For each project module, do the following from the command line:
./gradlew -q dependencies
This will print out a graph of all dependencies the module has.
I entered D:\Delight\Workspaces\Workspace of Libraries\vector-compat-master\library>gradlew.bat -q dependencies, and got 'gradlew.bat' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Normally gradlew.bat is located in the project directory, one level above the modules directory, so you have to point to it. I'm not sure how it's done on Windows, on Mac it would be ../gradlew instead of ./gradlew.
OK I found gradlew.bat. I have posted a screenshot of the output of the command in the question. It says, "No Configurations". Does this mean there are no dependencies? In the build.gradle file, I can see at least one Appcompat_v22 dependency. :s
Looks like you're running the task on the root project, while you should run it on the module. You can use the following instead: gradlew.bat -q :<module-name>:dependencies, substitute <module-name> with the real name of the module.
Actually I am not aware of project structure in Android Studio, so don't know where to find all the modules. Could you look here and tell me the name of the module? (The library is in the library directory.)
I see two modules here, library and demo. To get the dependencies of library, call gradlew.bat -q :library:dependencies, for demo - gradlew.bat -q :demo:dependencies
compile - Classpath for compiling the main sources. \--- \--- \---
But I am not copying any tests from Android Studio library project to my Eclipse project. So I think that is not needed.
Hey have you ever used Eclipse. If yes, may be you could guide me a bit about using the AppCompat's official VectorDrawableCompat in an Eclipse Android project?
I mean if you don't mind. If you are busy, I understand and am thankful for your help.