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Can anyone recommend a service used for storing highly sensitive information (eg, credit card numbers)? I'd like offload some of this due to liability, if possible.
@AlexMarkov You almost certainly want to offload the whole of the payment processing, not just the data storage, and "payment processor" is the search term to look for - a lot of people use stripe.com/gb apparently.
@AlexMarkov I use Stripe and highly recommend it.
It lets you completely avoid PCI compliance BS.
2 hours later…
@LeviMorrison Does it usually take a while to get access to create an RFC on the php wiki?
Eh, sometimes
I think Hannes is usually who gives out the karma
I know you'd rather have Exception at the top of the hierarchy, but putting that aside, do you have any issues with what I intend on proposing?
Haven't followed it too closely
> Yeah, but from there I think the best name for the interface is IException (even if it still isn't really big win).
^ please no I'd rather eat a pinecone.
@rdlowrey Right... I'd rather have BaseException.
@rdlowrey my head hurts…
@Trowski FWIW I've gotten over my original objections to Error ... Barring further major changes I would vote for your proposal if people decide a vote is necessary.
@rdlowrey That's encouraging. I really believe the exception hierarchy shouldn't remain the way it is currently implemented. It's confusing. The name Error may cause some confusion, but any other name I've seen suggested seems like a poorer choice.
Error is a no-go in my book because I know there are a lot of Error classes out there.
That's the biggest issue I think ... it will be a break for a lot of code
What's the reasoning for not choosing EngineException?
Think there are that many Error classes in the root namespace?
@LeviMorrison because it should be generic Error, not specific to EngineExceptions.
How's that different from general Exception?
If there's a difference between Exception and Error then surely we can embody that more accurately with some other name.
@LeviMorrison Exceptions for I/O induced failures, Errors for logic errors in your code.
@bwoebi Exactly.
@Trowski Yes.
@bwoebi So BadFunctionCallException is I/O induced?
@LeviMorrison What's FunctionException???
@LeviMorrison No, should be an Error.
But it's an Exception already.
that's the issue. @Trowski … There's too much inertia already with existing SPL classes being suffixed Exception…
@LeviMorrison Let's ignore the SPL exceptions, since the entire LogicException branch should be an Error.
I know... that's why this is so difficult.
We can't ignore it.
I've been very outspoken about our Exception hierarchy being bad.
I'm glad you all realize it too but we can't just ignore it.
I also wish everything could just extend Exception, but we seem to be in the minority, so I'm trying to go for the next best option.
I've said it before: If we are going to have throwable objects that don't extend Exception, they really should be called something different or it's confusing.
I can already see all the Stack Overflow questions: Why doesn't catch (Exception $e) catch TypeException!
I think the best option is just to make all engine exceptions outside of Exception and uncatchable for now.
Then for PHP 8 we rework it into a proper hiearchy.
@LeviMorrison uncatchable is stupid too.
@LeviMorrison That sounds like a testing and logging nightmare if they were uncatchable.
And make all engine exceptions that were not previously fatal not be exceptions.
@Trowski The idea is that if they were previously fatal they were uncatchable anyway.
So we've just moved it to an uncatchable exception while we can sort out a better hierarchy.
(Hint: Aerys…) \cc @rdlowrey
@bwoebi If it was previously fatal then there is nothing lost, just nothing gained.
I don't see us properly fixing this madness before PHP 7 is released.
Well, you could handle them before with set_error_handler().
Not fatals.
@LeviMorrison but recoverable ones.
Yes, I'm saying revert any non-fatal exceptions.
for now.
Whether that will happen or not I don't know or care. Nobody seems to value my opinion or foresight in any of these things.
then we just can revert the whole RFC…
Making new non-fatal exceptions without a better hierarchy is just masochistic.
I wish we could solve that now, without asking internals.
in time for 7.0
anyway… off to bed now.
It seems the most common occurrence I can find for an Error class in the root namespace is from people that committed the vendor directory to their repo and were using PHPUnit.
