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@NikiC The reason why Closure::__invoke cannot work with fromCallable: Closure::__invoke tries to efree() the function memory… which is, in any case, closure.func… I'd basically need to emalloc() a fake trmpoline so that __invoke can free it. I feel like the mechanism as a whole lacks flexibility here…
1 hour later…
@Shafizadeh s/for over limit/for exceeding the limit
@Shafizadeh "lots of requests" or "a lot of requests"
1 hour later…
@virepo: mysql -u root -p
it's php after all. So by definition method arguments can be null.
hello guys i wanted to know whether this process is prone to injection or not
@andho null cannot be part of an identifier
not in RDBMS context
i am creating a prepared statement and taking data variables from users , but instead of using it in an expression , i am passing the data variables into parameters of a stored procedure which inturn take part in an expression , is this safe?
@avz2611 what do you mean by expression?
like select *from tb1 where a<4
but instead i am passing it like "call proc($a)" and then the expression is inside the procedure
can i have an instantaneous input format check on a html page with help of php ?
i have a input box for entering date which should be in dd/mm/yyyy format , i don't know how to do an instantaneous check for the same
how to pass div id to a php variable using ajax jquery?
@PeeHaa we are still world champion ;)
@avz2611 stackoverflow.com/questions/6978631/…. also make sure to follow the links in the comments
So much jQuery...
How to troll those who use Wget.. Special thanks to - @Bulwrk https://t.co/O7TzFMauTm
this is soo mean :D
A: Are SQL stored procedures secure?

KevinThey are more secure than what you are doing. Your query is posting raw SQL to the db which means that your parameters aren't treated as sql parameters but as plain old sql. Here is what I mean. With a stored prococedure the password variable can't be sql, it has to be a piece of informatio...

are you guys working ?
like are you guys students or working
Or at least I like to pretend I am ^^
i just finished my first tech project with a company , they have asked to give a final report , and it includes something called technology stack. i just wanted to know what am i expected to include in that and generally what does one expect in a report
@avz2611 technology stack just means that you write down what your project runs on
all right that i can mention :P
so, php7 with framwork xy running on nginx on debian linux. connected to mysql… stuff like that
In computing, a solution stack or software stack is a set of software subsystems or components needed to create a complete platform such that no additional software is needed to support applications. Applications are said to "run on" or "run on top of" the resulting platform. Some definitions of a platform overlap with what is known as system software. For example, to develop an IT solution; in the case of a web application the architect defines the stack as the target operating system, web server, database, and programming language. Another version of a solution stack is operating system, middleware...
ok thanks , should my final report include every small thing i have done or just an overview
Laravel on PHP 5.3 running on Apache on IIS. Connected to SQLite. Using jQuery and <table> on frontend
oh, and API on CodeIgniter
my fav stack
@avz2611 can add html5 and css3 on frontend and whatever js framework you use… if you use that. in general, mention the relevant technologies you use.
@SergeyTelshevsky running on apache on iis doesnt make sense
IIS is a webserver. how do you run apache on that?
aah sheat
I wanted to say windows server
dat's a fail
you could use apache as a load balancer, though, iirc
but thats running seperately right :P
@SergeyTelshevsky it needs MongoDB instead of SQLite to have a full set
also, Rails for API
What happend to cassandra? I though that was the new "thing" ?
@tereško that really would be much better
@Gordon :P
@tereško pervert
@FélixGagnon-Grenier it's the php room, cpt. obvious
This week I've seen a hobo in "MongoDB" t-shirt and my fellow colleague has seen a hobo in "Blackberry Developer" t-shirt. This is not a joke.
@Gordon well... :p
@SergeyTelshevsky yeah hobos are definitely not a joke
Hey , i'm trying to get around a CORS problem in my application. DIsplaying Virtual reality 360 videos on iphone does not work because my media files are hosted on amazon S3 and web files on Amazon EC2. I have been told that if I use amazons CloudFront to server my files, it will mask the orgin so on an iphone it wouldnt be classed as CORS and will work
@SergeyTelshevsky were they hobos when they got those t-shirts? Or does that reflect on their choice of stack?
@virepo you will figure it out. make sure to write a blog post when done.
Well, I know a couple of BB devs who really have a hard time currently
Gordan, i will be doing so to help other people venturing into VR for the web
help yourself and gordon will help you
Ive had an answer on my stack overflow question, stackoverflow.com/questions/38187127/… the first answer from Michael - sqlbot
But im not sure i fully understand it
@Danack I hope it's the first one
@virepo how come? it seems pretty much detailed, doesn't it?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I get confused with things like this.
Still learning my way around, took me a day to set up an EC2 and RDS server which could communicate togetehr yesterday. But im getting there lol
@virepo at which part
@Ocramius that exact exception message would have been more helpful. I would have immediately realized that the ID I'm passing in was somehow null.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier well its mroe so when im trying to do what he says in clodu front
its asking for an origin domain, but wanting me to put my S2 bucket
but im not sure wether that should be my S3 bucket or my web server
as the origin domain
@virepo at which step in your linked answer does that happen?
Good morrow
Create a CloudFront distribution, setting the alternate domain name to your site's name.
so in the alternate domain box, i but my EC2 servers IP address?
you can edit your posts via the menu that appears when clicking the downward arrow on the left
you mean that screen?
> Click in the field and specify the domain name for your origin—the Amazon S3 bucket or web server from which you want CloudFront to get your web content.
so my ec2 server IP
I thought I understood you want to serve from a s3 bucket
I have my website files on ec2
and my images and videos on s3 bucket
@virepo right sorry I can't read
but because iphone/safari doesnt support CORS on WebGL for VR , i need to make it look liek the video files are coming from the same place as where my krpano fiels are
and no problem
but I stand by what I said, you want to emulate the domain name for the media files
i think so aha, They just need to look like there from the same origin , when krpano gets them through javascript
I think that's your desired origin then.
in said configuration screen
So that should be my ec2 web server?
because thats where all my web files are
ok forget your web server, a bit
what I think you want is to be able to serve your media files as if they were from a different domain name, to avoir that cors rejection
so, when in that cloudfront configuration dialog, that is the action you want to achieve
ok, is that because, when i go to my serves IP , it will hit cloud front, which will serve my werb files form the server ip, and then collect my files from S3 which will then look like there coming from the server IP?
or because, the browser will see both coming from cloudfront, not caring about where the web fiels and s3 files are from
posted on July 08, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

