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"nice going" means "good job" ?
but it is abit ambiguous
ah ok :)
is it possible that an sms gets delivered hours later?
yes ŕarely
but I dont think it is to be expected
ah. i thought my client went mad sending me sms's at 4am, but he's more likely somewhere in the world for holidays
2 hours later…
lol the owls singing rap god
1 hour later…
good mornings
Hi. need a clue for this error.

@mCorr Apparently you have an ini file with value= and no value set.
@Oldskool thanks. :)
@Oldskool I could not find documentation for that var. Do you know where I could find it.
@mCorr It's just a constant name that the Zend engine uses. Just check any ini file you're loading/using (might even be php.ini itself) for a missing value.
Hi, can I ask some help, I want to make json format like this .
    {title: "Node 1", key: "1"},
    {title: "Folder 2", key: "2", folder: true, children: [
      {title: "Node 2.1", key: "3", myOwnAttr: "abc"},
      {title: "Node 2.2", key: "4"}
but I don't know how to build it like that
from php? @jemz
Make an multidimensional php array and pass it to the json_encode php function
Eh, I was waiting for an actual question there... but look into json_encode. I guess that's what you're looking for.
$test = [];
//loop 1
'title' => 'Node 1',
'key' => '1'
//loop 2
'title' => 'Folder 2',
'key' => '2',
'folder' => true,
'children' =>[
'title' => 'Node 2.1',
'key' => '3',
'myOwnAttr' => 'abc'
'title' => 'Node 2.2',
'key' => '4'
use associative array
Multidimensional? You mean associative?
@RameezRami Please use a pastebin for larger code samples. Makes it much easier on the eyes.
multidimension associative array. :)
sorry first time here
@Oldskool here goes a serious question stackoverflow.com/questions/33689504/…
i have asked some experts, no one was able to gimme a convincing answer
@RameezRami, thanks it works, but I am confuse to implement if I have this data .pastebin.com/HiBkTCaE
can u look into that?
to form it like this
If the parent == null I will make it top node for the create,edit and delete.just like my example
ah disregard the last message
@Naruto o/
PSA: Messages are permanent past the 2 minutes grace period. Moderators will only delete messages on request if they contain sensitive information, or they are hurtful to someone else.
@RameezRami Wow, you've been working on that problem for over 9 months? :O
@MadaraUchiha ?
@PeeHaa They know who they are.
@Oldskool changed scoring like stackoverflow :D
but i wonder how would an expert deal with that problem
@Sjon Wow, my 2 second script "abused" 3v4l :D 3v4l.org/snRdi
Well you are kinda looping like crazy :)
@RameezRami Personally I'd probably keep the scores in Redis and make sure that any event that could change the score will trigger a recalculation for that single article.
@PeeHaa True, but 2s exec time and somewhere around 20MB RAM isn't all that bad.
That's not 2 seconds is it?
@PeeHaa Check performance tab.
Slowest versions are around 2.5s
Isn't that for the broken run?
lol hhvm sure loves ram btw :)
Yeah, noticed that too :P
But no, some versions completed their run.
So I figure that's the total time for completion.
Oh I see
@Oldskool i have considered that , but the problem is even a single article score is different for different users based on their activity. anyway i have convinced client and changed scoring like stack.
ohai wes
@Wes o/
@jemz you need to change your fetching data structure
How do you know a project is using Momentjs?
posted on July 20, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Modified in a minute
Each and every time...
@Oldskool well it's 2sec times 100 versions...
@Sjon Hmm, good point :)
BRB going to pour some magic coffee / tobacco combination in
I've looked it up; and that script cost my server 95 seconds to process; so yeah; that's considered abusive
@Oldskool so that's why future submissions are slower; you have a penalty of 3.5 seconds currently
@Sjon Ahhh :( How long does that last?
which sorting algorithm does ksort implement internally?
I would assume - quicksort
Yeah most likely
I doubt it would differ between sort and ksort
@Oldskool to be honest; I don't know :D It dynamically decreases over the day depending on the cost & amount of your other submissions
I'm happy with that query, but it's too much magic and variables you cannot find out to give you a simple number
@Sjon OK, no problem. I'll just try and keep it simple for the rest of the day :)
No more 1M loops ;-)
I actually have code ready so you can donate to get the penalty down :) But since my donation efforts have shown all my users are poor / unwilling to donate there's a low chance of it getting online
I found out from here that internally its using the zend_hash_sort function github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/ext/standard/array.c#L730
@Sjon You only accept bitcoin donations, right?
FWIW @Sjon my offer still stands :)
@JayIsTooCommon yes; because other payments are awful to accept. I don't know if accepting other methods will help
@Epodax Only 1 day, 16 hours and 9 minutes left until Rebeccaday, OMG!
@Sjon I think if you had a simple paypal donate button, donations would be a lot more likely. I think the average user wouldn't know where to start with bitcoin, or maybe that's just me
@PeeHaa well looking at the stats; I might need it :) # submissions is still climbing
