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12:16 AM
@bwoebi Ok, but I'm not sure it makes sense to single out enums. The same would come up for other value types. It's also closely tied to operator overloading.
12:36 AM
@IluTov ehm, what do you mean with singling out? Comparing to what?
12:56 AM
@bwoebi As in, make enums the only objects that are comparable. This is currently limited to internal classes.
@IluTov But … zend_std_compare_objects has a meaningful comparison of property tables
That is, as long as both operands are of the same class.
Basically, the first property greater on the one class than on the other determines the result of object comparison.
In fact, enums are special in so far that even it's same-class members cannot be compared to each other @IluTov
1 hour later…
2:14 AM
Right. But property order is largely arbitrary in all other regards, and most people would not expect enum order to be tied to the name property, but it's declaration position.
What I meant is essentally customizing order to anything else than the mostly useless std comparison.
@IluTov I'm confused why you call it useless … have you never put a property into the first place of a class with some key to be able to sort them?
Like just an arbitrary private property.
It's sort-of fulfilling the job of a comparable interface, just not against foreign classes and don't support complicated logic, but in 95% of cases you anyway just want to sort by a couple fields in a specific order.
2 hours later…
4:00 AM
@EduardoHerrera you need to create a file called WelcomeController.php that contains your class WelcomeController... I'm guessing you're using laravel, it should have an artisan command for that
18 hours later…
9:33 PM
@bwoebi That thought never crossed my mind, tbh. Although I think I'd prefer non-comparable objects by default, with some straight-forward opt-in mechanism.
10:23 PM
@IluTov I mean, that might make sense if you were to design PHP today. But I suppose that ship has sailed.
11:13 PM
@bwoebi Right. That's not what I was suggesting. I was more explaining why I called the feature strange. I'd imagine that there are many cases for value types where per-property order is not sufficient. Anyway.

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