hmmm... so yeah in any event I am saying much nonsense, I should have stopped sooner.
cloudfront doesn't seem related to serving different thing from the same server
so It will not help me in my situation?
> CloudFront is a web service that speeds up distribution of your static and dynamic web content, for example, .html, .css, .php, and image files, to end users. CloudFront delivers your content through a worldwide network of data centers called edge locations.
@virepo I don't know about Amazon S3 but it should be a matter of enabling cross origin requests to your Bucket.
selenotropism: growth in response to moonlight.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier but in the answer on my so question, it says i could use it as a reverse proxy
So like a werewolf?
@andho its not about that, i ahve enabled it. Its that WebGL client side does not support the video coming from a different origin to the web files, on safari/iphone
whats up guys! I got a problem here that I need help with, anyone here worked with PHPUnit?
@Fabor Look at you #vogue.
I just installed phpunit and I can't get the test to run, phpunit is telling me :
"Class './tests/FirstTest' could not be found in '/home/abdul/projects/qa_screenshots/selenium_test/tests/FirstTest.php'."
this is my class:
class FirstTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    function testBlah()
	var_dump('this test should pass');
@virepo oh okay. Then origin domain will be the domain WebGL client should use to access both the web files and the assets
@pythonian29033 That's not a better format ;-)
@andho , but my web files and assets are on seperate servers
web fiels on EC2 and assets on S3
hey now it is!
on here - stackoverflow.com/questions/38187127/… , i was told I can use cloud front as a reverse proxy that can selectively route requests to multiple back-ends, based on the path of the request, without the browser being aware that there are in fact multiple origins, because everything sits behind the single hostname that points to CloudFront
@pythonian29033 Did you change anything in phpunit.xml or are you just using phpunit.xml.dist?
@virepo are your web files static of dynamic
no, its a laravel application
@virepo yes that's what I'm thinking. Which means cloud flare will be a proxy to both your web files and the assets (Y)
nope that's when I ran it directly (trying to ignore phpunit.xml)
I just did
`phpunit ./tests/FirstTest.php`
@andho so to the browser it will look like they have come from the same place?
but... since I want to use the config some time soon I guess it won't hurt to share my phpunit.xml, I wrote it myself, you wanna see?
my phpunit.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<phpunit convertWarningsToExceptions="true"
    <testsuite name="My Test Suite">
       <directory>~/projects/qa_screenshots/selenium_test/tests/*Test.php files</directory>
@virepo yeah
Okay great
Have you used cloudfront before?
@pythonian29033 What is the " files" suffix doing in the <directory> node?
Don't think that's supposed to be there.
Also ~ is variable, try using the actual path.
@JayIsTooCommon I'm just trying to attract Daniel.
I left the " files" in there cos I found it on the phpunit manual (00.) thought that was my problem
@Fabor Who's Daniel? I rightly assumed you were trying to impress me..
okay I changed the phpunit config again, but when I run it that way I always get this:
PHPUnit 5.1.3 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Time: 8 ms, Memory: 2.00Mb

