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Yeah, its invoking a method, the name of the method is stored i $v, but goddam is that some poorly written code.
I guess I'm a little jaded or have just seen too much awful code. While it is bad it isn't as infuriating as some things I've seen.
reminds me of my first steps with PHP, calling mysql_connect whenever I need to query... :)
@NikolaR. Eh, I'd say it is even worse than that. That code looks to me like somebody was trying to be a bit too clever.
@cspray that's the reason to charge your client extra money for fixing someone's else mess
@NikolaR. Eh, my clients are internal operations people. I don't get to choose how much to charge :)
3 hours later…
PHP Fatal error: strlen() expects an array as first parameter in...
PHP Fatal error: Unexpected newline encountered in ...
wow, php-qb really does not like function calls.
                          php                     jit                     hhvm                    qb
simple()                 112.03391                 1.00000                 6.27552                 6.78928
simplecall()             163.28306                 1.00000                 3.72530                    FAIL
simpleucall()             60.49113                 1.00000                 6.43085                68.10047
simpleudcall()            69.35347                 1.00000                 6.32767                58.22900
those are relative runtimes for each test (from the zend engine bench.php, slightly tweked)
so for ackermann(7), qb is 812 times slower than the JIT compiler, and 17 times slower than PHP itself
the FAILs are because I chose not to implement those tests for QB (since they do unsupported operations, in teh case of simplecall(), and because they are mis-typed in source for mandel() and mandel2() (both jit and hhvm are smart enough to work around that, but qb isn't)
@ircmaxell Sounds like jitfu is the way of the future...
                          php                     jit                     hhvm                    qb
simple()                 112.03391                 1.00000                 6.27552                 6.78928
simplecall()             163.28306                 1.00000                 3.72530                    FAIL
simpleucall()             60.49113                 1.00000                 6.43085                68.10047
simpleudcall()            69.35347                 1.00000                 6.32767                58.22900
^^ The full suite
the fails from jit are because those tests use unimplemnted features (yet), like arrays and string concat..
Wow, jit sets the baseline indisputably.
well, mandel2() sometimes tips in hhvm's favor
but that's because jit keeps casting back and forth a few variables (because it must for correctness). Where hhvm can re-compile on the fly and optimize that away
Ah, I see. Couldn't jit optimize that as well though?
literally, the only difference between madel2() and mandel2_typed() is 0 vs 0.0 in 2 places... :-)
Oh, so it's casting floats -> int -> float? Nevermind, I don't really know what I'm talking about.
@DanLugg possibly, but I'm not sure how yet. Outside of a loop, yes. And that's done already. But inside of a loop raise significant more potential gotch-as
@DanLugg yes, int -> float -> int
Oh okay, I just had it backward.
	l32 = l23 * l23
	l33 = l24 * l24
	l34 = l32 - l33
	d35 = long_to_float64(l34)
	d36 = d35 + d29
	d37 = d36
	l38 = 2 * l23
	l39 = l38 * l24
	d40 = long_to_float64(l39)
	d41 = d40 + d30
	l42 = float64_to_long(d41)
	l24 = l42
	l43 = float64_to_long(d37)
	l23 = l43
	i45 = l31 < 5000
	if l31 >= 5000 then goto .L5
	d33 = d24 * d24
	d34 = d25 * d25
	d35 = d33 - d34
	d36 = d35 + d30
	d37 = d36
	d39 = 2.000000 * d24
	d40 = d39 * d25
	d41 = d40 + d31
	d25 = d41
	d24 = d37
	i43 = l32 < 5000
	if l32 >= 5000 then goto .L5
Wow, that's... literally the only difference.
 * @return void
function mandel2() {
  $b = " .:,;!/>)|&IH%*#";
  //float r, i, z, Z, t, c, C;
  for ($y=30; /*printf("\n"),*/ $C = $y*0.1 - 1.5, $y--;){
    for ($x=0; $c = $x*0.04 - 2, $z=0, $Z=0, $x++ < 75;){
      for ($r=$c, $i=$C, $k=0; $t = $z*$z - $Z*$Z + $r, $Z = 2*$z*$Z + $i, $z=$t, $k<5000; $k++)
        if ($z*$z + $Z*$Z > 500000) break;
//      echo $b[$k%16];

 * @return void
function mandel2_typed() {
  $b = " .:,;!/>)|&IH%*#";
  //float r, i, z, Z, t, c, C;
So why can't jit optimize the casts out?
because that may affect the result
So how does hhvm get away with it? How does on-the-fly recompilation yield correctness?
outside of a loop, only the one cast would be needed, and that's in practice what happens (just like saying $x = 1; $x += 0.5;). At first, $x is an integer, but then it switches to be a float
@ircmaxell wat?
