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quick question
I'm concerned about performance.
I need to add a little data to the end of a blob
but the blob is potentially pretty big.
is there any way to "concat" data to the end of a blob?
5 hours later…
I executed Following SQL in Multiple sessions,
insert into mse9csd.ATS_REQUEST_IDS@mse9lnk s (S.SERIAL_NO, S.Request_id) values (((Select max(SERIAL_NO) from ATS_REQUEST_IDS)+1),'B');
I got duplicate entries in the table, could it be happened ?
1 hour later…
Q: How do I know one table's primary key field value is used in any another related tables in MySQL?

thing guyHow do I know one table's primary key field value (eg ID) is used in any another related tables in MySQL? Please help me.

6 hours later…
greetings everyone, i have a small conundrum.
i am maintaining a MSSQL database, with a stored procedure which pulls records within a certain timeframe and then outputs a table of grouped totals from this data
the part of setting the min and max date range works fine, but i need to be able to completely scrap all the records unless the end date has been reached. problem is, the records only have a field recording the movement date, and have no knowledge of the actual finish date
5 hours later…
i've become addicted to CROSS APPLY D:
Nothing bad about that.
Just be sure to use it in moderation.
2 hours later…
You could try to use the analytic "lead" function. Then select where the lead column is not null. So for instance: select movementDate, LEAD(movementDate) OVER (ORDER BY MovementDate
) LeadValue FROM table WHERE LeadValue IS NOT NULL; (this will remove the most recent value that has not been closed.

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