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github appears to be back.
I wonder who stress tests them.
I dislike them both. For the features i use gnumeric
are fine
man this is some long crazy javascript. calls to js files to write js files to call more js
@Fabien Imagine one of those would first load a brainfuck VM and then execute brainfuck within that.
php -r 'echo json_encode([]);' function not found 5.5.3 can anyone assist
$serverName = "";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"tdStoreLocator", "UID"=>"odbcAdmin", "PWD"=>"Midnight1Midnight1");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo );
if( $conn === false )
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));
$sql = "SELECT dbo.Customer.name, dbo.Customer.address1, dbo.Customer.address2, dbo.Customer.address3, dbo.Customer.city, dbo.Customer.state, dbo.Customer.zip,
dbo.Customer.faxnum, dbo.Customer.phonenum, dbo.Customer.emailaddress, Part.description, Part.partnum, ROUND(odbcadmin.fn_calDist(- 0.03715491813985, 0.9178158214586024, long *
@hakre heh. It's frazzling my brain.
seems json functions have been removed from php 5.5 can anyone confirm?
just found this in my inbox: >> Asshole / don't reduce people's reputation / mind your own business / dick << - I wonder if that is related to stackoverflow....
@hakre its totally related to SO. :)
In HTML <br> tag wasn't allowed outside the paragraph <p> but in PHP is it true that they are allowed?
@cpx hit that guy with a stick
For example: In HTML you would use <br> tags inside <p> tags as a rule I suppose:
Hi <br>
Hello <br>

But when writing PHP you don't seem to need a <p> to enclose <br> tags.
@Fabien nice pick, also SO related.
@cpx I guess you are talking about nl2br()
@cpx this is wrong. BR in HTML is here: validome.org/doc/standards/html_2/L2index.html#BR
@cpx br is completely valid inside and outside of p tag
As BODY is optional in HTML, you write it where you like: before or after the first P tag, that's up to you.
<?php echo Hello ?> <br />
<?php echo Hi ?> <br />
@Mr.Alien In HTML?
@cpx first of all wrap the text between '
and secondly the syntax you just wrote is valid, what you feel invalid about that
@Mr.Alien no, not necessary in PHP :)
@hakre didn't got you
But in HTML, we cannot simply write character data with in <body>
@cpx still not getting
8 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Exactly ^^^
jo mr Tereško
Check the following code in the validator: validator.w3.org/check for example
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"><!-- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> --><!-- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC

"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> -->

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<title> Untitled Document </title>


Hi <br>
Hello <br>


@cpx xhtml strict??
It has 4 errors.
You get what you deserve
@PeeHaa strict dtd @cpx use <!DOCTYPE html>
game over
Really. dafuq
never used that haha
So, in HTML5 is it allowed? I wonder as there's no strict version.
@cpx It's web, nothing is strict, oh I C, you come from C++ background :D
@cpx Are you joking? There is no HTML5 so far. You perhaps mean HTML Living Standard Specification. :)
Magento developers here?
Joomla only.
@webarto :) thank you for your response
Anyone good with php myadmin? I have a database import error which I can't figure out.
mysqladmin only.
You would get more help if you just posted the error.
Here's the errorr output from php myadmin...I have no idea what this means!

There is a chance that you may have found a bug in the SQL parser. Please examine your query closely, and check that the quotes are correct and not mis-matched. Other possible failure causes may be that you are uploading a file with binary outside of a quoted text area. You can also try your query on the MySQL command line interface. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem. If you still have problems or if the parser fails where the command line interf
ok people. Now I don't know what I am going to do next. I still think my pornbusiness is a pretty awesome idea, however a black market for dope, weapons and what not is also pretty awesome
Background to above error... created new DB in local phpmyadmin. Exported db from dev server, ran search & replace on website url to change all dev urls to 'localhost:8888', imported into new local DB via phpmyadmin, and error popped up.
@jasonbradberry What part of "Please examine your query closely, and check that the quotes are correct and not mis-matched. Other possible failure causes may be that you are uploading a file with binary outside of a quoted text area. You can also try your query on the MySQL command line interface. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem." is it you are having problems with understanding?
will try for my next portfolio
@jasonbradberry Oh god, they really include "There is a chance that you may have found a bug in the SQL parser." in the error message?
