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that's not him, its his twin brother
@CarrieKendall days like this make me long for my weed stash
(especially since I still cannot drink beer)
@CarrieKendall everyone here is making fun of me :'(
@gr4devel i was making fun of @ircmaxell ;]
@CarrieKendall :D
@CarrieKendall oh man I'm dying!
@CarrieKendall XD
however that's the best chat room I've ever been :D!!!
@CarrieKendall oooooow that one is just sooooo nice!
His github commits drop off around Dec 25...
question: is the right approach to rely on the vistors of the PHP-Parser to create a tree representation of a PHP script or is it better to work on the overall structure that is returned by the parser?
@gr4devel that depends on what you want to do.
normally using the visitor is easier to use but sometimes you need the whole structure.
I suggest you start with using the visitor and only in case "it does not make it" for you any longer to try more.
@hakre you're right it always a matter of context
@hakre in my case I need to capture the scopes of classes and functions to correctly place the variables in the tree structure
@hakre so I think that in this case I need the overall structure
@NikiC does the parser parse it into an int, so that it is dumped as an int?
@igorw yes
sorry its hard to explain what I am trying to explain Basically I just need to get all dupes as an array but the values of my new array should be the key from which they are dupes of. — user2619159 18 secs ago
Wha? ^
@NikiC !!!
When I set the http only flag on a cookie to true, not even php can use it...
@gr4devel hey
@NikiC ...I feel embarrassed...
@gr4devel if you are manipulating the AST, then a visitor gives you the advantage of having a context in your manipulations.
Doing it manually is... painful
@gr4devel When you say "I'm not able to track the class and function scopes", what do you mean by that?
@m59 are you trying to access it on the same page as you set it? If so, that's the reason why you can't access it.
no, after a refresh
@NikiC it seems I'm stalkering you but I'ts not my intention (I sent you an email)
or do you mean literally the same page?
How to access localhost on my Virtualbox? I have Ubuntu and ifconfig -a says that the IP adress is "". So I set up "Bridged Adapter" and restarted the VM. I run the apache on port 80. I still get Timeout error. What should I do?
@m59 I meant same request.
@gr4devel Yeah, I know I saw it ^^ I'm just not sure what you mean by tracking class/function scopes
@Ocramius what's pizza hut?
@NikiC ah, good to know.
@bwoebi something to stay away from :D
@Ocramius okay, good ^^
@NikiC actually I mean that I can't track when I'm analyzing maybe a Variable node in a Class or a Variable Node in the Namespace in which the Class is included
@NikiC that was just an example
@UchihaObito Try to use a different word for what you want to access, localhost isn't very descriptive here. (I mean, every server is localhost from some perspective and with VMs the perspective isn't too clear)
@Jasper I run Asterisk on my Ubuntu VM and I want to access it with the Softphones on my Windows 7 (main computer).
but I can't connect to my VM network
I can connect to it on Ubuntu typing "" as server's IP, but it doesn't work on my main computer
@gr4devel You should be able to handle this by setting some property like $currentClass when you enter a class node and nulling it when you leave the class. Same for namespaces etc.
setcookie('auth', json_encode($auth), $exp, '', false, true);
Some things might need a stack, e.g. functions in PHP can be nested
The cookie works fine until I add the flag..
I... don't know how we missed that one
pfffff it's @rdlowrey. who caresz
@gr4devel for example, I need to know the current namespace (if any): github.com/Ocramius/CodeGenerationUtils/blob/master/src/…
@UchihaObito That makes sense, as on your main computer, would refer to your main computer (it means "$this")
@PeeHaa not like it matters -- I'm too lazy to abuse power.
ow shit he's awake
nm, maybe I found it.
@NikiC I've tried to do that but the "leaving" of the Class node doesn't seems correspond to the class scope closing
@MadaraUchiha is now every frequent room user room owner?
