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for a good 3 seconds there, I had no idea why alchool wasn't flowing out of the bottle. then realized it was closed.
Guys I have a problem in Insert where not exists, it is always inserting in php but in mysql workbench, it is only inserting once the condition has met.
$query = $mysqli->query('Insert into itemlist (item,item_type,description,price) Select * from (Select "'.$itemsize.'","'.$itemtype.'","'.$description.'","'.$price.'") as tmp where not exists (Select * from itemlist where item="'.$itemsize.'") LIMIT 1');
@WesStark I tweaked your RFC gist.github.com/Danack/be4c786435cce179c9018c73b8d19d57 . It's always good to get people to agree on the problem first, before proposing any solution.
Doesn't the RFC need to be more explicit about other possible coercions?
$x = [];
$y = new stdclass;
$x[$y] = 'wat';
That should be throwing a type-error for PHP 8, right?
@Danack thanks. it depends on generics and what [] should default to
if [] defaults to new Array<mixed, mixed>() then that won't be an error
1 hour later…
!!should i go running or not
You should not go running.
shut up don't tell me what to do
Isn't that the answer you are hoping for if you ask Jeeves if you should go running?
my php build needs some exorcism...
how can I commit an images to bitbucket?
Same way as everything else
@samayo It is confussing because you don't have such a term in English.
morning room
Does PHP yii2 framework has good future if someone starts learning it
@Alesana i was looking for confirmation in my decision :B
@Shafizadeh maybe you don't know it. what you asked doesn't make sense so we can't help you
@Srini i highly doubt it
what that means
these days people seem to use mainly symfony and laravel
@WesStark oh okay , wes stark
@ThW Kinda ..Generally I want a kindly sentence. Assume you've hired a carpenter to make a door for your house. What would you say to him when he did it? "well done"? "good job"? Yes those sentences are good, but they are just related to the job, not emotional human relationships
In our country, there is a sentence similar to "I hope you don't be tried because of the job you've done for me"
@WesStark I'm almost sure there isn't, I've seen lots of movies and never heard such sentence :-)
i'm pretty sure you can say that in english but i'm not sure on the form. it can be easily misunderstood with irony. like "i hope it wasn't a too hard job for you" sounds like i'm making fun of them :B
"i hope it wasn't a too weary|hard|tiring job" or something
"i hope it wasn't a too weary job", It is still about the job, I'm looking for a sentence which is about to the guy who has done the job
the job is fatiguing, but the guy is tired in consequence of that. it's not about the job
but in the western world you normally can tell anything so long you pay them, e.g. "fuck off, here's the money" and they will be happy as fuck anyway :D
@Shafizadeh English does a good job of being objective, and focusing on one thing at a time. for example the fact the guy is tired has nothing to do with the job, so therefore belongs in separate sentence
@WesStark :D
@bob I see
What do you call an Argentinian with a rubber toe? Roberto
posted on August 07, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

But... Roberto isn't even an Argentine name
Who's the murderer?
@Jeeves Roberto isn't even an Argentine name
@Linus Yes. You're a nice girl.
moin Joe
monday ... yuk ...
@WesStark seen it yet?
<?php echo 'Hello Word' ?>
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yes
@Shafizadeh the one guest missing a knife
I ate a dragon today
@Gordon all of them have a knife
The following stream_socket_client is being blocked

          $streamContext = stream_context_create($options);

         $this->_stream = @stream_socket_client($host . ':587', $errno, $errstr, $timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $streamContext);


       stream resource @530 ▼
          timed_out: false
          blocked: true
          eof: false
          stream_type: "tcp_socket/ssl"
          mode: "r+"
          unread_bytes: 0
          seekable: false
          options: []
@Linus dragon, as in the character Hanzo's ultimate ability in a game called overwatch, with another character named D.Va who has a ability called defense matrix, which can eat projectiles; eat as in nullify. Hanzo's ultimate is launched throw an arrow, which is as expected, a projectlie, D.Va can eat it. Which I did...
hi, what is the exact name of the language the PHP is written in? C++ or C or something else? People say C, but I would like to make sure, and possibly look into that. Thanks
@WesStark So you were going to go running up until Jeeves discouraged you from doing it?