Just ping me whenever you need a box
@PeeHaa thx
@JayIsTooCommon I hate paypal :P
@Sjon Buuuutttt who doesn't love money :D?
Is it really that hard to buy bitcoins?
I wouldn't know tbf
There's a slight learning curve to using/transferring them though
@Fabor For me neither. So; it appears people just don't want to donate money :)
@Sjon I think if you made it easier for people to donate, they would :3
People like the easiest path for donations anyway. If it's slightly more difficult than they're used to the motivation dips.
Think of it like how people treat form conversion rates on websites.
Yes I get that. For me donating btc is 5 seconds of work
and accepting it is as easy. But I'll start looking at the paypal conditions
Because you're already setup and knowledgeable. For those (the majority) who aren't, that isn't the case.
@Sjon I have no idea where to even start
isn't that illegal anyway?
I don't want to use tor to be able to donate
Those things are unrelated
Find a market. Convert some real moneyz. Donate
@FlorianMargaine are you joking?
Alternatively spent couple of 1000 bucks and start mining :P
Hrm, is it possible to re-edit a edit before it is approved without submitting an' additional edit in the review queue?
No idea. I think you will get the "there is already an edit pending" thing
Good morning to you, fair and gracious Room 11ers! #FamousMelaniaQuotes
> if you need a reclining chair, you usually dont want it to come with the Boeing 747 attached to it
Most likely PeeHaa, I just have to be extra sure I catch all of the things before I finish the edit :)
@Epodax If you fuck it up you can always ping us to edit + improve for you
@PeeHaa stackoverflow.com/questions/38475387/… <-- Noticed too late that I botched the first line with "Login Via Social account is not working in joomla on server but works fine in localhost." <- Doesn't make much sense.
But OP all ready approved it
Oh. Just edit it again :)
Only 100 items in the edit queue anyway
Maybe so, but I don't wanna be doing micro edits ^^, I'll see if I can spot other things before editing.
I am on the side of "if it improves the post it's fine"
Never really understood why some people are against it. I mean sure if there is more to fix fix it, but if not just do a micro edit.
Only thing I can see is post bumping, but meh
I used to do mass automated retagging at some point :P
what is the idiomatic way to access HTTP headers in php-c?
!!docs getallheaders
[ getallheaders() ] Fetch all HTTP request headers
oh c
Sorry :)
np, stackoverflow.com/questions/12620354/… looks like it has what I need
!!lxr sapi_header_struct
@Gordon Totally failed to get a valid results page
@Gordon can you tell how can i improve it?
@Gordon lxr-still-down-hehe
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 improve what? the globals topic? it's not a matter of quality. it's a matter of fit. See my comment. I think globals is not a good topic for the documentation.
@Gordon ah ok ^^ any topic that you will suggest
ohai dave
uys a simple css question, why .navButton .bg:hover isn't working jsfiddle.net/z1hLkwhv
\o/ Somebody got of his lazy ass and actually fixed it
You are better than all of us :)
I haven't actually tested it
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 to be honest, I think the entire Stack Overflow PHP documentation is superfluous. The PHP Manual is excellent. There is no point in repeating it's content on SO.
@Lynob chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/29074/html-css-webdesign would be a better place to ask
...would be a better place to ask
but nothing suggested there actually seems to fix it
but i need to contribute that's why i am taking pain Gordon
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 don't let my opinion stop you
morgen jimbo
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 what I've seen so far though has been low to medium quality. Not your content, but in general. For instance, there is a chapter on Method Chaining in the Inheritance section. IMO, it doesn't belong in there. Also, it doesn't state when method chaining is appropriate or that it violates CQR. And the example is much more a fluent interface then it is just method chaining.
So basically the framework community is writing the docs?
@PeeHaa probably not even them
@DaveRandom i asked there, if i don't an answer within 2h, since that room is inactive, i'm gonna have to ask on SO and pray it doesn't get closed. since nothing seems to fix it, that means it won't help :(
Dev ran sudo chmod 0777 in / on his guest machine this morning. It's just going to be one of those days.
oh fuck
@Sean LOL ... good luck reformatting
You have permissions to do anything to him.
Luckily it's still early and restoring a backup isn't that painful
@Sean This will teach him never to use the lazy man's way out of permissions problems again though.
So it's a good lesson.
@Sean at least he didn't do chmod -R / …
Not seen @JoeWatkins as much recently. Hopefully he is all good.
@bwoebi oh lol... yeah :D
As a friend said, no data loss, so he learned a hard lesson the easy way.
I assume he totally did that though :P
@bwoebi Of course he used the -R. Anyone who figures 0777 is a good idea uses -R for sure.
@bwoebi Yeah, he -R'd, haha.
Permit all the things!
@Sean :-P
@Sean What level dev?
@Fabor .. Senior... sighs