@DanLugg they aren't using primitives a lot of the time
Oh, does it do some boxing magic with struct types?
@DanLugg exactly
"strlen() expects an array as first parameter in..." I don't even....
How does that happen?
Ah, which further explains the performance loss elsewhere.
which we will likely do as well, but I want the primitive stuff working first, as that's the bigger gain
the type checker is smart enough now to determine if it can fully determine the type of a variable in most cases...
what I find amazing is that bitapaluza is so slow on hhvm's side
 * @param int $x
 * @return int
function bitapaluza1($x) {
    $a = 1;
    $b = 1 << 63;
    $c = 0;
    $d = 0;
    $e = 0;
    $f = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < (1 << $x); $i++) {
        $a <<= 1;
        $b >>= 1;
        $c = $a | $b;
        $d = $a ^ $b;
        $e = $a & $b;
        $f = ~$a;
        while ($a >>= 1) {
            $c = $d << $e;
            $d = $e >> $f;
            $e = $f << $c;
            $f = $c >> $d;
    return $a + $b + $c + $d;
Purely for the purposes of learning: how do I match the inner-most BBCode tag (and its contents) in a raw string?
This is what I came up with, but it simply matches everything. This probably doesn't even make much sense, but anyway:
[^\[\]]*          # match zero or more chars other than '[' & ']'
(                 # start group 1
  \[[^\]]*\]      # match an opening tag
  (?:             # open a non-matching group
    [^\[\]]*      # match zero or more chars other than '[' & ']'
    |             # OR
    (?1)          # recursively match what was captured by group 1
  )*              # close the non-capturing group and repeat it zero or more times
  \[\/[^\]]*\]    # match a closing tag
)                 # end group 1
[^\[\]]*          # match zero or more chars other than '[' & ']'
@ircmaxell Why do you think hhvm is so non-performant with those operations?
@DanLugg not an optimized use case? I dunno
Hmm, I couldn't begin to guess.
@AmalMurali Isn't manipulating bbcode with regex tantamount to manipulating html with regex? As in you're better off just using a parser?
Does it treat all non-floating-point numeric types as boxed longs internally?
@echochamber I think you missed this: "Purely for the purposes of learning:" :P
I am struggling to use variables inside my cookie. I am currently trying to check the status of a cookie called "e1" using: $_COOKIE["e".$entryId] ... entryId, in this case = 1, can I do this?
@AmalMurali well if its for purposes of learning why not try some regex golf?
I'm off to bed, good night
@echochamber I wouldn't even use BBcode in the first place. This is inspired by this question.
Night @ircmaxell :-)
@DanLugg Oh you're back. Hi!
have a great night!
@AmalMurali Where'd I go?
@DanLugg Didn't you ask Gordon to suspend you from chat for a while?
Oh, yea, that was awhile ago now.
Was a nice vacation.
Did it change anything? :P Productivity++?
Productivity += 0.18293
I got some work done on a few projects, but I kept checking in anyway. Read-only style :-P
whoa this place is hoppin
@nedshares No smoking please!
6 hours ago, by Austin Burk
Whoo, it's hopping here today
I knew I saw that before!
i was here a bit then left the tab to watch private jet videos on youtube. then i saw it had 64 unread posts
err comments
or chats
err messages
err words
err characters
err, to is to be human
yoda style speak
err unicode have much talking you must
this is unconventional. i steamed some onion rings
Well, I'm going to drink some more wine, and then a bit more wine, and then Ballmer Curve the fuck out of this library I'm working on.
Check y'all later.
have a good one
I might be back, though I cannot guarantee I'll be coherent.
