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@bwoebi line 198
symtable1 = Z_ARRVAL_P(gpc_element_p);
Which then may be used in the next while loop iteration
If I have a compile command such as:
cc -o conftest -Wl,-rpath=/usr/lib -I/usr/lib64/include/GraphicsMagick  -L/usr/lib -lGraphicsMagickWand -lGraphicsMagick -lwebp -ltiff
what is -Wl,-rpath=/usr/lib called? aka what should I google to learn more about what that's doing.
@Danack :D This is the "run path" or "rpath".
The -Wl part means "give these flags to the linker."
@LeviMorrison is rpath usually set/known by a standard name inside make/autoconf files? e.g. CFLAGS is always CFLAGS.
Eh, sort of.
Typically is not in a makefile though.
It's just an environment variable that the linker reads.
I'm learning about the exciting world of autoconf's AC_TRY_RUN
oh dear
What is the reason?
@Danack Why are you doing that?
You probably want to pass it in LIBS or LDFLAGS but I can't remember which right now.
export LIBS="-Wl,rpath=/usr/lib"
@LeviMorrison because it should be less worse than github.com/mkoppanen/imagick/blob/master/…
it turns out that a lot of the ifdefs are actually correct...
s/not correct/
ohau roomies
can someone who knows about this help me
Q: How to run a FILE in command prompt

ROBOT JOEI have been looking on google for how to open a FILE the type is just a FILE it has no abc.exe it has abc thats all i need the command to do run that file. AND I WANT TO DO THIS USING WINDOWS COMMAND.

@Danack Bummer.
In general you should not set an rpath.
You should leave it up to the person installing the software.
@LeviMorrison huh? I realise they have downsides, but how can you avoid it for PHP extensions?
@ROBOTJOE if it is an exe file, just rename it with a .exe extension. If it's not an exe file, then it won't be runnable by itself.
@NikiC oh. Well, then I guess I should do the ARRVAL fetch first before inserting into the hashtable…
@Danack It should be the decision of the person installing the software to choose link-time or run-time resolution of the paths.
It's typically part of the configure step somehow.
@ROBOTJOE So it's utter crap
By somehow I mean you read the flags from the env or passed to configure and try compiling and linking with them - if you can't then tell them you can't and that they need to fix it.
OK then. I think that is covered by the standard extension infrastructure which should cater linking properly. This is just for the little probe programs that are being run by configure.
@NikiC why did you call it BIND_LEXICAL? BIND_CLOSURE_USE or something actually referencing what it does would have been much more helpful :x
"something actually referencing what it does" - doesn't Lexical do that?
good morning
@Danack it does, but it isn't that explicit.
At least it's less obvious to me
@bwoebi Dmitry suggested using it instead and I was ambivalent on the matter
It is the term we used previously
@NikiC He suggested using a shorter one, that's all^^
@NikiC TBH I wasn't happy with the previous term either ^^
Ahoy hoy
What's the good word?
Well, not autoconf.
btw something that has been confusing me is that PHP seems to think that /usr/lib is a default library and so skipping it, if you try to add a library in there:
  if test "$1" != "/usr/$PHP_LIBDIR" && test "$1" != "/usr/lib"; then
    PHP_EXPAND_PATH($1, ai_p)
      if test "$ext_shared" = "yes"; then
        $2="-L$ai_p [$]$2"
        test -n "$ld_runpath_switch" && $2="$ld_runpath_switch$ai_p [$]$2"
because of reasons presumably.
Seems ignorant.
I install software for a living. Stuff like this drives me nuts when it fails in a given project.
Don't be clever - let the person doing the installation be able to do their job effectively and without surprises like this.
What makes it more fun is that apparently GraphicsMagick really doesn't believe me when I tell it not to install the libs into /usr/lib
This is why I never install software from source as root.
However some OS's will allow sudoers to write to that directory out of the box :/
(Actually, not so sure on that - may be mis-remembering)
Also, I hate it when I go looking in makefiles and see stuff like this:
n.o: n.c n.h
        gcc -O2 -c n.c -o n.o
1) What if I don't want to use GCC?
2) What if I don't want to use -O2?
3) No way to add any flags to compilers, linkers, anything.
4) If this rule didn't exist the makefile would still probably work, and work better than it does when it exists.
Many professors/students writing software doing research in field X don't have backgrounds in IT, computer science, or general programming.
But they do their work and don't care because it works for them, and at that moment that's all they care about.
They rarely care about those who come after them - they can deal with it.
Any wild guesses as to when 7.1 will be scheduled for ?
December 16?
I am sorry, if you order a $60+ steak, and you put steak sauce on it, you are a moron
@ircmaxell Seeing as we're on the subject, what is the correct protocol to follow when you i) order a steak ii) it tastes nice initially, but then iii) as you continue to eat you realise that there's progressively more gristle in it, to the extent that you would have rejected it, if you'd started eating from the other side.
Sending food back after eating half of it seems to be frowned upon....
Honestly, I don't know. I would just eat it personally, because I avoid confrontation
I don't think I have ever sent anything back that wasn't literally the wrong order...
I never buy $60 meals. There, problem solved.
> This thread is totally ruined because some mail client automatically cut
the threads. No one can easily browse back to see what we discussed and
agreed on. We will have to reformat our idea completely.
Hi all, just i'm new here .. and this is all for now hihi :)
@user2632294 ,Welcome Please take some name other than user2632...
good morning ALL :-)
could you please someone check my quesion
Q: count the duplicate "pedido_data_emitir value" in multi-dimensional

