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12:03 AM
@Gothdo look, if you want to create a more effective review system, don't build it on the existing review system!
That's just gonna tie you down with all the limitations and design decisions inherent in the existing system.
If I were you, I'd start with the API. Or even pull the list of questions with pending close votes / flags from data.stackexchange.com and then update it based on what the API says is current.
And then do your filtering.
That gets you past review task aging (which is different from close vote aging), it gets you past stuff that folks have edited or reviewed as "do not close", it gets you past the headache that is trying to query /review...
...And lets you - or your users - decide what is important as a filter.
data.stackexchange.com contains a week-old data, so it doesn't include new questions.
@Gothdo it contains at most week-old data.
That is, it's updated weekly, so at any given point in time it'll be no older than 1 week.
I suggest this merely as a way to reduce the number of requests required, since the API has a limit as well
Can I give a link to this conversation to other people to ask them what they think about it?
12:34 AM
@Gothdo it's a public conversation; knock yourself out
13 hours later…
1:26 PM
@gothdo one of my 2 questions on meta was requesting that timeline info re-introduce the fact that a question is in the queue (and/or that it left the queue). That is about all that jumps to mind to say at the moment.
Oh, the other thing is resignation that who cares what is in the review queue, but focus on cv count. In reality, whether or not it is in the queue doesn't make it suddenly a good question to keep and not close. And it allows for less fixation on the cv review queue count
@Drew Note that the queue contains also items which were flagged by <3k users, but don't have any close votes yet.
If the timeline does not get the info put back in (1% chance), ... if feature requests for new API's get denied due to "benefits too few users" (99% chance), then no reason to struggle against the system.
@Gothdo Of course. Until they reach cv count of 2 or 3 to me they lack peer support for doing anything with
@Drew I think it would be useful for users with dupe-hammers to find questions that were flagged as duplicate but don't have any close votes.
right. That is called the cvrq with a Dupe filter. Tuna / Jarrod / BR use it extensively
@Gothdo Actually I already got this by checking comments tonight I will give to the source code
1:39 PM
As interested as we may be in closing bad questions, history has shown it has very low appeal to our peers. Not to rain on anyone's parade
I have that little parade everyday. Build it and they will come simply does not apply
Well for the fun of it now (whether useful or not), I'm trying to find and inform hammers about possibile duplicates quickly.
I built it. Rob built it. Many before surely have and you all will too perhaps. Just a reality check.
Maybe so, but we all need some fun : )
To me it is a video game. When it stops being fun I stop :p
Yeah, this is java today:
DUP=4(3) CV1=28(24) CV2=6(4) CV3=6(5) CV4=2(1)
37088601: CV3 DUP=NO DV0 0d 00h 54m, -01 unidimensional battleship game in Java
37088941: CV1 DUP=NO DV0 0d 00h 21m, -00 (r) ArrayList index out of bounds though the accessed index is within bounds
37088790: CV3 DUP=NO DV0 0d 00h 36m, +02 Why can&#39;t I compare to &#39;_&#39; char in an &quot;if&quot; statement?
37084787: CV1 DUP=NO DV0 0d 08h 11m, -00 Create Chart on DynamicReports to Compare Sales By Year
37088861: CV3 DUP=NO DV0 0d 00h 29m, -00 (r) How do i get the saved text in database as prewritten entries in a form whenever a form of particular person opens up?
I will have some more fun and we will see if it was just fun : )
The value in () is questions that will not be roomba...
1:45 PM
Don't stop having fun. When it becomes a chore you will drop it like a hot rock

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