I'll just apologize in advance
@echochamber See the examples in the question I linked before. That's not what needs to be matched :(
Oh, are we playing ASCII art? Here you go:
( . Y . )
no, we play unicode art. heh heh heh
                 __      .__               .___.__
__  _  _______ _/  |_    |__| ______     __| _/|__| ______
\ \/ \/ /\__  \\   __\   |  |/  ___/    / __ | |  |/  ___/
 \     /  / __ \|  |     |  |\___ \    / /_/ | |  |\___ \
  \/\_/  (____  /__|     |__/____  >   \____ | |__/____  >
              \/                 \/         \/         \/
.__      .___          /\ __
|__|   __| _/____   ___)//  |_    _______  __ ____   ____
|  |  / __ |/  _ \ /    \   __\ _/ __ \  \/ // __ \ /    \
|  | / /_/ (  <_> )   |  \  |   \  ___/\   /\  ___/|   |  \
star wars font
like ali g says
 █     █░ ▄▄▄     ▄▄▄█████▓          ██▓  ██████          ▓█████▄  ██▓  ██████
▓█░ █ ░█░▒████▄   ▓  ██▒ ▓▒         ▓██▒▒██    ▒          ▒██▀ ██▌▓██▒▒██    ▒
▒█░ █ ░█ ▒██  ▀█▄ ▒ ▓██░ ▒░         ▒██▒░ ▓██▄            ░██   █▌▒██▒░ ▓██▄
░█░ █ ░█ ░██▄▄▄▄██░ ▓██▓ ░          ░██░  ▒   ██▒         ░▓█▄   ▌░██░  ▒   ██▒
░░██▒██▓  ▓█   ▓██▒ ▒██▒ ░          ░██░▒██████▒▒         ░▒████▓ ░██░▒██████▒▒
░ ▓░▒ ▒   ▒▒   ▓▒█░ ▒ ░░            ░▓  ▒ ▒▓▒ ▒ ░          ▒▒▓  ▒ ░▓  ▒ ▒▓▒ ▒ ░
  â–’ â–‘ â–‘    â–’   â–’â–’ â–‘   â–‘              â–’ â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–’  â–‘ â–‘          â–‘ â–’  â–’  â–’ â–‘â–‘ â–‘â–’  â–‘ â–‘
youz well cleva
@AmalMurali refiddle.com/12xt Fixed it :D
@AmalMurali Wait scratch taht
overwrite my old one haha
Ok @AmalMurali refiddle.com/12xt That should solve it for you
I've always loved that shit.
@echochamber That works only for the first three cases: regex101.com/r/pZ6sH9
@AmalMurali updated it once more to match all those cases
@echochamber Not quite. See the expected results (first three were correct before, but now it matches the tag themselves, too; it should only match text part). For the last one, it needs to return [LINK TEXT[/url] more text, but it currently returns [center][LINK TEXT[/url].
OK. I'll just go and have my breakfast now.
@AmalMurali Ok, I think I FINALLY got it lol. stackoverflow.com/a/24197325/2171102
@AmalMurali What're you trying to match?
@DanLugg the context for what to match is for this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/24196471/…
@echochamber @AmalMurali You just want the innermost?
Oh wait, you want the innermost tag and surrounding text?
Morning @tereško
morning @tereško
@DanLugg This is what I'm trying to match: regex101.com/r/pZ6sH9
@echochamber Oh, that's not what I thought what the OP wanted. Still, +1 to you!
@AmalMurali I'm still not 100% sure it is either, but it matched all his supplied examples.
2 hours later…
@bwoebi yeah the referencing is messing it up, I removed it all and committed, should be okay now ... it's pretty horrible code really ...
I wonder if there's a way to use phpunit for our tests ... would be nice to just define a test case that invokes phpdbg with some options and then it can do the rest like diffing and what not ...
well it's not terrible, or it could be made not terrible when it's been finished ... I seem to remember it was something we were going to go back to, we never intended to have 8 tests ... but it would be nicer if it didn't have to exist at all
I have a script, just added install for it, basically creating all tables first, then entering data to some. Now on some shared host I tested it, it doesn't create all tables, just like 10 or so. Is that a query limit?
Does this look ok? http://paste.jesse-obrien.ca/5fg ( htaccess)
I have a website wich should be accessed from http://website.com/nl but it should redirect to http://website.com because/nl doesn't exists.