Why does GitHub's search function suck so much...
Hi All, Please help me to find out solution for this.
hi I have a deadline of this task today can anyone please help me with it stackoverflow.com/questions/30310023/… i will be really grateful
how to create an array for SESSION something such as $_SESSION['choice'] = array() to make choice an array??
good morning
@LeviMorrison the first two maybe. the third one I am not sure.
@LeviMorrison Perfect is the enemy of good
I don't think it's reasonable to throw away a large amount of work that was done so software like Aerys and PhpUnit can catch fatal errors, only because there are some disputes about how exactly some classes should be called.
@NikiC voltaire
@Gordon indeed :)
The Impact metric on the SO profiles might be totally exaggerated but it's still awesome to read ~10.0m people reached
hi everyone :-)
I saw a bit of strange code today that seems to have been working for more that 3 years. But I can't understand why it works. Two dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD are being checked in an if statement like this. if(date1 >= date2).
ugggggghhh mornings
@Jay if you can find out who done it, burn them, they are witches ...
@JoeWatkins he he he i want to, but i can't :-)
then fix it, and try to move on with your life @Jay
@JoeWatkins I fixed it, I am just trying find how it worked.
do the 3v4l thing
also give us dates that did work, and dates that don't
@JoeWatkins all dates that came through it seems to have worked fine. I saw this when I was checking something else.
@Jay Why did you expect it not to work?
when we see code, we understand it, some of us a few levels beneath your lowest level of understanding ... we'll be able to understand the problem if we see the actual code ...
oh oh ... that might be a good point ...
the code never broke, and wouldn't have ... think about the order of year, month and day ...
for some reason I thought it broke today, or at some point ...
Good morning
@NikiC both dates were string, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. How can php decide if date1 >= date 2 ?
@Jay It performs a lexicographical comparison
It will go through the characters and see if their ordinal values are > or <
And '0' is < than '1' etc
That's the the format is YYYY-MM-DD, you know
Precisely because it's amenable to ordering
@NikiC yes now i understand. Thank you :-)
guys function autoloading news? i thought it'd have happened for php7 :(
no need to burn anyone after all ...
kind of a shame, midweek is so boring ...
@JoeWatkins Ya he he he
maybe this can be quick question
how would you make it scalable if there is such constructor
public function __construct(
        DogsConfigs $dogsConfigs,
        BallLottoConfigs $ballLottoConfigs,
        RoachRunConfigs $roachRunConfigs
    ) {
        $this->ballLottoConfigs = $ballLottoConfigs;
        $this->roachRunConfigs = $roachRunConfigs;
        $this->dogsConfigs = $dogsConfigs;
as from the names you can see there are similar logic- all are configs
and if I in future want to add more like xConfig, yConfig class, my class dependencies get bloated
and I am not sure how logically group them, because they are 'same level'
or to imagene for you we can take another example:
public function __construct(addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, power, etc calculator operation) {
@Darius.V ClassNameConfig hasOne DogsConfig, hasOne BallLottoConfig, hasOne RoachRunConfig
@Gordon - I do not understnad what do you mean with hasOne ? WHat do you want to tell?
@Darius.V if you want to reduce the number of individual configs that go into that one class, group them into another class and inject that instead.
@Darius.V Sounds like you need a ConfigComposite. Which is basically an object with protected $configs[] of interface Config, implementing ArrayAccess and Traversable so you can foreach() around the composite. Then you only have one constructor parameter, but it can contain as many configurations as you require
@Gordon - I understand that I could group. But how to group if they all logically belong to same group?
one group I mean
@Jimbo - sounds interesting. Maybe you know some good example of this?
@Darius.V into a new object. the answer in oop is always moar obshects
@Jimbo - you are talking about composite design pattern I guess
@Darius.V Not familiar with that one, composite just makes sense, one sec...
