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11:44 AM
@Derick if you have time for some investigation
I'm trying to understand why https://pecl.php.net/xdebug takes age (other URI are usually very fast)
11:59 AM
Loads of downloads!
and probably a missing index
I mean PECL is slow to load pages, even just loading ext/csv seems to take ages
@RemiCollet I've noticed the same for pecl.php.net/mongodb. It's slow at first, but subsequent requests are much faster. Looks like there's some cached data that's expensive to recompute
Xdebug is always slow
And I think Mongo too... it shouldn't take several seconds/minutes
but it's not a CPU issue on the machine
The last few requests were a bit faster at 0.8 seconds. The last one I tried once again was very slow at 46.8 seconds
yeah, xdebug is now also fast
I don't think it's the database... maybe IO
12:15 PM
It's definitely a recurring issue, just tried again and it was slow again
Trying with wget to avoid browser caches getting in the way
there are a lot of apache processes...
Then again, is it worth diving into now we're planning on replacing it?
Not for me - I only use the website whenever I want to upload a new release. Can't speak for Remi though
12:34 PM
I only use xdebug as an example, IIRC all names are affected
1:01 PM
@Derick if this is a badly written SQL command, of some missing index, replacing hardware will not help, problem will still there (perhaps hidden by hardware perf)
it's now a slot query. The slow query log is empty.
By replacing, I meant: docs.google.com/document/d/…
3 hours later…
4:07 PM
pecl pages for individual packages have basically always been slow.
4:32 PM
@LeviMorrison I believe it's linear with the amount of releases for the package
4:43 PM
It does do a filesize() for each file, but I didn't think that'd be a slow operation.
4:57 PM
3v4l.org/dIAiV vs. 3v4l.org/Y27VH (Sorry if somewhere already mentioned.)
1 hour later…
6:23 PM
For some reason I'm getting a parameter count error when throwing a InvalidArgumentException, even though I'm clearly only passing one value. Any ideas? gist.github.com/landproDATA-DrewE/…
3 hours later…
9:07 PM
@Derick Depends on the filesystem but also how things get pipelined. If it's basically an n+1 query pattern plus a bunch of waiting around to filesizeeach one as well... would make sense. But I'm just guessing.
1 hour later…
10:22 PM
"If I have a floating point number, is there a way to determine how many decimals that float has? Or does the PHP engine fill in more or remove the decimals? If I have a floating point number, is there a way to determine how many decimals that float has? Or does the PHP engine fill in more or remove the decimals?" - question from my colleague, does anyone know? Because I don't have an idea 😅
"So if I make a float with a given precision, how can I afterwards determine which precision was defined from the float value alone?" Pasted same message twice instead of second part 🙄

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