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10:39 AM
@samayo I suspect this: 3v4l.org/c2eNr
I.e, your offsetExists impl is wrong.
11:13 AM
1 hour later…
12:40 PM
Question regarding the handling of object properties in an extension. I'm converting some getFoo methods into public readonly properties, with the downside that I'm initialising their values directly after calling object_init_ex, rather than when they are requested. Is there an easy way to set a property value lazily, i.e. the first time it's accessed, or would I always have to go through the read_property handler?
1 hour later…
2:03 PM
@IluTov exactly, what is the cause? A bug?
@Tiffany changing it might make it work but I don't know why it doesn't work ..
@samayo You'd need to look at the offsetExists implementation, perhaps with a debugger, to see why it returns false
If you're using a framework and the app implementation is not yours, then you have perhaps indeed encountered a bug.
2:29 PM
@samayo If you return false from offsetExists, ?? will not call offsetGet. It's very hard to help you without more context, but it seems like app is an object? Can you check if its offsetExists actually returns true?
5 hours later…
7:18 PM
Does anyone know of a PHP extension that allows for structured error logging? Like JSONL
I tried "xdebug_get_collected_errors" but it's a string, not a structure
I also tried regular error handling callbacks, but I didn't want to be bound to the limitations of user-defined functions, thus the search for a PHP extension

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