I am also not familiar
Here's something I wrote a while back - but it's for Changes instead of Configs
Replace everything change-y with config, make a Config interface, and you should be able to add / remove to that class, and also foreach() around them. That single object would be the one you then pass in, once it has had all your configs added to it. Also, I found the Change. It's just an interface.
@Darius.V composite pattern has the same interface as the aggregated objects
$logger = new CompositeLogger;
$logger->addLogger(new FileLogger);
$logger->addLogger(new DbLogger);
@Gordon So in my example, the ChangeComposite would also implement Change
Thats interesting
I was close
The Composite composes objects into tree structures and lets clients treat individual objects and compositions uniformly
It's a really nice pattern. I use it often
kinda like brick and mortar because its so basic
So if I want to use particular object I would need to do something like:

$c = new ChangeSet();
$c->addChange(..my object)
but I will have to call new operator for each of my config class, which I heard I should avoid
new operators are bad for unit testing
depends. if you only want a typed set/collection without an interface, you dont need a composite pattern. the point of the composite pattern is to access all the aggregated objects through the composite
so not sure how to solve this
I would expect to use...
$c = new ConfigComposite;
$c->addConfig(new DefaultConfig);
$c->addConfig(new AnotherBloodyConfig);
/** public function __construct(ConfigComposite $c) { } **/
Then your object can either have a composite full of loads of configs, or none at all, it doesn't matter
maybe I could use those new operatos in the ConfigComposite class inside, so assuming the composite class is simple and no need to test it, its ok to use new opertars. Instead of addConfig methods I mean.
@Jimbo - is it testable the way you did?
in that example
@Darius.V What do you think, why wouldn't it be? You'd mock out your config composite with whatever stuff you'd be using in the object you're using it in :-)
You're basically shoving your configs in a box and passing the box in instead, that's all it is
Except that the box is specifically for configs
so you add those config classes before passing ConfigComposite $c to the constructor? then ok
I thought I dio this:
public function __construct(ConfigComposite $c)
then inside mu class I call
$c->addConfig(new DefaultConfig);
so then my class has tight coupled dependency which would be bad
now need to think how I would incorporate it in laravel 4
Hi all, got a mysql<>php question.. Is it possible to insert data which you assign and the rest let it fill like this: INSERT INTO table(id, id2) VALUES (1,2,$arraywithvalues)
because laravel automatically in injects into the constructors
how it will know that it needs first to call:
$c = new ConfigComposite;
$c->addConfig(new DefaultConfig);
$c->addConfig(new AnotherBloodyConfig);
and only then inject
@SergeyTelshevsky I added three case options in your spreadsheet
Cooler Master Silencio 452, Fractal Design Core 3500 and Corsair Carbide Series 200R
all in sub-60€ price range
my favorite of course is the fractal's case, but that's probably because I am a fanboy
@Jimbo But if you cannot tell anything about laravel, then thanks for this, and I will try to think myself :)
As far as I can tell, google have a pretty low opinion of DI ... there's been no big announcement, it's the little things ...
@Darius.V Oh. Don't use Laravel if you're actually wanting to learn anything :-) But you set up the object in your bootstrap, then DI it later on
(or, put it into a factory)
@HuubS you can do VALUES (a1, b1), (a2, b2), (a3, b3) ... etc, but you really should look into prepared statements instead
user image
Low opinion of SLs as well
@tereško thank you very much! what about the other stuff, does everything look ok?
In b4 someone googles special Olympics and puts Laravel in the search box
@SergeyTelshevsky well, now I am looking at the PSUs
I see
that one is a really strange one you have picked up
it's rated as bronze, but claims to be at 80+ gold efficiency
also, there are almost no reviews about it anywhere on the interwebs
@tereško hmm, that is not really a solution, because I have a fixed set of results and a dynamic set of results. I want to insert the fixed set and after I have done that I want to append the rest of the results in the remaining columns...