@Sean Strip him of that rank ... immediately.
I suggest making him an intern.
hey, maybe he's a windows senior dev.
Hmm, that could make sense.
@DaveRandom issue solved, i should use .navButton:hover .bg instead of .navButton .bg:hover
@Lynob lol yeh, that
It's great proof that title means little. Senior, Junior, Mid-weight. It's really subjective.
@Fabor It is. Often it's just a prestige thing to show how long you've been working for a company.
@Fabor You missed out rockstar. (;
Also shows then that length of time != ability.
@Sean Guh -_- makes me cringe thinking about the marketing team coming up with that title.
@Fabor Many times "I am a senior dev" means "I have been working for the same company for 5+ years", rather than "I know what I'm doing".
At least PHPNE was interesting last night, I got to learn about black magic in PHP.
If a guy starts programming at the age of 65, is he a Senior dev?
@DaveRandom funny timing :) one in a million
Talk was about AOP using GO!AOP github.com/goaop/framework
@Fabor If he's been a dev his entire life, yes. If it's a janitor wanting to take his career down another path ... well I guess in a way it's a senior dev ;-)
The Association of Optometrists
But not really the same thing :)
@Fabor I mean, I'm classed as 'Lead'. That says it all.
I am lead bootstrap template tweaker
I am a meat-popsicle.
I wonder if I can actually get that title.
If you just set your mind to it you can do / be anything @Fabor!
@Fabor Good luck dude! \o/
Freelance Meat-Popsicle.
@PeeHaa hire me and give me that title.
@Sean Automatic decoration or observable by using reflection on class / method docbloc
That's all that is
@Fabor What's the pay grade of somebody with that title?
@Fabor You want to be @PeeHaa's meat-popsicle ?
@PeeHaa $1, but the responsibilities are minimal.
Do you remote? :P
I will have to :P
Speaking of meat. I made about 3.5kg of chili last night.
Share the wealth dude!
I may have to. It's a lot!
@Fabor Slow cooked as well
Yup. I had to wake up at 6am to finish it -_-
Good Morning!
Was actually kind of funny. He was asking for advice because his MySQL instance wouldn't start. I tried to sudo service mysql start and it popped up with sudo: /etc/sudoers is world writable. "Uh, have you made any changes this morning?" "Oh yeah I accidentally chmodded all of the files"
Cue dumbfounded stare
huh well that was weird. My virtualbox lost all my setup :-/. At least resetting it up was easy. Tried a halt and up again now and it persists. So okay.
You guys ever work with virtualenv?
@Sean WTF
Revoke all his credentials on the servers
If I had a nickel for every time I fell on my keyboard and accidentally chmodded / I would have no nickels.
guys, if I want to have shareable extension, does it make a difference whether I already build it into php when I build php or afterwards?
if you build it as a shared extension (so) i'd say it doesn't matter, if you want to link it static into the php binary then you have no choice
as an so
@Sean LOL... good thing there's such a sanity check, otherwise he probably never would've told.
can someone clarify make --jobs for me? The man page says: Specifies the number of recipes (jobs) to run simultaneously. With no argument, make runs as many recipes simultaneously as possible. If there is more than one ‘-j’ option, the last one is effective." but gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Parallel.html says Normally, make will execute only one recipe at a time, waiting for it to finish before executing the next.
so which one is right?
One at a time, series.
From what I've observed anyway. I stopped messing with -j because I had some builds failing with, but not without.
but that takes ages then :D
Building php? Yes, takes a while.
Building only an extension doesn't take that long at all.
Depending on the extension of course.
php-ds broke in CI when I used -j 2
I vaguely remember.
hmm, let me try with -j max
if it breaks I'll stick with no j
What is the default if j isn't specified?
just annoys me currently because I am testing a dockerfile and it rebuilds php each time
yeah baby
@Fabor see above: conflicting info
@JoeWatkins re: docbook, could I just say "See \Ds\Sequence::get" for both Deque and Vector? More indirection for the end user but saves a lot of duplication. Not sure what the convention is here.
@Fabor c[_] i had recently a "guru meditation" state of a virtualbox vm, after a poweroff in the gui `vagrant up works and the vm is up and running again. i read snapshots are not enough and the best way to backup is to copy the entire VM folder?
I am totally !!xkcd compiling today
@pce I was considering it. First time this has happened though.
hmpf. -j max doesnt work
@Gordon nice make -j32
xkcd.com/303 Compiling :)
@FlorianMargaine is that guaranteed to work?
lol that Twitter link
@PeeHaa -16, not bad
Not too bad at all
@Raj_Te we call that conditioning. It's come to the point that the standard is set so low that you are able to post that comment. — PeeHaa 45 secs ago
btw delv plox
@Jimbo PHPStorm opening
@Jimbo The PHP excuse is "composer install/update is running!"
@Oldskool I've had quite a few "Composer is running in degraded mode" where it takes about 10 minutes to work
Never had that. Wasdat?
@Jimbo Leaving xdebug on helps a lot ;-)
3rd world internet?
Some meta posts are so pathetic..
Q: Should I be nice to new users?