And hi php
it's C
its PHP, not php
thanks, so not C++ ?
it's C
get a book or book on strictly "C" and nothing else? Do you possibly know the version of C, as far as the PHP 7 goes?
what is the site for this language?
5/7 tries to conform to C89 ... there's a very small amount of assembly ... it depends what you want to do ... the core of the language is written in C, so if you want to develop that, you'll need a C book ... if you want to write extensions though, you can write them in C++, so you'll need both a C and C++ book ...
very few extensions actually are C++, and none that are core (bundled) ...
ok, thanks, this should be enough info for me, thanks
one more question comes to mind, if a person would be writing a tube site script or pinterest clone script, starting now, would they use PHP 7.x.x already?
or would they go for 5?
you shouldn't use PHP 5 for anything
ok, thanks
@Shafizadeh It's hard to tell what guest 4 is holding. And you dont see anything on guest 1
@SheikYerbouti Ah then hi PHP :P
java script and sql are also written in C?
I can find it on google.com I think, so this is ok
@Shafizadeh It is true that in English we would focus one thing at a time, almost a separation of concerns if you will. I would say "Thank you for doing the job. Here is your payment". Then from there I might see that he is looking tired, so I would tell him "Take it easy, that job was a hard job."
MySQL / MariaDb are written in something too... Maybe C?
Damn internet is like I am dialup again
Been nearly a day
@AaronSmith C and C++
> For example, the SQL handling code is all written in C++, but the MyISAM code is all written in C.
anyone ever got across iamcicada.com and maybe even tried it?
@Gordon I think you just opened a rabbit hole for me
I'm surprised it's not promising perpetual motion and free energy too
yeah, it sounds too good to be true
I can just tell today is going to be bad, and slow ...
its monday
what else would it be
typically, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday ...
Guys any experience with stream_socket_client?
I've tried to ask 'stream_socket_client' out many times, but she denies me every time... :'(
@SheikYerbouti bcz of being loL :p
Breaking Bad <3
@SheikYerbouti mumbles something about breaking segfaults
oohh::huuh->meh... :/
@JoeWatkins <3
I love you too @Jimbo
@Fabor I've been having the same thing with mine for few days now
Does anyone know what even a "PHP Architect" is supposed to mean?
How is that any different from PHP Developer?
It's the name of a magazine - they're no different from a developer, they just have a higher ego
Looking thinner @JoeWatkins
@Jimbo yeah, but I see the title in job ads everytime
Architecture roles are language agnostic, even software architecture
I thought it might have something to do with known the internal structure of PHP
If they're a core contributor, they're a core contributor. It's something many people will not achieve. But you're not an architect, you're a core contributor
@JoeWatkins <3 lovely
Hearing about these jobs are making me excited to get one, but all in due time
Assume If I am working in Yii2 framework for 2 years ,will it be possible to switch to symfony or laravel framework after 2 year and Is there any possible that other framework company will recruit me or not
mornin all
morning :)
@Srini Surely if you are working with one framework for two years, and then you realize you don't like that framework/company, you shouldn't have a problem find work with another company even though this company uses a framework you're not familiar with
If you fully understood the framework that you were working with, it shouldn't be had to learn the new one :)
But don't take my word for it I don't work with frameworks
@Fabor flattering angle probably ... but have lost a little, less kebabs and takeaways ...
@JoeWatkins Nah man, pretty sure even with the angle you are slimmer. Sans beard too
@brzuchal I think that isn't a real problem, the people who say it is should just shut up ...
@brzuchal it adds a dependency and additional layer of indirection for something you dont need when you have programmed php for a while
@Alesana Thanks for your suggestion
Always :)
@Gordon how about newbies?