@HuubS your example specifically showed that you have only two columns
@tereško yeah, I've searched for bronze+, actually
I will take a take a look at the options: bronze+ (mandatory) 600W+ (mandatory) modular (optional), short (optional)
@tereško its not what i meant. Sorry for the error. But I want to insert a known set of data into my table, and after I have done that I want to append the rest of the data in the table
But maybe its better to split the data, so that the known data gets stored in a different column than the dynamic data and I link it with id's
@HuubS will that data actually be used for selecting by ?
or is it just "some other meta data, that might be usefull later" ?
Some context. Its a form app, which has fixed data (name, address, etc) and a couple of questions which are dynamic, so I don
go home phpstorm, you are drunk
its for storing only
@HuubS my approach in such cases usually is: json_encode() and just insert insert on collumn "data"
okay, and then u show the data in columns on the client side?
hmm .. looks like I lost my train of thought in the middle
sorry :P
@HuubS what do you mean ?
the answers to the questions i want to store, I need to export it as a graph or as a table.. Now I get all the values out of the DB and show it, but if I save the dynamic answers as a string I need to decode the string and show it, thus via client side (JS, HTML, etc)
Sorry english is not my native language
then dumping it as JSON might be a bad idea
@tereško isn't it 650W+ or even 700W+ for a VGA like that?
@SergeyTelshevsky you have mid-range nvidia card there
I will check, but I think you could actually run that system of a 500W psu there
@tereško how would you do it? storing it in the database as indivdiual columns? or do I need to make a extra table for every form that is created?
i have the feeling that the guys that make phpstorm have no idea of php works
@HuubS I would be stoing that data in separate table
ok, shall I make a seperate table for every form or can i use a general table with 30+ columns which stores the data of all forms, but has the limit of 30 questions
@SergeyTelshevsky btw, about the cases: the fractals case (the one where dust falling in might be an issue) has 3 fans, and you can replace the back exhaust fan to the top, so that you have two fans at the top and one at the front .. so, no dust, while it's on
@HuubS no, you probably should have 4 columns there: questionID, answer, authorID and timestamp
so for every question a different table? :O
@HuubS have you actually done any DB design before ? I am starting to get worried
a little bit
but i think i got something working already
thanks for the help
The idea is that you have two tables: one containing the questions that you have written and one containing the answers that you collect from users
morning guys
the questions arent in the database...
for each entry in Questions table you get multiple entries in the Answers table
@HuubS why not ?
have you left the questions hardcoded in html ?
well, they are in the database.. But not individually.. I used a form builder in javascript and save the rendered code into the database in pure HTML
than I get the code from the database, show it in my client app, and then post it, then I run trough the post array to post every entry into the database
it's kinda messy and not really smart but I don't have the time to make it more optimal
in that case there is nothing I can do
so im just gonna make this work, and altough its not best practice i think i can make this work
no problem thanks for the help
@tereško but what about OC? vga card is overclockable as well as the cpu, so it would need more power in that case or not?
there is a huge silicon lottery with LGA1150-compatible CPUs , so you might not even be able to overclock it
the chip itself is 90W, so even overclocked it would eat much more than 100W
oh ... and if you really want to overclock your CPU, you would need a much better cooling
afaik there is this mode for overclocking in the intel application
i know, but the not all chips are created equal
Hey is anyone here in the meetup group called "Technopreneurs"?
nostalgy: I recall the physical Turbo button on the 386
Those are actually around, but I have seen them only on "eco-friendly" systems
lemme check what your GPU is eating
Power consumption (W) 145
Recommended PSU (W) 500
Anyone online?
that's basically nothing when compared to mine: almost 350W at peak
and then bill comes...