user2632294please help me with a code. I have this multi-dimensional array inside it array 52, 55, 54 - array 52 has 3 arrays show the duplicated funcionario_id key and others have one for each because the output has no duplicates for their key. note: this multi-dimensional is dynamic, this example show 4 ...

2 hours later…
Good morning
good morning
I am not able to insert a row in my table. Can you guys check it out and tell?
 public function createUser($name,$mobile) {
        $response = array();

        // First check if user already existed in db
        if (!$this->isUserExists($mobile)) {

            // insert query
            $stmt = $this->conn->prepare("INSERT INTO chezmoi_user_details(user_mob_number,user_name) values(?, ?)");
            $stmt->bind_param("ss", $mobile, $name);

            $result = $stmt->execute();

            $new_user_id = $stmt->insert_id;


            // Check for successful insertion
am getting "USER_CREATE_FAILED" error. If I manually try to execute the statement, it's working.
I would suggest turning on error reporting and set your database connection to give more verbose errors (might be a good idea to enable exceptions)
I have enabled the error handling. let me post that snippet too.
if (isset($_POST['mobile']) && $_POST['mobile'] != '') {

    $name = $_POST['user_name'];
    $mobile = $_POST['user_mob_number'];

    $res = $db->createUser($name,$mobile);


        // send sms
        sendSms($mobile, $name);

        $response["error"] = false;
        $response["message"] = "SMS request is initiated! You will be receiving it shortly.";
    } else if ($res == USER_CREATE_FAILED) {
        $response["error"] = true;
        $response["message"] = "Sorry! Error occurred in registration.";
for testing purpose am manually passing params through my android app
am getting this error in logcat
12-30 12:56:38.993  29052-29142/town.spiritup.chezmoi E/TablesArrangement﹕ Posting params: {name=anubhaw, mobile=9145310994}
12-30 12:56:39.950  29052-29052/town.spiritup.chezmoi D/TablesArrangement﹕ {"error":true,"message":"Sorry! Error occurred in registration."}
What does mean this phrase?
With the supply of land for airports shrinking around the world
I am passing username and mobile number and I want to create a new row for that. both the name and number are string values.
the flow is like, createUser() is called and then it goes to another php file where createuser() is written,over there it tries to create a new row. but as you can see, in the first snippet which I posted,it's returning USER_CREATE_FAILED
then it comes back to main function, it sees the $res is USER_CREATE_FAILED, so I get the error which I posted
@Markberg It means that there is less and less space for airports to be build upon.
Morning @tereško
morning Joe,tereško,Epodax
Morning guys.
posted on December 30, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by L0z@nov5k1 */

