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@sabsab Try Visual Studio support facilities, that's an issue with the software you are running...
@Jasper I already posted it in Microsoft forum but no answer till now
I didn't really expect you'd get a good answer there (though there's of course proper support if you're using a paid product) - I'm just saying that it's not very likely someone can find what the problem is from that little information (and what else is relevant is probably not an easy question either)
@Jasper unfortunately in my country everyone uses cracked version of any software (we don't pay for that), so we don't deserve their support.
@sabsab lol
the relevant part of that isn't whether everyone is using pirated software
the relevant part is that you are...
yeah I am a pirate but a good one :)
actuly it's not illegal in my country to be a pirate
it's illegal if you are not
I won't pretend I've never used pirated software (quite the contrary), but the mindset that involves you must pirate software is really rather tiresome (and a good one?)
So no one is better than the other
1 hour later…
My first answer :)
It should be assert(index >= 0 && index < 26) to make sure it's between a-z because { and } would also yield >= 0. — Jack 51 secs ago
how do you exclude dates before today when printing an array?
@Jack you are right :)
@Darwish What's inside the array?
@Jack dates like these: 2014-04-02, 2014-04-03, 2014-04-04
good evening everyone
I have a unique problem, and wasn't sure where to go with it. I am attempting to decrypt 3DES encrypted data, given the key and IV, however I am not having much luck. I figured PHP people might have experience with this encryption method.
@Darwish Use array_filter() and compare against date('Y-m-d').
got it thanks
Early morning
Guys! Guys!
8! Not 800! Not 8,000! 8!
@DanLugg DBMSs are missing.
@Leri Fuck that! Flat file all the things! *.csv!!
@DanLugg Depends what you do under windows. :p
lol, it's a new drive, I'm just installing kitchen_sink.exe now.
@DanLugg which OS ?
Uh, Win 7?
/me off to work Later
I was thinking of 2008 R2, but meh.
I was only asking because of the previous chat. Couldn't tell from the picture if that was XP (patched), or better. :)
lol, yea, I see what you mean.
I'm just VM'ing off of it; I kill all the gloss and the indexing, etc.
Understandably. No need for any of that on a server.
I personally find permissions much easier to manage for PHP under a linux environment. Windows (esp IIS), tend to unf things up quite a bit.
And by linux -- i mean Console only --- none of that X stuff. For GUI... there is Windows :)
Oh, for sure. I just hate dual-booting, and VM'ing off my machine has been reasonable for awhile now. I just grabbed an SSD, so I'm taking it for a spin.
Windows for my .NET work; nix for ... everything else?
IIS is pooey, sometimes. It plays well with ASP.NET though (obviously) and unfortunately, I obtain much of my eating and drinking money from a company that runs .NET.
similar. I use windows for fun/coding/etc ... and Linux to serve it all up. I gave up on ASP after getting through the initial ropes of PHP. I find that where ASP is limited -- PHP has like 10 different ways it can be done.
All that is missing from PHP .... is a nice GUI for development that hooks jQuery/Bootstrap/HTML5 objects into events (like the developer suites for .NET are)
Ick. No.
As slick as my code is, I have very little experience in developing IDE's. Best I have done is multi-tabbed syntax code editor with custom language support. Really would like to see something written for website development that hooks PHP like .NET does.
I'd argue that .NET is screwy, but C# is reasonably clean and powerful, and offers many ways to skin a cat. Arguably more than PHP in many ways.
The ASP.NET Web Forms architecture is a blasphemous mess.
The whole prospect of desktop-ifying the web was a big miss in my opinion.
Yes, but it was written in the era of M$ where copying text from a word doc produced tonnes of gibberish that was not necessary. I believe this could be accomplished without the junk code.
Perhaps, but Web Forms looked at HTTP and turned around and walked away.
I dunno. C# is a great language; greater than PHP in my opinion, its unfortunately not well supported for web outside of M$ though.
However the demand is there ... aka, Web based form builders ..... just need something so you can place your code hooks. Think of it like a VB6 form .... but more a combination between a modern drag&drop web based designer. Now combine them. The product ends up being something where you can define and create backend code, while hooking what is needed like selected menu item, logged in user, and so on.
