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@MinistryofChaps I really thought your answer on this question stackoverflow.com/questions/45525380/… helped and your code was what I was looking for, is there a way you can send that to me again? Thank you
1 hour later…
I have a silly idea for how to fix unserialize()'s main security problem for good that I might just implement
though first I need to understand the wonders of var_unserializer.re
quite the complicated contraption but I think I comprehend
@staabm would be trivial to fix, I suppose…
Mornin ^^
Morning all
how can you call a php script from another php script but not wait for a response, just let it run in the background?
@WesStark Thanks, but was looking for something a bit simpler.
there are no simple solutions for this. you can run another process and check periodically the result but you'll find out it's harder than that
PHP doesn't run asynchronously by design :3
I think.. :P
also bonus: people in this room use amphp a lot so if you have issues with it i'm sure they'll be happy to help
@WesStark :) thanks, will give it a go.
I'm looking for the name of "a white-black square" which is a shape of a link. Does anybody what's that?
I'm confused on what you're looking for
if it's white it can't be black.
I meant something like this:
Qr code?
mornings o/
yes yes thx
Yeah,i can be helpfull sometime ^^
yeah you can :-)
@SheikYerbouti o\
1 hour later…
@WesStark you can't say things like that :P
If a VPS says that it delivers 1000 MBPS Unmetered Bandwith, that means the download and upload speed should hit around 1000 MBPS, right?
@Alesana I'm almost certain it says Mb/s rather than MB/s
@DaveRandom That's what is confusing me, maybe the VPS provider doesn't know what they are talking about haha
And support told me it should be 1000 megabytes, spelt out as that o.O
Hey, if one was going to buy a home server which one would be recommended?
It's a common mistake, techies give data to sales people, sales people give data to designers, somewhere along the way someone decides it fits better with the design aesthetic if it's all in caps, without realising it changes the semantic meaning
however if support get it wrong that is cause for concern...
@bob please expand on "home server", what do you want it to do?
i.e. what are the functions that it needs to perform and why do they need to be in your house?
@DaveRandom to host my own sites.
buy a VPS
@DaveRandom is that better then?
Yes, in a low of ways
Yeah I am confused. I am getting almost 1000Mbits download but only ~150 Mbits upload, I don't know if that is normal
@DaveRandom ok, just checking
you don't have to maintain the hardware, you don't have to provide the bandwidth, it will be a lot cheaper, and you will get generally much higher availability
servers are extremely loud, hot, large boxes ... you don't really want one at home ...
we already done that, and it was a nightmare from start to finish ... now it just sits in the corner doing not very much, because I don't have time to use it ...
I use these guys prometeus.net/site/xen-vps.php I have no complaints, I have had >99.9% uptime over ~4 years and when I have had a problem, support have generally responded within an hour telling me they have fixed the problem
they aren't the cheapest option, though
Yeah, I've got a shared server spot at the moment, thinking of upgrading to VPS.
lowendbox.com also a useful resource
oooh, ovh just opened a london dc
I have never used ovh but I will get one from them if I ever get another box, have heard good things
I haven't used them for a few years now, but when I did they were leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else in terms of interface, there was actual English (native language, or can't tell if they aren't) people on the telephone if you needed them also ...
@Alesana that's pretty standard tbh, it depends on a lot of factors but in general your upload speed will be lower and more variable than download... where is the box (geographically) and how are you testing it?
@JoeWatkins I'll check them out thanks.
@DaveRandom In France, I am using speedtest-cli. I continued to run tests and saw different tests showing from 3.33 Mbit/s to 400Mbit/s for the upload, well only once twice was it really over 100Mbit/s
One issue with shared hosting is you can't connect via terminal, only supports FTP.
don't use shared hosting for anything you care about ...
@Alesana sounds like you are suffering from a very high contention ratio, think of it like having one port on a 48-port switch with a 1Gbps uplink. You would get 1Gbps if no-one else on the switch was doing anything. Because the other hosts are servers, they are mostly uploading rather than downloading, so you will get a more consistently high download speed in tests.
