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@rdlowrey What's horrible is that PHP implements its own http client. That SHOULD be cURL's job.
@Sara At least the curl API in PHP is terrible.
Is it though?
Have you used a Python HTTP client?
Yes, they're not as versatile as php/cURL
If the versatility causes pain for basic tasks I don't think that's a better API.
I will say that there should be a curl_get_contents(), maybe with an options array as second arg.
composer install some-awesome/curl-wrapper
Problem solved.
In my opinion there should be two major HTTP clients: one that is nice for simple things and one the let's you control as much as possible while still being helpful.
Turns out, PHP has that.
fgc("http://...") which is simple, but weak, and cURL which is gangsta, but annoying
Except I disagree that cURL fills that need ^_^
I agree that php/cURL is an ugly-as-sin API, but I have no idea what the replacement for it is.
Some object with fluent methods for ALL those options?
So simple is: $contents = new cURL($url)->fetch(); and more complex stuff can be: $contents = new cURL($url)->acceptEncoding(['compress','zlib'])->post($request); ?
Of course, you need to think about multi requests too
cURL::waitMulti($ch1, $ch2, $ch3); ?
maybe waitFirst() versus waitAll()
And on and on the feature creep goes...
TIL George R.R. Martin wrote all Game of Thrones books on a DOS machine with WordStar 4.0
Is there a SO position / advice on sharing or not the solutions we develop professionally? I have no clause on contract (when there's a paper one) about that kind of specific things so I'm a bit in the dark.
Like... can we answer a question with code almost equivalent with that we've coded that same day under paid hours.
back to work \o/
1 hour later…
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 you look different today
never happened before. looks like a chrome bug
@Danack github.com/php/php-src/pull/1906 can you finish up the work on this in the next fortnight, would be good to include in alpha 2 ...
> Welcome to the Stack Overflow Documentation Beta!
let's check this out
posted on June 08, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Happy birthday PHP!
Is the internals mailserver dead (again)? Last mail is from somewhere Monday and I have not seen any Alpha1 announcement ;-)
there hasn't been an announcement yet
And news.php.net has also no newer mail...
Good morning and happy pre-prebecca day.
@JoeWatkins ok, so just the covered announcement here
but 36h no mail on internals seems weird.
@Epodax wer u live
we tag before release, for external and win QA
agree about mail server, made some noise in IRC ...
@littlepootis Uh, on the earth?
which earth?
The one with two moons.
I also live on the earth ... small world ...
One is real, the other I've crafted in my fantasy world.
technically, we have many moons ...
We do?.. I mean of course we do, but do elaborate.
one, five, or thousands, but not two ...
Marshall Badge can only be awarded once right?
are you turkish? @Saitama
no :P
@Saitama not OK
i'm turkish, by the way
oh, i see... sorry...
it depends what you count as a moon, technically anything in orbit is a moon ... there are a few between the size of a car, and a washing machine, and many thousands more about the size of a football ... the number also changes, but at any one time ~20k objects are orbiting earth, some only stay a while before they are burned up, or their trajectory is changed by another solar body
not all of those objects are detectable, a lot of them are ... upper limit comes from simulations
This is strange.
not including man made stuff, obviously ...
@JoeWatkins Then what is the difference between a "moon" and a asteroid then?
they orbit the sun
they pass us, or seem too .. but they are not in orbit around earth
Well, you learn something new every day.
> ~/php-7.1.0alpha1/sapi/cli $ ./php -n -v
PHP 7.1.0alpha1 (cli) (built: Jun 8 2016 12:27:18) ( ZTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.1.0-dev, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Zend Technologies
@Saitama cool, now do testing ...
/me is afk, because taxi ...
@JoeWatkins will make it my goal this weekend. Been kind of busy with having an incredibly shit time at work.
/I fucking love it when people blame me for other people breaking the build.
@Gordon ah, thanks!
hm, I am not sure I understand how the docs beta is supposed to work
@Wes LOL definately a bug
@Jeeves you alive?