Yea, that's exactly what ASP.NET Web Forms is.
Mod Mono supports it, although I havn't checked up on that project in some time.
Mono is good, wrote some toys in it; haven't done anything serious though.
Mainly because I wouldn't have anywhere to use it at work.
It is, to a point, web forms adds a tonne of stuff that isn't necessary, including DLL's and other things... aka... it doesn't just execute certain code -- it COMPILES it, and then it's required to be registered and in certain paths and such for it to function
baiscally, microsoft's way of trying to obfuscate and make it more of a proprietary code for sale type scenario --- rather than open source.
Compilation doesn't make anything implicitly obfuscated; most of the .NET assemblies can be reversed to perfectly readable code.
And besides, that's just the .NET architecture, and Windows in a broader sense.
This is one of the areas where PHP truly shines --- and it can be run from console. Compiled code isn't the problem if it can be reversed. The problem is with dependancies, versioning, etc.
I think we're talking different points here.
You basically end up with a DLL and dependancy nightmare with generic errors.
Well, no.
PHP dependencies are just as much a rat's nest to unravel and fix when they go sour.
Whether they're userland dependencies or extensions.
Maybe I am doing something wrong, but in my experience, I couldn't simply copy a folder from my dev box to a clean install of windows+iis, and have it just work
Well, that just depends on what it is you're doing.
I had to mess around A LOT .... with IIS, and the DLL's themselves (registering and such).... and THEN... the permission issue....
I have a build process, but it doesn't do much more than copy.
with PHP, i just copy/paste the project, and i dont have to do anything else.
Sometimes, yes. More often than .NET? Probably.
But the PHP development model is not infallible. Not by a long stretch.
Save, F5, copy, paste. It's not always that "simple".
unless the project is badly coded requiring something to be custom compiled into the PHP binaries or linked on compile of PHP itself.... then no. but generally speaking, everything I need is there.
including access to COM ... if one so desires :)
Anyway, 115 updates pending restart; check ya later.
hehe... you should consider rolling up an install disk with them embedded.
@Dan Meh, I do this once every 12 - 16 months. Not worth it.
I just did one for XP .... since XP is no longer supported. Full install fully patched, nothing in add/remove programs > programs list. :)
A: How to convert base64 to base128 in php

Gautam3164You can directly try like $en = base128_encode($con); or even more better, you can use $en = base64_encode(base64_encode($con));

good morning
@Jack sure, we can easily make up base4294967296_encode then..
strange, i don't see a formal definition of base128 encoding when i search for it.
I only see LEB128 which doesn't seem to be the same thing.
Why do you even need Base-128? Is storage so important that you're willing to sacrifice transmission? — Jack 3 mins ago
Might as well transfer in binary
wouldn;t something like $var = base_convert( $mybase64string, 64, 128 ); work ?
@Jack just foreach over every char and multiply by 2
@Dan base_convert() goes up to 36.
@Gordon Ehm?
@Jack because its base64 already you only need to multiply by 2 ;)
@Jack i just realized that.
@Gordon lol .. right :)
I don't think simply multiplying every char by 2 would truly be base128
hello all
I did find this example tho, which seems to more accurately reflect base128 ... if you havn't seen it already >> code.google.com/p/base128/source/browse/trunk/…
can you please help me out of this question ?
Q: Mysql giving randomly count rows bad result when table having huge numbers of rows

Sagar PanchalI have a mysql table (innoDb) having 71 Lakhs+ rows in it, my problem is when I open my DB it displays total number of rows count in some randomly manner, for ex. ~6,802,003 , ~6,906,828 , ~6,953,417, ~7,034,948 ... and all. How can i get exact number of rows count of that table

good moaning
hello @Gordon @Jack
i need help sir :)
@SagarPanchal - You just posted that question 5 minutes ago, and it doesn't give any of the code you are using >> SQL, or PHP
@Gordon I don't just get the idea ... the s(h)avings are so small ...
