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11:35 AM
What's the logic behind the str_contains('test', "") // true ? Why it return true ?
12:06 PM
That was busy week... Clients wanting small stupid changes, implementation of which takes way more time than it's worth it..
@Jimbus regex101.com is a great tool for working with Reggae X :)
Quoting RFC: As of PHP 8, behavior of “” in string search functions is well defined, and we consider “” to occur at every position in the string, including one past the end. As such, both of these will (or at least should) return true. The empty string is contained in every string. - Nikita Popov
Also to note, many other languages are doing the same e.g. C `strstr`, JS `indexOf`, Java `indexOf`, Go `strings.Index` and more.
5 hours later…
4:57 PM
@Mwthreex Adding to what the other person said, the fact that empty string is contained in every other string is based in computational theory.
2 hours later…
6:39 PM
@Krzysiek sorry for taking ages to write words.....I've done so now: wiki.php.net/rfc/closure_self_reference Assuming you want to be listed as an author, can you say what name (and email if you wish) you want to be known as. Or, just edit yourself in.
And if anyone feels like proof-reading for the inevitable typos, that would be appreciated.
6:54 PM
@Danack No problem :) I don't think it's likely to be voted before 8.3, probably syntax choice will require longer discussion. As for name KapitanOczywisty is fine for now.
7:14 PM
@Krzysiek The syntax discussion is.....not going to be productive, as everyone is going to be pretending that their own aesthetic choice is clearly technically superior, so I think there's plenty of time before 8.3.
I went through it quickly. I have two comments right now:
Strange sentence: "Those that have been though about about are:"
Under "Syntax choices", I find "The following syntaxes are excluded for the reasons listed:" unclear. I was confused when I first read it, because I thought you were going to mention more alternative syntaxes without listing examples. But it turns out you give the reasons why you dislike the alternative syntaxes.
ta. That should have "been thought about"....and changed the "syntax choices" to "Syntax choice evaluation", which hopefully sets expectations more clearly?
It does
7:37 PM
Implementation wise I'm a bit concerned about the increase of the AST size. It could be solved however by making AST nodes a variable-length allocation instead based on the nr of children, instead of allocating a fixed amount.
1 hour later…
8:43 PM
@Danack in the de-anonymize the function code block, is it intended that the line also has the as $fn after the declaration? I don't understand
$fibonacci = function $fn(int $n) as $fn
would be only function $fn(int $n) ?
9:01 PM
@FélixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier yep, thanks.

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