@Mr.Alien @NullPoiиteя That system is at my home. Anyways my brother installed win 8 in it. Let me try to install .NET framework on it, and if I get same error let you know about it.
@Mr.Alien I knows, but most of my system's driver requires .NET framework or higher, but it is not installing in it. That's why installing win 8 in it.
@Orangepill It's better, though I'd personally prefer a brief inline description (the term is not too well-known and it's easy to give a single line description). I do think the accepted answer is the best, as it is currently the only showing both solutions. All it is missing is a statement about it being a good idea not to use the global-solution. And with that, I'll stop backseat driving.
@Orangepill it fixes the code, so it's a solution. Personally, I try to be comprehensive in my answers, and if I really don't like a certain solution, I'll leave out a code sample, but still write "An alternative would be to use x, but this isn't really a good idea because <reason>". If nothing else, it shows people why your answer is more deserving of upvotes than the other answers :P
Windows 7 does not come with .NET 4 preloaded, but if you run Windows Update to get it up to date, it will be installed.
Checking my update history over again, and yes it's offered as an update, but only after I updated the computer to SP1.
@BenjaminGruenbaum The question I linked was deleted, he asked other question in 2 mins and I commented there for the reason to delete, I told that this behavior was cheap. and he replied me this
@YogeshSuthar I'd recommend you delete your two comments and flag his request for being accepted (it's clearly not constructive). Petty bickering isn't going to do anything except make things more messy for the OP and any future visitors
@YogeshSuthar Batman: Arkham Asylum is another name I've often heard as a competitor in the stealth genre, though I haven't played it myself. Other than that, it all depends on how much "like AC" you want your game to be
@Mr.Alien Personally I found that I didn't like the direction GTA took past 3, and I've recently really enjoyed Saint's Row 3, so I guess I'd take SR over GTA these days
@Jasper GTA IV is really good, I guess at those time(when it was released), it was the biggest game I had played, I haven't played saints row yet.. Sleeping dogs is a good game too.
@Rafee nah, they are expansion packs, I have all ;)
@Mr.Alien I'd say GTA has SR beat slightly, but I just liked the progression and story and all that of SR more, as well as some of the mechanics (e.g. full body customization without having to care about it other than shelving out some cash)
Is it good to have multiple css backgrounds? I mean at some point, is this considered bad practice? background-image: url(img.png), url(img.png), url(img.png), url(img.png), url(img.png), url(img.png), url(img.png), url(img.png), url(img.png), url(img.png), url(img.png), url(img.png), url(img.png), url(img.png), url(img.png), url(img.png), url(img.png);
@Rafee I mean sure, it was huge and had nice graphics but the story was boring. It was hard to relate to the character. And the sandbox was incredibly devoid of options. Compared to GTA:SA it was a let down to me.
@Mr.Alien SecuRom, Rockstar Social Club, Games for Windows Live. I dont know any other game that pesters you with more compulsory installation of crapware than this game. Whenever I start the game, I have to click to skip login to Rockstar and click to skip login to GFW. It's annoying and it's what kept me from buying the game for a long time.
@Mr.Alien As for the game itself, well I couldn't ever get attached to the main character and simply accepted he's a cold blooded killer after I played half of the game. Until the second island, the game is pretty stale. It's not as bland as Mafia 2, but Liberty city isnt as vivid as it seems. A lot of the store fronts are just facades. In terms of sandbox, GTA3:SA allowed for much more. Driving around wasnt that much fun either. I skipped most of the routes with a Taxi.
@Mr.Alien GTA IV is not a bad game. But after GTA3:SA set such high expectations, I felt GTA IV to be somewhat of a letdown. It makes up for these drawbacks by the sheer size of the game though.
@DaveChen he typed entirely, and than he pressed ctrl+x when SO disappeared send button :p
@DaveChen aa my bad, you can use clip, bgposition ... whatever you feel comfy with
@Gordon let me read that :p
@Gordon Accepted for introducing the live shit.. let me read ahead.. btw I totally hated that, social club ..
