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11:51 AM
In symfony, translation is done by following format
$translated = $this->get('translator')->trans('Hello '.$name);
This is string comparision in the XML file. I find it time taking process. Is there any better way?
6 hours later…
5:26 PM
Why do I keep thinking you should be able to write to a (promoted) readonly property in the constructor? Was that never a thing or what?
5:49 PM
public readonly string $whatDoYouMean ?
public function __construct(public readonly string $whatDoYouMean) {
$whatDoYouMean = 'lol fail';
ah, you mean like, write to the readonly property until the scope runs out? I don't think that was ever a thing. in this particular case, it would simply directly override the property so not need to ask for it in the first place, or you could give a default value
one pattern I use is define the readonly property on the class, ask for a non-promoted parameter in the constructor and do whatever I need to get the final value, then write once to the readonly property.
4 hours later…
9:53 PM
That particular case was contrived. Clearly I would do something more useful like conditionally change it in some way
I had to do as you suggested, and use a non-promoted parameter, which just makes things more complicated. I wonder, is there any reason why we should not be able to continue setting readonly properties until the end of constructor scope?
I'm not sure why I expected it already worked that way. I think maybe TypeScript works like this?
10:14 PM
Did AB really just commit xxHash with no RFC or documentation or anything?
1 hour later…
11:18 PM
@QuolonelQuestions yeah, I realize I was a bit obtuse in my answer, thanks for rolling with it.

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