@Manulaiko Take a look at the pictures of everyone in the room. That's useally an indication of who's online and who's away :)
I'm fetching data from database and showing to the details to the user if i want to show more details about that particular user using clickhere link how can i do ths?
while ($bdetails=mysql_fetch_assoc($records)) {

echo "<div class='controls'><tr>";
/*echo "<p><label class='control-label' for='searchall'>ID:</label>".$bdetails['id']."</p>";*/
echo "<p><label class='control-label' for='searchall'>Bride:</label>".$bdetails['bride']."</p>";
echo "<p><label class='control-label' for='searchall'>Category:</label>".$bdetails['category']."</p>";
oh, I see, thanks
so, yeah, @SergeyTelshevsky you could run it on a 500W PSU, but I would recommend 600+
guys cn someone help me with ths
im totally new to php pz
@Karthik mysql_* functions are deprecated, you should use MySQLi instead
^ that or PDO (I would recommend PDO)
Spamming will not help your case
I'd definitely recommend PDO :P
@tereško better take a more powerful one and have spare power left just in case I'll think of upgrading something :)
@Manulaiko thanq ill chng it
@tereško There's a framework called Medoo (medoo.in) that uses PDO and is pretty coooooool
@icecub there is always this wonderful option: i.sstatic.net/OtVY2.png
Hahaha I know @tereško. But I'd prefer not to use that unless the user really leaves me no other option.
@Karthik Something is horribly wrong with your keyboard. About half your key presses aren't getting registered.
@SergeyTelshevsky if you are looking at going into SLI later, then your PSU is nowhere near what you need :P
@Manulaiko im trying to display complete details of on record to another page how shud i do tat can u help me
@Danack sorry got habituated with shortcuts
also, the SLI has this issue: you have to get the same card, or at least the same GPU to get them working together (one reason why I like AMD's crossfire better)
oh no, no SLI in nearest future... I have to get a second PC some time soon too
@Danack can u help me out with php coding
@SergeyTelshevsky ok, go over the video reviews for the 3 cases there (they are in a separate tab) and see if any of those seems better than what you have picked now7
and I will look into the PSU options
@Karthik No, I'm busy. If you want help, it would make it easier for people to do so if you wrote your actual problem clearly.
@Karthik What have you tried yourself? On Stack Overflow, we encourage users to learn and try themselves instead of just writing read-made code for them. I suggest starting from scratch, learn how to code PHP and then come back to Stack Overflow if you run into problems with your code.
@tereško already did, I like the first one the most, despite being the most expensive
still it's less expensive than what I have found :)
@icecub im completely new to php and i dont have idea about how to do so im here for help
@SergeyTelshevsky my main issues with that one where the break-out brackets for the video card and the spaceing for wires
@Danack using ID i'm trying to display the content to another page
but i dont know how to post data to other page
@Karthik Well perhaps it's best to post large questions that require more than just a few lines of code on Stack Overflow and not here in chat?
@icecub thanks for your suggestion
Btw I've got a bit of silly question. How do you post links in comments the same way as in anwers? I've tried it exactly the same way.. using techniques I found in Help center and just plain <a href links.. but nothing works except just copy/paste links themselves?
@icecub [text](http://example.com)
Ah ok. Thanks
@tereško what do you mean by break-out brackets?
@tereško are you still with tilaa?
they fucked up my server by restarting it without my permission
sites have been down since may 15 and I just found out today :/
@samaYo lolwut
are you sure it was not a kernel panic that caused a reboot ?
@tereško that means if I'll decide to take them out once it's out for good?
not a big issue IMO
especially if you take out the wrong ones
(as I did when building my setup .. though I had only to screw them back in)
@Darius.V Just a thought, yeah... use a factory that builds that composite with the specific configs you want. DI your factory. The create method returns your pre-configured configcomposite containing configs ;-)
but yeah, not of the "issues" in taht list were major, which is why those 3 cases were on that listto begin with
@tereško they sent me an email asking me to restart my server, which I ignored. But they did it themselves and php, nginx, mysql were not chkconfig enabled so, they stopped working which I noticed today. :(
7 sites offline for 5 days :)
/me is the worst sysadmin ever
@Jimbo - thank you :) and about laravel if this is for real, still I am not sure how I would convince
senior programmers not to use it in my job, I do what they say
@Darius.V If the "senior programmers" advocate Laravel without knowing about all of it's crap, I would honestly not even worry about it - they really aren't that senior at all.