They must be getting a lot of bogus bug reports because of that...
hi all, I'm wondering how i can get the colors of an image at specific pixels. I'm hoping to get the pixels on the right,left,top and bottom corner. Any ideas?
@PeeHaa I had a look at that previously. How do i set the corners that I want to get the color from?
@AmalMurali wow DOA nice one
@sam That what the x/y coords are for
@JoeWatkins thanks for the link. I'll look at that one too
oh, nvm, that comment got deleted.
@PeeHaa so for the right corner, would it be 0, 0?
@PeeHaa In all honesty I look at the database SQL file and I don't know what is meant to be there and what is not. I get that it asks me to check that there's nothing messed up in terms of quotes/commented out areas etc, but everything in the DB is generated by Wordpress, so all I've done is search & replace a URL, so I can't see how that would affect either of those. The last line, suggesting an error on line 1 is slightly odd, as line 1 is simply "-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump"
@salathe: wat? :P
@AmalMurali Take a wild guess :)
@sam Where are you from?
@salathe: no idea :(
@AmalMurali I've give you a few minutes to think.
@NikiC Yes it's a pretty vague/potentially misleading statement to say the least.
@salathe: Over Vampired?
@PeeHaa Sydney
Open Vote :P
@webarto gets a gold star ☆
Ostrich Vagina?
lies. that's not gold
@sam Aaaah that explains why your coordinates are the wrong way around ;-)
@salathe why that was closed? OP showed his code..
@AlmaDoMundo How should I know?
@AlmaDoMundo: He didn't CV
I misunderstood. Anyway, that question is quite simple and can be googled, I think
@salathe is .htaccess supported on people.php.net if you know perchance?
hey @webarto did you do your zfce yet?
@DaveRandom Hey Dave mate, rescheduled it to 11th Oct, had to finish a year in college, bad timing. I see you're not on a list yet (Yellow Pages)?
@webarto IIRC it's using Apache, so yes.
@webarto No, going to PHPNW though, where I get a half-price voucher for the exam so I will be using that
I did get a real dev job though :-D
Congrats! Update me.
UPDATE webarto SET zce_certs = zce_certs + 1
That do you?
@salathe Yes it is, thanks, do you think this patch could be merged, so we have people.php.net/salathe? :)
> \ No newline at end of file
@DaveRandom It's still UPDATE webarto SET salary = salary :D
It was there, someone stole it.
It'll be the NSA
Remember that tool that scraped repositories and removed newlines and whitespace to save bandwidth...
@webarto Why the R=302? Why not just do a "proper" rewrite?
@webarto I don't have access to the box to be sure, but we could just merge it and see what happens.
I have no clue, would need absolute paths in HTML if they already arent.
@webarto absolute paths? was dah?
@PeeHaa haha, smart arse. Thanks for the link though. Found the solution after reading the whole article
It won't break anything if AllowOverride is disabled, it just won't do anything
@sam :-D
@webarto Not really, it's still in the root of the domain. Just redirect /user/ to /user
That thingy when you put / in front, whatshallicallit.
@webarto relative (to docroot) url?
Yes, maybe it's set to None, if you'd be kind to merge it @salathe, and we'll pray.
RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L,QSA,R=302]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /user.php?username=$1 [L,QSA]
Smart ass.
There may be a better way of doing that
@PeeHaa Yes!
@webarto Sure, can do.
Also I'm never completely clear on whether you really need QSA when you don't alter the query string, every time I think I understand it something unexpected happens
I really wish that more people would adopt 2.4 so you can use [END] and expect it to actually work
I read it on blag somewhere.
Just L would do I guess.
It generally does, but [END] is not as ambiguous as [L] (in fact to me [END] does what [L] always should have done, and there should be a C/continue
@DaveRandom Hey I am fire that query in browser i am getting could not prepare statement (1 not an error) in console message
You make my tiny brain hurt.
Best error message evah
> 1 not an error
@chintankhetiya You can't execute multiple queries in a single prepared statement, you'll have to do it as two separate statements, it won't negatively affect the outcome though
and i have check it alert also Query looks same INSERT OR IGNORE INTO N_STOCK (pro_id,quantity) VALUES (6,0) ; UPDATE N_STOCK SET quantity = quantity + 4 in SQLite Manager
@PeeHaa Yeah , I confuse :
@DaveRandom Okay
@DaveRandom IS IT VALID ?