AuthType Basic
AuthName "admin"
AuthUserFile /opt/lampp/htdocs/php/.passwd
Require valid-user

im never logged in WHY
@Lynob "Never logged in" as in it doesn't accept your user/pass?
oh nvm, it's slightly different actually
hi i have a text file with a list of ip, i want to know how to check if the user ip is in this file
@supertrainee Read the file with file. Then do an in_array check.
@supertrainee For example: $ips = file('ips.txt'); if (in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $ips)) { echo 'You are on the list!'; }
(that is assuming that each ip is on a new line, otherwise you'll have to split it on whatever delimiter is used)
@Oldskool ok i was using file_get_content and foreach to check but foreach need an array. thanks for that
@ircmaxell I mostly avoid sauces … I want to taste the meat, not the sauce. And if the meat is too bad, well then, give me something else.
@bwoebi He mentioned that one in particular on GH
@NikiC Ok, thanks!
this is my code pastebin.com/NiHWSnbr , each ip is on a new line but this doesn't work
@supertrainee because that's not how files work
stop making shit up and read the fine manual
only one word may change so much.. naming is everything!
git checkout -b girl
git branch --set-upstream origin/girl
git push -u origin girl
@tereško pastebin.com/eBqLgmjZ can you tell me what i am doing wrong please ?
@supertrainee this line doesn't do what you think it does: $ips = file('ip.txt');
@tereško it's store each line of the file in the array $ips ? when i print $ips[0] ..[1] ..[2] i have the ips, i also tried: file('ip.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
Nice hat @Gordon
@supertrainee Looks good to me, what's not working?
@supertrainee Be aware that when using it like this, people that are not on the IP whitelist can still go to the acceuil.php file directly and will be allowed access.
(unless you verify it there again)
@Oldskool my ip.txt has my ip in it, but i am not redirected to ban.html
@supertrainee Obviously, because you check it like: if IP is in ip.txt, include acceuil.php
So you're using it as a whitelist, not a blacklist.
@supertrainee Also, foreach is not suitable for this situation, since the first iteration will always trigger the if or the else.
So it will only check the first line of the file, then draw a conclusion.
Use in_array instead, like I said before.
@Oldskool yeah sorry i changed the name here, i am not redirected to acceuil.php
@supertrainee Yeah, that should do it.
@Oldskool whether my ip is in the list or not i am still getting the acceuil.php
@tereško array(2) { [0]=> string(15) "thefirstipinthelist " [1]=> string(15) "theseconfipinthelist " }
@supertrainee And does $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] return the actual IP? If you're behind a load balancer/proxy it might contain the proxy IP instead.
@Oldskool yes it's my ip
well, if the IP is in that list, then according to your code, it should go to ban.php
6 mins ago, by super trainee
@Oldskool here http://pastebin.com/10Miwnn1
that's what you have written
there'sa space after the ip
"thefirstipinthelist "
this is why I asked for a var_dump
@tereško in the array it add a space but in the file there's no space just one ip per line
it works now
thank you
@tereško what did you mean when you said file does not do i think ?
now if i want to forbid the ips in ip.txt to access mydomain/acceuil.php directly ? i can use my apache2.conf for this ?
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0 well that's obvious ..! 2 candles, each of them can burn 1 hour. I have to measure 90 minutes. that is equal with burning 1 candle completely and the half of second candle ..
@tereško "headbang" and "headpalm" and "headdesk" are the same?
@Shafizadeh that's the question how would you measure that second candle is half burned
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0 yeah, that's a good question :-)
why did you asked there lol :-)
because it is valuable to ask
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0 do you know the answer?
burn the second candle from both side it will take exact half hour to burn ;) @Shafizadeh
^ answer
I see
well, please write an answer under my question in there
WTF ...! You have to tell me that already ..
:P why did you posted the question??
I always post a lot of questions
anyway that was good ...! actually I love riddle
try mathematical pandora box :)
50 %
70 %
ohhhh..! WOW
seems like a heaven
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0 thankss
@NikiC I think I've now fixed every problem with exception collision count… In case you want to have a last look, else I'm going to mail list in a few hours
Hmm, am I missing something or is this correct behavior? 3v4l.org/VCfRJ
ah yes: I'm dumb, that's what I was missing. 3v4l.org/N2Rot
Note: no, I'm not writing code like this, I'm just writing tests against stuff like this.
OH YES ....!! 1500 rep ;-) Now I can create a new tag :P
you probably shouldn't
like that one "sql-and-operator" tag that you wanted - it's a really bad idea
that's like making an "php-if-operator" tag
still remember it ?? good
posted on December 30, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Kilhog */