@Jack i didnt read the question at all. was just making lame jokes ;)
@SagarPanchal - more than likely you are doing a SUM on a Long field that is Float, If you just want a count of the records, use SELECT COUNT()
@Dan hello, i am not executing any query and all, i am just refreshing my page and its display this count with table name
get function name from inside function?
ummm.... wow... you REALLY need to elaborate on the question. No Query = not using MySQL = no row counts = no bad result .... because..... NO RESULT
@Dan, okay, thank you
also, people can not comment, unless they have at least 50 rep
@Gordon Yes, part of the 1st of April aftermath? ;-)
for the record --- i don't generally downvote as I feel that system is not balanced. (aka, person downvoting loses only 1 rep, while the person who posted loses 2 rep )
@Jack yeah
thank you
@Gordon @Jack - yup, and the Unicoin room is dead now :) ... I think I killed it.
ok --- this .... wow.... just wow. >> stackoverflow.com/questions/60174/…
not ONE answer combines all the techniques required for true sanitization of variables to prevent SQL Injection ---- no wonder so many sites get hacked
filter_input + conditioned variables + validation + prepared statements == sanitization !! .... the one example up-voted almost 2500 times, only uses PDO .... it does not account for the fact that the variable may contain executable code.
ffs \
guzzler documentation has been written by retard(s)
@tereško Guzzle is slow.
and, unlike Artax, it works with the REST API, that I have to use
guys, can anyone explain, how so: here I see that 4-th row is different, while in my local sandbox (PHP 5.5) they all are same.
my thought is (and that's from manual) - they should be same, adding 7 hours
and my local eval-ed PHP 5.5 script (it's copy-paste from 3v4l) showing same 4 rows.. I'm lost
even worse, viper is showing difference not in 2, but in 4 hours..
@AlmaDo the +n are changing the timezones for the input.
@salathe could you elaborate? didn't get your though completely
I'll make an example
that would be great
Also note that you can't have fractional relative times (2 and a half hours), as per php.net/datetime.formats.relative
@salathe I know that I can't have them (:
@Achrome - love the quote on bash.org ... that does seem to be the common mentality. Problem with regex, is php will execute code in preg_match statements.
Good morning.
Oy, where did all my Unicoins go?
Went to April 1 :P
Spamming this room again. If someone could help me improve this reference that would be awesome :)
@ircmaxell ping
@Leri Man, smells like Java ...
@HamZa Smells like proper OOP. :)
@Leri "primitive types" and "have methods" are two conflicting things
@AlmaDo Well, yes, but you can also have wrappers around primitives.
@Leri Nothing at all ...
how can I use this answer and make keep PHPExcel up-to-date at all times?
@HamZa I am one of the objectize everything unless it hits performance/memory guys.
by adding ~ in front of version number?
@Leri Use java
@HamZa I do. LOL
@Leri or write your own wrapper with php and objectify all the things
@HamZa That's ugly as hell. :) Stuff like that should be implemented at language implementation level. In another words, it should be the language feature, not the hack on the userland. :)
@HamZa post it as a question, add a header "Needs improving" check it for community
and ping the hell out of all regex gold/silver badge owners
how do i get from which (namespace/)function does some code run?
@CSᵠ I'm affraid it gets closed in the blink of an eye. After all, it's an anti-rep remedy. Poison for those rep hunters :)
@CSᵠ debug_backtrace ?
@HamZa add (?J) and its friends. I'm assuming thats PCRE
@Leri cool, thanx
@HamZa not poison, crap will still come, some ppl like crap :)
@mAsT3RpEE Well, I know that that modifier exists, but is there an answer somewhere ? That's the initial "commit", so it's far from complete. I need to add other modifiers too
@CSᵠ yw
hi guys
@zigi hallooooooo
Hi guys, I have been struggling with an issue for the past few days, and I thought to myself, hey, two heads think better than one, so I decided to try my luck and ask around
@HamZa Afraid to answer. Not too confident of regex outside PHP, Pearl, Python. Might mess up. Would you consider removing JAVA / JavaScript?
cv-pls: Docs, Backlog | Tools: Explain, phpdbg, devdocs.io | Addons: [cv-pls], PHP Manual Linkifier | Snippets: ext/mysql | Reference: QAs
@mAsT3RpEE You don't need to answer it completely, just pick up some that you know. For example, does the e modifier exist in any other language than php ? Here you go :)
@HamZa Okay I'll answer in the evening. Right now I'm working on something. Send you a link 2morrow for Python / Pearl with all answers.
