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12:04 AM
@Shog9 Mine's been shut down for quite some time now - haven't had much time recently and the site wasn't largely in demand so I didn't put it back up after fixing the API calls cc @Gothdo
12:34 AM
a'ight, well... You two work together, please
Or, failing that, steal each other's code
Lean on the API as much as possible, and if you gotta scrape the site check for errors and back off
If you find yourself making thousands of requests per day outside the API, consider that something has gone wrong.
Failing this, I can't say you won't get blocked without warning.
If you hit a wall, let me know what you're trying to accomplish & I'll see what I can rig up for you.
8 hours later…
8:22 AM
How are we supposed to work together if @Rob's code is in C# and mine is in JavaScript?
And I have to make thousands of requests per day if I want to check if a review task is still in the queue. It would be much easier if API provided information whether a question is currently in the review queue or not.
11 hours later…
7:51 PM
@Gothdo there are something like 11K review tasks created every day. Naturally, there are also roughly that many review tasks dequeued each day. Simply tracking tasks as they're created would already involve a rather large number of requests; if you actually want to poll them as they move through the queue, you're gonna end up with an untenable number of requests.
Now... depending on what information you actually need, you can get away with making a much smaller number of requests by monitoring the review history for one or more queues (I think you were already doing this?)
But, you can't just hammer on /review trying to watch everything as it happens. That's entirely too much load on a system that's already in need of some optimization.
what's your eventual, long-term goal here?
8:14 PM
Yes, I indeed monitor review history, but it doesn't include skipped reviews. If a review task is skipped by every reviewer (for example because it's a very long question and every reviewer is too lazy to read it), it will eventually leave the queue, and I won't know it if I don't scrape this review task regularly.
The goal is to get the list of items in the review queue, in order to allow searching questions by tags, number of close votes, OP's reputation, or some string included in the title or body. Basically I want to create a more effective review system.
@Gothdo earn 10K and you can view skipped reviews too.
Reviews skipped by others too?
pretty sure, yeah
unless that's mod-only, but I don't know why it would be
But that's only available in the history page, and it's not streamed via WebSockets, so I would have to scrape anyway.
I could accomplish this by using API and searching for questions with close_vote_count > 0, but it has a few disadvantages. Firstly, it wouldn't include questions that entered the queue because they were flagged by a <3k user. Secondly, it wouldn't allow to remove the question from the queue by clicking "Leave Open" or "Edit". That's why I want a list of review items and not only questions that currently have close votes.

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