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@JoeWatkins Well, there's a few major differences.
Does anyone condone spoon feeding here?
1. If he fails, no one dies.
all the more reason to help isn't it ??
2. If he ever wants to be a developer, advance, and learn, he has to learn to learn.
it doesn't matter what the difference are, you could have helped him and he could understand it by now, instead of just getting him frustrated ...
3. If you'd like, you can write his one line, and be off to your merry way
I learn from examples.
Until he returns here to ask again
So you code 1 line, i take that line and repeat it.
My next problem would be line 2.
(totally different)
@SecondRikudo there's no quota for questions ...
@JoeWatkins There isn't.
But I prefer to avoid help vampires.
so what's the problem with asking two ?
I don't know what that is ...
@JoeWatkins The problem is that after two there'll be three, then four, then five.
Extend charity outward to the SO community; if you get help, then help someone else.
He want to be a programmer but don't want to program
^ I wrote that ...
He want to be a programmer but don't want to program ?
Who said I wanted to be a programmer
@VarunAgw No need to get unconstructive.
I just want to finish my project
Im getting the feeling that no ones going to help me.
Extend charity outward to the SO community; if you get help, then help someone else. -- Il scratch your back if you scratch mine ;)
@RahulKhosla There's different kinds of help.
You do my work, Il do yours?
Im a graphic designer ;)
What you call help may solve your symptoms, but you won't be able to deal with other problems you come up during this project.
I asked for one line
Or even what function is BEST to use
@RahulKhosla I answered that one.
"you can do with str something if u feel creative"
"if u feel creative" sounds like its the hardest way
@RahulKhosla did you open the manual page for strpos ?
@RahulKhosla An easier way would be with preg_match, but since you don't know regular expressions, that won't help you much.
yes, Im usig strpos right now but I dont get how it works.
when someone says a function you haven't heard before, look at it like php.net/strpos
preg_ = is related to something called ragex right?
@RahulKhosla RegEx = Regular Expressions :)
BOOM. Im a pro.
So you do know regex?
you can guess the answer to that ...
Im good in CSS/HTML
Just suck at PHP
I made this a while back
rocketcss.com is one of my projects.
No hate please.
Itamar Kestenbaum
That sounds like a guy from Israel
I would help, but I'm not allowed ...
Dec 8 '13 at 16:20, by PeeHaa
@JoeWatkins Please stay away from webdevelopment. :P
@JoeWatkins By orders from your therapist? :D
@JoeWatkins that's 3 months ago… maybe you've gotten better…
I didn't get any better in the ten years before it !!
chances seem slim ...
evening bob, by the way :)
did you see my awesome interpersonal skills earlier on ??
The authors of two projects have a disagreement on Reddit, then resolve it whilst being civil: http://bit.ly/1kCUrAI Atta boy @krakjoe.
I even got an "atta boy" ... interpersonal like a boss ....
@JoeWatkins Winning?
at learning C ?
The tutorial/book so far has been quite nice. But my pace is leisurely. Not as scary as I first though so far. Indents/Spaces caught me.
indents/spaces ?
Error during make because of it.
Didn't know it was so sensitive
I reckon you'll get it, pretty hard to imagine anyone that can write in PHP couldn't pick up C, it seem the wrong way around to me, but it'll work ...
oh in preprocessor stuff ?
@ircmaxell coool ...
Well it's about time I picked up something else. C is goal orientated for me. Though nothing specific but a definite path.
@Fabien you just understood one of the words that would prompt you to say "I know some of those words" a few months ago ;)
heh. Room 11 growth. It's funny @Simon_eQ finds this room hinders his growth but for me it makes me want more.
depends what you choose to talk about doesn't it ...
It's somewhere between the "Dress for the job you want" and "Surround yourself with the people who make you happy".
for a while, I tried to hang around on digitalpoint forums, I like answering questions for people, I dunno if SO was even a thing then ... now that was a waste of time, so I cured myself of my addiction to that ...
this place has a strange attraction ...
yesterday, by rdlowrey
Probably the nicest thing (IMO) about room 11 is that intelligent people can have differing opinions without everything being misconstrued as a personal attack (re: reddit).
mostly that ...
