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Ah, I see.
[2]    25971 floating point exception (core dumped)  sapi/cli/php -r 'var_dump(mt_rand(PHP_INT_MIN, PHP_INT_MAX));'
my first floating point exception
@Leigh I think we should do it. If we're going to break random number sequences, lets do it thoroughly and fix everything at once
@DaveRandom Yep!
@NikiC alright
@DaveRandom Just got the notification.
@NorthbornDesign n/m, see #7 if interested
@iroegbu ...
jeeveswiki? @iroegbu
@MadaraUchiha lol, ponyfill
How are you starting the service?
@DaveRandom Yea, MemoryStream would probably be your best bet.
sudo systemctl start jeeves
@NikiC lol, I guess it's once comparing pointers and once deep comparison?
@bwoebi yes
@iroegbu Odd. Can you try sudo systemctl start jeeves.service instead?
have you enabled it?
lol.. the jeeveswiki thing came as a result of my fooling around
sudo systemctl enable jeeves
@littlepootis systemd doesn't have an enable thing does it?
@PeeHaa it does
What does it do?
Create a symlink
iroegbu@iroegbu:/var/www/html/Jeeves/config$ sudo systemctl enable jeeves
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/jeeves.service to /etc/systemd/system/jeeves.service.
so ... chkconfig for hipsters
what? is that even what I want?
Dunno. I didn't need it IIRC
23 hours ago, by PeeHaa
/me is still utterly confused by all the systemd changes :(
systemd sucks
Hmmmm... LOL... Now I have jeeves.service everywhere I turn
you can still use normal sysvinit, right ?
just ignore it, I do ...
GNOME now depends on systemd's logind
is sudo systemctl start jeeves supposed to respond with something?
@iroegbu no
@iroegbu Check the status
sudo systemctl status jeeves
● jeeves.service - Jeeves as a service (JAAS)
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/jeeves.service; enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: start-limit) since Wed 2016-04-20 17:09:19 WAT; 1min 11s ago
  Process: 3808 ExecStart=/var/www/html/Jeeves/cli/run.php (code=exited, status=226/NAMESPACE)
 Main PID: 3808 (code=exited, status=226/NAMESPACE)

Apr 20 17:09:18 iroegbu systemd[1]: jeeves.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=226/NAMESPACE
Apr 20 17:09:18 iroegbu systemd[1]: Unit jeeves.service entered failed state.
Very helpful error messages is what I like about systemctl
Now check journalctl
is there something I should do with run.php?
@bwoebi has probably limited uses, but have you guys considered a yield from that "replaces" array_combine? something like
yield from keys() => values()
$set = [0=>true, 1=>true, 2=>true, 3=>true, 4=>true, 5=>true]
$values = [11,22,33,44,55,66];
yield from (yield keys from $set) => (yield from $values);
@iroegbu As long as it is executable it should be fine
journalctl is as helpful as that potato in my fridge
@Wes that's pretty much special for very limited use cases
but well, <=> made it in, so this might too <.<
okay... which php gives me /usr/bin/php not the same what's in run.php
I don't force a specific path for PHP do I?
@iroegbu what's there? #!/usr/bin/env php should be the shebang line?
That would be a dickmove
@bwoebi I guess you mean, makes the file execute...
I changed it to match what I'm getting from "which php"
Apr 20 17:14:25 iroegbu systemd[1]: jeeves.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=226/NAMESPACE
Apr 20 17:14:25 iroegbu systemd[1]: Unit jeeves.service entered failed state.
errors changed
@iroegbu Shouldn't be needed unless your env php doesn't match with the php you want to run
@iroegbu That's... really not useful :P
okay... I know what I'll do... remove everything Jeeves and start over
You may have to open the journal and hope for some more specific error emssages
I wonder if anybody actually already tried to run jeeves as a service cc @kelunik?
No journal files were found.
LOL! That's the worst
@FlorianMargaine ? :)
journalctl --all returned that
journalctl -xe
same thing... with many '~'s
())====D~~~~~~ ?
Welcome to systemd
Honestly, I just feel like formatting the box!