@BenBeri When you try to var_dump your data... does it shows all results?
good friday mornings
Redirect 301 /nl/ website.com
is not working btw :) Gives me a 404.
gotta do school run
A: Extending one class inside other class in php

Joe WatkinsTraits are of no use here, since they cannot be composed of anything but other traits; a trait cannot extend a class, but only use other traits. The inheritance you describe is quite strange, regardless of pthreads. With regard to pthreads, objects that are Threaded have different semantics tha...

Is it generally okay to store a one-use token in the DB that is automatically generated and overwritten on each request?
someone edit that, can't get it to format properly ... k thnx, also happy friday every1 :D
public function main(){
			}else {
				echo "Nooo";
Hi i have this and it output me a Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: post::$method
How can i fix it?
@VeeeneX So the same class that has this main() function, or any parent class, needs to have a private static $method in if you want that to work
And when I want to call a function?
for example self::view()?
@VeeeneX Yep, only if it's static
If it's NOT static, you do $this->view(); or $this->variable
@Fabien morning. that's cool
@Jimbo yeah only this works self::view();
But i want to run a function from $this->data[1] = 'view';
So you want to run a method named view right
A method that is the value of $this->data[1]
So... $this->{$this->data[1])();
(I think)
> call_user_func() is for calling functions whose name you don't know ahead of time but it is much less efficient since the program has to lookup the function at runtime.
@Jimbo public function __construct ($segments) {
$this->data = $segments;
$this->method = $segments[1];
public function main(){
$method = $this->method;
}else {
echo "Nooo";
There we go
Jimbo thx for help! Have a nice friday!
@VeeeneX CTRL+ K will allow styled code.
@VeeeneX and you!
@SecondRikudo I didn't have time to watch yesterday.. :( Did I kick you ass? :P
@Fabien thx :D I'm newbie :D
Heh, hardly
Watch it today
Users table with token column, or tokens table with id, user id and value?
@hakre wow, could it be that the mysql's files in the vagrant vm in a tmpfs "ramdisk"?
tokens table obviously
@SecondRikudo If I find the time for it today, I will :)
But I'm already making so much time to watch the WK2014 at brasil :P
@Naruto WC isn't interesting enough yet.
I've no interest in watching games of countries I don't even know
you should know any country that makes it to the WC :p
@iroegbu I honestly have very little fucks to give, and I plan on giving them out on special occasions only, like on the quarter, semi and finals.
I would rather watch Spain vs Netherlands in grp stage than Iran vs Korea in finals
Why does everyone talk about WC? :/
@SecondRikudo Who are you watching? Better watch Spain - holland tonightç
It's the final of last WC
@Leri woodcutting?
@Naruto Yeah, am watching that one :P
..http://site.com works
..http://www.site.com works
site.com .. not found ><
@Jimbo Sure. -.-
@Naruto Didn't you ask me yesterday whether I am Dutch btw?
@PeeHaa yes
@SecondRikudo Feel free to come over, there is beer (Duvel) and others and food :)
Ohhh, world cup
@Naruto In that case, yes I am
"Did you see that ludicrous display last night?"
@PeeHaa The dumpert reference betrayed you :P
better vote for Belgium this year ;)
@Naruto Vote for what?
WC... Belgium team? :p
@Duikboot yes!
@Naruto right..... :P
@PeeHaa You're settled in now. How's new work?
Morning Dave
@Fabien Don't be ridiculous, he's spent the time smoking dope and wanking
@Fabien Pretty awesome. Started making the cms modular. Once that is done (somewhere this weekend) I can easily add / remove modules and everything 'just works" â„¢
@DaveRandom Jo
@DaveRandom I have been slacking for some time. But I really started now :D
I'm like an old diesel :P
jo @joe
morning joe
@PeeHaa So it'll be done by next week! Cool. I'll expect it on github by then :p
Morning Joe
@DaveRandom lol. So his evenings have become his mornings.
@Fabien It's not going on github :) I will push it to gitlab later and provide you with credentials
BTW gitlab is fucking amazing!