@Gordon Mafia and GTA IV are completely diff, mafia has a different level of fun, IMO, I like mafia 1 more than mafia 2, mafia 2 had graphics and a short story line where 1 had some good shit story, also I didn't liked the way mafia 2 ended.. where GTAIV is diff
> The game was good as long as it lasted, but unfortunately, it only lasted about 8 hours. Despite the Open World Engine, there is very litt ^D^D nothing to do next to main quests. The main character is an unrelatable grunt and the whole story feels like a mediocre medley of your favorite mafia movies. Dont buy unless it's a bargain offer below 10 bucks.
@Mr.Alien I played it a couple of years back, to the point where it says "want all the levels? Buy the full game!" Never knew it wasn't the full game until then
@Gordon yea, we always love antiques ;) gta 3 was a big release by rockstar in those days, if you have played gta 1, and 2, the cam was on the top.. it was like playing gangstar on my cellphone .. as far as story goes, yes, gta3 was better than 4 :)
@Mr.Alien Mafia2. they shipped it with a lot of stuff stripped that was announced in their videos to make it into the release. there was a lot fuss about it
@Gordon Ah ok. I wasn't defending GTA or its crapware, and the comment you responded to was about Bow & Arrow (I suppose that wasn't too clear, though)
@Mr.Alien Bow & Arrow. I thought you meant you still had "that" game.
@Mr.Alien mafia2removedfeatures.wikia.com/wiki/Real_Mafia_2_Wiki. Btw, I dont think GTA IV and Mafia 2 are very different at all. Both are sandbox games centred around driving. Both have dressable dolls for characters, customizables cars. The stuff you can do is very similar. GTA has a few more options and longer story, but that's about it.
@Mr.Alien Ah yes, I finished that one a couple of years back for the first time as well. (Yeah, I like revisiting old games and being better at them than when I originally played it)
@Mr.Alien You're really missing something then. It's actually on steam now and cd's aren't that hard to come by either. It's also kept up to date (running on current OSes and more) by two volunteers, who have the source code and publish their updates through the original publisher. Go get it! :P
@Mr.Alien I believe the only protection it ever had was requiring the CD in your computer to play, so you might be able to play it online even on a torrented copy. It's a game worth paying for, though
@zira and please use the search function before asking questions. Most of your questions so far have been answered before. You are risking a question ban if you keep asking duplicates or do not put more effort into your questions. And we don't want that to happen
@Mr.Alien well, they've never been able to recapture the same brilliance after they went 3d. They're even admitting that now as the latest game in the franchise has 2d gameplay with a 3d engine just for graphics. (It's still not as good as the 2d games, though.)
@Jasper yes, we cannot play online if we use pirated and it will run without a cd, as I crack that.. and I do buy things which I like, for example I download web ebooks, I like them, I buy a hard cover book from local retailer.. some things are always worth paying :)
@Mr.Alien Yep. I also believe their online server consists of an irc server and some simple php scripts for match-making. You do have to use shift-escape instead of alt-tab, by the way, but that's all microsoft's fault
Ok @YogeshSuthar and @Jasper actually my company will probably ask for the system I've built, but I don't want to sell it, as I don't want to give them the source files, so am thinking to use their db and host the system on my server
@YogeshSuthar lol, I told them dat I won't be giving you the script files..I don't want to obfuscate the scripts either.. so I thought I will run the system on my server and connect the db's on their server
@Gordon eh, I didn't knew it was that simple, I thought it will be tough, thanks pal ;)
@Mr.Alien for PDO: $dsn = 'mysql:dbname=testdb;host='; replace host with the remote servers IP. Make sure it allows access from your server for the user you will use (can be configured on the db's user table). Also, make sure no firewall blocks access.