I get really wary of regulars saying "Hey, we're great, not like X at all."
it's actually the case, I don't know of anywhere with such a collective of knowledge on a subject we all enjoy talking about ... even if we disagree ...
It's a bit of a community in here tbf. But it's not like it's closed source.
lol, well I am pretty new here. And you have all done me great justice
Not being around peers most of the time, this is quite beneficial for me
The reason for that is I've seen HN'ers and Redditors alike talking about how their community is better/kinder/smarter than the other two.
And I've seen all three act unfairly/stupid/unkindly/etc
we're not talking about the whole of SO, we are talking about this one chat room
SO in general can be as heated as anywhere else ... sense usually wins out in the end even on heated discussions - you don't get people upvoting an answer because they read a guys blog ...
I've seen the exact same behavior between different SO chat rooms.
47 mins ago, by Rahul Khosla
I feel attacked.
I don't think i recognize your username, have you been in here before ?
Me or Varun?
PHP is the first room I visited when I was first learning web dev.
That would be about two years ago.
I wasn't here then, I was locked away in a cupboard ... so I dunno ...
where smartness is concerned, we don't have to compete, we have people like nikic and bwoebi that are half our age and four times our IQ ...
@JoeWatkins Well, to do what you've done you need a certain IQ… so… don't exaggerate :-P
@VarunAgw I dunno about attacked. I like to think of it as 'tough love'.
^ This is exactly what I'm talking about
@bwoebi no harm ever came from it ... but you are kinda the odd one out if you don't have an @php.net email address in here tho, if you want to goto a place and talk about PHP, I really cant think of anywhere better ...
Everything contradicting "Room 11 is a bunch of great people" is redefined and swept away.
@JoeWatkins everyone who isn't a room owner (and Madara) don't have @php.net address…
I'm not saying "You're all terrible people", I'm saying it's a bad idea to assume everything's great.
I think I reasoned that we should help the guy, then I got distracted by something shiny and forgot about it ...
@SomeKittensUx2666 How so?
I know about 80% of the time I've been in here, I was insulted and then ignored.
We were trying to teach him to fish not give him one. Some people don't like that but the intention wasn't offence.
But I do see your point.
@bwoebi oh yeah ... I don't pay much attention to my surroundings I guess :D
There's been times where I have felt insulted in this room. But my response is to try harder.
@Fabien Yeah, I don't think today's incident was a problem.
@JoeWatkins oh, there are more room owners who don't… teresko, cryptic, alma do, lusitanian, reikyoushin…
@SomeKittensUx2666 the original message wasn't actually even concerning general conduct, he's referring to the kinds of complex discussions that happen on internals and sometimes reddit about internals, not how to do X with jquery like questions, real questions ;)
@php.net email address is one of my vanity goals :P
I do sometimes cringe when someone comes in with a question like that and those that have an interest in answering at all might hound them to ask the question more precisely ... incidentally that's how schollars train for brilliance, by not letting a statement pass in bad form, it's not a bad practice and I retract from intervening on those grounds ...
sometimes I think just help the guy ... there's a whole range of people using PHP and it doesn't make much sense to assume that everyone wants to be "a programmer" the guy earlier even said "who said I want to be a programmer, I just want to finish my project" ... I'd have helped him ... but shiny things ...
I did in fact help him with one error. The second I tried to show him how to debug.
It's tough being new.
yeah and I've no idea what to say to these people to be honest ... to understand the words I inevitably use you need more knowledge than a beginner has, I don't do it on purpose ...
I remember them feels. Asking for help and walking away with 10 words to google.
Mainly because it still happens. :D
@JoeWatkins I don't think we shouldn't in such cases.
First of all he was trying to build a whole application (something like chatbot)
he was unwilling to google even a simple function
I didn't know that he was building a whole app, he was asking about a single function when I was looking at the conversation ...
