@Naruto about that question i asked earlier. Instead of type hinting a method, i do it on the class construct and the construct then sets the reference to a private member of that class so it can be accessed in all later methods. What is your say on this?
> I have a login form that works like if user email password and 2 pic is correct then echo logged in but problem is my email is match password is match but how can i match images with single [select html tag]. here is my html form....
@ScottArciszewski also, I'm not sure whether having functions like memzero() is a great idea in php-src. After all, if you don't really, really know what you do, you risk having somewhere a copy and all is flawed.
especially if you have somehow a separated string you alter also other vars, and in some cases it might be duplicated depending on what you do…
no luke just trying to create a register and login form. in register form user will also upload any image and when he need to login in he will also select his uploaded image if he select right image then he will move to home page
Your query is flawed for what you need. I'd suggest a different approach. Pull whatever image is in the db, match the input of the user against that image. That's pretty much it.
@Levi How do you feel about class ReflectionEnum extends ReflectionClass { public function __construct(string | enum); public function getName(enum): string; } ?
Like something of an additional more abstract representation easy to manipulate before giving compact VM opcodes
E.g. we're currently determining live ranges as part of compilation, which IMHO makes the compilation step less obvious. … I'd be happy with 3k LoC less in AST transformation step… (= zend_compile.c)
$ sapi/cli/php -r 'const FOO = []; const BAR = FOO["boo"]; var_dump(BAR);'
$ php -r 'const FOO = []; const BAR = FOO["boo"]; var_dump(BAR);'
PHP Notice: Undefined index: boo in Command line code on line 1
Notice: Undefined index: boo in Command line code on line 1
My stance on friend classes: encouraging bad design. friend classes is nothing else than shared state. If you need that, have an explicit shared (value) object where it is immediately obvious what's shared and what not. No implicit hidden state exchange.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'This library must be installed via composer or by downloading the full package. See the instructions at github.com/google/google-api-php-client#installation.'; in D:\wamp\www\api\php\Google\autoload.php on line ...
I just hope system administration doesn't work by having someone ssh into every single of your five thousand servers every time you need to update a package...
aaaaah, finally a use-case that is incredibly worth it:
"We have a 97% performance improvement" https://github.com/doctrine/migrations/pull/407#issuecomment-169824231 #doctrine2 #php @Stof70 @_mikeSimonson @blackfireio. ProxyManager does magic