@JoeWatkins yeah
However speedtests aren't a particularly accurate reflection of how well a webserver will perform, unless the webserver is specifically for serving large file downloads
I see, that makes sense because the download speed is consistently 800Mbit/s
I do have a file-service function on my app but I limit it to 100mb files, I guess it wouldn't matter too much
what matters more with a web server is latency
because in general you are serving a large quantity of small files over TCP, files that are often small enough to fit in a single packet
That makes a lot of sense, I am seeing 8ms latency from a server that is 1.88km away, I think it is pretty average?
Yeah haha
well, you have to remember that the wire length is a lot longer than that
it's not like you have an ethernet cable directly from you to the data centre
and I imagine there are 10+ routing hops, unless the server is being hosted by your ISP
The wire length from the data center is longer than 2KM? :O
wires come in all sizes
Apparently so :P
I know you guys have a shitload more fibre than we do but I imagine your infrastructure is still exchange-based, it's not like they just run a new wire for every single connection :-P
Good point
I am just confused on how the upload speed can show as low as 2.88Mbit/s from one test to as high as 400Mbit/s to the next test
> sounds like you are suffering from a very high contention ratio
That's contention, it's basically the luck of the draw as to when you run the test, depending on what the rest of the servers on your "switch" are doing
OK look at it this way: how much are you paying for this box? If it's less than the price of an uncontended 1Gbps internet connection to your house would be, you pretty obviously aren't going to be getting symmetric 1Gbps 100% of the time.
If you are paying a lot of money for it then sure, complain. But if not... don't expect something for nothing :-P
Well in my area I don't have high speed internet options
I am paying $35 a month, I guess that is not so much. But, it's not about the price, I am just wondering if I should upgrade or not :B
@Alesana I will say categorically that you should not upgrade on the basis of a speed test, because it's not particularly relevant to what you are doing
rather you should look at stuff like ab benchmarks
ab is crap
Yeah that makes sense, well I am going to be launching my app in a couple weeks from now so I will just watch how it performs from there
and, more importantly, you should just trying using the service and see if it feels slow to you, the human
I've always downloaded from the server as fast as my internet can, but like I said my internet speed is not very fast :P
@JoeWatkins bookmarked, although I never use ab anyway so I doubt I'll use that :-P
Also bookmarked :B
@Alesana define "not very fast"?
wind erosion
#define NOT_VERY_FAST 10Mbps
@DaveRandom I will run let speedtest.net define that and get right back to you
Well what is it, ADSL?
which btw is pretty shitty in france because of those retarded massive connectors you guys use (do you still use those?)
I am not in France
My VPS is
and yet you are 1.88km away from it?
> My VPS is
you are testing between two VPS?
you will get super-variable results from that
I am not sure what ADSL is :s, it's 4:48am so my computer is faster than normal at 15Mbit/s
And, I am using speedtest-cli which tests against speedtest.net servers
@Alesana oooooooh sorry I was being super dumb
you mean it's 1.88km away from the speedtest.net server
Yes hahaha sorry
@Alesana yup, that's contention for you. Your home connection is contended as well, atm you are getting higher speeds because there are fewer people using the internet near you because it's 4.48am
Right :3
Which is why one of the reasons I stay up until this time
which would put you in... the middle of the Atlantic?
do you live in Atlantis?
I'm in Argentina
oh huh, I thought you guys were -5/-6
OK so, who is your "average user" of this web service?
Is it, e.g. mostly people in Argentina?
No, it will be from all over
what kind of traffic are you getting? say peak requests/sec
Well, my service is used for other people to host some type of widget that they can place on their website
I haven't launched yet :s
Monday I will be accepting beta testers, and hopefully a week after I'll launch officially. I am just trying to make sure I have good enough servers, but there's a chance my app could be a complete dud :/
@Alesana OK, my evaluation of your situation is this: right now, you don't need to upgrade. When you are running, you need to keep an eye on traffic graphs etc and look at things like the average response sizes. Look for patterns such as average requests/sec decreasing while large file downloads are in progress. That might a sign that you have a bandwidth problem.
In reality though, it's likely that a lot of your problems would be solved by leveraging caching and/or CDNs
if you did decide to "upgrade", what you should do is get a second server rather than beefing up on one, focusing more on high availability than squeezing an extra miliisecond or two out of transfer times
In reality per view of the widget I will be sending very little data, maybe an image or two. I am using AWS to host my files, but they go through my server when people download them.
