose
there is also some info more verbose before examples but with my language skills I didn't knew what and how to write :/
there may be some info about copy on pass and generators from which version and lambdas, etc.
I was also going to write that PHP doesn't need anonymous classes to simulate closures like Java, but then thought that may be rude :)
fructify: to bear fruit; become fruitful.
> ♋ Cancer | June 21 to July 22
You’ll suddenly be torn away from your friends and cast out of the only home you’ve ever known by the authorities, who insist your sentence is over and you’re free to go.
Moan away. C-c-c--c-combo breaker. There's things I want to say. -_-
BTC owners must be happy aye?
@JoeWatkins GET HIM
Why doesn't Jeeves have a o/ plugin yet.
@Fabor 🖕-🖕-🖕-🖕-🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
@WesStark Can I have your dog?
If Bitcoin was a City. https://t.co/jNBuWR7JAB
that's me. i'm a warg
@Fabor whip whip whip
yo @ircmaxell
BTC has gone up from 2.4k USD to 3.4k in a month.
new record tho
@Fabor what do you think that tells you ?
Some big investors are doing sketchy things to raise the value post-fork
But my ethereum went past even. No longer in deficit \o/
@Fabor BCC matches it pretty good
@Fabor Is it worth me investing, say, 1k?
Hi, can you guys help me with this IMG LINK i don't know how to make when i select gender for example Male, and when i try to select again, i get twice Male options, but i want to keep first because it is showing the currently one.
@Jimbo Investing sure, in BTC dunno.
@Jimbo As long as you are fine losing 1K if it goes bad, why not?
@Jimbo Basically don't invest what you can't afford to lose.
I doubt you'd lose everything, have a nice spread. The most typical advice is read about the coin, the goals, the whitepaper, make your own choice. Start with the top 10.
I have the most in Eth and SiaCoin is my long-term.
@Jimbo you misspelt gambling.
@Jimbo what @Danack said
So many low quality questions today, it makes my head hurt.
@Jimbo cryptocurrency is an entirely unregulated market with intense volatility. google mt. gox or btc-e for some of the risks you are facing when thinking about putting your wallet online. there is quite some shady business going on in that realm.
return array_map('count', columns(columns($poles)));
'count' is count() here?
thank you
but you're not joking or anything?
"for sure">
this is not really on php.net
or google.com
it's literally the first thing in the manual php.net/manual/en/function.array-map.php
actually it is there, it is a callback function
so instead of count(), you put 'count'
I guess that's what this is
or array_map('sort'
something like this
thanks again
I am learning and I am pushing too much
I would be spending like 2 hours per day in a normal pave
I'd hazard that a sizeable portion of the regulars here hack at a computer an average of 15 hours a day
does it take time to get better, "performance"-wise?
I am on the second month now, of real learning this
in a few years you should really start to get the hang of it
a year and a half of proper learning and 3 years of work experience, I am thinking
so this is what I was imaging anyway
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Stop reminding me of my impending doom.
the same thing / worse?
seems worse
@littlepootis I haven't mentioned the bad part yet: the remaining is like, 4 hours gaming and resting, eating in five ;)
@JoeWatkins Whts the good word?
sport is good too, I made a mistake and I gained like 60 kg of overweight
don't do that!
a "life mistake"
cant get sick of something like this
I mean, "can"
sport is needed, or just walk every day or every other day
I did that, for six years
I did not even have to get out of a house to get food
all was here
I was getting out of the house, walking like 200 meters and coughing
but I've improved that part now
so sport, not just pc for 15 hours
I knew one person who actually got sick
from doing this
No offence, but "Support group for those afflicted with PHP" not "Support group for those afflicted with aids" - for that, try the JavaScript room
I am not sure what this was
you can get diabetes for life, no coming back to the normal state...
I am just saying
that 15 hours per day part sounded like that
so no worth it, can be a big "life mistake"
easy to at least get out of a house for an hour and walk
this is sufficient
years in front of a pc work against any person
no movement, getting overweight
I will be watching the weight now, and moving every day (or something similar)
Gotta make them life balancing choices.
I'm down 20 pounds from a few months ago. Only 45 more to go.
I was 160 kg, I am 135 now, and I am aiming at like 90 kg
I lose like 5kg per month, 2 meals per day only
I was walking around 5 kilometers per day but I stopped as this started putting too much pressure on my knees
not really that, but that and more walking, this is where I started feeling it, so I stopped
I am losing the weight now and I will come back to some sport or sports after that
Well done @AaronSmith, you're making the effort and testing your limits which is progress.
swimming is probably the best, if you can do that
I am 191 cm tall, so I am not like a "chubby person" or never been
This morning I played basketball. I hadn't played in four years before that.
like I said, you can possibly get sick for life
My cousin is 120KG and looks like it's all just muscle.
but something like this is not worth it
what you eat and what you do really matters and it adds up
it depends on the age too I guess, I am less than 40 still
but I've started thinking about these things
I've got a good balance, gym three or four days per week, luckily I'm at a state where I can afford to go up weight.
like coffee / tee - no sugar - it also tastes good and this is better
I'm not even out of my early 20's I have a long way to go.
you can try, all people here probably use sugar to that, not needed, try
you think differently than I di
Coffee with a small bit of milk is perfect.