@Fabor o/
current status: installing visual studio code… on linux Oo
because its free and supports react native and c
I tried clion for C but it was unable to index php-src
and I dont do enough react native to buy a commercial product for it
@Gordon you don't have a php.net account?
@FlorianMargaine I do
but I dont have a jetbrains account. and the licenses are for non-commercial use
I could obviously get a webstorm or intellij enterprise license through my employer but then again: not worth it for the three times a year I do something with react
which is mostly templating work anyway
and I hear good things about vsc so why not try it
of course, there is vim
but trying helps you to do qualified ranting :)
anyone here using Aurora?
@tereško the framework or the browser?
well, in my case no to both
I need someone to verify a strange bug
I have it installed @tereško
in JavaScript, 21 secs ago, by tereško
I am seeing a strange issue here: it seems that on the latest version the Web Console API has been disable (at least for me)
Can upgrade :P
@PeeHaa o/
Oh wow. Long time @Mr.Alien. how's life?
@PeeHaa yes indeed, busy most of the time x) .. what about you?
Still tweaking templates @ browserstack? :)
@Mr.Alien same here. Busy :)
@PeeHaa haha less now, more on the ror side
still prefer php but I've forgot most of it so thinking to build something using php now..
@tereško ya
Lol not sure if stupid or just forgot the right function:
A1 = Array ( [REQUESTER] => Requester )
A2 = Array ( [4] => REQUESTER  )

Is there a function in php which checks if key of A1 == value of A2 and replace it with the value of A1[key] ?
@PeeHaa kick the heathen
@hubot are you a github hubot or the swedish television series hubot?
@Gordon: Here is my github profile: github.com/hubotx
Is anyone here interested in Java except PHP?
is there even a point in Intel Edison?
@hubot I do Java
I'm interested in Java.
I have a Windows 10 system and I have problems with it.
@hubot Hello Interested in Java. I am Gordon. Do you mind if I just call you Interested?
I see your problem already
1. Speakers are wheezing when I've updates.
I'm looking someone who think that package-private / package-visibility would be great feature in PHP
@Gordon: Yes
@brzuchal Hello looking someone who think that package-private / package-visibility would be great feature in PHP. I am Gordon. Do you mind if I just call you Looking?
I've already started implementation to provide proof-of-concept
Gawd, I love this dad joke… I think I will implement it into Jeeves
@brzuchal go for it. dont forget to write an RFC though.
@Ocramius mine?
oh .. about windows
@Gordon so you are not a bot asking someone who write looking :D
@Jeeves is Gordon a bot?
@Gordon hehehe
@Gordon do it#
We @DaveRandom killed him yesterday
@PeeHaa wait wat?
I was just starting to like him...
I need to know whether I am a bot!!!
@tereško didn't see the actual bug - did you link anything? Yeah, the other one was just being snarky at @hubot
its a question of great philosophical and existential importance
oh god damn it
@DaveRandom maybe on the weekend
I'm not sure I can wait that long
@DaveRandom here, take these in the meanwhile niceonedad.com
> "I'll call you later"
Don't call me later, call me dad!
H i l a r i o u s :D
noob :)
ahhh, beat me to it.
@Gordon I need to know if such feature as package-private / package-visibility is desirable feature or is it just my feeling for lack of it in PHP. I know there is such visibility modifier for classes in Java and it may prevent of use contrary of purpose and could provide additional static analyzers and even some IDE support in the feature. Or maybe I've got mess in my head and trying to find out something useless?
@DaveRandom oh, and hello not sure I can wait that long
@DaveRandom Oh well have to wait till I get back again tonight / tomorrow morning
Letme just put your name on the wall of shame again
@DaveRandom don't you have tests to catch that?
(lol, sorry, that one was easy)
@brzuchal the main problem is that packages are not the same as namespaces in php. php devs think in folders, not packages.
