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@DanLugg - what did ? ... hehehe
@PeeHaa LOL, man, I really hate USD now, my local currency has a fixed ratio with EUR, but I can't receive that because the company doesn't have €.
Worst part is that I don't even get USD, I get my shitty local currency.
Bank transfer via wire FTW
@bwoebi There's a positive angle to most anything :)
@NikiC ;-)
unrelated but i have to share:
user image
@CarrieKendall But.. that's correct? :D
that's.. the beauty
evenin' everybody
> Fatal error: Class 'XXX' not found in Linker.php on line 89
Is it possible to get a stack trace for these errors?
But you know what's the problem actually, line 89 is just class Linker extends ... one of the methods override the parent method (about line 200) and the class in parent method (class) is missing :)
I don't know if I make any sense, but that error report is useless.
> (Developer) has #joined the phpoauthlib.com network. Take a moment to welcome Pee.
What's on Xing thingy?
I have no clue what it is or what is on it :P I just need it to confirm shit works :)
The above is yammer
Ah, you're testing the thingy, nice!
Again for which I have no clue what it is or what is on it :)
Good work by the way, having at least one functional thingy is a good thing :)
ehheheheh :)
@webarto install xdebug
@ircmaxell Thanks, I couldn't recall if that's going to "work", need sudo and I didn't want to install it if it's the same message.
Not having sudo on dev machine is such a discrimination :P
awesomeness! I got Symfony fully parsed in 3 hours. My previous record was 1.5 weeks... :-)
HHVM rules! :P
no, distributed worker pools rule!
That rules!
Are you using PHP to parse PHP, again?
HHVM, but with "auto-killing" built in, to restart the process every 6 commits parsed
Just encountered this in the wild. I’m going to go sit down now and weep. http://t.co/7yWWogjzcl
@ircmaxell Sometimes I do that too :P
Wow, someone uses Yii "in the wild"?
I used to do that with Kohana, then I just disabled the handler, screw it.
Another one bites the dust...
I use a static-interface facade why should I get this message? — M T - Developer 2 mins ago
"static-interface facade" just wow
To be honest, most of those things, I can't read them, all I see is "crap-crap crap".
Aaaaaand same user 59 minutes ago
Q: Laravel [Facade] class not found

M T - DeveloperI have turned my class into a Facade but it is not found anyway. Here is what I've done: Here is the error: Class 'Test' not found Here is what I have added to app.php: ServiceProvider: "TestServiceProvider" And Alias: "Test" => "Test" Here is my main class. named: test.library.php: cl...

I'm a developer active in following fields:
CodeIgniter, Laravel, Wordpress
What did you expect? :)
Just the amount of stupid is infinity on shit like this
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class TestServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register()
        $this->app->bind('Test', function()
            return new Test(); // Name of your class, be sure to include the namespace if you are using one.
We thrive to make things simpler and all those Laravel & Co are making shit complicated.
When I connect to VPN, it's really slow, like 256kbps slow, is there something client (I) could tweak or it is what it is?
Just sounds like a crap vpn connection to me
Yeah, probably, do they tend to be slow or something?
100%[==============> ] 70,748,886   660K/s   in 1m 55s
2014-04-02 22:49:10 (603 KB/s) - `The Muppets - Popcorn.mp4'
This is neighbors speed :)
That feeling when neighbors internet works better and is more reliable than the one you pay for.
@webarto There will be some overhead but when you are connecting to a decent vpn server it shouldn't be terrible
Yeah, but this is 20x slower and it breaks under stress (i.e. SSH breaks every minute).
That just doesn't sound right
It is a corporate vpn?
@webarto You might want to check that your packets are taking a sane route to the server.
@webarto And also check packet dropping - SSH breaking sounds very bad.
Yeah, it's slow for them too, but they have 50mbps usually, so I don't know what's slow.
Thanks @Danack. It shouldn't matter it's a Windows?
@webarto You're on windows? There's a netstat command to see what routes your packets are taking...hang on.
netstat -rn
tracert ?
And interpret the runes.
You should be able to see a dedicated subnet that your packets to your vpn are taking....I think.
Give me a moment to decipher this please.
If you have the VPN setup as a virtual network adapter that should help you figure stuff out.
@Danack Found this, but it's useless since I need VPN IP to connect via SSH etc. :) I'll just deal with it, thanks for the help.
@webarto If I was at your computer, the way I'd investigate it would be just to make sure that the packets for SSH are taking the correct route, and aren't being dropped at a rediculous rate. Also that not all your internet traffic is going via the VPN (which is possible).
@Danack All the traffic is going to VPN, I see there's split VPN or something like that, which would enable me to use my connection for "surfing". Thanks :)
@webarto "All the traffic is going to VPN" tbh, that's a bad config. The VPN config should only be advertising to use a route within the VPN for an IP address that is within the VPN.
Yeah, it probably is, I just use "dial VPN" option in Windows, previously I've used OpenVPN which was working perfectly (for another VPN).
@webarto I think the config about routes is setup at the destination end?
Rather than your end.
It probably is, I might suggest they tweak that a bit, to be honest I'm probably only one using VPN full-time. Mostly people use it if they forgot something and want it at home.
@ircmaxell I just saw replies, people complaining on how he didn't blur the password etc. ... that's also sad.
It's entirely possible that it's the other end that is the problem, as it could be saturated by all the other people accidentally having their whole connection going through the VPN.
That's is the case probably, someone should just tweak that it works equal for everyone and it's only used for internal things.
I think I've mentioned before - the only reason I know about this crap is because someone, in the UK office, diverted all internet traffic for the Oz office through the UK office through them farking with the VPN config.
It was a bit slow.
Hello, I know StackOverflow is not the place for recommendations, so maybe I should ask for one here in the chat. What are some good PHP ORM (object-relational-mapping) libraries? I'm used to Django's ORM in Python, and I was looking for something similar in PHP
Yes, you learn best from your on mistakes experience :D
@DenilsonSá Doctrine2
@webarto From other peoples' mistakes.
@DenilsonSá It uses ActiveRecord pattern? There are not many good standalone ones for PHP, and Doctrine2 is generally the best one. I use "custom" but it's not that powerful.
Django uses ActiveRecord, but I think a library that has a powerful way of querying (such as Django's foobar.objects.filter(foo=3).order_by('bar')) would be great.
@ircmaxell What's the next EU conference you're at?
Hows it goin all? :-)
// example9: how to define: "SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.id = ?1 ORDER BY u.name ASC" using QueryBuilder helper methods
   ->from('User', 'u')
   ->where('u.id = ?1')
   ->orderBy('u.name ASC');
@DenilsonSá it would look something like this ^
@Ocramius can tell you better, he's part of that clan developer group.
@webarto link to that example?
@DenilsonSá You should read Getting Started and what I linked is Query Builder.
Are you using some framework?
Yes, Frapi, but there is no ORM in there.
If ActiveRecord suits you better, you can use Doctrine1, it works OK for basic stuff.
@webarto none planned
@ircmaxell Too bad, I see that a lot from here are going to speak at Dutch one.
yeah, I would have loved to, but Q3...
Some people just don't understand what secret means....
$client_id = '969153863001-sfc4igc17coifafqmjjbr6bouha3.apps.googleusercontent.com';
$client_secret = 'TCMNd2UMBGUESGLoPgWcOOjh2bNL';
It means it's supposed to be a secret? :P
@ircmaxell As in third quarter or Audi Q3? :)
third quarter
@PeeHaa where's that?
Q: Issue with Importing gmail contact list from Oauth and php