He wanted us to develop the whole application line by line
that's taking the piss, obviously ... so maybe I didn't see enough to say, but I see no real harm in talking him through it and writing a few lines for him, he's not exactly gonna sell it to facebook for 20 billion, whatever it takes for knowledge to assimilate, right ?
dude, I'm so damn lazy ... I still haven't done my blog ...
Nobody likes to help someone who isn't even trying....atleast I don't like
Written or created?
this is all I have right now ... krakjoe.me a valiant effort, I think you'll agree ...
@JoeWatkins Just plop a Ghost install on it :)
I'm wondering why everyone wants a shiny @php.net address?
@Fabien is there anything less haunted ??
@bwoebi me too, mine never even works ...
I get about 3/10 ..
@Fabien Ugh, Ghost
@JoeWatkins heh. I think everything else has skeletons in the closet.
A blog you say? Use html =]
@SomeKittensUx2666 For a simple blogging platform it's easy.
@JoeWatkins maybe deactivate your greylisting option on master.php.net? or some of the other options there?
@Fabien 'Simple' === 'missing all the features I want'
My main issue with Ghost is that they advertise(d?) features they didn't have.
@bwoebi Badge of honor. I did say it was a vanity goal :P. But I look forward to earning it.
it'll have some multithreaded code/examples on it, probably, if I ever get around to it ... I was thinking about writing something that takes markdown and turns it into a bootstrap site ... I can't be fucked with a whole framework and database admin and all that crap, I'm sooo damn lazy ...
@SomeKittensUx2666 Indeed it is very new. Missing features also equal opportunity though.
@JoeWatkins Is it really PHP 5.7?
it's master
@Fabien what do you mean by equal opportunity?
@JoeWatkins right there with you dude.
to create them yourself.
5.7 doesn't really exist yet ... it's not 5.6 ...
Blogs are so much work.
hmm… we maybe should call it PHP 6-dev instead of PHP 5.7-dev
If I wanted to feel like I had homework to do I'd go back to school.
Gave up on my blog a while ago. Always been meaning to restart it but can't find the time.
Because when you're bad about updating a blog that's how you feel.
@bwoebi try not to be so logical bob ...
(given that, I should probably go write now)
@JoeWatkins well… that was more meant to be funny…
mine too :D
I think that is what we are meant to do isn't it ?
lol, it totally is I think ...
You're always welcome to become an author on FabienO.com :D god knows the admin doesn't post there.
I think that even if I were in favor of arrayof[] I'd still vote "NO" out of jealousy from all Phil's atom.io tweets.
hehe, I wanted to look at that ...
Or maybe LamePHP.com should come in to affect.
@rdlowrey haha… but @JoeWatkins made the patch… you surely then wouldn't want to throw away his valuable work!
@rdlowrey but why jealousy? Phil just writes more then it's good for him^^
@bwoebi "throw away" sounds harsh. More like "delay until 5.7 PHP 6" ;)
@rdlowrey It's 6. SIX! SIIIIIX! :-)
yeah because it took so much effort, I lost sleep over it and everything, also I had to sell one of my children to buy sleeping pills after I had written it, also, I lost an arm, somehow ... is any of this working ?
no but in all seriousness, I don't care, I had my fun writing the patch :D
Think RFCs will ever be anonymous?
No, and that's fine.
You mean the votes?
I hope they aren't, I hope voting isn't either ...
Not sure why you'd want the author to be hidden.
It makes a difference, TBH.
voting could be anonymous if every user got a vote ... but as it is you have to feel some responsibility I think, having your name there does that ...
Anyone here from London?
no, why Ben ?
Besides, it's easy enough to abstain if you don't feel confident about why you'd vote one way or the other.
Why does the author make a difference?
the author of the patch ?
@JoeWatkins thinking about flying there next week
Want to know what's a good area to stay in
<- Not an internals guy :P
@rdlowrey some people like stas feel to have to always vote… mhm.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you have to goto the city ?
Want, not have
Anything that is relevant to the process.