I think really I am worrying more than I should
also, and this is quite an important point, by the time this becomes a problem for you, you should be making enough money from it to be able to pay a sysadmin to help you. if that's not the case then your business model is wrong...
@Alesana I would say so :-)
That's a good point!
Well, I knew almost no PHP when I started the project a year ago, so I am really excited about the launch. I am hoping I would make enough money to pay a sysadmin
The coding might be really bad on the backend but it works, and now that I know what I know, I have made sure it's secure :D
posted on August 06, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

1 hour later…
@Fabor lol this guy
Guys, does anybody know what does it try to show?
@Shafizadeh If an answer has been accepted as correct maybe?
@Shafizadeh that you have posted answers there and not questions
but, TBH, they more more like a design element to make the listing less ... emm .. boring
@bob in that case, the green square (which is next to it) implies what you said
@Shafizadeh Oh ok. good to know
@tereško I don't think so .. however not sure what you said exactly
@Shafizadeh it distinguishes questions from answers (A for answer, Q for question). it serves more of a purpose if you choose the All tab, but when looking at just questions or just answers it maintains consistency
oh, right, thx
also I got your point now @tereško
@tereško - maybe you should read this, before you assume what I am following, the Database is sort of a special case IMO because it's a resource wrapper. github.com/ArtisticPhoenix/EvoArtisticPhoenix 9 hours ago
... why there is no downvote option for comments :(
> EVO is an Event Driven MVC framewor
I too have written framewors in my life.
a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away
1 hour later…
That is the coolest thing I have seen in a while
I have this mailing list from php mailer examples: https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/blob/master/examples/mailing_list.phps
so I put the foreach loop within a while loop so it iterates through the entire table, I'm using a token array to replace the name and any dynamic content, the content is working, but it keeps putting the wrong name in the email.
here's the code: pastebin.com/tmuSG4yu
@bob You are using mysqli
But rowCount() is a PDO method
@Alesana No, phpmailer example is using mysqli. I forgot to remove the row count.
Ah yeah I see that now
Which line are you talking about that replaces the name and any dynamic content?
the name and email address are being inserted into the table as well. However, when sending the emails it just grabs a random name and assigns it to a random email address .
Is it possibly the name of the previous email that it sends?
@Alesana actually, no coz I tried it a few times and each time the name was diffrerent.
i have a empty git repo and a bare repo with post receive hook, but when i push it doesnt make it to the repo instead it pushes to the bare repo
what am i doing wrong ?
Hey guys, i have been trying to fetch data from mysql and loop over it to build a dynamic array and then encode it as json and pass it to front end. But i am getting this weird error: parsererror: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
which i am not able to debug. can someone help. The links to the questions that i posted related to this are: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45529435/how-to-remove-parsererror-syntaxerror-unexpected-token-in-json-at-position-0?noredirect=1#comment78020827_45529435 and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45530730/cannot-display-json-data-in
@JunaidFarooq Most likely somewhere in your PHP code you have an error
And it is giving you the error isntead of the JSON
An error page would start with a < character.
@JunaidFarooq Where are you defining the bindParam $type?
@bob I have no idea :s
@Alesana To my question?
anyone wants to see some pro genji plays? xboxdvr.com/gamer/TandemMeerkat62/video/34837147
@JunaidFarooq you have answers already explaining the problem
@SheikYerbouti Is that a guy called Widowmaker playing Genji? And there's Widowmaker!
well... I have 5 hours on Genji and 2 hours of widow on that account, and 3 hours of McCree as well ;)
I main widow, but I've stopped trying competitive because of all the haters and criers the moment anyone picks a sniper of any kind
that is why an alt account :P, I've tried widow on my main in comp, got toxicity.
the reactions to snipers are quite the same between console, and PC I guess
I have some pretty good stats on my new account tho :P overbuff.com/players/xbl/TandemMeerkat62
My stats are probably pretty shitty, because I play for fun and don't care much about winning/losing
I regularly get over 60% scoped accuracy as a widow, all I need to work on is positioning and target selection
But I just don't care enough to really work on it
Why hasn't English any term like "don't be tired"? It's actually a hope which people expresses (says) that to the one who has done a job
You mean something like that you hope that the job did not take more effort then expected and took to much out of a person?
