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Any laravel 4 users know where the base eloquent class is? I'd like to throw some generic methods in there. Or should I just create my own eloquent extension and then extend all the models off of that eloquent extension?
I'm missing one major thing in your document. I don't enable JS on random pages
I guess creating my own base eloquent extension that all models are extended off of would be the best way to handle updated...
Once that is added to the document it looks pretty complete. @SecondRikudo
@billmalarky I doubt you will find a lot of friends in here ;-)
@PeeHaa Reload the page :)
@PeeHaa I already have friends here, they are just one sided friendships xD
> All of the approaches are completely cross browser compliant (aside from #1, see its cons). The only instances when they won't work is if the user has disabled JavaScript or HTTP redirection or has an exceedingly old browser.
@billmalarky :)
@PeeHaa will be your friend!
@SecondRikudo One last thing I just thought of. pushstate
You may want to handle that
@PeeHaa How does that help me?
@PeeHaa Handle how? You mean for one-page apps utilizing pushState?
@PeeHaa That would be a pro for #1.
I'll add it, thanks.
I really love this approach of pushing Git to automatically update on the server.
Saves the trouble of repeatedly scp or, god forbid, using FTP.
@SecondRikudo Did you setup hooks?
@PeeHaa Yup
3 repos, 1 local, 2 on the server
On the server, 1 bare and 1 normal
Is the script decent and generic?
I still have a brute force approach by simply asking github every 5 minutes "do you have changed yet?"
I push to the bare, post-update hook cds to normal repo and pulls from bare.
brb btw going to drink
Heya @crypticツ
Care to throw you $.02 here? tchizik.com/taboola/task3.html
Also @salathe would love to hear your advice as well
@SecondRikudo I would?
Task is to describe approaches to track link clicks.
@SecondRikudo covered <a ping> ?
@CSᵠ What's <a ping>?
good :)
food for thought...
@CSᵠ Heh, looks very interesting, how cross browser is it?
no idea
but an option
Q: How cross browser is <a ping>?

Second Rikudo<a ping="..."> is a relatively new, relatively unknown attribute in HTML5's anchor element. How cross-browser compliant is it? I've looked at online sources like MDN and http://caniuse.com, but found nothing that suggest browser support. I want to know if it's a viable option for link tracking...


Answer 2

this is the best post i've found for aligning checkboxes and their corresponding labels. I'm just giving you a hint. You have to mess around with the actual values to get it right. Since i don't have the xaml viewer i don't know how it's supposed to look like.
@CSᵠ Thank you, I will add it
@SecondRikudo most welcome
@SecondRikudo the way to do it :)
@SecondRikudo and others why? what is wrong with w3schools? (sorry for offtopic) — Janez 20 secs ago
I'm not going to answer that.

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
@SecondRikudo wow it almost went viral
@CSᵠ When someone usually doesn't ask questions, it's not because he knows everything, it's because he knows how to research and answer his own questions without external help
When someone like that does ask a question, it's usually a good one :P
@SecondRikudo couldn't have put it better, indeed, very true
@Loclip no you're not.
@SecondRikudo ?
@SecondRikudo none of your link tracking examples works
Also, why isn't your server running 5.5?
I like HTML5 ping though
What are the actual units used when drawing with canvas? Pixels?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why none of them work?
Also, sadly, like I wrote, HTML5 ping is horribly supported
For example, you'd seriously make a blocking AJAX call for analytics?
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's a good approach for 1-page apps, not much more.
keep track of user being in page + keep track of mouse over links = much less blocking for example
Because, like you say, it blocks and creates a lag.
@BenjaminGruenbaum but mouse over links != links get clicked
Right but user left page with mouse over link is usually indicative of a click and blocks a lot less
Even the redirect is better, but still bad
@BenjaminGruenbaum That won't work if the user uses his keyboard, nor in mobile.
Mobile has other hacks, people generally don't use their keyboards
@BenjaminGruenbaum What's wrong with the redirect? (I'm assuming you're talking about #2)
That's an extra request and a visible redirect for the client - far from optimal
@BenjaminGruenbaum Your approach suggests that you hit the server every time there's a hover?
@SecondRikudo how to proxy to apache from nginx in front on a ubuntu vps?
And then the last one that came from the page was likely the one the user clicked?
I usually track page visits rather than link clicks. If link clicks are external then none of it matters since a delay appears as if it's on the target server and not mine :P
@Saptarsi No idea, I use only nginx on my server.
xkcd.com/1341 I like WYSINWYG :-) Absolutely my favourite editor type.
@SecondRikudo so apache isn't necessary for php? because as far as I know nginx along cannot handle dynamic content!
@Saptarsi I can guarantee that it can.
@SecondRikudo and mysql also?
@SecondRikudo :O
@BenjaminGruenbaum The task asks to track links
@SecondRikudo do u use php fpm with nginx?
Since the company is about creating content suggestions based on user's behavior + statistics, I'm guessing that's kind of the point.
@Saptarsi Yes.
@SecondRikudo thank u very much
@BenjaminGruenbaum refresh the page, tell me if that's what you meant.
@SecondRikudo what should be the values of "worker process" and "keep alive timeout" in the nginx configuration file? server has 1 gb ram.
Anyone used rabbitmq or zeromq with hhvm?
@ocramius? :D
grood mogniorn
@PeeHaa Howdy
Hi =]
@SuhosinPony - is there a zmq binding available for HHVM?
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 59 minutes to continue reviewing.
'sup :P ?
Not much. Having been going through dumpert for the past half hour :P You?
lol, I'm working on some documentation for school
Sounds like a terrible way to spend the saturday night :P
Yeah but the deadline is soo close. Was it yestersay ? Can't remember. Anyways I should finish my part and get ride of it
@PeeHaa did you check this lol ?
omfg I have now :P\
@user11153 got trolled. — basher Mar 10 at 19:14
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