@brzuchal they'll probably get confused the first time they go on a project not using this, e.g. every project
I know there was an RFC which tries to fix naming convention and I think it may be confusing for newbies
it's not an issue. just use a proper IDE.
yeah I know I can live with it, but why not fixing it?
PHP is consistently inconsistent but should it be?
3 mins ago, by Joe Watkins
@brzuchal I think that isn't a real problem, the people who say it is should just shut up ...
@JoeWatkins You seem as if you are some head of a PHP development team :P
@brzuchal if you wanted to fix this badly, it should happen in the core, which then would introduce bc breaks, so not before 8
but I dont think it's worth the effort
and that wrapper lib is about as useful as this gist
Yeah, screw consistency
@Alesana I am head (overlord, officially) of the PHP development team: Everyone has to do as I say, or I whip them ...
Oh, I understand better now :P
I hope the megalomaniacal way I communicated that makes it clear I was joking ...
@JoeWatkins … what … wait?! That was a joke?! … Well then that's a double joke … for sure you are the head.
The megalomaniac way you communicated did make me look into the developing team on PHP.net :P
php development team = people that enjoy being whipped by joe, with latex suits and everything
especially @bwoebi
I guess being on the team doesn't sound so bad. So occasionally I will clock in with full uniform (latex) and all the other jazz it requires
@Alesana i've never seen that page. that's a lot of people
i wonder how many of these are actually active these days
@WesStark I was wondering that same thing
I didn't even know PHP had a PHP Quality Assurance Team
Mornin' Dave
You played the dad joke on me :P
mornin DaveRandom
@Alesana sorry about last night, I ended having to do a bunch of stuff, I can take a look at it this week some time though
probably not tonight but tomorrow should be fine
need about 2hrs probably, say ~8pm tomorrow (which is 5pm for you)?
Not a problem! I have your ssh account set up already ( I think I did it all right ) so whenever you're feeling it just let me know :)
OK cool well basically as soon as I have managed to put The Boy to bed tomorrow I should be good
Haha okay hold on what time is it for you right now?
Okay yeah now I understand
That works perfectly for me
Will you be so kind to tell me what it is you're doing as you're doing it so I can learn a little bit from it as well?
@Srini No. And I strongly recommend avoiding yii as it's a bit shite.
@Danack I think his goal is to ditch yii
@Alesana I'm in the UK so +3 from you
or was it +4?
@Fabor I'm actually double booked, have to cancel one thing, might have to be NW this time
it's 9.47am here right now
@Leigh don't be shit
It's 5:47 here
kk well it will be around 4-5pm for you tomorrow then
I am about to sleep haha
Awesome thank you so much for helping me with this
np :-)
I was pulling my hair out for hours just trying to get an email server set up
Eventually just went with G suites
And accepted the fact that I have a lot to learn to be a good system admin haha
oh lol that's actually mapped
I actually did it yesterday
It wasn't my idea
I know you're Argentinian but dude, no need to stick the knife in. I never even wanted those dumb islands in the first place...
if you mix tea and coffee, the queen of England can send men on horses to fuck you up ...
We have to make one thing clear
I am not Argentine
And I do not give a fuck about the islands
I live in Argentina for the time being
But I'll go back to the states hopefully in the next 7 months
it won't matter, they are on horses, they'll find you ...
@JoeWatkins I only took a sip of the cofftea
to see how it tastes :P
that's not a defence ... you can't say "but judge, I only stabbed the guy a little bit, to see how it felt" ...
I presume that in a case like that I would get a much lesser sentence than the two other's who drank the full cup of cofftea
Maybe a plea deal
we don't negotiate with terrorists, or make a meaningful distinction between accomplice and bad actor ...
Therefore by your standards, I drank an equal amount of cofftea as the other two accomplices, and I have no room for negotiation on that fact?