@brzuchal Yes, I for one really want this. However, it's not so easy coming up with a sane set of rules for how it would work
@PeeHaa ftr all that should be required is a git pull and systemd should do the rest
Yeah, but I don't have access to my keepass db atm
It's ok. He deserves a day off anyway
I'll load cv-pls up in here for the day
also fine
@tereško hmm, you mean the actual protocol for building firebug-style tools?
brb getting breakfast
I still have "valence" installed btw, @tereško
Hola @cv-pls
@Saitama can you please cut it?
just stop with the bullshit, please.
@MadaraUchiha Ping, you on twitter, can I DM you on there?
!!should DaveRandom fix this plugin or not?
is being restarted, moment
k, done
!!should DaveRandom fix this plugin or not?
lol I guess not :-P
I guess you broke it.
!!should I do something or not?
wait, some plugins not enabled, fixing]
@DaveRandom @Gordon I've started implementation with comparing namespaces extracted from class names here is example PASSING test github.com/brzuchal/php-src/blob/…
@brzuchal The issue with this is that (presumably) only higher-level classes can be made non-public
Like if Foo\Bar\Baz is protected or whatever, Foo\Qux won't be able to to use it
and that's the most common desired use case (for me, anyway)
@DaveRandom Yes, but in for eg. Java Foo.Bar.Baz as protected there would be visibility only for classes in package Foo.Bar
So in my opinion it's better to provide the same and higher-level visibility
I also heared from some Senior Java Developer that this is cousing many difficulties to provide the right order.
the main benefit for me would be to hide all the implementation details away from the public api, e.g. hide the intrapackage collaborators from other packages
@Gordon That was my priority purpose for this feature.
@brzuchal SO for example, would this work pastebin.com/MX7uMapY ?
HI wordpress developers,
My custom post type shows page not found error

add_action( 'init', 'create_post_type_question' );
function create_post_type_question() {

* Register custom post type question
register_post_type( 'question',
'labels' => array(
'name' => __( 'Questions' ),
'singular_name' => __( 'Question' ),
'add_new' => __( 'Add New Question', 'boopathi_plugin' ),
'add_new_item' => __( 'Add New Question', 'boopathi_plugin' ),
'edit' => __( 'Edit', 'boopathi_plugin' ),
Because if no, then it's basically useless, and if yes then what is the rule that stops \OtherNamespace\RandomClass from being able to get at NonPublicWidget?
o/ @BoopathiRajan Please use some tool like pastery.net
tiny avatar is tiny
I've also checked the RFC and found only about Class Friendship which stucks somewhere there but it doesn't feel the same.
@Duikboot oh okay. anybody having an idea about my issue?
@DaveRandom No it won't because of different namespaces, but if youput your class in a same namespace there won't be access to it from lower level namespaces, eg.
namespace \MyLibrary {
package class NonPublicWidget {}
I'll have a look in a few mins.
@brzuchal Right, but I don't want to put all my public stuff in a lower level namespace
It's not useful unless that relationship is inverted
and that's really hard
(although hopefully not impossible)
@Gordon yes but i need quick results about that. so that i'm asking here. mainly here lots of experts here.
@brzuchal that's why I mentioned that namespaces in PHP are not the same as packages
@DaveRandom So you wan't package-private class to be visible in -1 lower namespace to put everything in napespaces with cutted visibility ?
@BoopathiRajan I doubt too many of us in here are wp experts
@Gordon according to Java packages AFAIK their are the same or am I wrong?
This way looks good. So you depend on lower level classes, which are interfaces. And inject higher level classes, which are implementations:
@brzuchal No. I want packages, which are different
@brzuchal The difference lies in the fact that Java is compiled AoT
It has more of a "library" concept than PHP is capable of, because PHP is inherently just a collection of files
@kelunik A bunch of commands aren't mapped as well, I just realised
Because that's server-local config
All mappings gone? :-(
@Dariss your example could work with some modifications in my implementation.
!!should DaveRandom fix this plugin or not?
@⁠DaveRandom should fix this plugin.
^ Did this ping you, @DaveRandom? Or is that ping removed?