I have a web based app (backend in Zend) that generates multiple pdf files which have to be printed/stored on the client's device. I have created a simple java program making simple http requests to do that and all is working just dandy. However, the web application requires login and the java application also requires login in order to know which files are accessible. Is there a way besides external protocols to link them, so when the the user logs in the web app, the java app is auth too?
@mAsT3RpEE oh also, you don't need to write an answer unless it's not there on stackoverflow. I suspect that there is already some answers on lookbehind, modifiers etc... I just didn't search well enough
otherwise it's a bit redundant that the user has to log in in two places every time he is logged out
@zigi Why don't you give the client a link to a pdf file and the client himself decides to print it or delete it ?
@HamZa That's complicated. Ill just write answers. You can decide what to do with them.
@mAsT3RpEE How's that complicated ? If we don't link most questions to answers it has a higher chance to be closed
Remember, I want to post this as a question on SO
I know that is a better solution, but I am dealing with invoices, orders, etc. and there might be multiple things to be printed, furthermore there are some settings that allow the user to say, hey I want those file to be saved in this directory every time without me having to download it.
@zigi Wait, is that java program a webbased one ?
@zigi Well, how do you determine that the person using the web application is the same one using your Java app?
Well they are using the same device
the java app is just a small thing like a plug in running on the background
@zigi Also, they can configure their browser to save the file in a specific directory without asking. Chrome does it.
Are we talking mobile or desktop here?
I don't see a reason for the Java program in this case.
Everything you need can (and should) be accomplished from the browser.
^ that
If you want to write a specific client, that's fine. But don't expect state to be preserved between the two.
if I use the web app myself it's fine
but the thing is, the clients are idiots and I need to simplify their work
If you try to log in to Stack Overflow from two different browsers, it won't log you in automatically in the second.
you need reason to use PHP, but you don't need it to use Java. Just use it
and prevent them from clicking all over
@zigi Provide a "simple" mode with all their default settings predefined so that they need to do minimal job.
You can do that in the browser too, you don't need a java program to do it.
like a plug in?
Write a browser plugin in worst case ?
To "simplify" their work, you need to first learn where're the bottlenecks and where're the troubles for your end users.
@HamZa I really don't wanna search SE for questions. There's so much spam / duplicates / wrong or incomplete answers. Its annoying. I think that's about the whole problem. Wouldn't it simply be useful to create a new questions / answers then focus on linking those to existing ones until they become popular enough to stand out of the crowd?
@mAsT3RpEE I agree
If you have a bunch of settings that could be important for the IRS or a similar body, but is often clicked away (next, next, next, next style), hide them by default, and allow "advanced" users to show them.
@mAsT3RpEE That's a good idea, remember that we need to make those questions "on-topic"
That's only an example, I have no idea what your usecase or problems, only you know.
(Or if you don't, that's what you should go ahead and find out)
Think about it this way: If you're making a Java program, you have another piece of software to maintain.
If you need to make a change you need to think of two places to change
Everything suddenly doubles up, and in two languages no less.
I understand completely
Halloooooo Hans!
but the people I work with are not happy with the solution that puts all the pdf-s in a single pdf and then the user clicks print
I am working with a "REST API", which uses cookies
@tereško Oh, man, why don't you get a real job? :P Is that the same thing Daniel tested?
@SecondRikudo meh on this weeks manga
^ nevermind. it's ok in room 11 to post cv/delv link first, then - to greet people :p
@Fabien Why? I enjoyed it
It reveals several new things
1. Just mixing Uchiha and Senju isn't enough for the Rinnegan, you need Indra and Ashura
This transference of power seems a little... iffy to me
2. Kaguya was originally Hyuuga, and SoSP's brother is probably the clan's origin
But if now both of them get a Rinnegan or something I'm going to puke.