@webarto The Apache internal request cycle is really counter-intuitive sometimes, especially when mod_rewrite sticks its nose in. It's also slow as hell. Its mega-powerful, but I've never seen a server in the that uses even a 10th of what can be done with it - its been designed to be ultra-dynamic, but literally nobody expect possibly shared hosts need that power and flexibility.
@chintankhetiya Y U SHOUTING?!?!
Also "UPDATE STOCK SET quantity=quantity" + '+' +quantity; ... wat?
@NikiC you have good memory as I found out going through old emails: bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64185
Why on earth did you separate the '+' into another concat??
But generally yes that's what I meant
@DaveRandom sorry my caps was on :(
i am using PhoneGap so i have to write my code in JS function
Well, realistically the only way to see if something works is to... see if it works
@DaveRandom yeah its working as i have show you in pastie :)
First time i got an error like > 1 its not an error :P LOL
Yeh that's a pretty awesome error message
The irony is that a lot of the time, 1 does indicate an error...
ha ha :)
BTW nice to talk with you :)have a grate day :)
What's your time right now ?
@webarto do you want to use your patch, or @DaveRandom's?
@salathe If mine, let me double check that it does what I'm expecting it to first :-P
@chintankhetiya 13:47
@DaveRandom Good :) Then I think its your lunch time
@salathe Here is his: gist.github.com/webarto/dbeb28b7f3a24803768e but my name :P
Looks OK (expect not OK) I guess
@webarto Yeh the rules do what I expect, and the QSA on the redirect is indeed not necessary
@DaveRandom I ignored you and committed something else :P
Gaaah mod_rewrite only reinforces my recently-ish found love for nginx
@salathe Sounds about right :-P
@salathe it is closed .... ???
@hakre it was...
And out of nowhere! ZANGIEF!
@salathe thanks!
@salathe Redirect to strip/add trailing slashes as appropriate is perfectly acceptable IMO. You can always 301 it if that's what you're worried about... I'm just trying to beat mod_rewrite into only having the RewriteCond pair twice but I don't think there's a sane way to do it. The [C] flag does the opposite of what it should do as well, I really really really hate it
Of course, the better solution would be to just use absolutely rooted paths in the HTML
1 message moved to /bin/gif
@hakre I've added my answer, feel free to close it again :P
@salathe Seen it, doesn't solve the problem. If I request /daverandom relative paths would resolve to be / based. If I do /daverandom/ they'll resolve to be /daverandom/ based
(the browser still sees the slash even though the server doesn't)
@DaveRandom Yes I know... hence the "TODO" label
@salathe interesting. Still, OP wants several days :p
But I already DO with the slash-stripping redirect :-(
@DaveRandom hi
@AlmaDoMundo huh?
@salathe i.e. get all 'Thursdays' and 'Tuesdays' of this month (see comments & update of my post)
@DaveRandom I'd rather have the slash there
but that's just me
@AlmaDoMundo that's totally trivial given my example
wtf man. Seriously, a ping that says "hi" from a stranger? Do you go up to random people on the street, interrupt their conversations and just say "hi"?
@salathe yes, I see how :p It's just about posting that into answer
@AlmaDoMundo SO is a wiki, go wild.
@salathe So would I, but the only way to accomplish that would be to alter the generated HTML so that all links are rooted. Which probably won't be that big a job, that site is pretty small...
2 messages moved to bin
wow /bin/gif, great idea! :)
@DaveRandom pretty small... hehe, it's tiny
We need /usr/bin for binning users
@webarto that breaks my dev site
@webarto <base> is evil IMO
IMHO <base> is for loosers :D anyway, it is valid HTML....
@webarto: Did you see my @mention lately?
@DanLugg Where is that supposed to be?
@hakre Hey, not that I recall, haven't been active lately, real-life and stuff.
Good morning
@Orangepill monring
What does the day shift think about this: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/12138099#12138099
good, bad, meh or bat-shit insane?
i've been searching a PHP headless browser with Java Script enabled, this post seem to be good but i understand nothing stackoverflow.com/questions/6578132/php-headless-browser/… :( What headless browsers do you use? :)
@Orangepill E_MISSING_INFO
@peehaa it's a general http request abstraction.... or am a missing a huge piece of something?
@Orangepill I often also want to know whether it was an xhr request or tls vs nontls
@PaaHaa that would be useful.