Any feedback on github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage/issues/432 (on the ticket, not here) would be appreciated.
It worked pretty fast for me for some reason. I did had @FlorianMargaine to help me though
If your journalctl is empty, I'm afraid something's wrong
Did your journal binary file accidentally corrupt itself?
Almost "Frydai"
btw 420
@SebastianBergmann What are you proposing instead? Or is this a call for ideas?
anybody has problems with find in path with phpstorm 2016.1? it misses obvious occurences of most searches
What's 2016?
[ EAP ] Eating Alone Phobia - the fear to go out and eat by yourself, even if you're starving.
not quite sure I understand :p
I'm at 10.0.3 so unless they have jumped 2006 versions recently I'm not sure what version you have :P
hmmm. did not realize I suscribed to anything like that... I just clicked the update dialog when opening phpstorm
@Jeeves WTF :)
@Saitama Only 1 days, 7 hours and 19 minutes left until Rebeccaday, OMG!
@PeeHaa they change the version number, next release will be 2016 rather than 11
@Wes Oh. Is that together with their new licensing scheme?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier is already out?
I see
I did see a update popup this morning
well don't do it
it screws, completely, searches
basically they change 2 lines of code, make a new logo and release. just like corel
checking the changelog
corel 20 years re-releasing the actual same software they didn't even make themselves (they acquired a company)
rebuilding indexes now see what happens
i want the damn php supported, i don't give a shit about joomla support
Better PHP Language Support

In this release we specially focused on long-awaited improvements in support of PHP language such as improved type inference, completion, support of traits and more.
Other than that I only see json/remote debugging/version control/wahetever thing I don't think I need
well, fml and blame all this shit on caching
At least they fixed most of their indexing issues a while ago
@PeeHaa indeed, they are releasing faster but they are just as slow as they used to be fixing bug/implementing new things
youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-679 i want this fixed, jees
the mix of youtrack and the wormy thing is... strange
@Wes Yes there are enough things that still need to be done, but in general I can actual live with it as an IDE.
@PeeHaa the ide is nice but it's basically the same since version 7
but they have joomla support now
consider i thought joomla was a dead project....
my ide had zoomla support before zoomla's release
i haven't heard of joomla in years, seriously
so imagine my surprise when i read "2016.1 - preliminary joomla support"
we can take that as a sign php actually won't die anytime soon. imagine, even joomla just got integrated in a major php ide...
@PeeHaa do I need to update config.yml to use Jeeves as a service?
php is far from dying. with php 7, he got his teeth whitened and bought a porsche. he had a middle life crisis but now he's having affairs with 20 years younger women
@iroegbu You would need to setup your openid account
@Wes So... hearth attack imminent?
he is frequent to the gym and does a lot of cardio
Don't forget the harley
and the hair implants
@LeviMorrison around?
@Jeeves yes! thanks for implementing this feature
i found a use case for "not", imagine the following:
class Foo{}
class MutableFoo extends Foo implements Mutable{}
function baz(Foo ~ Mutable $immutableFoo){}
@Wes mutable and immutable classes cannot extend each other
It no make sense
heh it does not =)
As in, violates lsp
@Wes Also, that reads like "foo is approximately mutable" ^^
@NikiC make me an example of a lsp violation
@Wes Go to r/lolphp and read the datetimeimmutable thread
@Wes It alone violates LSP by the fact that mutable classes typically return void (on state changes), while immutable ones return a new instance of themselves
depends how you write the methods, indeed. if you have with*() methods, clearly it's not going to work.
immutables should only have getters
eg no $immutabledt->withDate() but rather new ImmutableDT(new MutableDT($immutabledt)->setDate())
heh, that seems kinda strange..
What was the purpose of even using a immutable in this case?
@RonniSkansing i tried to explain some of it here github.com/WesNetmo/value-classes-rfc engrish warning
@bwoebi Does master with intl build for you?
tl;dr everything should be immutable
@NikiC never building intl… would have to reconfigure&compile … shall I?
