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@NikiC Btw. I know that I've already modified my code a lot. What I do is a bit doing what the TSRM in PHP does. Passing the variables around (= tsrm_ls) and fetch it (= TSRMLS_FETCH();) if it isn't present in scope.
So, if I ever would need to reuse it, I just have to find the fetching places which is easy with a strg + f.
and replace them.
It's not so bad as you may have imagined
$%&#$%^@$%&@$%&#$^&# — Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams 32 mins ago
this. is. the. answer.
@NikiC was already closed :/ DVed then, can't wait to del-vote it.
@hakre I should get used to always adding a downvote when I close
So deleting becomes possible
@NikiC yes, that's what I now do often as well.
Don't really get why SO thinks it's necessary to add more and more stuff you have to work around
Good night everyone :)
@NikiC sleep well. SO does so the game makes more fun :)
aww matlab. I've been using matlab way too much recently. The language is really crappy
should I use socket_* functions or are stream_* functions better? and why?
Well, the truth is: As with any MMORPG, the vendor nerfs the game from time to time.
@bwoebi Both don't work on quantum processors, so maybe drop them.
@hakre I just died laughing. Serious answer?
anyone else think that the off-topic on hold box looks ugly?
With that single bullet there?
and repeat of the names of the closers?
It now displays all the reasons that all of the voters picked.
I guess that makes sense with multiple reasons, but like that it looks real odd
I like that, so we can see who wrote that. I stand there with my name, for example with my last message :)
So if voters disagree, it shows who picked what.
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about crying for help. — hakre 43 secs ago
I'm just gonna stick with "must show a minimal understanding / what worked / what didn't"
^ like on this one ? :)
So three questions, all to close, time to flag the user to the moderators.
@ircmaxell no s now? thought NikiC had pinged you.
yes, having trouble figuring out which head-desk he meant
look above his ping what I wrote.

I like global objects/arrays in PHP. As long as I can be sure that I never will need a second of it.
what's important is to not make god objects what you may want to reuse. But what you only need once (e.g. a database manager which decides where to select the data from), you can make a god object.
and no, you don't need here _dependency injection_ blablablah.
if it isn't a god object it will be passed through all the constructors of all major object which is a pseudo global state.
Why do all major objects need anything?
because we need pretty everywhere some queries
not all. but a lot of the major objects.
So ... $_SUPERGLOBALS everywhere? All the time? Not really a big deal?
@rdlowrey yes … no … I don't make everything superglobal; just a few chosen objects.
It's Friday and I don't really have the time, energy or inclination to argue. I'll just say that I disagree and leave it at that :)
My view: You all don't have any clue about what you're talking, you only know theory (I'm exaggerating a lot.)
Your all view: We always need DI, without we never could write ±reusable easily modifiable code. ((okay, but do we really need to write even the very special things directly coupled to the project to be reusable?))
As it is friday night and @ircmaxell doesn't want to … good night all :-)
@bwoebi No, go read and understand PoEAA (Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture)
@bwoebi later :)
And you don't always need DI
it's one solution to the problem. And anyone who tells you it's the only good solution is kidding themsevles (or are indoctrinated)
@ircmaxell and the other solutions are?
For one, building dependencies directly
and procedural code (which is a valid paradigm) doesn't use DI because it doesn't need it
and same with functional
@ircmaxell It's a valid paradigm but also very hard to design/not beautiful to use?
@bwoebi that is worthy
@ircmaxell at least PHP core is not beautiful to use.
which is fully procedural?
it's not fully procedural. In fact large parts of it (the engine at least) are OO
oh no, wait! PHP core has global state with cg, eg, gc_g etc.
it's fake global state
@ircmaxell OO? how? or do you mean the functions in structs which try to emulate OO?
it's not really global at the time of writing it. Default compilations compile to a global, but not all
@bwoebi that's not emulating OO, it is OO
OO is how you model logic, and how you control state and execution. PHP's object and stream systems are both polymorphic and encapsulating, and therefore OO. They even have a primitive inheritance system, even though that's not required for OO
@ircmaxell OO = struct of function pointers?
@bwoebi Drupal's hook system is purely OOP, without a single class or "struct"...
@ircmaxell hmm… for me OO always was sth with classes…
Classes != OOP, and OOP != Classes
Cake PHP and Codeigniter are both "class based" frameworks, yet their code is mostly procedural, just "wrapped" in classes. Something I've (and likely not just me) labeled: Class Oriented Programming
I just got a phishing email with this in the body: If the links are not working, please move message to "Inbox" folder.. They are getting smart...
okay. You mean that zvals are the objects in php and the methods are the functions/macros which operate on the zvals? right?
No, the ZVal is mostly static
check out the zend_class_entry and its "object handlers"
@ircmaxell this is just a struct of methods. But this is something like DI...
you just inject the methods you need for every object
@ircmaxell you mean zts vs non-zts?
yeah, no. I'm done here. Have a good day!
@ircmaxell what? :-S
I really would like to understand, not to disappoint you…
@ircmaxell yes, no. I also could have the best concept, but I also have to know that it's implementable
yawning I'm going to bed now...
@bwoebi part of my job is mentoring people. I have done this a while, and have seen people succeed and fail. Trust me, focus on concepts and not implementations, and you'll be better in the long run (notice focus, not only)
@ircmaxell okay, said to my mom she should buy it.
I'd recommend the second one first actually
but for real, I am out later
@ircmaxell have a nice day :-)
gn8 everybody, if you've got any good suggestions for a nine-year old what to put on raspberry pi, ping me. also looking for some linux games.
My phone carries a root certificate for a military. From one country. And it's not my country. And I can't remove it. http://t.co/gqyMaO8WPf
@hakre teeworlds! \o\
@ircmaxell ^
Let's hope he doesn't declare on the US then.

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