2 days ago, by hakre
@webarto: slowly but steadily, print_r has a real repo now at least: https://github.com/hakre/print_r-converter
Guys is it possible to get data from a SQL using two Inner Joins, without having the first Inner Join affecting the second one?
@hakre Oh, flattered :D I'll setup a VPS and give you full access with domain so you can do WTF you want, sounds OK?
I know this isn't MySQL channel, but it is empty.
@webarto WTF is not okay, the rest is :) And yeah, sounds like fun!
I meant WTH, but that's bad too, m'kay.
@webarto API++ (pls)
Preferably JSON(P)
I feel another SO-helper browser extension coming on...
Or actually could just rewrite the converter in JS I suppose
The "I have my whole database stored as print_r()" converter :)
I think there is a converter in JS for print_r
@hakre you mean console.dir() ?
@DaveRandom Yeah, I still can't install the original php manual linkifier
@tereško what's that?
@webarto do you have a hosting company of some sort?
@Jimbo Didn't we conclude it was E_CHROME_BROKEN?
@DaveRandom I uninstalled and reinstalled chrome, shouldn't that be the first browser it should work for? :P
cv-helper works
@Jimbo Yeh that's a total wtf. What's the error you get again?
invalid crx or something, hold on
Oh it was something about the magic number I think
Which is weird
"Package is invalid: CRX_MAGIC_NUMBER_INVALID"
That's really really odd. The magic number is the first 4 bytes of the binary, which should be Cr24
@reikyoushin No, work for one, Site5.com supports OSS and gives hosting to any project of employees.
and @webarto, i dont know if this is critical but i dont think you should be displaying (kohana) errors on production.. you'd know what i mean
@reikyoushin ;)
@DaveRandom I know, didn't we look at the hex of it and it was fine?
I think the edit is good
@vascowhite if it is textspeak(jejemon), I would feel ashamed. T-T
Aww you missed it =[
I wonder who's voted to reopen it? lol
@webarto wouldn't that be displaying a bit too much info? hehe. try going to a non-existent page
@vascowhite you've possibly spoiled first contact of human and aliens :p
Need help regarding WooCommerce plugin. pls help. stackoverflow.com/questions/19155682/…
@Jimbo I think so. Assuming you downloaded it from the github repo doing right-click -> save link as -> drag/drop dl'd file onto the extensions page?
That's exactly what I just did
woah that was fast. the jeje post has been deleted already..
@AlmaDoMundo They obviously weren't worth speaking to :)
@Jimbo I'm pretty certain we've done this before, but have you got anywhere that you can UL the binary you have to so I can DL it and compare it against the known working version that I have?
for someone who has issues with php curl and Content-Length: 0, it can be due a page redirect from the remote server...so you have to use curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); otherwise it can't fetch the correct page. Hope this helps. bye ;-)
Either it's getting mangled by a proxy or something, or your Chrome install is just borked in such a way that remove/reinstall doesn't fix
@DaveRandom Just shoved it on here. No proxy, I'm working from home today. Uploaded here
Is there really a standard for PHP?
@cpx PSR
@Neal Where I was living.
@DanLugg o0o0o0o
@cpx Here's PSR-1. You can find the rest by googling "github psr-2", psr-3. There's also a psr-4 and 5 in the works
@Orangepill I like the idea. A data provider makes sense for requests generated from something other than the HTTP
@Jimbo theres PSR-0 too, but people here isnt fond of those.. it's worth noting that it is not a universal standard but a standard only set by PHP-FIG
@Neal that aliens team is still online :p
@Jimbo Ahem. That is an HTML page, with a .crx extension (open it in an editor if you don't believe me :-P). Go to github.com/PHP-Chat/chat-linkifier/blob/master/…, right click on the "Raw" button, save target as and try that... (file should be 10,009 bytes)
Django is a bounty hunter. He hunts bounties. You don't need it unless you have some bounties that need hunted. — Ryan Kinal 5 mins ago
@AlmaDoMundo seems that person saw SO on google and thought he would just ask everything here without trying to look for real resources first. haha different person. NVM
@DaveRandom Dude, wtf. Here are the exact steps I used: Go to github, right click on chat-, saved it, as a crx file, and that wouldn't work
@DanLugg One of the motivations was this: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/12138416#12138416 figured it could be used for any type of content though.
no, in that case his victim would be google
@DaveRandom But your raw solution worked!