@bwoebi nah
it's probably something local
In file included from /usr/include/c++/4.8/ext/new_allocator.h:33:0,
                 from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/4.8/bits/c++allocator.h:33,
                 from /usr/include/c++/4.8/bits/allocator.h:46,
                 from /usr/include/c++/4.8/string:41,
                 from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/unicode/std_string.h:30,
                 from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/unicode/unistr.h:31,
                 from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/unicode/locid.h:34,
                 from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/unicode/calendar.h:37,
This is the kind of stuff I'm getting. Can't make sense of it
@Wes thanks =) I managed to read half of it.. I save the rest for later
I cant disagree on the immutable stuff, but I need to read more to understand why you try to miggle it =)
@RonniSkansing you mean the with() style api?
@NikiC try gcc -E (expand the macros and look at output)
is there anything i can do to speed up phpunit with code coverage? :B takes ages every time...
@Wes yeps
@Wes Are you using xdebug or phpdbg?
Annoy @bwoebi :P
@Wes then not much … it's already pretty much the fastest you can get
haha no probs
shouldn't be more than 2x-3x as slow as without
if it does, weird then
well... takes 22s to run the test suite, compared to 1.2s without code coverage :B
maybe it's the html output?
Is it public code?
what do you mean? my code? it's simple code, not doing anything particularly weird
@Wes I mean, can I have a look at it?
it's private currently it's too shit to be public :B
@Wes Can you add me?
it's not even online, committing locally only
Can you please give me somehow access?
will do :P again, it's too shit to be seen currently. in fact i do watch it and i need a bucket near my chair ready when needed
@Wes I'm not interested in the code, just in the repro case :-P
okay will ping you once it's online. will happen within the end of this century
@bwoebi Solved it
Turns out I had, for whatever reason, an exception file in my php-src directory
Which was when included as the <exception> header
@Wes Good, I'll recheck 31.12.2100 23:59:59.
Thus making the std::exception class undefined...
Does someone understand what guilhermeblanco is blubbering about?
@NikiC He's trying to mix words together to sound clever
@NikiC I think this is his core point:
> The problem of not thinking in the language as a whole and just fixing
small bits every time lead to the inconsistency hell we live today.
@LeviMorrison I mean his concrete points, not the wrapping paper
Do you understand the last paragraph of the mail?
About the relation to property type hints and how they follow parameter type hints rather than return types?
Ah, that bit. No idea.
Not sure, but my heart is warmed by the "Put the question mark first so you don't break ranks with HHVM" sentiment at the start of the thread.
@bwoebi you mean 4,133,980,799
@Levi Any update on unions (especially implementation)?
@bwoebi No. I am honestly debating whether I continue it at all.
@Wes sounds like an unix timestamp
indeed it is :B
@LeviMorrison why?
@bwoebi Probably he saw the examples of use-cases at the end of the thread
Where people go full banana on null|bool|int|float|string|array|YoMama
He's scared by possible abuse?
I think union and intersection types are lovely and would be beneficial.
@NikiC but actually, there are people who put that in docblocks … makes no real difference…
There is merit to keeping our type system small, though.
If Zeev really thinks generics is not a big deal this is also indicative of really out of touch mentalities, and Zeev isn't the only one with this opinion.
Unions don't make typing more complex… generics do though.
Zeev and Dmitry are Wordpress core devs… you didn't know? :x
I'm fine with keeping it small. I'm fine with growing it.
I just don't know how many brain cycles I want to spend on trying to positively impact the language when there are others who are incredibly stubborn and misguided.
Zeev keeps going on about parallelism but we already have that.
What we need is better concurrency.
And if he really thinks its valuable why is Dmitry not assigned that to work on?
I value what Dmitry does but there is an obvious disconnect there.
@LeviMorrison You don't do it for the internals participants… but for PHP coders…
Btw. I'm a bit confused by that max_execution_time thing… Do people actually still use it nowadays?
Basically my overarching philosophy is that PHP is a dynamic programming language well suited to making websites. When adding features at the language level they should try to improve dynamics without sacrificing the ability to statically understand and reason about code.
The latter part about being well-suited for websites is mostly a library thing at this stage.
@bwoebi sure
Union types is basically allowing dynamic behavior but adding the ability for programmers and tooling to reason about that dynamic behavior with higher confidence.