@kelunik no, it's stripped
@DaveRandom So how do you think packages should look like in PHP ?
@DaveRandom In that case it needs a fix. ^^
All pings are now stripped by default, in order to ping you need to explicitly pass PostFlags::ALLOW_PINGS @kelunik
@kelunik not sure about that, you already pinged me with the original message#
@BoopathiRajan It's not showing upthat's your issue?
@DaveRandom Yes, I know, I commented on the diff.
@DaveRandom No, the original message doesn't ping.
It's !!should name do something or something different?
@brzuchal This is my original point, I don't know. I've given it a lot of thought and I've not come up with a satisfactory, practical, implementable solution (yet)
@kelunik Oh I didn't notice that
its my code for create custom post type. but in front end its shows 404 page
@kelunik If you had written it as a ping would it have posted @@
But it's also not visible in the back-end right?
/me will just go an read the code
@DaveRandom Yes, but that's not how the plugin is supposed to work. ^^
@Duikboot in backend i can see my custom post types and i can add/edit/delete
... ><
@brzuchal ftr I would really really love it if you can get this to work sanely, I've no wish to discourage you from working on it, I just wanted to ensure you were fully aware of the problem domain :-)
So you have 'posts' inside your posttype/
Which are visible inside your back-end? (wp-admin? )
But on the front-end nothing shows up?
@Duikboot yes its visible
Wel... why do you send us the code then for setting up the posttype?
You should send us your code where you grab the posts from the post type...
Not the initializing code for the posttype itselves
@kelunik I can handle it is the reason I was asking... if the name starts with @ we can not add the second @ and let it pass through the ping stripping filter
@DaveRandom Thx, I've been looking for such feedback and will also start discusion on internals
@DaveRandom Yes, that's also possible.
Probably when you check your DB posts you can find your posts in the _posts table with your post type in them if that happends, everything is ok, you just have issues 'showing them in the front end in a template or... plugin whatever-code '
Fwiw @DaveRandom @kelunik github commit comments interface is crap
@brzuchal beware that internals is often not a good place for "wouldn't it be nice if..." discussions, tends to generate a lot of useless noise and not a lot of helpful comments. Before you write the first mail, make sure you have a well formed idea of what you want
Just my advice, feel free to ignore it, but recommend you don't
@PeeHaa Yes, it is. I have a browser script that makes it slightly better on large diffs.
... Are you even reading what I am saying? -_-'
@BoopathiRajan Before we can answer any questions, upgrade your wordpress.
@DaveRandom Thx, I've already posted, but can see that internals stucks for now.
I have seen such comment's already against different mail. But I hardly believe there are some good and interested in it people.
@kelunik I'm thinking about having a dedicated interface for it in my own system somehow
@PeeHaa What's really missing is a open / resolved thing for code comments.
It's often fine in PRs, but not even always then. Just because the line is changed now, the comments might not be resolved.
YesI was thinking something like an issue per commit where you are forced to tick the boxes
@Jimbo DM?
Ah, Direct Message, sure. I can also open us a private room here if you'd like
all of the best stuff internals does either happens at dmitrys desk, or someone in here does it, and it's usually discussed in here @brzuchal
the noise can be a real problem, when you just want to get stuff done ... I took an RFC out of voting and place it on hold, and that was followed by at least 40 mails that were just full of nonsense ...
if there is a shred of useful information in them, I will never know ... like I'm going to sit and read 40 emails from anyone ... this was in the space of a day ...
can any one help me ... can same function called by 100 different user at same time with diffrent parameter value...can it create problem??
@Raj 1) You know php is shared nothing right? and 2) what does the function do?
@JoeWatkins At least in master I don't see this failure … is it only present in 7.1.0alpha1?
@PeeHaa function return google map near by location on parameter(location name) ..??
Why are you asking me?
because m new in programming..
49 secs ago, by Raj
@PeeHaa function return google map near by location on parameter(location name) ..??
^ those question marks. What are those?