I know that's easy to say as a keyboard warrior in a chat room, but 'tis the truth
@Jimbo - yea, thats interesting, but I guess I have to leave
@Jimbo - thanks , and cyu
@Darius.V Well, the cool thing is that you can learn about how not to do things in the future :-)
in a bit
Well finally some good news
I've had my car go through a large checkup a few months ago and there's suddenly some issues with it. The garage however will pick it up and fix whatever is wrong at no costs
@SergeyTelshevsky btw, the case-list is gone. You deleted it ?
@tereško hm, no, it's still there
hi all
strange , google bugged out
@samaYo Well, if you noticed that they were offline only after 5 days, probably didn't matter anyway ;)
anyone comfortable with https, apache & nodejs here?
happens :)
Need your help to solve my case: stackoverflow.com/questions/30347668/…
that doesn't look like a PHP issue
@Julo0sS I find it an interesting choice that you pick the PHP chatroom for help with a completely different language
Sorry guys
@icecub you must be new here =P
@icecub lol, main things are built with php, but around that i have this nodejs thing that fails since i brought https in
@tereško Ye, did you notice? :P
Where is all the JS lol
@tereško replaced the case with the first one
@Julo0sS Still the issue lies with NodeJS. There might ofcourse be someone in here that has some experience with it, but I'd still go look in rooms like NodeJS or even Javascript if you have no other choice
lets go js room then :P
@SergeyTelshevsky keep in mind that the price is with a discount
Hey has anyone installed TeamCity before?
A: Cached user class vs seperate class holding necessary cached fields

Jimbo Preface: Extension isn't the best way for these sorts of things.. I'm sure you've heard composition over inheritance shouted at you over and over again. In fact, you can even gain inheritance without using extends! This sounds like a good use-case for the decorator pattern. Basically, you wr...

also, @SergeyTelshevsky, maybe you need iMac: store.apple.com/us/product/MF495G/A/…
@Jay With Cookies that's pretty easy to do. Still if the user deletes Cookies, they're gone. Only other way is if you're able to somehow track your user. Like is POST data can only come from users who are logged in for example
You cant magicly hold someones data if they close their browser, no
@tereško wat :D
@tereško What magic RAM is that, that it would cost 400$?
Technically you could hold the data inside sessions. This will help hold data if the users refreshes the webpage or somehing. But if user browses to another website or closes browser, it's gone again.
No poblem
@NikiC it's made with the magic juice of Jobs
@tereško But, but, it's not even silvery. Can't say you're paying for the good looks of it
or the speed (it's 1600Mhz)
CL not mentioned?
What did you expect? It's Apple. You pay for the name, not the product or the quality of it
You do know that your php string inside $var won't considdered a litteral string with double quotes around them, right?
Well maybe you shouldn't do stuff like that anyway? It's considdered a very bad idea to write php code towards a php file and useally just shows very bad code design
@icecub Well yes, I'm aware of that, but I kinda didn't expect them to sell RAM modules at >3x the market price
Can anyone tell me how to uninstall team city?
@NikiC I understand, but get used to it. Not the first time Apple got me on a "WTF?! rage", haha
@Jay Because of the highly potential risks it involves. Like unwanted manipulation of the PHP code by users
Is there a way in PHPstorm to import SQL data from excel file?
@ziGi you probably can do it with MySQL Workbench
@SergeyTelshevsky actually there is almost no difference between CL9 and CL11 (unless the price difference is less than 10€, it's not even worth the extra money)
@ziGi no
Hi I am trying to return data from a database to a json view in zend2 but I cant get it to work. I can get it to work when I dont use the json view though. Can anyone help me pastie.org/10198465
Its line 24 that doesnt work
@NikiC IrcMaxell said yesterday that there was some api in the zend engine for having a function in an extension be called periodically, that wasn't the declare(ticks=1) functionality. Does that ring any bells for you, and if so any idea how to find it?

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