@LeviMorrison that's the whole point, right.
And type enforcement obviously.
That should be embraced by pretty much everyone; it goes along with PHP's goals and enables better tooling.
But there are significant detractors to it. I don't understand it.
And I don't want to keep debating things with people who can't (or won't) understand things like this.
You don't have to…
Sometimes it's just better to not reply.
Dude... FB needs to fly you guys out to California, put you up in some nice hotels, and have a week long summit about PHP's type system.
Just get EVERYONE in the room at the same time, PDM stye.
no weapons allowed
@Sara I think @Levi already requested that
not even melee...
@Sara but I wouldn't oppose to a week in California TBH :-D
Did he? Want me to poke my old crew about getting some funding around that?
If you think you can feasibly get the number of people required to make it worth it to come then that would be great.
@Sara not FB, but the general idea of getting together in a room
Well, FB has money is the convenient part of that.
I'm sure my employer would cover some costs if the meeting had promise.
And it'd be worth having the HackLang folks around as well, as they've been thinking of the same problems in a vaccuum and I gave up trying to hit them over the head with my community bat.
@Sara Possibly they wanted to avoid to debate with certain disconnected people
It might be pretty expensive considering the number of foreigners would would need to attend for it to be worthwhile.
FB has deep pocket. :p
And I enjoy spending a billionaire's money
@LeviMorrison it's just on the scale of tens of microbillions of dollars.
Also, how do you decide who gets invited and who isn't?
Popularity contest?
Look at who's got passionate (and respectful) arguments on the current threads, I suppose.
And yeah, that includes Stas, Dmitry, Ze'ev, etc...
@Sara I think, I or Levi don't have enough online presence yet ^^
Levi's name is certainly known to the HackLang team....
@Sara Is it normal to conditionally define methods based on ICU version?
@NikiC Yeah, that pattern is all over the intl extension
You broke the build by the way :P Just fixed it
@Sara Missing skipifs
@Sara Because I poke them from time to time ^_^
Oh, I see... derp
@LeviMorrison oh … didn't know
I was just reviewing my commits to php-src; I think this is my favorite commit: Move check for __builtin_expect to configure.
Q: PHP - Anti mitm attack idea

Jojo CoanaI've got an idea against mitm(man-in-the-middle) attacks that i'd like to implement to my site, so i decided to ask you how secure this is. First i'd get 10 page loading times from the client computer in seconds. Then i'd calculate the standard with all those loading times. Then each time the use...

I swear, people come up with the funkiest solutions
@bwoebi @LeviMorrison Guilhermo answered, he's proposing that we make class type hints accept null by default
I.e. allow a : Foo { return null; }
@NikiC Okay, we can't take him seriously anymore then.
Well... okay. Easy -1 from me.
@NikiC No.
> You're not resolving the holism in the language
I ... I dunno what that means ...
@NikiC you mailed him privately? Seeing nothing on-list?
to be honest, I haven't read much of the conversation ...
are you planning on working on any of this bob or nikita ?
Bob said he'd help flesh it out if I provided code for him to work with.
for which part ?
do you know what it looks like yet ?
eager to know when we can expect any sort of POC ... I have stuff on hold for this ...
if it looks like a thing that is going to take many months to sort out, then I'm just going to push ahead with typed properties and the union/intersection patch will have to cover those too, if they get in ... I would rather not leave it sitting on the wiki for the next 6 months ...
@JoeWatkins The main part I want to see PoC'ed is efficient checking of union types
can you imagine what this will look like @bwoebi ?
@JoeWatkins nope, I'm not interested in union types
@JoeWatkins for scalar types it'll be a MAY_BE_TYPE bitmask, but I'm unsure of objects
how exactly they can be stored to make it efficient
MAY_BE_TYPE can preserve order ? we need to preserve or set the order right ? or will it not depend n the order they are declared in ?
@JoeWatkins not sure yet
I can't imagine what any of this looks like ...
If we decide on order matters, then maybe is a bad choice…
pffffffffff 3v4l.org/iHB6s
nothing to do with concrete class, the abstract is actually wrong
@Jimbo pix

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