Is there any free proxy which can open youtube?
@Shafizadeh ssh into any server of yours?
well I doesn't have a server (right now)
@Shafizadeh I suggest simply booting a digitalocean micro instance
@Shafizadeh DuckDuckGo allows you to watch youtube vids through their site: duckduckgo.com/…
just clikc the "Watch here" button
@Ocramius eemm yeah it not bad
@Oldskool oh good :-) tnx
@Shafizadeh fyi, I use such a server every time I'm on public wifi
really ? :-) good. But actually there isn't any public wifi in my country ..
oh, nvm then :X
@bwoebi link?
@bwoebi Why would I remember a link from yesterday...
@bwoebi Missing tests for each occurance
@NikiC good point
@bwoebi I'm expecting your tests to be weird. You'll get thousands of chained exceptions.
@NikiC Well, obviously, I require you to remember it and wouldn't remember it myself ;-D
@NikiC possible… hence I'm going to just hit the limit
@bwoebi You shouldn't
Imho that behavior is wrong
though, I could avoid throwing an exception if an exception already exists
And if it is so, it should be fixed, not avoided by choosing careful tests
Totally agree, I was kind of kidding here ;-)
@bwoebi You never know...
Can't trust a person using register_globals on such things :P
@NikiC I don't… It's just activated and I'm not having access to ini…
I had this crazy idea
Switch the standard library to use exceptions -- but only where Error can be used
I am looking for help on php date format. Is their anybody who can help me?
@NikiC not sure what you mean?
That is: Both arguments to array_combine don't have the length? Throw an exception here. This cannot happen in correctly functioning code and nobody will check the result of array_combine for this error condition. File does not exist? Keep the existing warning. This error condition can (and is) being checked, we don't want to break BC.
@Bibek just ask, ... don't ask to ask.
@bwoebi Basically I'm thinking that we should be able to switch many warnings to exceptions with little BC impact, as long as those are programmer error warnings
I'm a fan of that. Though the line may be sometimes thin…
I want to convert today date in Nepal date for or bikram sambat format. I am searched a lot on stack overflow but failed to find what i want. some one suggested me to use below code but it didn't worked.

date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Kathmandu'); // Set default timezone if you need
echo date("Y-m-d");
What i want is if today date is 2015-12-30 than i want to show it in nepal date format 2072-09-14

Looking forward for help. Thank you in advance. :)
@bwoebi Yes, certainly. And it's probably better to do conservative choices. I'm just thinking it's less impossible to introduce exceptions than I thought.
@NikiC why exactly should it be impossible?
@Bibek I suggest using the DateTime class it has methods for changing timezons.
@bwoebi I thought switching existing functions would be pretty impossible due to BC concerns
oh wait - what is bikram sambat format ?
@NikiC only where one would typically rely on the @ operator…
@danack thank you for the answer. Bikram sambat means as english or AD calender Nepal do have their own calendar which is call bikram sambat.
@Bibek the short answer is you'll probably need some code. A quick google points to sourceforge.net/projects/nepalidateconve
Obviously I have no idea if that works or not...
@PaulCrovella m'rning Paul.
@danack Thank you. I will give a try. Hope it will works. Thanks for the help. :)
=== Total 262144 memory leaks detected ===