No tests executed!
@JayIsTooCommon rdlowrey
The most handsome PHP developer in the world.
Ah dear...
I just started at a new company and this is all I've been doing since 3:30 yesterday (_,,)
I got in at 8 this am and it's now 10:15, I feel like I haven't done anything!
Happy Friday, 11!
@Fabor hah! gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@pythonian29033 Fabulous mate.
Most of us in here are gay for Daniel. It's a widely accepted fact.
@JayIsTooCommon are you australian?
@Fabor I think the JB inspired hood will do it for him
@pythonian29033 No, just incredibly cool.
well be exceptionally cool and help me with my problem then!
@pythonian29033 Try getting some more verbose output by running phpunit --verbose --debug, see if that renders anything useful. Looks like your testsuite isn't properly configured though.
@pythonian29033 Errr, yeah I think I spotted it, you're missing the <testsuites> node around your testsuite definition.
Looks like the "files" thingy is valid yeah, never used it that way though.
i get 2extra lines with
`phpunit -vvv` (o_o)
PHPUnit 5.1.3 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime: PHP 7.0.4-7ubuntu2.1
Configuration: /home/abdul/projects/qa_screenshots/selenium_test/phpunit.xml

Time: 8 ms, Memory: 2.00Mb

No tests executed!
@pythonian29033 -vvv !== --verbose --debug
Anyway, try adding that testsuites node.
Pretty sure it's not gonna recognize your suite without it.
absolutely nothing more (;_;)
check here:
phpunit --verbose --debug FirstTest.php
class FirstTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    function testBlah()
Class 'FirstTest' could not be found in '/home/abdul/projects/qa_screenshots/selenium_test/tests/FirstTest.php'.
could it be the slash in '\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase' ?
Yeah, something seems fu**ed up with your test for some reason. Any leading or trailing whitespace by chance? So "<space><?php" or "?><space>" ?
Where do you run phpunit tests if you've got docker set up? Would you run it inside a container / image, or on guest?
@virepo nop
no problem
@Sean I'd figure in your PHP container, but not really sure though.
lolololooooooooooooool! I had no opening <?php
thanks though @Oldskool
much ado about nothing
No problem, just do yourself a favor and go grab some more coffee ;-)
will do so thanks! kinda still getting used to eating during the day 2days out of Ramadaan
anyways thanks for the help mestre!
sweet! just fixed my config, everythings good to go!
@pythonian29033 Post Ramadan Stress DIsorder XD
@pythonian29033 xD
Good afternoon friends.........
Wow this new chat room is awesome
@Sean here is a revolutionary idea: stop fucking about with magic-automatized-server-deploy-dynamic-scaling-shit and get back to trying write better code
@tereško Don't tell the hipsters that, they might get upset (;
my php script writes data on a file on a remote server based on a mysql query. is there a way to know number of lines written or amount of data written on the remote file. affected rows does not work as it's not changing the database
@Sean I just dont have the patience for people who case the latest hyped bullshit. especially if the surrounding hype has that distinct smell of astroturfing about it. Maybe I am just getting old or something.
@JayIsTooCommon touche
that word probably doesn't work here, but I just wanted to say it always
teresko bringing them fancy word guns
or my vocab is weak
probably the latter
keep in mind that english is my 4th language
I'm totally fine with not being an isolation purist if it lets me get stuff done. Time to crack on
its my third language
anyways any idea on what i should do ?
@Sean sure, but there is a major difference between "something being actually useful" and "something being marketed"
@avz2611 is the script located on that remote server?
it connects on remote server calls a stored procedure which writes a file
will the RPC write everything in the file that you send to it or will it filter the data?
Hy I am junior school student and I am stuck in getting Facebook user access token it says token invalid......can anyone plz help me in decoding of my code