Dinner. Will be around coding after. Laters.
if it's short notice, and somewhere desirable, it might be more of a case of where you can find a booking ...
I was curious and almost made an app to give me statistics on all the RFC votes vs Author.
lata @rdlowrey
@Fabien well… there's always one who needs to announce it… and then that's the author at least… so no idea why it should be hidden
Joe, I have an idea I think you may want in on...
ok, I'm in, what is it ?
Have you used goroutines at all?
@bwoebi It's hard to remain objective sometimes :P even if it's just a little bit.
I haven't, but know what they are ?
@Fabien but… but… I want to be able to address a shitstorm to someone specific…
Well, bring that to php, where you can call a function with an "async" keyword. Then it would run with an implementation pluggable scheduler.
@bwoebi heh. Well it was only a curiosity. Though I would still be interested in the vote/author statistics.
So either a event loop (green threads by default), real threads or whatever.
@ircmaxell you mean like C# tasks?
Very similar
okay, lets do it ...
Abstracting the communication, synchronization and resource control away from the dev
Well, OK then.
you intend to RFC this one yourself yeah ?
No, but I intend to work on a proof-of-concept ;-)
ok, I'll get phil to do it if you want, he loves all that ...
RFC: Go to C# language specification, copy the parts about the TPL, paste in RFC :D
Not sure if we should do that. I assume it'd be mostly useful for doing the blocking I/O async…
Not at all. C# tasks abstract that completely.
Well, no. Not for doing blocking io, but instead not having to worry about blocking or not
They use "either a event loop (green threads by default), real threads or whatever." as @ircmaxell put it.
No callbacks. Just engine level task scheduling. So if something blocks, other code will transparently execute instead
Not trivial, but easier than doing it in userland...
@ircmaxell I don't know exactly if this is possible with disk I/O without threads…
I is but not O
@bwoebi disk I/O is just a system call?
@BenjaminGruenbaum and syscalls usually block.
So, it's possible to do whatever the OS allows? Which is both async and sync
Well, it is possible, but not trivial. Hence why the pluggable implementation to use libev or libevent or select, etx
@NikiC morning
morning @NikiC
@ircmaxell libuv, it's great and does all things - really.
@nikic: when are you going to come and talk at a conference? Hook up with Igor and get it done! :-)
Ben: the only reason for options is that different systems may need different implementations because of library support, etc...
@ircmaxell I thought there were some things @rdlowrey couldn't do async with libevent… not exactly remembering what.
So I would rather see a pluggable system...
@bwoebi in general? Or in php? Because I am talking about doing this at the engine level, not php. .
@ircmaxell don't know… I should stop discussing now… the only thing I have here is dangerous semi-knowledge…
I have a terrible memory and can't find the thing he was talking about, but I think he's referring to file descriptors nb behaviour
@ircmaxell this is exactly what libuv aims to solve
No, worth talking about because I am in the same place ;-)
hmhm… let's wait for @rdlowrey to come back; he surely knows more about that than we all together…
Still, it is an idea... :-)
So, I just spent some hours doing this: github.com/php/php-src/pull/610
Yep, just no idea how good it's realizable…
Added three error checks to mcrypt and ... then had to fix practically all tests, because not a single one of them actually tested mcrypt with valid inputs.
@NikiC because php :D
No wonder everybody always fucks up encryption if our own tests don't realize the difference between a password and a key...
Awesome job @nikic
green threads would be green, nobody expects green threads to be that capable, a green thread can be anywhere between an extension of the same idea that is used in generators now all the way up to something based on events underneath ... so there's probably actually 100 ways to do it ...
there'll be a few good ones anyway ...
Yup, but at least green threads are guaranteed to work and be available everywhere...
@bwoebi You can't do filesystem I/O async in a cross-platform manner, hence the reason libuv threads it underneath to make it look like you can
Various OSes and file systems handle it in totally different and fundamentally incompatible ways
we would have a problem asking the vm to enter and execute in such threads
@DaveRandom wait what?

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