:D awesome thanks
@PeeHaa what are you working on?
fyi @JoeWatkins that PR was only an experiment to see what Travis would do without the refs, I was too lazy to set Travis up on my fork :-P I'm intrigued as to why your commit fixed the build and mine didn't though - there is an obvious difference in that you left some refs in, but I still can't figure out why they are required, I can't see any writes to them :-S
12 hours ago, by DaveRandom
Also @JoeWatkins generally gratz on one of the least legible pieces of code I've seen in a while :-P
it's not terrible, it seems a bit ott, because it was meant to do more than run 8 tests, was meant to evolve into a whole suite with lots and lots of tests, the references were used in the first instance because those variables were arrays ... I'm not sure why it didn't work either, it needs more time than I can/want to give it ...
@Naruto My business :)
@JoeWatkins yeh I could see that they used to be arrays from the docblocks, and fair enough, you've got more important things to worry about than writing a test harness
ain't nobody got time for that
user image
hehe, I might get to it, it'd be nice to reuse some/all of phpunit ...
but i dunno much about phpunit, so it probably won't happen ... it's actually pretty hard to debug somehting meant to be interactive, we came up with ways but they felt horrible ... I don't think there is a really good solution ... we'll just have to hope that it works :D
@JoeWatkins Sounds like a good strap-line for PHP in general
^ watch this
> Never believe someone who only talks about code but doesn't write it
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's called architect, or something.
@webarto you're going to love that lecture if you say that :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum THANK YOU I was looking for something to watch
The one thing I dislike is that he says "PHP is a fantastic OO language" that's BS :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum You're just jealous :D
Anyone here used to be working with CakePHP ? cakephp.org
hi everyone
@Duikboot No and cake is aweful
@DarkAshelin heya
What is the 'big difference' between cake and let's say... Silex?
One of them is a lie
Liar liar pants on fire.
would anyone be able to help me with a .htaccess rerouting problem?
Just shoot ! Ex-deviner!
I'm currently using RewriteRule ^([^/]*)(.*)$ index.php?page=$1&action=$2 [L,QSA] but the $_GET["action"] value always starts with a / like /contact
@DarkAshelin Are you running PHP on the backend?
@PeeHaa yes
@DarkAshelin so just add a / between the two capture groups
@DaveRandom what do you mean?
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]
Is imho the only thing you need on the webserver side
Well, read what the expression says. "Match all characters up to the first slash and put them in capture group 1, then match the rest of the string and put it in capture group 2" - obviously the slash is going to end up in one of the capture groups
@PeeHaa Yes, we've been there already, existing project :P
@PeeHaa +1
@PeeHaa yes well, I just found out today about htaccess rerouting, so I'm applying it to some old projects
@SecondRikudo :)
@DaveRandom I don't have the slightest clue what the expression says or how regex works. it's all black magic to me
Oh, well then because I'm nice I'll say ^([^/]*)/(.*)$
@DaveRandom Rikudo suggested the same, but that code results in an empty $_GET value
so no rerouting happens at all
If I don't want to DI a repository directly into a controller, so using a 'service' instead, what should I call this service? Handler?
@PeeHaa I mean the project you mentioned to fabien, or I'm not allowed to know? :(
@DarkAshelin ^ start of string, () capture (save result to $1, $2, $3 variables, etc), [^/] any character that's NOT a slash. * preceding character can appear an infinite amount of time and is optional. . any character
@DarkAshelin well that makes no sense at all, where is this, in .htaccess or httpd.conf/vhost container?
@DaveRandom in .htaccess, with your suggestion the entire file is as following:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	Options +FollowSymlinks

	RewriteBase /index.php/
	RewriteEngine On
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
	RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/(.*)$ index.php?page=$1&action=$2 [L,QSA]
	RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
	RewriteRule ^(.*)$ %{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]
	php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
	ErrorDocument 404 /index.php
is that rule 2 lines under it the problem? am I an idiot?
@DarkAshelin They should be above it, they just redirect foo.com to www.foo.com
nah removing it gives the same result
They should be the first lines in the ruleset though, probably
ok, putting them above it results in no css loading
[off-topic] Is .htaccess globally ? I mean when running a side under nginx... can you still use .htaccess or not? Or as it nothing to do with it?
What version of Apache are you running?
@Duikboot no
htaccess in Apache specific
@DaveRandom where could I check?
@DarkAshelin What's the URL of your site?
Oh ; # nginx configuration is it called.
Oh wait hang on
@DarkAshelin why are you using RewriteBase?