I do
but all this is good too probably
I don't use sugar now
this is what they say on tv / books
I work on this and when I have time I learn on food / eating and I want to do sport
they say that red meat is not good too
#1 dietetics book in my country or one of the two the best (for students / universities) says to stay away from pork 100%
pork - not good
been - like one a week, chicken and fish is ok
vegetarian lunch / dinner like twice per week, with no meat at all
filter water too, depending on where you living
Because of cholesterol I think, I religiously eat pork after gym sessions... there's just no winning.
Hah! finally found of the ant entrances. Little buttholes! I taped up their entrance to room.
I was just talking to one person and he told me that he does not touch water that is not filtered (for eating / drinking)
Depends where you live in the country I suppose.
yes, this depends
@Fabor you can try molten aluminium next time. It seems it makes for beautiful carvings afterwards
I don't have good knowledge about this topic yet
he said that where I live is probably not so good also
I just eat healthy 80% of the time, all I've learned about nutrition is gym based so I don't know much other than the right protein food and carbohydrate foods.
Because of the amount of lime in the water system?
I am learning this, dietetics / nutrition, I already read almost two the best books
I want to read like up to 20
lime or time?
if time I am not sure what you are meaning anyway :)
and I am not a specialist
@FélixGagnon-Grenier :P googled. Well they are in my house, I haven't found theirs.
Only their secret door
@DaveRandom can i unpin your monstrosity. some people don't know what nsfw means
I didn't pin it...
probably jay or peeoo
not seen either of them today
did someone pin it again? :B
someone just re-pinned it...
some quality troll there
@Jimbo LOL... I don't think JS is that bad
unpin + unpin = pin
oh, I was just about to blame that on @Jeeves
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I have no idea what you're talking about.
^ guilty as charged
Why are we always seeing so much of your body @DaveRandom
The real question is why aren't we seeing enough of yours?
@Fabor to be fair, the choicest part was very well hidden in that pic
How does this thing work? I give up
it's the other way around []()
also needs protocol
I've learned a lot while trying to prank people into clicking stackoverfiow.com
[foo](http://www.google.com) i think
^is actually [www.nobodyshame.com](http://www.nobodyshame.com)
@WesStark almost
putting "NULL" at the beginning of an array makes it multidimensional?
hmmm... what?
one-dimensional array - you put "NULL" at the beginning - it becomes multidimensional?
I don't think null is a valid array key, what are you talking about?
@ircmaxell how's new job going ?
$name = array (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
array_unshift($name, NULL);
echo is_array($name[0]);
since we are talking about the first element, we can use $name[0] for checking
you can also use print_r
one dimensional becomes multidimensional, I am not sure if this applies to all functions like this (there is more ways to put NULL at the beginning, I think)
$name[0] is a single dimensional array
did not find anything in google.com on that
yes, but within the $name array
@AaronSmith what do you think a multidimensional array is?
so you have one within another after adding the NULL
no, you don't
cause its not [null, 2,3,4]
Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 [4] => 5 )
Array ( [0] => [1] => 1 [2] => 2 [3] => 3 [4] => 4 [5] => 5 )
before and after
@RonniSkansing [null, 1, 2, 3, 4]
@AaronSmith you are wrong. look at the script just here^, what you see is a single dimensional array
@AaronSmith That's a quirk of the output. Looks like you're using print_r(). Use var_dump() and you'll see
it's just that print_r shows nothing for null
I did not get that here
I have NetBeans 8.2
$name = array (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
print_r($name); echo "</br>";
array_unshift($name, NULL);
echo is_array($name[0]);
this code produces this:
@AaronSmith don't use print_r(), use var_dump()
dude, read what we write
I don't want to bother too
print_r() renders NULL as an empty string. var_dump() will show you null
I am not sure if people here are interested in things like this, and I am not a specialist :)
but the channel is PHP
so print_r is basically not as good as it could be?
that's what it is
@AaronSmith we are interested in php, we are not interested in people that ask questions, but don't listen to answers
@AaronSmith It has it's use
@AaronSmith It prints recursive, it does not dump variables
ok, thanks, I will look into tha
how many aspects like this can there be to understand in PHP, approximately?
1,000, 2,000, 5,000?
or like 2k and "you are good", or less?
hey guys, bit of a symfony question. I have just launched something to production and updated the apache so that i dont have to always have app.php in the url. This seems to work on the index, but other routes need to have app.php anyone know why this might be the case?
this is not a specific question, but more or less
when does it start repeating itself, "I already know it"
after like 1k?
@Andy No
I have something running in production...
yeah i know ... kk. trying to be clearer. lets say i have: www.example.com/face this works but www.example.com/body requires www.example.com/app.php/body
and i'm unsure why the two are different.
if i run app/console debug:router both routes are there and point to the same controller.