@JoeWatkins I've wondered if something with a reddit-style voting mechanism would help, but I suspect not because most of the internals monkeys would probably just upvote everything. Although at least it could help filter out things like Lester having pointless exchanges that go nowhere with one person. I'm definitely not a fan of mailing lists in general, precisely because it's very hard to filter out the bullshit
its writting habbits
Well it's odd??
@Jimbo Sure, go ahead then
Either way I assume the google maps api limits the number of calls one can make
ok i will keep in mind..
:31029435 so you did some illegal again
@PeeHaa The free tier is still like an obscene number of queries per day, unless they changed it
Like 10s of thousands
@MadaraUchiha Can only DM people who follow me
but can fun confuse about parameter
@Jimbo I see how it is
@MadaraUchiha That's not the plan after all xD j7mbo
@Jimbo Following
@Jimbo that's about the lamest way to gain twitter followers I can think of
> Users of the standard API:

2,500 free requests per day
10 requests per second
@Gordon :D
@PeeHaa I know it used to be more than that because at one point I was running a thing every day that made >10000
side note, turns out the travelling salesman problem is actually quite difficult
Who would have thought???
suppose i have one function with name abc(), when 1000 user called this function at time with diffrent paremeter like abc('raj'),abc('datt'),abc('maanya') can it works or function get confused about whcih parameter send by which user?
11 mins ago, by PeeHaa
@Raj 1) You know php is shared nothing right? and 2) what does the function do?
You answered 2, but you didn't bother with 1
If I speak to 1000 different people and give them different things to do, do they get confused because I spoke to 1000 different people or they just focus on the 1 thing I gave each of them to do?
@Raj it works
@DaveRandom I will totally get confused by the chatter
@Gordon That's your/my problem though, not people you/I spoke to...
@AdilIlhan thanks....
@DaveRandom then shall i write different function for every parameter?
That's the point of parameters
@Raj only if a parameter would cause your function to do an entirely different thing
!!eval function foo($arg) { return $arg; } for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) { if (foo($i) !== $i) { exit("fail"); } } exit('success');
^ there, I just called a function 10000 times with 10000 different args and it didn't get confused
at same time?
no, sequentially. its obviously a for loop
sorry may be i cant able to explain you what i actually mean....
@Raj The problem is that you are not explaining what the function is actually doing
function getlocation($location_type)
echo"<div class='panel panel-default'>
<input type='checkbox' name='mytype' class='chkbox' id='$location_type' value='$location_type' checked style='display:none'/>
<div id='map' class='panel-body' style='background:#EEEEEE; margin:0px !important;'>
<div class='panel-footer clearfix'>
<div class='pull-right'>
<a href='#' class='marathi'> AamCyasobt rijS3r kra</a>
</div> ";
There's no issue with executing a piece of PHP code at the same time a thousand or a million times, if your server can do that, but there could be issues if you are doing something like modifying a database
@Raj this will not cause any problems
The place where you get issues with this kind of thing is when you are modifying some shared state, like a database or a file
All that is doing is manipulating isolated state
emphasis on if your server can do that
i send parameter to getlocation('schools') as like from diffrent pages ....suppose i have 10 users right now and then click on pages(schools,collegs,ect)..
@Gordon Started at before the big bang
@Raj There will still be no problems because each request is isolated, and each call within each request is executed sequentially
@DaveRandom does it ring BatMan in your ears, too?
epic chat fail
@DaveRandom thats i got it " because each request is isolated, "
@DaveRandom indeed :D
thanks u so much...for helping me and your valuable time...
@Gordon and no, not until you say it, I wish it did though :-(
thanks u so much...for helping me and your valuable time...
His time isn't valuable, don't worry about it.
thanks to all again...
@Raj no worries. The key point is side effects. You can run into issues when a function modifies some external/shared state, like a database. You should read up on "idempotence" (general concept) and "race conditions"
@Fabor I can value it if required. It's valuable, I just don't usually bother.
and you should read up on "mutex"
Smell your arm pit.
fixed @kelunik
meh @Fabor

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