@bwoebi lol
That's ... a few leaks :)
I never had that many memleaks :-D
@danak its working. Thank you so much. :)
Hey, is there a rule I don't regards to object function invocation? I wrote the below
and it seems to work fine.
*I don't know reg..
@giannischristofakis you do either Javascript or Java programming? . isn't php syntax.
I know but it seems to compile and run normally
That is my question, how it is possible to run?
Maybe $this->localPrinter and goprint both return string?
Is there a syntax idiomatic that allows using both arrow and dot annotation?
you're probably either running the wrong code, or it is being cached by something, or you're doing something really dumb elsewhere. It's time to step through it with a debugger.
@giannischristofakis actually yes - the string conversion could work....if you have a function named goprint()...
Anyway, I just found it,
Another question, in Java I can do this
interface IFirstInterface extends ISecondInterface
Is that possible in PHP, an interface to extend one or several other interfaces ?
well .. I see no error messages: 3v4l.org/SkGp2
@NikiC how do I best generate a bunch of string collisions? (no integers, because these are reset with array_merge())
Yesterday I asked about a problem I was having, but it continues today. I need to update a record in a table, but I can't use the update statement, so I was just going delete and re-insert this row; however, is there a clever way of doing it with SQL/PHP without just doing a select all, store the values in variables, then insert back in with those variables?
I was kinda hoping I could do something where I only had to insert the additional fields I wanted without pulling every single one out just to recreate this record.
Someone recommended something along these lines, paste.ubuntu.com/14281678 but it doesn't really work. I'm guessing on line 15 I still have to put in all the fields needed, which kinda defeats the whole purpose.
@bwoebi phpinternalsbook.com/hashtables/… See last paragraph
That's not the most efficient, but the simplest way
posted on December 30, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by igor */

@PeeHaa I am just trying out some of Github's repo settings - please ignore the spam.
@Ocramius is there really no way to just give someone permission to edit issues on a github repo, without giving them push access?
Nope, GH has a very limited rights management
lemme check in my repos
this is what I'm seeing, for example
so there's read/write/admin
and that's it :|
Does anyone have new goals for 2016? a language to learn or projects ...
@samayo work less. That's my goal.
@Ocramius Accomplish more or just work less?
@Ocramius that's a good goal :D
@Machavity just do less
I did enough this year :P gist.github.com/paulmillr/2657075
Mine is less internet and more real life.
There is no such thing
@bwoebi Just remembered ... I think you must avoid throwing additional exceptions, because our exception chaining mechanism also has quadratic runtime (iirc). That would give you an even more efficient DOS vector ^^
it's called AFK
@samayo Yeah, I need to do that myself. But I bought a house with a pool. My kids will endlessly bug me about it come Spring
@Ocramius Wow
@NikiC it's partially inflated by all the ZF2 messing around with commits btw
I think my real activity is ~5000 interactions
@Ocramius But still ...
I mean, I always knew you were crazy, but...
@Machavity That's on my bucket list. I just need to make the babies first :p
I just don't really work in the areas of interests of this chatroom ;-)
but I do a lot of symfony/zf/doctrine, loads ;-)
@Ocramius I know, you're way too practical for us :D
@Ocramius Though there's some nice non-practical stuff in the Roave org :)
Like BetterReflection and StrictPhp ^^
I like the security-advisories one
but that's probably too practical :P
currently debugging by-ref variadic arguments in proxymanager, because someone uses them
/me facepalms
@Ocramius yup
I'm thinking of simply bumping all the unreleased versions of all my repos (including doctrine stuff) to 7...
would be about damn time.
@Ocramius I saw the next monolog major will be for PHP 7 only
I just saw that Debian released an LTS with 5.6 support tho :-(
December 5 :-(
make everything php7 \0/
@Ocramius awww
oooh, I can drop so many tests if I upgrade to PHP7 _
@Ocramius fuck debian with all its old apps
@Ocramius hey, that's surely better than 5.4
@Ocramius nice!
So after 3 hours of tech support, they finally fixed my table so I can update. Can you say bad table definitions....jeez.
bad table definitions
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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