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5:46 PM
As far as I see, we have mainly Foundation (common denominator), AppKit (macOS) and UIKit (iOS).
Or am I any wrong with that?
There's some stuff that's on multiple platforms, too, that's not really part of Foundation. GCD, Metal..
GCD might warrant its own Tag/Section. Other stuff is probably groupable under whatever the "Apple Tech" tag ends up being.
@JoshCaswell Metal is also a quite big topic; could warrant its own tag too?
With ~300 questions, it is currently below the threshold for being a Doc Tag:
Currently yes, but that's also because metal is still quite new
...Well, it's as old as Swift, but then again also a more specialized topic.
5:55 PM
@JoshCaswell just compare it to DirectX which is there for a really long time, but has just about 4.5k questions … or direct3d with 1k…
Sure; and potentially some of that is just bad tagging on Q&A.
A big question that I have is: what is the role, on Docs, of the and tags? These subjects are now under iOS and OS X^W^W macOS. No 'Cocoa Touch" Doc Section even exists; there is no multiple-tagging as on Q&A.
There's basically nothing under OS X or Cocoa, actually. I hadn't even looked until now.
@JoshCaswell I don't know. It's a mess… ultimately iOS is largely synonymous to cocoa-touch
Yes, on Q&A as well; no harm in that really.
The bigger concern, I think, would be not having 1) irrelevant stuff in a Tag, and 2) the same Topics (or at least the same material about those Topics) in three different Tags.
6:14 PM
@JoshCaswell For that cross-references would be perhaps helpful
perhaps also searches going through multiple topics at once, not sure…
Aye. I could see "Topic Remarks: this $TOPIC is available on many of Apple's platforms. For overall information, see: $LINK_TO_DOC" and then having any important platform-specific info.
@JoshCaswell If you want to, feel free to draft this into an answer to the meta question I think
@bwoebi, thanks, but I'm not sure we've said anything that isn't already in the question. Hopefully more people poke their heads in today -- or tomorrow; it is the weekend after all.

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