Well, in the end all I know is that because of the nature of our discussions on the mailing lists I'm discouraged to collaborate on that one. I'll role my own thing which will be totally independent.
People that'll want to use my version (when it's done) are free to do so.
The problem currently is that most people are trying to force a "Develop -> Ship -> Discuss" cycle which is utterly wrong. In a collaborative and open project it is "Discuss -> Develop -> Ship".
I have no time to make my own prototype since my new coworker now not my new coworker anymore, I'd like to join some project as test-writter / patcher, but there no such to take. Futon2 is much more closer to be Futon.Next, but noone likes him, Yowzer need much care, love and tests, Fauxton is..."awkward" for the first sight(:
I can remember a mail on the user@ ML to some user which stated that we don't let ourselfes be pushed into a "we need to release as soon as possible" scheme like MongoDB.
Everyone is all like "Oh frameworks, no sorry we have no time to debate frameworks, let's get cracking with some code and then think about the consequences of not discussing them".
I really think about next concept: no redesign, replace jquery.couch with pouchdb, jquery.ui with bootstrap, sammy with backbone + better json editor and here we go.
@OctavianDamiean, shoot me next time when I'll dream about yet another new cool project to take a part of. Always forgot about what I've already to do /:
probably not, well i need to store data from my mmorpg game, like player level when player will logout and data will no longer be in memory, (saves has to be like every 10-30 minutes, and cant stop server from working)
and i cant store everything in memory at once, only things like logged clients etc
and how does mongodb work? are these two (mongo and couch) just something like write("player1.level", 7) that will write it somewhere to file? ( simplified of course)
mongo keep data in memory for fast access and flush it to disk for time to time. couch always tries to keep data on disk. this means that with mongo there is good chance to loose data (there was transaction logs introduces recently, but they aren't solve the whole problem) while it provides more faster access to hot data.
but since you have nodejs frontend, better to take CouchDB as solid data storage and redis for hot and often updated one