@Shafizadeh Your question is confusing
it's not that one chooses to be tired
@WesStark Of course one choses to be tired
What do you think the consequence of staying up to watch GoT live?
you can do function get_include_contents($filename, ...$variablesToMakeLocal)
I just finished Alien: Covenant, it was better than expected. I think the people who shit on it forget how flawed the rest of the Alien(s) movies are. It was about on par for the franchise.
@IROEGBU Will that fix the mixing up issue
Didn't read the whole thing, but I'm sure it won't fix any other issues you are having... It's just so you could call the function without creating an array of variables before hand...
@IROEGBU yeah, that's what I thought. It won't actually solve the problem.
coz the variables array is working fine.
What you are trying to do looks pretty straight forward, you code is more complicated than the task
Unless, I'm missing something
@IROEGBU That's what is frustrating, it is straight forward but just doesn't want to work. unless i'm missing something.
Why do you need the second loop?
@IROEGBU the foreach?
Select from database
for each result
    customize mail
    Send mail
    update to show that mail was sent
display message that mails were sent
That's the pseudo code I'm seeing... You work looks too complicated for the task.
@IROEGBU ah, over did it then. but yeah that's the idea
Just look at github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/blob/master/examples/… and adapt it to suit your needs... It's pretty much what you are trying to achieve.
@IROEGBU That's what I did.
Doesn't look like it...
@IROEGBU yeah, because i've confused myself. lol
LOL... Take a break
@IROEGBU can't need to get it ready for Monday :(
Read the example again and be sure you fully understand what is going on... Then implement your work
@bob You won't get it done by worrying
@IROEGBU yeah, i'm not.
Report Bug – #75040
there will be some errors, but, you should get the general gist
@IROEGBU for real? that simple?
oh fuck, the penny drops.
@IROEGBU Thanks so much for taking the time to help, very much appreciated.
It works fine now? That was fast.
@IROEGBU Implementing it now. will let you know
@IROEGBU Yeah, it worked...
@Jeeves is it appropriate to dox spam bug reports? fotop.net/stevenkps/Newspaper_Job/1111_00479_003b1
@Danack Why the hurry.
@Jeeves I guess there isn't one.
@Danack So you want to take over the world with me, and you expect me to come up with the plan myself?
@Jeeves Plan? Plan?! We don't need no steenking plan!
@Danack Please stay on subject.
Who knows where Jeeves came from?
@Jeeves pretty rich coming from you
@DaveRandom Trying to bribe me yes?
@bob ask him
@Jeeves oh be quiet or I'll stop your service
@DaveRandom I never asked for your service.
I don't even have a response to that
@IROEGBU unfortunately doesn't have the wit of the real Jeeves.
@Jeeves where did you come from?
@DaveRandom From my mother's womb.
well, that's creepy
@Jeeves is siri related to you?
@IROEGBU I wouldn't think so...
@Jeeves are you depressed?
@bob No, not at all. Why do you ask?
discussing on twitter gives cancer
are there other clients that show a decent threaded view of tweets?
@WesStark lol, I don't think the threading is the problem with discussions on twitter ;)
it's bloody awful
@JoeWatkins as promised
can we have null propagation now?
i knew i shouldn't have clicked it
Hi everyone, is it possible to get this in one function? what do you say? stackoverflow.com/a/45529520/861174
@DaveRandom 5 users left the room immediately after you posted that. i don't think it's a coincidence :B
We you know what they say, if you can't handle the heat...
and that's not even the weirdest thing you've posted
@www-data without deciphering that headfuck of an operation, why does it need to be "one function"?
sorry, forget what I posted.. have a nice sunday!
Aw I just found out my fresh version of Mozilla doesn't trust my Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate :/
has it expired?
No I just installed it
did you try with a autocert update?
is it --staging?
I just installed the autocert-bot
I didn't do --staging
what OS (your browser)?
Well, unless they came out with an update in the past 2 days
try the official (if you already not did) certbot.eff.org/#ubuntuxenial-nginx
which version of ff are you running.. 55?
