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sigh, even the mods are using official channels to support their views: reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/3zhapd/rfc_adopt_code_of_conduct/…
@ircmaxell Looks like it got edited out, whatever it was.
yeah, he just edited it
@ircmaxell frozenfire might have clicked the turn-name-green button accidentally
every reply to that thread is green
@Andrea That ... that's one character?!
@NikiC Yeah. It's encoded as a single codepoint because it's a complicated, frequently-used ligature. I assume this is simpler than making the long sequence of characters that form the Bismala into a ligature in fonts, or maybe it's because they want to be able to distinguish it from that.
@NikiC by contrast, I don't think there's a character for Allah, I think that's just a ligature in fonts. Or, well, the ones I've used have had a ligature for it.
jesus christ 225 comments
@NikiC ah, there is actually a Unicode codepoint for Allah: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allah#Unicode
Ah, it's a compatibility thingie.
yay, it seems Zeev and I are on similar pages and actually working constructively!!!
makes me happy
@Andrea screenshot? all I see is a square
oh wow
that's not what I see
@ircmaxell It'll vary a bit by font
@ircmaxell yeah, some fonts have a more compact Basmala
so, is there any package on packagist to make php be a proxy?
@FlorianMargaine could you elaborate what you mean by that?
The Basmala (Arabic: بسملة‎ basmala), also known by its incipit Bismillah (Arabic: بسم الله‎, "In the name of God") is the name of the Islamic phrase b-ismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīmi بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ "In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful". This is the phrase recited before each sura (chapter) of the Qur'an – except for the ninth. It is used by Muslims in various contexts (for instance, during daily prayer) and is used in over half of the constitutions of countries where Islam is the official religion or more than half of the population follows Islam, usually...
The Arabic script is really quite wonderful. I did an Arabic beginners' course last semester.
@Andrea for some requests (based on path), I want to proxy to another http server the requests
Arabic is also one of those few RTL, joined languages. Thus a lot of software completely breaks with Arabic text, even if it ostensibly supports Unicode
@FlorianMargaine Ah, okay. Though it might be better to just get nginx or whatever server you're using to do that instead, if possible.
I wonder if there's a special header you can use to make nginx do that.
it's a beautiful script, though I'm super curious what arabic would look like with a comic sans treatment
@FlorianMargaine Oh, the phrase you are after might be reverse proxying
@Andrea Not just a bit.
@kelunik yeah
it's a ligature of a four-word phrase, so there's multiple approaches
@Andrea yeah... google is not helpful :/
@Andrea not possible
@FlorianMargaine how so?
@Andrea I don't have control over this part of the stack
@FlorianMargaine Ahh, okay.
hmmm... actually...
I fear you might have to implement this yourself, DIY middleware. But if you must, write a package :)
this is a quick one-off thing...
otherwise I'd totally use Artax :P
@Machavity perfectly valid C code. I can't believe it.
@FlorianMargaine Why just otherwise?
@kelunik if I had to do something semi-serious, I'd use good libraries :)
What's the reason / advantage to use bad libraries for non-serious things?
there isn't any available library :)
So you have a front controller script and want to proxy some paths?
@FlorianMargaine So all available libraries are good.
@kelunik yeah
What's your current routing solution?
if (preg_match('', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))
hmmm give up
If you want to do it in PHP, just use FastRoute + Artax.
I have another, completely unrelated issue
@kelunik if I have to use artax, then I have to manage copying the request headers/response headers back and forth
which is why I was looking for a library
@FlorianMargaine Which is really pretty easy
make me a lib
anyway... going back to lisp
the grass is greener over there
@FlorianMargaine I would if I had time.
Wow. I kinda agree with pmjones. But wow WTF...
Also morning room
@PeeHaa morning
php mail(), if I send message = "message" it goes through, if I send message w/ HTML it dies quietly. Other than setting "Content-type: text/html" and "MIME-version: 1.0" what am I missing?
A mail library
Won't send through PHPMailer either
Enable debugging
in PHPMailer?
@NikiC implications of falseness, yay
@FlorianMargaine in that case I recommend file_get_contents :-D
11 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
@kelunik if I have to use artax, then I have to manage copying the request headers/response headers back and forth
and how wouldn't you have to?
@FlorianMargaine I've never used it, just found with a quick search on packagist, but looks a lot like what you're after github.com/jenssegers/php-proxy
@PaulCrovella I have tried to use it
it's full of errors
that sucks
that's why I came back here
this regex returns just numbers, how can I add 'Null' to it?
"Dorsey has been looking for ways to jumpstart user growth for some time" ... I'm curious what his plan is for after that. When there are no more users to get.
does he start poking holes in condoms?
$ sapi/cli/php -d error_reporting=-1 -d display_errors=1 -r 'var_dump(1 + (string)"foo");'
$ sapi/cli/php -d error_reporting=-1 -d display_errors=1 -r 'var_dump(1 + (string)"123foo");'

Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in Command line code on line 1
wlep, this isn't quite what I wanted
I guess I need to add a new error for the failure case
$ sapi/cli/php -d error_reporting=-1 -r 'var_dump(1 + "foo");'

Notice: A non-numeric value encountered in Command line code on line 1
$ sapi/cli/php -d error_reporting=-1 -r 'var_dump(1 + "123foo");'

Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in Command line code on line 1
Not well formed numeric string? Throw a notice.
Not remotely numeric at all string? Carry on.
Does this look good to you? :)
@Sara the current behaviour is carry on in all cases
"A non-numeric value used in numeric context..."
that sounds eerily familiar, as if we already have that error somewhere
do we?
Rather, add "in numeric context" to both
@Sara I'm not modifying is_numeric_string's well-loved error message
I'm sure I've heard "non well formed" somewhere, which is why I thought you were pasting about existing behavior
@Andrea It might be more explicit to say "A non-numeric value encountered while trying to perform a numeric-only operation" or something
Notice: wtf kind of number is that supposed to be?
@PaulCrovella Notice: NUMBERS, MOTHERFUCKER, DO YOU SPEAK IT? in Command line code on line 1
obviously I need to put that in the patch... :p
@Andrea mailto:[email protected]?subject=CoC+violation&message=Andrea+is+a+mea‌​nie
@Andrea -1 as literal? boo.
But yeah, let's not mess with is_numeric_string's existing message
@bwoebi it makes a weird kind of sense
Seems legit
@Sara lol
I know it's tuesday, but that's a youtube link. Naturally I doubt what day it is.
You know, since it's more serious, maybe a not-really-number value should produce a warning
@PaulCrovella for once, it is actually a video of me talking, rather than a ploy to convince room 11 I am rebecca black
@PaulCrovella It's Andrea singing the Friday song so it's ok
@Machavity I wish :(
This year, April 1 is on a Friday. Just puttin' that out there.
@Charles we need to get rebecca to cover "never gonna give you up" for this
$ sapi/cli/php -d error_reporting=-1 -r 'var_dump(1 + "123");'
$ sapi/cli/php -d error_reporting=-1 -r 'var_dump(1 + "123foo");'

Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in Command line code on line 1
$ sapi/cli/php -d error_reporting=-1 -r 'var_dump(1 + "foo");'

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in Command line code on line 1
Does this look better?
@Charles oh no. Then we'll get rebeccablack URL link texts which don't actually link to their video…
we should do a room 11 internet collab where we all sing Friday
@Andrea Saturday is a superior day.
@bwoebi and Sunday comes afterwards. I don't want this weekend to end!
@Andrea nah, Sunday is too close to Monday.
@bwoebi seconded
good thing Rebecca also has a song for Saturday
@Andrea arg, damned :-P
gordon's got links to songs for all the goddamn days
@bwoebi Ha! It will link to Saturday instead.
@bwoebi p == zend_long
thought that were ZEND_LONG_FMT …
But judging from the bug report, error_docref doesn't support our custom printf modifiers?
@NikiC and isn't %p for pointer addresses I thought…
@bwoebi p the specifier is pointer, p the modifier is zend_long
p because z is already taken ^^
Oh, I was right… there's no %pl
There's just %p and %pd

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