AresIn the First Posts queue I encountered this question: json result from c# web api It's terrible, of course. But when I see one of these questions, I try to be exceedingly polite in the hopes that the question's inevitable destruction will at least teach them something. So I posted this comment:...

Compiling PhantomJS from source would give you about 4 free hours for sword-fighting.
Hey guys can i ask angularjs question here
I figure there are better rooms for that...
But never hurts to try ;-)
I know its easy question ;)
//start of controller
var time = timeConverter($scope.start)

$scope.start = time;

time = timeConverter($scope.end)

$scope.end = time;

//in view <tag subtitle="{{start}} - {{end}}"></tag> working fine

after an successful http request

$scope.start = $startdate;
$scope.end = $enddate;

console.log("start"+ $scope.start); //this outputs value get from http request
console.log("start"+ $scope.end); //this outputs value get from http request

//but view <tag subtitle="{{start}} - {{end}}"></tag> Not updating value
Conclusion is my view variable not updating
Well, I have 0 angular knowledge, but I'm not really sure why you suddenly stop using that timeConverter? And what's in the $startdate/$enddate is also unclear.
Have you tried turning it on and off again?
That should always be step 1 ;-)
Have you tried npm uninstall angular --save?
"oldschool timeconverter is not the issue
I am taking care of that
simple thing its just a date
from - to concept
so when first loading controller its working fine
then i am using http request to get some data from api
after it i am updating $scope.start and $scope.end variable values So identically it should update my view values but somehow its not updating... no errors in console also
Jul 12 at 9:06, by Gordon
@SagarNaliyapara angular ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Does anyone use JustinRainbow/jsonschema and know how to tell it how to find schema references? e.g. I want to be able to use something like:
 "pagination": {
       "$ref": "#/definitions/pagination"
in a schema, and not have jsonschema give the error message "could not resolve fragment: #/definitions/pagination"
@Gordon :)
ENOUGH teasing Melania, she may not be a "traditional" first lady but she still eats jewelry just like you and I https://t.co/B49q7pXsyW
@Oldskool yes?
@crypticツ Hi there! I've reclaimed cv-pls.com and am trying to get github.com/Room-11/CVBacklogUI to run. But I get some errors while firing it up, so I just wanted to check if it's even stable at all at the moment? :)
you should be using this branch github.com/Room-11/CVBacklogUI/tree/1.1
master is not functional
@crypticツ Ah cool :) Let's see if that works.
@Oldskool you gotta setup a cronjob as well to update the cache. See github.com/Room-11/CVBacklogUI/blob/1.1/web/backlog.php#L30 If you want to update the API cache you access it the same way as you would under a browser, but using php cli. Don't bother update the chatlog one as it no longer functions since SE broke it.
heading out for the day, ping me if you have any problems.
@crypticツ Thanks!
@KamalKumar Don't just randomly invite people without asking first, please.
afternoon :)
@Gordon "guaranteed to work"?
is skype down?
i can't write a message to my colleagues
But I'm not sure how up-to-date that is ;-)
@John Yep just a second
@John It's great :-)
@JayIsTooCommon have u read it?

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