I was just doing some research on array sizes and found that once an array contains at least 2147483648 elements it loses the properties of an ordered map :)
@YogeshSuthar lol, I had showed them when I was here for interview, now my system just runs on 4 pages, and 6 includes.. that's it, you can run n number of systems there
@YogeshSuthar that's why I don't want to sell, and it's procedural, am thinking to run this system for a year, and see how it goes, than I will be developing a complete new one using PDO
@YogeshSuthar I've used hell of a code, the biggest thing I coded there was the checkbox pagination, took me 5 days to think and 2 hours to implement :)
@Jasper My answer doesn't cover that order property extensively because it's not asked. The idea is that the table mask only grows up til 2^31 - 1. I'm still working on expanding on it for the related question.
@YogeshSuthar Well the only draw back is am using eval(), I can use includes but I don't want to increase pages for each system I develop, I've pages, other code is picked up from the engine database, the core one, which will be fetched according to the user logged in
BTW, 1st time programmed attachment mail, and it was tough..
@Mr.Alien Don't you think so that, mysql server will be too heavy if you put whole code in that. Also loading code from db will take too much time to load.
@Jack I might not be understanding what you're saying here, but the answer states it loses it's ordered map property, which is vague about whether it will lose both ordered (= LinkedList) and map (= dictonary) properties, or just one of the two. I suppose it's not really all that important though, and it'll become clear after more research leads to an edit on your part
@YogeshSuthar I never used mail attachment as it was not req, also come online one day after we reach home, I will show you the system in detail, it is pretty huge and complex
@Jasper Well, I should start by saying that arrays in php are confusing hehe; but yeah, I've removed that part of the answer first ... still working it out.
@Mr.Alien Thanks, but I don't want to look into it because I am also going to develop that kind of in node.js. And I don't want that in future you say I steal your idea. :)
@YogeshSuthar better.. lol, y u scared, come on, I haven't copyrighted yet, dun wry
@Gordon What do you mean by active? I flagged a question and now on my flags page, it is showing active with an orange box around, never seen like that...
@Jasper So what I've worked out so far is that because the table mask doesn't grow further than 2^31-1 it will be forced to reuse existing buckets (assuming perfect hash).
@Mr.Alien I haven't copyrighted yet makes absolutely no sense... (copyright is automatic). That said, @YogeshSuthar is being rather far on the paranoid side, but the paranoid side is a safe one when it comes to legal matters
@Mr.Alien Well if he wants to develop the same thing, he is free to do so (even if he stole your idea, you do not own the idea). Not wanting to see your code in that case is very reasonable. Not wanting to help you think about it is overcautious in my eyes, but as I said, overcautious is safe.
Of course, IANAL, but I do know a little about intellectual property laws
@Jasper yes, you can steal ideas, sigh we cannot copyright our ideas, I just got this idea because the previous company where I used to work struggled a lot to program a cms everytime we use to get a new project, so I thought to build a centralized one, with customize forms which will save the data to the back end which will be reflected on the front later after the front end is designed...
some people write codes alike, web is so huge that you pick someones code and it will take years/impossible for the real owner to find the people who are using the code
@Jack yep. And I hate it whenever I see someone recommending placing works in the public domain, because that's not possible in all countries, meaning there would be 0% copyright in some countries, and 100% copyright in others, which creates nothing but a legal mess.
How do I get user info like profile picture, location, description etc.
I have a field in form called google+ url. Now If any user filled it with their google+ url, I want to get their profile picture, location and description using their google+ url, Is it possible without creating google+ appli...
That was the guess. So that is where support for application/json would have to go if you wanted it treated as a first class citizen. Im thinking of putting in a feature request.
okay if i am only checking if the user is logged in, then it will mean that the form will still show even when they is nothing in the cart, which i dont want. — Sarah James3 mins ago
@Mr.Alien oh silly me, I was using div img { background-image: url() }, need to use src yep, works fine if I ditch the img tag and use div, or use img+src...I feel dumb xD
@PeeHaa So I've been considering the whole limiting groups issue, and I've concluded that sub queries are unavoidable. It comes down to this: there's no way to select the nth member of a group without them in MySQL, with is in turn because there's no way to apply order before grouping. Once again it's another case of MySQL being a bit sucky.
Actually, depressingly, T-SQL and SELECT TOP are a lot more flexible in that respect, and IIRC the newest SQLServer even has an Nth() aggregate function :-(