> putting the cookie-monster to a rest
You crazy spoilerzzzz, I haven't read the manga yet !!! :P
A: RESTful Authentication

skrebbelI really doubt whether the people enthousiastically shouting "HTTP Authentication" ever tried making a browser-based application (instead of a machine-to-machine web service) with REST. (no offense intended - I just don't think they ever faced the complications) Problems I found with using HTTP ...

@HamZa Meh, nothing very "spoilerific" about it, just some talks, and Madara dies.
Aside from that, read on :D
sigh ... Me returns to working on nodejs :)
Btw, how would you guys perform authentication with a REST API ?
I need to build a REST API in nodejs. With a cookie ?
@HamZa A token header.
It depends ;) Sessions, tokens, message signing...
Or rather, every request should send the authentication details all over again.
Cookies, Authorization Header, in the message
Let me google that ...
even better - use second refresh token the same way google does it
because the first one should expire for better security
If you can safely distribute shared secrets, I would use message signing with HMAC
btw HMAC has always sounded to me like a mortal combat character
maybe because of Ermac
Yay, got my code working that I was working on yesterday
I owe so many people here beers... is anyone heading to phpuceu apart from Gordon this year?
good day
good morning
@Jimbo Doesn't look too promising according to the website :P
@webarto It was pretty good last year, I learned a fair bit... get your company to sponsor you for it?
Good then :) Not that type really, I prefer cash, and I'll pay it then :P
Still pretty new here.
What about phpconference.nl ?
Yup, Dutch thingy sounds good, many speakers from this room too.
Don't think I could swing a free trip to amsterdam as well, especially seeing as I'm wanting to go to PHPNW '14 this fall
Yay, that rocks too!
I have a goal to visit at least one this year, since I was never at a php conference.
Are you sponsored for tickets, travel and place to stay? @Jimbo
@webarto If I change job until deadline, I'll try to be there. /me limited financially
@webarto Yep ;) all-expenses. lol
Helped that I said I wanted to give a talk there
@Leri Yeah, it's really expensive all things included.
@Jimbo Lucky bastard :P
Just gotta ask man, if you don't ask you don't get
Tomorrow I am going on Microsoft Developers Day. It's the first time such event here. It'd be interesting how well organized it's.
Unless the company has a policy on that :) @Jimbo
Microsoft is the best.
@webarto at what? sucking?
Haha, I knew it.
@DaveRandom Lol, so that's how @webarto got to his senior position
I don't like Microsoft as well but how are they still so big if they suck so much
hello, I have:
$protocol = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ? "https://" : "http://";
@Jimbo I'm just a janitor.
but when I have some traffic the server load start increasing
^ Microsoft is so big because they suck so much (and they know how to do it & where)
@webarto Yeah, seniors are meant to clean crap of juniors. :)
They give good salaries and everything, they don't suck that much as an employer.
@Leri I don't know, I've never worked with juniors :P
Usually I'm the junior.
@MGE well... SSL does come with a CPU price
@seong pffffff
nop, there is no one using ssl yet
just the condition, increase the load
$protocol = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ? "https://" : "http://";
I hope ssl is not the bottleneck that would mean you machine sucks :)
@PeeHaa FM
its so weird
fucking manual
@HamZa ;-)
I always thought that RTFM is 'read the first manual' ..
@PeeHaa Willen wij minder of meer PHP ?
that is weird, but maybe it is a coincidence. or you have other side-effects... really hard to tell...
@MGE uhhhhm you know that is incorrect btw right?
@HamZa hahahahaha
your code snippet shouldn't be any factor
@PeeHaa mwahahaha :D
@PeeHaa sorry?
@MGE IIS uses off as value to indicate non ssl
if I delet the line, the load go down
@MGE IIS will have the string "off" in $_SERVER['HTTPS']
@MGE must be a side-effect of something else... this snippet shouldn't be the culprit... do you have an opcode cache running?