@gr4devel it actually should
@Jasper yeah , and I read bunch of tutorials how to access, for example askubuntu.com/questions/52147/… but nothing seems to work
@Ocramius thank you man and sorry I just see your first message!!! You're so kind!!! :D
@UchihaObito What you want to do is set up a host-only network (possibly on a second network adapter alongside the normal connection (the one that gices you internet - I forgot what it's called and I'm not behind the correct computer to find out right now))
@gr4devel turn on your audio, so I can be more annoying :P
Then, you find out what the ip is of the VM on that network adapter (or possibly even set it to use a static ip if you want to keep using that in the future) and then use that ip to connect to your VM from your host
@Ocramius my bad man my bad! XD
@Jasper ok , thanks. Im on it
@Ocramius btw I'm taking a look @ your visitor :D
@gr4devel well you can also make that state-based with different states for the scope and have one visitor set that scope and the other visitor operate on that. As long as it's not too complicated, visiting nodes selectively is like "executing" code.
with the benefit that the parser does the hard work already.
@hakre u're right man that was the way I was trying to follow
@hakre but then I got lost in the darkness of my editor :'(
@gr4devel anyway, what are you building?
@Ocramius I'm trying to build a tree structure of the code to enable a static analysis aimed to infer the possible types of the variables
@Ocramius I haven't compiled it for testing yet but hhvm may actually support short array syntax and namespaces at this point ... cross your fingers.
@rdlowrey jtreminio has a box with it afaik
and yes, lots of things changed in HHVM
@gr4devel and then from it? :)
I'm just interested because I'm going to build more and more of that kind of stuff this year
@Ocramius oh well the next step would be DP detection :D
hmm, I think there is such an analyzer somewere though
@Ocramius I'm strongly interested in that too!!
@gr4devel did you already see github.com/Trismegiste/Mondrian ?
@Ocramius I've search for it but I didn't found nothing :(
@Ocramius yep
@Ocramius it doesn't do DP detection
@Ocramius nor type inference
@Ocramius and beside that It doesn't scale
the "doesn't scale" is irrelevant, isn't it? :P
@Ocramius me-me-me-me-me-mega ping!
you do not have to ping him with ever-single-fucking line
@Ocramius mmm do you think?!
@tereško I'm used to it
@gr4devel you can cache a lot of stuff
@gr4devel ANNOYING
@tereško sorry :(
7 messages moved to bin
1 message moved to bin
point has been made
@gr4devel do you have an existing code base?
@Ocramius yes
a platform to create e-commerce
I mean the analyzer
I still don't have the analyzer
before I need the type inference system and with that I'll be able to analyze and detect the DP
@Gordon something bad happened. I think I lost 40+ pts
I don't know why/how though..
either user or post was deleted
for users you usually get a notification, so probably - a post
It can't be user, as I would have been notified.
ehh, nothing works
@rdlowrey yay
@igorw yeah I'm building it now so I can play with it. Will report my findings.
If anyone passed thought this, let me know..
@Simon_eQ Have you tried googling and downloading the missing DLL?
Yeah, I figured it out. I skipped one the parameters :(
setcookie('auth', $auth, $exp, '', '', false, true);
Now, I'm trying to figure out this "path" thing. The default is for it to use the current directory. Does '' keep it at default?
this is why we recommend running it all in a linux/bsd VM
less effort + no system "pollution"
@m59 What does the manual tell you?
Nothing on that subject.
The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on. If set to '/', the cookie will be available within the entire domain. If set to '/foo/', the cookie will only be available within the /foo/ directory and all sub-directories such as /foo/bar/ of domain. The default value is the current directory that the cookie is being set in.
In that case what does your tests conclude?
@Simon_eQ go to your reputation tab. Click on the line that says "-45 1 hour ago removed Is this Possible? Multiple variables with multiple AND" and then check what it says below the question in the grey box
@gr4devel btw, might be worth having a look at this: github.com/scrutinizer-ci/php-analyzer IIRC it has pretty sophisticated type inference. That thing is uber-slow though and the code isn't exactly simple ^^
@PeeHaa I guess it seems to be working, but I fear the unknown.
@MadaraUchiha I have been told, installing missing .dll is a bad idea, if not dangerous ..
@NikiC I'll take a look as soon as possible :D!
now I'm on implementing the stack as you suggested me :)
@Gordon I think, only you can see that.
@Simon_eQ tick the checkbox at the bottom to display removed posts
@PeeHaa damnn you'r good :P Yeah, I see it now. I don't know why that question was deleted, ehh... got bigger things to worry about anyway..
It's weird, how I was serial down-voted once, and the system never gave me back anything...
