I have to add default value to a datetime column with UTC time with Timezone, right now i am using the "GETUTCDATE()" in Default Contstraint, but it is not adding the Timezone infromation to Column.
Please help me.
hey guys, firstly apologies for not being here for a while, had some personal issues to deal with and have been really busy, secondly, having issues deploying with IIS, anyone done it before?
so when trying to run the application on the server, (so technically locally) i am getting A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)
we already have a site up and running on the same server, so i think it should be safe to assume the remote connections and firewall settings are correct
yeah db is definitely on the server, i have used the connection string on my machine to connect to it fine and it works, not tried connecting via ssms though
@War it almost that. I was more thinking of a web interface where you can configure all the templates you need, linked it to our web server and the web server will fire it when necessary
in that way, the design of the template will be done on a web interface instead of storing the template in the web server
@Koosh Got a SQL question? Any SQL flavor here, just ask. Indicate your db, quick question: quick answer. Long question, we will need an MCVE ---> stackoverflow.com/help/mcve you can build it with this -> dbfiddle.uk or sqlfiddle.com. Thanks.
@AndyK much appreciated, it's more about the logic of the process but here it goes
don't know why, but one of the columns in my table gets inserted with html tags. I'm trying to create a dynamic process to strip the tags off the varchar field and update it so its just text
SSMS 2012 - I was thinking of creating a Trigger, getting the row's ID and Text field from INSERTED, then calling a Stored Proc do to the stripping of HTML tags
I'm just wondering if I can just do this with Trigger on Insert -> Stored Proc to complete this process. Or should I have a Trigger --> Stored Proc --> Function (return value) --> Back to stored Proc to do the update
I spent about 3 months asking M$ for a solution to the problem I was trying to solve ... essentially the closest thing that M$ has anywhere to what i need is Workflow Foundation
to my knowledge that is M$ only workflow engine and it's in the process of getting a rewrite to make it work on .NEt Core / .Net 5
so M$ attitude is "use this array of archestration engines in the cloud that each solve a bit of the problem you have and marshall large sets of data between them in the process"
My response was simply "no, i don't have time to wrap up a bunch of API's for products that aren't fit for the problem I have when in the same time / less I can build my own fit for purpose solution"