@Jimbo That is because the link you clicked on is a link to the HTML page I linked, not the file itself
@DaveRandom I assumed that because it downloaded with the .crx extension though - that's what it was
@Orangepill Make sense. Yea, the provider could abstract away an entire subsystem.
@Jimbo You'll notice that the page I linked, the file name portion of the URL is still chat-linkifier-, so that's what the resource gets saved as
Incoming data could be the form of lithographed hieroglyphs, and it'd still build a valid requests.
@AmalMurali This OP is moronic..
@DaveRandom Not a case of full retard though ;) Thanks for the help
@DanLugg honestly I never thought about non-http requests but that would be easy to do.
@Orangepill Yep. That's where my mind went first.
@Neal He's a dangle-fuck.
@user2842737 Bad question is bad. This is not a forum. If you want continued discussion please move this to one of the chat rooms, or another site where this dialogue is permitted. — Dan Lugg 32 secs ago
@DanLugg ....
@DaveRandom I don't even need to click on that, it popped up on my phone next to me
Wait, how did your phone know? Just email or is there some funky App For That?
wth github, Y U NO LINKIFY chrome://extensions/?!?!
Ah, trolls trolling trolls.
Access denied USING PASSWORD: NO means: Could not connect to server, without using user/password (means its a connection problem)
Access denied USING PASSWORD: YES means password/user are incorrect
@DaveRandom Github email when my name is mentioned I guess, no app
@DanLugg im kinda in between getting pissed and laughing hard at the same time.. XP
That is not a reason to start spamming my name all over the place
@JonyKale No, it means you didn't supply a password
@reikyoushin I don't know why I'm still participating; I mustn't have much to do at the moment.
@JonyKale If you have connection problem you'll get error saying that connection failed/refused with some respective hints in error message.
I came back to see if people were still answering and htey are! man this site brings out the hate in people. You people need jesus. Good bye all thanks again Benji! — user2842737 44 secs ago
lol ^^
He's a douche-nozzle.
@DanLugg I imagine this is one of the example of users that will bash SO in the future because he feels mistreated. despite the fact that we are doing our best to help them.
Well, I dunno if we did our best. He certainly was abrasive though, and didn't take a moment to try and help himself.
It looks like he came in here with two things in mind: A) I'mma troll people who B) don't participate in a prolonged forum-esque discussion with me.
@peehaa So I add:
$request->setParameterSource("connection_info", function() {
            return [
                "is_secure"=>!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443
@peehaa think of anyother missing pieces?
@Orangepill Just going on record: I'm stealing your idea ;-)
@DanLugg Please do... just let me know if it falls down somewhere.
No prob Bob.
@Orangepill curious, why use !== 'off' instead of == 'on' ?
Because you want to explicitly require it to be switched off, so that sloppy code leaves it on.
@crypticツ because, IIS.
@salathe what does IIS use there if it is on?
@salathe oh, what value does IIS return when in on state?
@Orangepill Please don't check on port
@crypticツ *shrug* something not "on"... I haven't so much as looked at IIS for nearly a decade
@PeeHaa yeah we're celebrities now
@PeeHaa github.com/Lusitanian/PHPoAuthLib/issues/121 should I close this?
@Lusitanian Yeah we rock :)
@Lusitanian He hasn't been online (at least that I could see) so I wanted to give him a couple more days
@PeeHaa fair
@Orangepill I can run anything over that port
@PeeHaa I've also decided against a .io due to cost. pick again
@PeeHaa True...
@Lusitanian Is .cum still available :P
Ain't nobody got £60 for that.io
@PeeHaa taken
@Orangepill Also it might prove useful to have a way to check whether it was an xhr request that was beiong sent
I say .com @Lusitanian
@PeeHaa accepted.
@PeeHaa Would this be the preferred method:
!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest'
Can anyone suggest me on how to install apache on linux redhat? I have been trying :(
@Lusitanian \o/
@Orangepill Yep that IIRC how most frameworks / libraries solve it
$request->setParameterSource("connection_info", function() {
    return [
        "is_secure"=>!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on',
        "is_ajax"=>!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest',
        "is_shitty_browser"=>isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') !== false)
@reikyoushin It says command not found when I typed rpmbuild -ts httpd-2.4.x.tar.bz2 as in that link.
@murala what version of redhat do you have?
6.0.1 @reikyoushin
@murala doesnt yum install httpd work?
@murala how about this tut instead?

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