Hello all
i was wondering how would I add the mail feature in my php application
just to test on an IIS 7.0 development server
@KPath001 Do you have some mail server set up?
@Simon_eQ stop messing with windows and put your dev environment on a VM
@PeeHaa That's what i thought so you can't just use IIS 7 and implement the mail function?
I would need to set up a mail server?
@Simon_eQ install linux and put windows in a VM :)
A: Multiple rows in mysql fetch

Madara UchihaWhat's wrong with $row['firstname'] . " " . $row['lastname']...? (It's a rhetorical question. That's how you should do it).

@KPath001 yes sending mails requires a mailserver
From all the other repwhores, mine gets downvoted.
Maybe it's because your are the chief repwhore? :P
@MadaraUchiha I think maybe because of the silent "dumbass"
@PeeHaa thanks for your help
that's what i though
You could also use google's smtp server if you don't want to setup your own
@tereško @Orangepill I installed VM last night. It gave me, FATAL: No bootable medium found! System hatled. I'm working on it though.
Which VM are you using?
well .. you obviously did something wrong
@Simon_eQ You need an OS image to boot from
@MadaraUchiha bullshit
@MadaraUchiha CentOS
@tereško Unless the VM ships with it, which I'm pretty sure it doesn't.
@Simon_eQ Have you downloaded and provided the VM with CentOS image file?
USually a .bin file or an .iso file.
@Simon_eQ I mean what virtualization software... I usually use VirtualBox
@MadaraUchiha that is complete bullshit
@tereško That's how I did it and it worked just fine.
(I did it with Ubuntu though, not sure how different it is)
are you talking about installing or running an OS in a VM ?
@tereško running
in that case, let me reiterate: complete bullshit
@MadaraUchiha CentOS-6.4-i386-minimal.iso & CentOS-6.4-x86_64-LiveCD.iso
I tried both
@tereško Not on every run
When you first setup the OS
But not when you install the VM software.
1 min ago, by tereško
are you talking about installing or running an OS in a VM ?
@Orangepill Same here.
@tereško If by "installing" you mean "Setting up the OS on the VM", then I mean "installing". Sorry.
so .. you were suspecting that phpNoob did not know that he needs an ISO to install an OS on a VM .. even I don't think he's that oblivious
@tereško Hey, who knows :X
come on guys, im not that dumb
@Simon_eQ , what steps did you take before getting the "FATAL: there is not hdd, go away" error ?
I set up an Arch VM yesterday, I have to say it was very straight forward.
allocated memory, gave disk space, ... went to setting selected the iso...
(Especially given it was up and running in production quickly on a cloud host, from a host I never used before, and for a project using technologies I don't know too well)
that error is famous
if that makes sense...
"selecting iso" ?
So you have the vbox's boot order set to boot from the iso?
when you had launched the VM and are installing OS on it, from VMs point of view, that ISO is a CD ROM
nope. nothing is in CD ROM
i got misunderstood
also , I looked up the error
looks like it's usually caused by OP not setting the bootable partition
I followed most instructions given for fixing the issue.. nothing helped. But, I'm sure I'll fix it later
@BenjaminGruenbaum s/[]/array() ==> ???
I'm not sure, about the settings though
@Simon_eQ where did you mount the iso?
@Simon_eQ What OS is that running on? Looks so stone-age-y
@Simon_eQ remove the CD/DVD from being an available device
@Simon_eQ You mapped it to an actual physical CD drive, map it to a CentOS iso instead
@NikiC Maybe he wants php 5.3 support?
Wait the OS is not installed yet?
@NikiC I think that is just what virtual box looks like :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum That doesn't sound like @rdlowrey at all
is application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data the only encodings that php parses out of the POST body into the post array or is there others?
Anyone worked on JWPlayer module on Drupal 7
Again with the senseless (revenge) downvotes :|
@cheesemacfly I tried that first, guess I might have forgotten abt it, afterwards...
(Tell me if you think there's any point missing from there though)
@Simon_eQ Edit the option on the CD/DVD and select Choose a virtual CD/DVD Disk file...
