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still there .... hm so tempted to nuke it....
bed time for me... cya later
[ Heat Detector ] SCORE: 4 ★★☆☆☆ (Regex:false NaiveBayes:0.98 OpenNLP:0.96) comment cc: @PetterFriberg
hmm still awake Shog9 data does not seem correct.
What makes you think taht? Ican't find correlation with our data, that's true.
@Undo we have 128 manually reviewed tp last 7 days (and we are not active 24/7) this is the query I executed
select from_unixtime(creation_date), body from comments where from_unixtime(creation_date)> '2016-08-23' and tp=1
select user_id, count(*) from comments where tp > 0 and date(from_unixtime(creation_date)) between date(curdate()) - 7 and date(curdate()) group by user_id order by 2 desc;
I have passed a comment on this post
There is something that is not right I checked our db, we have 128 manually review true positive (which normally would induce reporter to flag) and we are not active 24/7. I will send query to undo and you can connect and check if you like. — Petter Friberg 3 mins ago
that's what I had, we're far from this. But we don't know what was flagged as NC or rude
true but if someone reports tp I would suppose it is flagged
Some Queen reported we didn't see, some flagged Queen didn't report...
@PetterFriberg Yep. Reasonably good.
+ we shutdown at least 10 hours..
Oh yes, there was that
Server issues
no one to review so I stop feed, to avoid incorrect usage
I still save comments but we have no tp=1
oh, don't mind me then
@PetterFriberg Not following this. What isn't right?
@Tunaki sure, so there should be more... just saying that Shog9 number 49 + 26 can not be correct, last 7 days
@PetterFriberg Note that sometimes there's only 1 report but multiple NC flags and custom flags because the whole thread went a-wall.
@PetterFriberg That's one-flag deleted stuff
well we have 128 tp reports (multiple users do not count always 1)
Yes, but not all of those are one-flag deleted
And thus only some percentage of that number would count in Shog's stats
ok so he is refeering only to 1 flag delete's
Possibly multi-flag deletions too, but yes. Ones where a moderator isn't involved.
Perfect thanks, I was checking our statistics to understand hit rate.
[ Heat Detector ] SCORE: 4 ★★☆☆☆ (Regex:false NaiveBayes:0.97 OpenNLP:0.97) comment cc: @PetterFriberg - fp
NC / TC, I guess
@Queen fp
too chatty for me, long thread of comments tho
seems on topic
now I really go to sleep, sorry I got confused, did not understand the concept flag-delete
bonne nuit petter :)
Anyone in here good with Rails?
you should ask Wayne : ) in the ruby room
hum, nope sorry :) but you can ask the folks on the Ruby chat room
Nah, mostly gauging how much help I'd have if we did fork metasmoke for this.
Wayne maybe would help out if he have time... he keeps pushing me to fight the snark
I can ask him... tomorrow : )
Mostly looking at it from a day-to-day maintenance perspective. I can trim out the parts we don't need fairly quickly, but there'll be broken stuff and it's nice to not be the sole person on it.
well the ruby room is nice I will try to get some support and then I will let you know.
I'm sure we can hack a thing or two together.
Ruby is easy to pick up.
Besides, projects like that are the best way to pick new knowledge.
in Ruby :: Sometimes on Rails, yesterday, by Wayne Conrad
@PetterFriberg Please feel free to recruit support here.
: ) tomorrow I will recruit some...
Let us not forget about the expansion to other rooms and SE network :)
tomorrow tomorrow : )
and we need first to finsh the feed... 1/2 of it is twitter and we only have 2000 I would like 3000
well maybe I will shutdown this macchine now.. it's a drug... lets hope battery ends...
still not in bed?
@Queen Help me!
This bot is running two different registered stack apps: SOCVFinder that notify about possible duplicates and cherry pick questions to review and Heat Detector that analyse comments to find heat, see quick guide for commands.
@Burn stop
[ Heat Detector ] SCORE: 4 ★★☆☆☆ (Regex:false NaiveBayes:0.96 OpenNLP:0.97) comment cc: @PetterFriberg

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