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@PeeHaa hahaha "Other: This question appears to be off-topic because it is about retardness overload."
@HamZa :-)
yeah flagged that shit
i assume it is more of a test
where the main purpose for the bot is to get higher rep
by taking over a answer from someone with at that moment the highest rep
So i think soon this site will be flooded with more bots
ok, the fly i see on my screen is not a add-n to this chat, it is a real one. (to much beer i had)
i better leave.
@HenryW I've seen humans copy paste answers :p
yeah but this b\guy made just 1 post
so for me it is 1 plus 1
if i reg first time, i come to ask, not to answer.
but this all can be tracked
just need to see how much time used, assuming it isa bot, it would be a mather of seconds
@HenryW What I meant is that you can't say for sure that's a bot or not in this case
but sometimes you feel it
look at the guys profile image
@HenryW it's light blue here (a bug btw)
@HenryW lol just from the name I knew it. You clearly aren't hanging around a lot on SO
it isnt the picture i refer to india
i wanted to say that the picture looks for me as a fake.probally for you it doesnt
as i say, it is my feeling in this case
@HenryW It doesn't even load here lol
ok, atleast he try to find help.That SO shows first in his google search isnt his problem.It should have been facebook be in the top 10 result
but that would be bad advetisng for them
@HenryW He shouldn't even google it since the website FB is already open :)
ok, but, for him it is internet
and internet is internet
he sees as one
I need some help and can't find a solution fast
@HenryW ok, I give up :)
lol, i have many people let try to understand tht
Hi PeeHaa
How can I calculate hamming distance of two images ? :)
you have no idea @HamZa
@HenryW about ... ?
abouth how the internet realy works
@HenryW can u help me please?
they think it is one thing\
@HenryW not sure if that is a troll attempt or if you're serious ?
lol, wtf is hamming
i'm bloody serious
did you ever where on
let me find that site with dev's and clients
@IceD That is for strings I assume ? Also note that not everyone has gmp installed AND enabled
@HamZa it's for strings yes but I need to convert images to 2 strings and compare those :)
@ice There are no user contributed notes for this page.
so i assume theres something bette to do what you want
@IceD Are the 2 images of the same size ?
Yes they are much similar
@IceD exactly the same size ?
@HamZa yes :)
I need to convert those 2 images into strings
and compare using hamings distance
and give 5% difference in deciding
@HamZa check clientsfromhell.net it is fun
@IceD do you have gd installed?
you will laugh your ass off
gd ?
i run a script in localhost
and compare 2 images
it's a bot :)
Or high.
What I would try is the following:
1- Loop through the 2 images and use http://php.net/manual/en/function.imagecolorat.php to get the colors and stick them
2- compare the strings
@HenryW I have seen that website before
any solutions out there ? :\
i go sleep, tomorrow have to do my regular work @the scapyard ;)
my idea explained:
You have image A and B of 3 x 1 pixels
Let's say the colors are
You loop through the image and "dump" the color var in a string and appends the next to it, you may even want to seperate the colors by a comma for example.
When the 2 vars are made
You will have 2 strings. Compare them
@HenryW GN
ok :)
is sunday less active on stackoverflow? just wondering.
@AmalMurali it is
@IceD disclaimer not sure if that's a correct way lol
I will make something out of it
@HamZa I'm not sure about that personally
Sounds pretty memory hungry pretty quickly
Also defining 5% diff is pretty subjective
I'd probably be more tempted to look at it on a pixel-by-pixel basis
@DaveRandom /me neither
@DaveRandom huh but that's what I meant ?
I know what you mean but you're essentially serializing the whole image into memory before you make any comparisons
@DaveRandom ah yes
I'd suggest comparing them a pixel at a time, and I'd do it by break each one up into RGBa and looking for a (maybe) 10% diff on any given channel per-pixel
If any channel exceeds 10% diff, throw it out immediately
@IceD ping ^
@HamZa pong
Keep a track of the whole thing using some kind of rolling checksum (algo to be determined by the implementor :-P), and if there's more than a 5% diff at the end throw it out
But comparing images is incredibly complex
@PeeHaa -1 for the dubstep reference.
Actually, this is one of the worst questions I've seen in a while. — DaveRandom 6 secs ago
Right, I'm officially softcore so I am bailing
Nite @all, see you on the morrow

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