$protocol = ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off') ||
$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) ? "https://" : "http://";
it keep incraing..
@MGE Port means nothing....
Drop that
@MGE in which environment are you running? webserver? fcgi? module?
@MGE which one?
apache + litespeed
@MGE i don't know the details... but it might be that there is some opcode caching going on in the background and it hasn't picked up your changes yet. let it run for a while. but this is just a guess
ok thank
Can you clear the opcache?
Or at least invalidate the script
if that litespeed thing has one^^ really just a guess
anyways... your snippet should cost you practically zero. it must be something in your env. maybe the access to the env var might come at a cost, or the opcache is not yet rebuilt and it has to compile the bytecode every time... but from this side it is really hard to tell
@rdlowrey , I am inclined to agree with your conclusion
though, I suspect that this "bug" actually might be a sign of vulnerability
A lot of people practice "one assertion per test case", but some of my tests need to pass a few assertions for me to know that it worked (integration tests)... but best practice dictates the former. Gahhhh
Hello , am facing a problem with parsing dates bigger than 1900 , what is the best solution to parse date from string dd/MM/yyyy
@Jimbo If so your methods might be doing more than they should(?)
@AbdouTahiri Give us sample date that fails and tell us exactly what is failure (i.e. what's the result you expect).
@Leri Well, they don't need to pass a few assertions, it's just an extra added assertion to know it 100% worked. Like (1) success notification displayed. Great, that's at least a signal that some AJAX worked... then (2) on a list page that shows everything that succeeded, the most recent thing appears there so I know it worked. Perhaps I'll just miss out the notification then
But I don't want an entirely new test duplicated with two lines less code to check whether or not the notification displayed
@Jimbo I would just postulate that "unit tests are not the same as integration tests" and write multiple assertions per test
@Jimbo Sounds like integration test/app.
it is not "best practice", if it makes the tests harder to follow
$saved_date = "10/10/1755";
$saved_date = date_format(date_create($saved_date),'Y-m-d');
@Leri Yep, integration / regression / not functional
(changed after googling differences between integration vs functional tests, lol)
@tereško Fair point, readibility is king I guess
i have an issue with url rewrite and redirection from .htaccess
@AbdouTahiri Works fine: 3v4l.org/o4Vkq
any body there to help?
@NeelBhasin you can enable logs for mod_rewrite in apache
look it up
/me is busy at work
@tereško it is running fine in local host
@tereško but problem while going online
@AbdouTahiri Are you trying to do this on a 32-bit system?
Because that will indeed give you problems
I explicitly told you that I am busy .. you should have understood
@HamZa gotit
@Jimbo When it comes to integration testing I tend to create semi-automated application that automatically emulates basic stuff and immediately reports everything. Edge cases are tested manually. Basically, no assertion in integration tests for me. :)
@Leri it gives me an error "date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTime, string given "
i tried on windows 7 x64 with PHP 5.4
@DaveRandom Oh, I sometimes forget that they exist. :p
@AbdouTahiri Yeh, Windows versions of PHP are 32-bit even when running on 64-bit
It will work fine on *nix 64-bit
@HamZa LOL
@DaveRandom , what to do now ?
@AbdouTahiri If you production system is 64-bit *nix, then you don't have a problem. If your production system isn't 64-bit *nix, you have more problems than just this one ;-)
@DaveRandom Wait, why does date_create return string on x86?
@Leri Just wondering about that, testing it now
Actually @AbdouTahiri that works for me on Win8, PHP 5.4.22, what PHP version are you using?
Are you sure you included the date_create() call?
I guess it must overflow to float, as it the PHP way
> i tried on windows 7 x64 with PHP 5.4
I wonder why Apple didn't patented iD yet..
@AlmaDo Because then they should create D lang compiler and replace obj-C with it. :p
@AlmaDo Also iHateYou, since that seems to be their attitude to anyone other than themselves
Wait, that would be great thing. :D ^
@Leri why? they would get billions from all who've ever designed at least one single table
Oct 14 '12 at 22:47, by DaveRandom
Apple should start making gobstoppers. They could call them iSuckBalls

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