@Nalinnishant just ask question if anyone want to help they will
it takes the data and performs queries based on it , and the result of the queries is written in the file
if the RPC is not returning you info about the amount of data it wrote, you have no way to know it
yeah kinda makes sense
if you can read the file, you can download it and diff it, but that's a shitty solution
i dont need to download it though i just need the size of the file , so reading that much might help
@Nalinnishant have you actually set up the FB app's config on their site?
I am searching for answer guys.......due to very small in age my parents not provide me a programming teacher.................
@avz2611 size will not give you details about changed lines
Yeah u are right ......plz visit on my profile asked ques and see what I have done
U are right @tereško
@Nalinnishant is that a homework or you decided to make a facebook app on your own?
@tereško oh i wasn't clear about this part, it doesn't write into the same file , it creates a new file everytime and writes into it
because it is not a trivial task for a beginner
@Jimbo Heh, that's cool
@tereško I already say you that non of my teacher friends r students know coaxing but I love it......so I am developing this for my interest
This is not my homework.....I do coading for my interest .....that's it
@avz2611 then you can just make a HEAD HTTP request (instead of GET, for download) and read the Content-Length entry
@Nalinnishant in that case I would recommend to pick a different project to make. Everyone here hates working with Facebook API, because it is a fucking piece of shit. It make most of hate out jobs.
making something using Facebook API as a beginner will scare you for life :P
make something different, like a blog or a game
@tereško I already make by blog site or game site and now I am working with Facebook api
But thanx a lot for suggestion sir
can you post the full error message?
*madam :P
nobody outside india uses "sir"
Yeah .....yes @tereško
@avz2611 dont be an ass
Ops @tereško I just use this word to respect anyone
that's not how it works :P
Sir Tereško sounds like someone from game of thrones :P
y facebook auto bot comentor says access token is incorrect

up vote
down vote
Hey friends I am trying to make my bot site for 3 months but I am still not success..........

Whenever any person trying to put access token it says access token is invalid...what is the problem I don't know.......I am new in programming.............

This is my index.php file

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title>Paki Pro </title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://flamb
tbh it does, sir is given to people who have been knighted , so it means you have been knighted by nalin be grateful :P jk
Ops why you guys just stuck in one word sir.....uffo
Just come to the point guys
i moment, I need to finishe up the status report for the project manager
hey guys, i have an array with multiple rows and multiple columns in code igniter. How would I go about pulling only one row from the array? based on id?
@Nalinnishant when people copy and paste including the votes buttons instead of just sharing the link somewhere a unicorn kitten dies.
@JustinSellers Fetch the desired data based on the array key
Ohk @Gordon from next time I surely remember your words
@Epodax would you happen to have an example?
@SergeyTelshevsky It also sounds like one of the guys who gets finished off in the start of a episode :D
i self teaching myself.
If anyone want to help me then plz help me
@JustinSellers $array = array('I am'); echo $array[0]; //Will echo "I am"
so if I wrote $array = array('array_name here'); echo $array["id#']; //this would echo out the entire array row based on id?
Q: Why my facebook auto bot comentor says access token is incorrect

Nalin nishantHey friends I am trying to make my bot site for 3 months but I am still not success.......... Whenever any person trying to put access token it says access token is invalid...what is the problem I don't know.......I am new in programming............. This is my index.php file <!DOCTYPE HTML PU...