(hint: never use rewritebase)
uhh, it was already in there xD
Is it evil? RewriteBase
@Duikboot It makes the magical voodoo even more confusing.
RewriteBase is only useful in situations where you can only put a .htaccess at the root of your site. Otherwise, you may be better off placing your different .htaccess files in different directories of your site and completely omitting the RewriteBase directive.

Lately, for complex sites, I've been taking them out, because it makes deploying files from testing to live just one more step complicated.
if apache doesn't find a Host in the http request, it will use the 000-default virtualhost, right?
If no matching vhost could be found the request is served from the first vhost with a matching port number that is on the list for the IP to which the client connected (as already mentioned before).
@FlorianMargaine Sounds like someone has done an Include conf/vhosts/* type rule?
@DarkAshelin try just removing that rewritebase directive
@DaveRandom maybe? dunno
@DaveRandom done, no change
I just installed apache on my ubuntu
and there are some vhosts in it
but I want to act as proxy, and reach the server behind my proxy from an ipad
so, no /etc/hosts file to change
so I just use the IP
so I want it to pick the right vhost
@DaveRandom now I found out RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/(.*)$ index.php?page=$1&action=$2 [L,QSA] gives me the correct $_GET value when both parameters are filled in, but when there is just 1, it gives an empty $_GET value. It also doesn't load any css
@DarkAshelin change / to /?
Also, remember what I warned you about?
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 40 mins ago, by Second Rikudo
Just remember that you are changing the URLs here, so things like ../style.css may break under too much rewriting without care.
@FlorianMargaine A lot of assumptions made here, but it sounds like 000-default is what you want. Basically it's the first vhost definition that is the default unless you have done something stupid, and if the thing is called 000-default it sounds like someone has prefixed it with the zeros to force it to be the first one to be loaded
@SecondRikudo @DarkAshelin this ^
@SecondRikudo so they need to be relative ie. ../css
@Naruto I have started my own business so I am making a CMS and a base frontend
@DarkAshelin No, they need to be absolute
@DarkAshelin No, they need to be absolute.
@DaveRandom ubuntu/debian creates this vhost by default (000-default)
@PeeHaa Sounds nice :)
@PeeHaa Hope it works! :)
@SecondRikudo oh, right
@FlorianMargaine Yeh that's why I'm fairly confident in assuming a fairly sane set up with common practices
@DaveRandom ok so the css loading issue is fixed. But now it is still giving me an empty $_GET value when I only fill in 1 parameter of the 2
4 mins ago, by Second Rikudo
@DarkAshelin change / to /?
? means "the previous character is optional"
ah ok, I thought ur sentence was a question
yay soon a linux in-house test server
that works! thanks
@DaveRandom Have you knowledge about gmail email settings and replyfrom adresses/aliases?
@Duikboot I have some
crap, just realised I have a shitton of links in the backend with the old get structure
reverts all changes
I am using a gmail account like [email protected]
And i am sending mails with : [email protected].

For some reason is it not possible anymore to send email with a from adress like : [email protected]

What can cause that problem? Normally people receive mails with in the from name: [email protected] but now it is sending with: [email protected] Wich is not what it should do.
@Duikboot Are you using the default mailing function of php?
It's not about PHP. It's mozilla thunderbird.
ow sorry
No problem. :)
@Naruto Me too :)
didn't read the everything, I just picked in at the last comment you said
@Duikboot why would you put that as eMail anyway? if someone answers to it, it will go straight to the SO team (assuming there is a catch-all or someone with that address)
Guys, this method won't install all tables on a sharewd host, but does install all on my PC. throws no exceptions, why? what could cause it? pastebin.com/9UJcXHd0
@Duikboot Does it work if you do it through the Gmail web interface?
@Gordon I think they are made up example addresses :-P
@DaveRandom then it should use example.com
huh, never knew that
Yeah it was as example. :)
Example.com, example.net, example.org, and example.edu are second-level domain names reserved for documentation purposes and examples of the use of domain names. The second level domain label example for the top-level domains com, net, and org was reserved in 1999 by the Internet Engineering Task Force in RFC 2606, Section 3, while it was reserved for the edu domain by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) since 2000. By implementing the reservation, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) made available domains to use in technical and software documentat...

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