@Simon_eQ you can see your reputation losses
@tereško ok, let me try this again
@NikiC @Ocramius @PeeHaa @tereško @all!!! guys I should leave :(...but thanks to everyone for the help that you gave me today I really appreciate that!!! See you tomorrow!!! :D
@NikiC @BenjaminGruenbaum I was thinking about reverting to long array() syntax so I could port it to HHVM and see how fast it was on hiphop. But I don't think it'll be necessary.
I apparently am also a habitual superfluous-spaces-in-my-commits violator.
@rdlowrey Is it a private repo?
aaaah. That explains the 404 :)
@rdlowrey FYI: amp is working as expected out of the box...just gotta come up with something to use it with :)
@Orangepill Cool -- I'm actually about to start working on a job server so you can use it to multiprocess asynchronous calls in web SAPI environments as well.
Currently it's not feasible for web SAPIs because it spawns the worker process pool each time you instantiate a dispatcher. But with a job server the processes would only spawn once and then your script would simply connect to the local job server on each request to make calls.
@rdlowrey Hey, I updated the github issue just now :)
@Jimbo Thanks, will take a look.
@Orangepill why you answering crap like that? stackoverflow.com/a/17932496/208809
@Gordon Why not?
The correct answer, is "repwhore" :D
@Orangepill because it's not a real question.
@Gordon I was holes in the other answers... was trying to fill them in.
I am tempted to close it as a dupe of stackoverflow.com/questions/574493/…
I mean seriously. She knows how to put one query param but not two and she cannot find it out?
@Gordon Sometimes, I wonder if they really can't. They're just not actually able to fathom how that would work - and aren't suited well to programming...
@Jimbo you don't even have to know programming to know how a query string looks
@Jimbo Updated the issue -- will need some more debug output from you :)
@rdlowrey Okay, I've updated with the result
@Orangepill thanks
@rdlowrey did you every figure out a performant way to get your server time headers.
@rdlowrey Sorry, gave you wrong data, one sec - updated with non-bullshit data
feels nice to be under a nice fresh install
@adp I couldn't tell from the code you didn't post — Orangepill 31 secs ago
@Orangepill For now I'm just doing the following by default and accepting the slowness on any requests for static file resources:
if ($this->alwaysAddDateHeader && (stripos($headers, "\r\nDate:") === FALSE)) {
    $headers .= "\r\nDate: " . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' UTC';
stackoverflow.com/questions/17921321/… because the question cannot be reasonably answered if the OP doesn't restructure her application. And she won't listen to the many people telling her her approach is wrong.
@Gordon what's the 'your a dumbass' option for close votes.
> Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
@PeeHaa did you or @DaveRandom upload this to 4shared? 4shared.com/file/kINmFyV0/cv-pls0131.htm
Wasn't me
I'm sure it's safe to download =oP
@Gordon can I get your help on something moderation-ish real quick?
@Jimbo I updated the issue thread a few minutes ago. Also, I haven't forgotten about the multiprocessing websocket example -- I'm just making some improvements to the relevant code and I need to finish that before writing an example that uses it.
@rdlowrey Cool, okay... before I even get there I'm trying to find a damned framework that'll take Auryn as a base... so writing my own (you should make one :P) - anyway, responded with result
@BenjaminGruenbaum hm?
@Jimbo Next try just posted to the issue thread.
@HamZa I ended up doing just that. It's a band-aid solution at best at the moment (I didn't have the time to properly deinstall/ install everything) but at least now the taxes don't have to be done by hand anymore.
@Jasper heh, it was a wild guess ... Well I somehow prefer VB over VMware ...
@HamZa I do too and we've had some nasty problems with vmware, so I decided today I was going to push through the change anyway, but it only was several hours later that I decided to give up on fixing vmware for the short term too.
It's just not a thing you can do lightly on a server you share administrative responsibility with others over. "I had to make it work right then and there" is sort of a magic escape clause, though :P
@DaveRandom I was just thinking about your Accept-Type/Accept-Language parser; memoizing the results into a limited cache sorted by how often they come up would probably help performance if its ever an issue, especially in environments like @rdlowrey's where memory can be persisted across requests (ensuring that cache fetches are super trivial)
@Bracketworks Memo*r*izing? Momoizing is something else.