@JoeWatkins Company vacation from the thurs to the sat, country mansion, hottubs, free bar
@JoeWatkins well .. you can but it wouldn't really improve things
@Alesana none, I'm afraid ... you'll just have to get used to the fact that you are a bad person, and keep looking over your shoulder for those men on horses ... they're coming ...
/me googles How do I stop hating myself for being a bad person
@Leigh what if we have @JayIsTooCommon run you a bath, pass you a free drink, and then set himself on fire to warm the surrounding area ?
<- me knows how to prepare a drink with tea and coffee. it's iced tho :B
vodka, gin, tea, coffee and milk/cream :B
Now I am interested
I already have them coming after me I might as well give it a shot
Or, according to the recipe, I might as well give it two shots
i don't remember the proportions tho. it's random mostly
It shouldn't be too hard to get it right
ah, probably sugar too. depends on how sweet the cream is
should look like the white russian, ish
I usually don't put any sugar in my coffee but I can see how here it would be a necessity depending on the proportions
m to the ornings
sgninro to the m
but where is @PeeHaa
I haven't seen him in a long time
I think my PR scared him off :P
o/ Hi Joe
@Alesana I will look at that soon as well, I promise :-)
Oh there is really no rush, I am sure there is a lot wrong with it in some way
I just wanted to be able to contribute something :P
Game face on 👹 Warming up at the #TVPOpenDay 🐾 https://t.co/KmEGxa6vIp
police dogs are terrifying ...
@Alesana I'm pretty certain that that only people who do give a fuck are over 80
@DaveRandom You might be getting that on your end
I meant on this end actually
But it is a very sensitive subject here
I can't speak for people over there
I can't either :P
And I avoid it
But it's not uncommon I am mistaken for someone from Britannica
to me, it certainly seems like Argentina has a much better claim over them than we do, being as how they are a lot nearer
It would make sense to me as well, but I guess that's not how it always works.
The entire concept of overseas territory makes no sense to me, it's just insidious nationalism and that's what brexit and trump are built on
but yeh, probably not a Monday morning topic and very OT here
Hahahah good call
Well then again I've only been in Argentina 3 years now
so I can't speak for Argentines
Really I can't speak at all about it xD
Guys, something that filters, limits and sorts
What would you call it
@Jimbo Bob
A poorly designed method
Obviously we're not talking all 3
It's a class, it does multiple other things through other classes. We have SRP. Ignore all that jazz
So it's a service effectively
What do you name the class?
if we are not talking, then call it SilentJimbob
I am going to have the worst (wait, second worst) answer but I would say organize
what does it filter, limit and sort?
Constraints, got it
And separating out sorting
@Gordon Lol, thanks for your help :D
you are welcome
so hot these days that the ecig never cools down
@DaveRandom Oh you missed my joke when you first came in
> You played the dad joke on me :P
You said you would be back in 30 minutes....
then never came back
yeh I was mostly just feeling bad about it :-P
@Jimbo filter, limit and sort doesnt sound like Constraint to me… at least not on first hear
@Gordon …
:P I didn't mind my family was over I was just trying to make a joke out of it
@bwoebi what? you know all code ought to be named Bob
But now I realize that my joke wasn't funny
Don't worry, I was tragically born without a sense of humour
@Gordon Specification pattern may help
@Jimbo that's not a service though
I can refactor :)
but on second thought, "Constraint" is probably good enough
Okay I need to take a nap
don't we all?
No seriously though I haven't slept in many hours
I'll sleep when I'm dead. Which may be tomorrow.
It sounds like you are in a lose-lose situation
sleep is for the weak ...
You will lose if you sleep, and you will lose if you don't sleep (because you're not sleeping)
i sleep like bat.
upside down in the roof of an abandoned building ?
yeah :D
@DaveRandom the longer you stay awake without sleeping, the faster it might come ;)
Goodbye php
What does "issue" mean? It means "problem", right?
