@Derick I'm getting this on github action for PHP 7.4 Can't load module '..\php_solr.dll' as it's linked with 14.29, but the core is linked with 14.16 in Unknown on line 0
Shouldn't it be vc15, and do u know if this is related to the setup-php-sdk ref: https://github.com/omars44/pecl-search_engine-solr/actions/runs/7044213283/job/19171467757
@Omar I don't know whether github.com/omars44/setup-php-sdk/pull/1/files is right — but the one commit you have in your master (that adds some docs) should be PR'ed against php/setup-php-sdk
@Omar Comparing this logic (github.com/php/setup-php-sdk/blob/main/run.ps1#L32) with the table at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… I indeed think that the "9" is wrong, but you've changed it to 16, which is also not right. For PHP 7.4, it needs vc15, which is 14.1 through 14.16. But yours seem to have been compiled against 14.29, which is vs16
I think the script is also buggy, I just printed inside the loop and I found these dirs Found toolset: 14.16.27023 Found toolset: 14.25.28610 Found toolset: 14.29.30133
I was using the toolset, before the action that sets it so it was falling back to default, so it was just wrong order :D. now I'm using the php/php-sdk action
is there any way in PHP, even with extensions, that I could set up things like vector multiplication to occur on devices that are specialized for it like GPUs?
i mean, there's a way to GPU accelerate vector multiplication and matrix multiplication on javascript. there should be a way to do it in PHP.
I remember seeing something like that in our bugtracker.
Possibly, something that ftp_rawlist does messes up some state at the server, and the server disconnects, causing that warning. Please make a bug report at github.com/php/php-src
Or, also possible, the ftp server is non-compliant and we're just missing SSL_OP_IGNORE_UNEXPECTED_EOF to ignore the error. The error was introduced in OpenSSL 3.x to prevent truncation attacks.
So that would mean your code does not emit the error in PHP <=8.1 but does emit an error in versions above 8.1?
Okay let me set that up, I'll try real quick here with a PHP debug build to check if I see anything weird. I still recommend creating an issue on the bugtracker though, just to make it easier to track the issue and update you
OK, thank you very much for your time. I'm a bit under the weather, so I'm going to head to bed. I'll file an issue presumably tomorrow. Thank you again.