In computing, memoization is an optimization technique used primarily to speed up computer programs by having function calls avoid repeating the calculation of results for previously processed inputs. Memoization has also been used in other contexts (and for purposes other than speed gains), such as in simple mutually recursive descent parsing in a general top-down parsing algorithm that accommodates ambiguity and left recursion in polynomial time and space. Although related to caching, memoization refers to a specific case of this optimization, distinguishing it from forms of caching s...
@Bracketworks That's a good point -- many/most of the Accept-?* headers will be identical and you could easily dump them into an array map.
I know what I meant said ;-)
@rdlowrey Precisely.
And then just invalidate cache entries periodically to cleanup after yourself.
@rdlowrey Yep. Furthermore, by limiting the cache size, you'd prevent overflow attacks.
@Bracketworks I see. I had to dig pretty deep as to what it exactly was again myself.
if ($this->cachedAcceptMapSize > 256) { array_shift($this->acceptMap); }
Hmmm someone is mass upvoting me and forgetting that it may all go in vein ...
@rdlowrey thinking that just replacing [] syntax will make it run on hhvm seems a bit optimistic to me...
@HamZa I'm sorry but I looked through your profile in search of useful answers.
@rdlowrey Yea something like that; otherwise, someone could technically generate an arbitrary number accept-type permutations and blow the mem cap.
@rdlowrey Replied, issue still exists :(
@NikiC well it's not just that ... though it seems that I'm not really doing anything at this time that's officially not supported by HHVM:
3 hours ago, by rdlowrey
@Ocramius I haven't compiled it for testing yet but hhvm may actually support short array syntax and namespaces at this point ... cross your fingers.
thx, you may not know it. But the system will detect such behaviour most of the times
If you upvote 2 times consecutive, it will not detect it. But 10 in 1 or 2 mn I'm affraid of yes ...
@Bracketworks heh I don't mind. let's just hope I won't get banned :P
@crypticツ Don't look at me, 0.13 is before my time :-P
Evening @all
@rdlowrey But isn't Amp/Aerys using stuff like ... extensions?
@NikiC Well libevent is the only thing it needs (not required) and that's appears to be supported by HHVM.
Although, pecl http improves server speed by ~10% and that's probably not supported.
In any case I eventually need to use a custom http extension since the pecl one is terrible.
It also decreases code sanity by considerably more than 10%
@DaveRandom Well, if you're already insane, I'd call that a net gain.
@DaveRandom Not really:
$client->parser = $this->isExtHttpEnabled
    ? new PeclMessageParser(Parser::MODE_REQUEST)
    : new MessageParser(Parser::MODE_REQUEST);
It's the principle of the thing.
@Bracketworks Who told you I was insane, giant talking onion?
pecl http is terrible. I think we can certainly agree on that :)
The simple fact that I can even remotely approximate its message parsing performance in php userland should tell you something.
@DaveRandom No, it was the foul-mouthed German stop sign. I haven't seen giant talking onion in awhile.
Technically it's a halt sign
@DaveRandom I tried to tell him I don't speak German. He just yelled.
I really can't type anymore. I blame the two-minute edit window. I go in and ninja edit portions of my messages in ways that make subject-verb agreement cry then leave orphan clauses all over the place :/
@rdlowrey become a moderator. no more edit window. problem solved
@Gordon Really? Wow, talk about a time machine.
Wow, that's definitely the biggest moderator perk I know of!
Yes. It is. I love it.
@DaveRandom I wonder if its a malware copy
2008-07-16 You're a slut.
2013-07-29 Never said it.
Damn markdown fail.
Can you not format over multiple lines in chat?
@Bracketworks nope
@crypticツ tailored to a very narrow audience…
@crypticツ Phooey.
@salathe trying to fly under the radar ;oP
@crypticツ There's such a thing as too much of a good thing
@Jimbo Are you still around?
Hi @PeeHaa
Hey @MaciejCzyżewski
@PeeHaa What are you doing now?
@PeeHaa wtf
@MaciejCzyżewski Working on a project while drinking beer.
@NikiC It's it just great
I wish I could come across good PHP questions on SO. I've kinda given up faith that such things exist anymore.
Good new questions
@NikiC Haha What a stupid question...
night all
sad part is, it's often even harder to find good PHP answers than it is questions
i'd just go find old questions that haven't been answered to a useful degree yet. i guarantee there are some

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