I'm pretty sure the default mozilla CA list will include the LE root, mozilla are part of the LE project...
Is your server sending the full chain?
In fact, can you share the domain so I can see what I can see?
twitter DM me if you want @_DaveRandom
it works from other browsers?
It works from other browsers
It's Let's Encrypt Authority X3
Internet Explorer and Chrome work
As well as Opera but I think Opera has the same CA's as chrome
You aren't sending the full chain
fix that and it will probably work
@Alesana opera and chrome both use the Windows cert store, firefox doesn't (assuming you are running windows)
omg why the fuck are you running apache 2.2.15
@Alesana you want me to sort your server config out? I'm bored and avoiding doing some stuff so I'll do you a freebie
@DaveRandom Yeah that would be awesome!
55.0b12 to be precise
how attached are you to apache?
Should I include the private key and the fullchain or just the full chain?
I have no idea how to use nginx, but I can learn :D
You will pick it up in 5 minutes
it's super easy, waaaaaay easier than apache
also fpm is, on balance, way better than mod_php
@Alesana double check your certbot installation. All of my EFF certs are doing greate in 49.0 except yours.
@Alesana did you use certbot-auto?
The fullchain worked :D
Yeah I did
you just point apache at /etc/letsencrypt/live/<domain>/fullchain.pem and /etc/letsencrypt/live/<domain>/privkey.pem
That was a scare for a second haha
fullchain.pem is actually not the "full" chain, it's every except the root
your cipher list needs some serious work
So don't include the SSLCertificateFile, just the SSLCertificateKeyFile and SSLCertificateChainFile?
@DaveRandom what the fuck
moment let me read exactly what they do
@littlepootis he said it would help
@DaveRandom ohmygodwhatthehelldidijustsee
Someone who needs to shave their legs for that outfit.
/possibly the least wrong thing with that I guess that.
I also have to update my PHP, right now It's 5.6 :|
@Alesana dear lord, let me help you :-P
Hopefully you are at least running centos 7 and not 6?
I can request an upgrade
I'm on 6.9
don't worry about it for now
I didn't think one was better than the other
well it's basically systemd vs. not systemd
but there are some things that are not easily available as RPMs for 6.x
and as a general rule you don't want to be building things from src on production servers
Ah okay that makes sense
Yeah I would build on my server then upload
Well it's probably not going to be a problem for you at the moment, I still have a few 6.x boxes and will have for years to come probably
How can you execute a php script in the background?
until they stop providing security fixes for 6.x or I need to make a significant change to the applications on them
@bob what does it do?
Okay :3, I had looked online and saw that the only main difference was the way you do things
I don't know how accurate that is though
@DaveRandom loops through a table and sends emails. the script was timing out.
cron probably then
that sounds like the sort of thing that should be done on a schedule rather than on demand
@DaveRandom how would one do it on a schedule say every 3 hours?
6 mins ago, by DaveRandom
well it's basically systemd vs. not systemd
!!man cron
[ cron -- daemon to execute scheduled commands (Vixie Cron) ] cron [ -j jitter ] [ -J rootjitter ] [ -m mailto ] [ -n ] [ -s ] [ -o ] [ -x debugflag [, ... ]]
!!man crontab
[ crontab -- maintain crontab files for individual users (V3) ] crontab [ -u user ] file crontab [ -u user ] { -l | -r | -e }
@bob ^
@DaveRandom I don't think my server supports it.
@bob I'm busy for ~30 mins but I would be very surprised if that's true
@DaveRandom I'll check again, thanks
why are skeletons bad liars? because they are so easy to see through!
@PeeHaa congrats on your ladies
I have never grokked doctrine.....If have two entities like: gist.github.com/Danack/66e58e7e5f25bad9317d69e54651b5cf
All I want to do is a select where the site_id is a certain value. But doing:
$repo = $em->getRepository(ContentBlock::class);
$contentBlocks = $repo->findBy(['site_id' => $site->getSiteId()]);
gives the error "Unrecognized field: site_id""
How is it meant to be done?
try site instead of site_id
@IROEGBU Thanks. Now.......why on earth does that work?
site is a property of ContentBlock, site_id isn't - it's a column name in db
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 22:00

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