This is my link@tereško
Bot By:<b><font color="red">♥nalin nishant indhacker♥</font></b> love this line
@JustinSellers You better find a tutorial on arrays, $array = array('value'); is creating a array and creating a key / value in that array.
Ops 😝😝@avz2611 sry if u don't like this line
But I already have the array created.
It was an' example to show you how to access the array.
@Nalinnishant I have no idea what you are doing there. You really should invest some time in making your code readable :D
But one day I surely be a great programer @avz2611
@tereško What's with all the smiling from you today? Drugs?
Ohk.....I will modify it to read easily @tereško
@JayIsTooCommon I am slightly amused
@nalin no doubt you can, i never said anything about that , but a little subtlety hurt no one
selenotropism: growth in response to moonlight.
He he thnx @avz2611
Thnx @tereško
also, @Nalinnishant , another thing: try to narrow the issue down, For example, all those JS alerts and HTML have no impact on your invalid-token problem
Have a nice day and by see u tomorrow
Yeah I see @tereško
whenever you see a bug, you should try to narrow it down to smallest possible example
Wow good idea
And now I have to study hard on programming
@tereško I surely follow you instructions
On ubuntu server accessing this


with htaccess

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /dev/
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /dev/index.php [L]

# END WordPress

is giving 404 not found its in wordpress
how to make my dynamic query be safe from injection?
Is 3v4l broken for everyone or just me? cc @sjon
i couldn't find any good answer on net
Another talk submission.... opinions?
presently i am using cases but its tiring af
> Websockets are a technology allowing bi-directional communication between the server and the client and are not often the topic of focus when it comes to writing standard web applications due to their complexity and learning curve required. This talk is the story of my first real project involving sending torrent data from the server to the browser so I could build my own Torrent Web GUI.

What is an event loop? How does it work? How about authentication when using both HTTP and Websocket requests? These are some of the topics covered from both a theoretical and a practical standpoint. I
@PeeHaa what did you break? Seems to work just fine
It's trying to find $("textarea[name=code]") which doesn't exist
I get a Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null on b.value.length > a.textContent.length && a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(b.value));
@PeeHaa I've heard that before but cannot reproduce. Can you see the textarea in html?
Nope. No element with name code in the source
So, what pokemon have you guys caught so far?
@PeeHaa what url you looking at?
i caught hoho :D
@Fabor None, it's not available in Denmark yet :(
@Sjon root 3v4l.org
Let me try some other browse thingy
I caught a Squirtle at my desk.
@Jimbo good API design?
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 No, read my message below lol
@PeeHaa I'd love to fix this; but there really is a <textarea name="code"> there...?
it was funny i found a magikarp on the road
@Sjon It's a chrome thing
but the feels are hard with this game
@Jimbo OOPs sorry ;p
@Sjon nope really nothing
@PeeHaa I only have chromium51; which works fine
anyways g2g ttygl
@PeeHaa Not getting that error on Chrome here :/
Maybe it's a version thing? I'm on Version 51.0.2704.103 (64-bit)
@PeeHaa did you check the html? What is in form>div[2] ?
I have <div><textarea><code></div>
Textarea is put on display:none but both elements remain in dom
@Sjon Non closing textarea?
.. no
@Sjon There is no textarea in the dom whatsoever
`<div><textarea name="code">&lt;?php

</textarea><code class="required invalid"></code></div>`
<div><code class="required invalid">&lt;?php

Let me try canary
Yes canary works
Let me try disabling all extensions to be sure
Yeah; also, check if it is in the HTML source (it should)
@Sjon It's isn't
that's as good as impossible :X
Try it with curl; why would Chrome remove it?
@Sjon With curl it's there
that's..... unbelievable
I kinda suspect your html minification and chrome being a dick
Let me make a request exactly as chrome to be 100% sure
It's really chrome throwing up :(
Oh well. It looks like it's fixed in the canary channel @Sjon so it will be fixed eventually in stable to
This looks like old HTML; (like weeks ago). Any chance this is a caching issue?
The age old question
With only 1 answer ;-)
@Sjon On the requestable link or in my browser?
@PeeHaa the BROWSER, requestable seems fine
@PeeHaa By the way, nice tool that Requestable. Could use some forced linebreaks/wrapping in the returned HTML though. Horizontal scrollbar is annoying :)
Let me delete all the cache \o/
@Oldskool Yeah agreed. Long lines tend to get annoying
Cachelength of / is supposed to be 45 seconds; so maybe I F*cked up the headers
Date: Fri, 08 Jul 2016 09:58:44 GMT / Last-modified: Fri, 08 Jul 2016 09:58:33 GMT / Expires: Fri, 08 Jul 2016 09:59:18 GMT so how does Chrome decide to cache this?
@Sjon \o/
Wat. function_exists('money_format'); // false, PHP 7.0.3

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