Anyway, what's the meaning of "issue" in this sentence?
> You can issue a RCPT, and see if the mail is rejected.
not in that context
a officer can issue you (create/give you) a ticket/warning
@Shafizadeh In that context it's roughly synonymous with "emit", maybe "give"
@Shafizadeh it is used as a verb there
@DaveRandom ah I see, you're right
@tereško yes true
Also, don't do what that article is suggesting
:D why?
if you want to validate an email address send the user an email and have them click a link
@Shafizadeh a lot of reasons, some of which are: it could get you spam blacklisted if you do it a lot, it's not nearly reliable enough to tell you anything useful, and it's generally bad behaviour to start communicating with a remote email server when you are not actually going to transmit an email
yes I did it. when you send a email to another one, it returns a response, if this pattern /^(?<code>[0-9]{3})(\s|-)(.*)$/ims has any matches in the response, it means the email address is valid and exists
no it doesn't, it means that the server agreed to attempt to deliver the message, that's it
it might be a relay server that will attempt to deliver anything
OK fine, do it and see how reliable it turns out to be in the real world ;-)
You know, I cannot explain what I'm doing in English. Anyway, you seem clever. Since you understood what I'm trying to do by reading a short sentence.
SMTP checks won't tell you if the email address is a spam trap, so you need to do "click a link" validation anyway
also that. it's like trying to see if a phone number is valid by testing for a nnr response... the network might have agreed to deliver your call, it doesn't mean there's a person at the other end to answer the phone...
sounds right
I'll work on it
is there a way to send amazon zips files to the user without exposing the url to the user and without having to download it to the server?
i have checks on my server to check if the user is valid and if it is then id like to send the ZIP file to the user
You probably can't avoid proxying the request then, unless aws supports some kind of oauth-like flow for client access (which you will need to google)
Guys Please help me to generate non rerpeating random number which has only 8 charectors
In that if it is string comprising alphanumeric charectir no problem
s3 urls with expiration date does it mean you have to finish downloading the whole file before it expires or just start the connection
just start
@RAJMOHAN bin2hex and random_bytes
do any of the prepare methods in the various db extensions actually make the statement name accessible?
alternatively, is there any way to get the actual prepare statement from these methods?
the log (=
not good enough
well let me know if you find a way
how do I prefix a zval* string with a char*?
list() constructs can no longer be empty. The following are no longer allowed:
list(,,) = $a;
But is list(, $name, $idx) = $match; o'k for PHP 7?
@Linus I was after one someone here has read tbh :) but thanks
@Storm they may no longer be empty, just try it in php7 and see for yourself
@Jimbo what actually you are looking for?
[ hhvm-3.15.4 ] Warning: Invalid argument: step exceeds the specified range in /in/HKSUC on line 1
!!eval list(,$a,$b) = [1,2,3];
and apparently I broke @Jeeves now
3 messages moved to Trash
3 messages moved to Trash
@Gordon Are you contradicting me?
@Jeeves Y U SO SLOW?
@Gordon I am not interested.
:38535376 thanks! Actually, I've tried to run in cnsole with php -r, but failed. Now I see what was wrong, and yes, it works. (php -r '$a = ["B"]; var_dump($a);')
@Linus A book, on distributed systems, specifically with information on message versioning if possible, and the pre-requisite is that someone has personally read and can recommend it rather than just offering what a quick google search can offer
@Jimbo I know there is an addison wesley (fowler sig series?) on enterprise messaging patterns. I haven't read it though.
@Jimbo :( sorry for not being helpful
@Linus lies. You aren't sorry at all.
evil laughter
@DaveRandom i always feel sorry,believe me.
/me cries
@WesStark you should leave that out of your RFC, unless you want the discussion to be a shitshow.
So I found the perfect music to accompany code reviews: youtube.com/watch?v=OumXyQGOkuk + lyrics azlyrics.com/lyrics/slayer/exile.html

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