PHP questions really are afflicting me today...
yeah, well, that's what i did.
and i'm still getting the issue.
it defies reason
@Andy can you share your link?
sadly no, it's a "secret" project
I am still looking at that initial example that I gave, since is_array says yes, this is an array regardless of what print_r() and var_dump() say
which isnt helpful i know.
I've seen my mistake there I saw it as [0] => [1] and it was "[0] =>" and the next element
either way is_array() returns yes
@DaveRandom No one wants to see it, that's why :P
no, it is not an array, my another mistake :)
@Fabor Oh it never occurred to me that might be a valid reason to not do it
@DaveRandom Ref my own, not yours :P
@WesStark I had a question I hadn't previously thought of considering the repository pattern.
what is it?
How does one go about finding out if a domain object exists in persistence?
@JoeWatkins Good. Busy. Lots of low-hanging fruit and fun stuff to play with. Also I hate Ruby.
Does that responsibility still lie with the repo?
how you doing?
Why do you hate ruby?
@Allenph like, the getByWhatever() method would return NULL rather than the aggregate root
@WesStark Ahh. I see.
wtf blizzard... i.sstatic.net/JU4rS.jpg
wat? one of the teams is obviously overwhelmed?
i was placed in gold, and now I'm matched against top 500s :/
I'm that 'TandemMeerkat62' guy :P
evening room
I have a polish friend who is a roadie for a band I have a Czech one two, Czech one too, one too
I have no idea what dad joke is about.
runs for the door
same here
Check 1 Check 2 is a microphone test phrase.
oh my god
that realization tho :P
When did this place become a library -_-
@NikiC What do you think about adding some sort of reverse-URL lookup for FastRoute? Basically given a handler what URIs are associated with it?
Thinking about writing some code like gen_url_for_route($handler, [ 'id' => 123 ]).
Still just an experimental idea but I'm tired of having to look around my code whenever we change a URL.
We are currently routing stuff in Apache and not PHP but we're working on that now so I'm thinking of adding this feature since we'll probably touch some addresses as part of the migration anyway.
Informal survey: strtotime(), neato or nightmare?
why does doGenerate look like... nvm
@Fabor because lots of reasons ;)
@ircmaxell :P E_VAGUE but okay. My friend keeps trying to get me to use it.
And my friend had to do a long ruby camp past weeks, he called me a couple times only to complain and to tell how he hates it, comparing to py (he does py)
Ruby camp sounds like fun. Gathering round a campfire, telling horror stories about PHP while roasting elephant shaped marshmellows.
nite all have a blasting Tuesday..
nn Linus
You Terraria'ing yet Ekin?
Nope got no time yet, been a busy start of the week
Also I need a proper cooler, laptop is cooking and it's already way too hot :(
@LeviMorrison I think it would be good, but doesn't fit super well into the current api
In particular I'd say this requires named routes
@Fabor it's a beautiful language, just don't build anything complex on it
@ircmaxell Gotcha. Though I am pretty sure your complex is much more complex than mine :)
@Ekin You should play locally if you get time. Then you don't have to commit to hard. Vanilla is fun.
@Ekin are fan and heatsink clean?
She just lives in 40c
it doesn't take much to access the mobo.. just a small screwdriver
Or compressed air
Probably not anymore, I also need thermal paste when I open it though
But a good reminder indeed, it's about time I open it up
Just use ice-cream instead of paste.
compressed air only compressors, i fucked up a mobo once
How closely were you spraying it
Better than using the vacuum cleaner.
probably too close
anyway compressed air will never replace a proper clean up with a brush and everything :B
Which will never replace buying a new one.
Speaking of new, I still have that peelable glossy crap on my PC case. I feel like I am saving it for a special occasion
But seriously Wes, let me have your dog.
i hate those who do that... :B
Yeah me too, but now I am part of the club.
like they keep stuff for years, then they throw it away, without the pleasure of having it actually unwrapped
Or it's basically hanging on my the last little corner, not even achieving it's goal. Yet they won't remove it.
or maybe they unwrap it when it's damaged somewhere else
like phones
what command lists all avalible commands in php?
@Fabor you'd be surprised...
@NikiC Yeah. But a reverse lookup with the current API could be workable if you constrain yourself.
I definitely think the named API could be good. I have a few minutes to spend on this so I'll poke around to see if a different API could work easily with the existing backend.
Internet keeps flaring between 200 kB/s and 0.02 kB/s. This is pretty frustrating.
Mostly the latter
youtube.com/watch?v=2fPgIIB67bw game of thrones, 1995. no spoilers
@Andrea could you add/fix that?
@LeviMorrison I think this library needs a different maintainer who is interested on working on this kind of stuff
I'll need to look around more but I think it is possible to build an API that will delegate to the collector for adding the route and then maintain an association table of names to regular expressions. Then re-use the expression parser to get access to the variables for validation and eventual replacement.
It may not need any changes to FastRoute at all, actually.
holy shit. My ass just has been covered by git reflog
It would be a bit inefficient compared to directly retrieving the already parsed info but it's probably not severe.
@samayo holy shit.
thast's intense

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