user3177114I am trying to import gmail contact list of currently registered users. my index.php like this- <html> <head> <meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> <title>Import Gmail or Google contacts</title> <style type="text/css"> a:link {color:Chocolate;text-decoration: none;} a:hover {...

good lord
dat :)
At least he "encrypted" his website URL :P
Good morning. Has anyone tested the free service of OpenShift? What are the cons?
Morning, I don't think anyone mentioned it recently (or ever).
I guess I'll have to try it out myself then, what doesn't kill you...
$pattern = '#MotherShip::(call)\(([^()]*(?:\([^()]*\)[^()]*)*)\)#s';
@HamZa Awesome, thanks. Funny thing, only this thing worked when vs. ?R one.
As you've figured, goal is to grab all arguments of a function.
@webarto (?R) is the same as (?0) which means repeat pattern "0". Pattern 0 is the whole pattern. So if you want to recurse just a part of a pattern you should use (?n) where n is the number of group you want to recurse
Didn't know that, I don't actually want to use anything but all my regex fu sucked here.
Works great, thanks again.
Refactoring lot of code, helps to substitute some things automatically.
@NikiC I don't see the use in me mailing the list to say "me too" about PHP 6 ... but for the record, I completely agree with you that PHP.next === PHP 6. Skipping 6 because publishers are idiots doesn't make any sense to me.
Skipping to PHP 7 seems totally unjustified.
Yeah, and only because of ~5 crappy books... That no one will even buy when there's PHP6.
Not to mention the PHP-kind-of-6-but-actually-5.3 debacle was sooooo long ago.
If we skip to 7, they will publish "How I made PHP skip V6"...
Well, if they are going to jump to PHP7, I may as well jump on the bandwagon and publish a book
About PHP6? :P
An Insight Into PHP7: How I Will Make Money Off Of You, Dumbass
^ Ah forgot the s modifier
@HamZa LOL, kudos, you really dig the regex.
lol, google "PHP7" ... sure, skipping 6 will solve all problems.
It just seems unnecessary to me. If someone can't parse the difference between 8-year-old stupidity and the actual PHP6 once it's released then how in the world can they be a competent programmer?
@rdlowrey php7.ca LOL
Yeah, just screw it, I don't who gives a f* anyways.
Guess we had better go ahead and skip to PHP 8 then.
Like that "problem" doesn't exist for X language.
Or anything else that's high profile and versioned.
@webarto oddly, based on those, what we have is everything promised in 6, minus unicode. Which still is a TON of stuff
Plus a lot of more useful stuff than Unicode.
Thanks to (mostly) guys from this room.
<3 <3 <3
Notice: When I'm tired, I start dropping words in when writting Engrish.
It's @HamZa fault, if that regex didn't work, I would quit and go to sleep.
@webarto lol blame me, just ping me if there's a problem :P
@webarto nah, namespaces and anonymous functions, as well as a lot of cleanup happened prior to any of us
Yeah, bad wording, non negligible amount of features implemented in 5.4+.
> Committed revision 8830.
'twas a good day. Good night, good people.
Does anybody know a html5 compatible regex to search for HTML tags in a string? or have a link to the latest RFC?
@HamZa I don't have a problem, I have f* problemS, plural.
@webarto hehe thanks :)
can anybody tell me how to stop showing php version .. using php-fpm?
@mAsT3RpEE That would be awesome, but too long/complicated ...

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