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@Gordon :D
@NikiC yeah, if that aint fake its awesome :)
@DaveRandom This W3 business about appending the fragment before fetching the resource at the redirected location makes no sense. Orange people everywhere are outraged.
@hakre after investigating a little it may be a problem with the ATI driver :|
Nothing but trouble since the day I bought it, damn ATI
Don't ever read the comments.
@ircmaxell s/comments/reddit
@Gordon squeezed out another 20% speed with that trick - thx for the support :)
@Ocramius you're welcome
OH: Stupid idea of the day: an URL shortener that expands all URLs to 1024 chars
^ need someone to implement this ^
it's been done more than once
@igorw too bad :(
artpolikarpov.github.io/garmoshka Resize window horizontally.
@igorw looks wearied
Bahh stupid internet connection :-(
@webarto the future of responsive design
@igorw you can do one that offers data:// uris containing HTML with a javascript redirect and fun
Or a webservice that allows to upload files into data:// uris
@hakre Oh snit, awesome idea
@webarto that is really awesome but it doesn't work in firefox
@NullPointer it works
@webarto omg that is really awesome i will buy that instrument
@NullPointer Hehe, it's main instrument where I live. Harmoni(c|k)a.
@igorw basically what I talk about in my video
which I need to finish cutting up and post
@igorw that is amazing :O
@ircmaxell Unfortunately, this SME-music-content is not available in Germany because GEMA has not granted the respective music publishing rights.
@ircmaxell is the new single? gonna buy it
yeah, I'm digging it
waiting the new album also :P
Anyone got a link to that google thing where you can search by an image? (not for an image, using an image as the search term)
hi friends
Or maybe I dreamt it. I don't think so though
i need an help regarding mysql
@DaveRandom in google images
drag drop the search field
@vishu See room description ;-) (although also note that this is a PHP room and not a MySQL room, but we do still occasionally discuss MySQL)
Let's say that I have a REST API that a user was just authenticated on. The user now has a session_id that should be passed along with every subsequent request. What's the most common way to handle this session_id? POST param? URI param?
&session_id= ... trollolol
"that I have a REST API that a user was just authenticated on"
@Dave hoping some one would help
That wasn't as much fun as you led me to believe
thanks for responding bye tc
Jimbo: So you're saying a URI param is most common
@ElliotB. Sessions are incompatible with REST (specifically the S)
Of course, but who doesn't use authentication if they have data to protect
Sessions aren't stateless
Right, so you don't have a REST API ;-)
No one has a REST API ;-)
Although FWIW just use cookies. Anything else requires you to manually pass the ID around, cookies just sort of work
@vishu ...so ask you question then, like I say, see the room description ;-)
yeah, i'm using cookies to store it on client-side, but you have to pass that token to the api
Isn't Vishnu a Hindu god? You'd have thought a god would be able to cope with PHP. It's not LISP.
seems like URI param is most common?
yap now god has to help me
@ElliotB. Wait so do you have a cross-domain issue here or something?
I assumed your API == your site, is that not the case?
Oh now i'm seeing i've been unclear
im new to mysql my manager told me to create a queue table and check the performance of the queue
I'm talking about when the client makes requests to the API, the GET or POST address
and i dont even know wat all paramaeter is to be checked in tat
not the clients local address in their browser bar
@ElliotB. and is the API client on your server (if you know what I mean)?
naw we have cross-origin
but i opened that up in the response headers so its not an issue
@ElliotB. Ahh OK. Can't you just have the API set a cookie with the right scope?
but the API has to read that token somehow
@vishu we can't really help you without a lot more information, "queue table" and "performance of the queue" don't really mean anything on their own. You are talking about the application, we can only really help with the code that powers the application.
I'm wondering what the most common way of including it in the HTTP packet is
HTTP packet of a request made to the API*
@ElliotB. I'm really not seeing why you can't just use a cookie. Unless the token isn't being generated by the API in the first place.
off topic but interesting
@NullPointer Interesting
@hakre wait, what?
@NullPointer nice (your avatar too)
@kaᵠ thankyou :)
@NullPointer You'd have put books you don't ever read on the bottom though
@NullPointer what about paperback (non-hardcover) books?
@Pheagey you can do that too, first one must the the most solid, rest of em sit on it
@DaveRandom yupp .. also think about hardness/strength of metal plate
@Pheagey put after bottom book :P
H A P P Y    F R I D A Y    P E O P L E    !
@kaᵠ no Rebeca black :P
@NullPointer Should be alright unless you are trying to put an entire set of encyclopaedias on one stack :-P
@DaveRandom you can engineer that too, put two metal holders on a row
Dave and Ka if you missed that awesome thing
1 hour ago, by webarto
http://artpolikarpov.github.io/garmoshka/ Resize window horizontally.
@NullPointer doesn't load... ?
@kaᵠ which browser ?
nvm, works
@kaᵠ works fine for me :P
hey guys just wondering, I'm using codeigniter for a simple user registration and captcha, and is it possible for users to type in something like "www.example.com/registration/index.php?username=blah&[email protected]&captch‌​a=1 and it'll work....?
meaning they can bypass the captcha just by adding captcha=1 (becuase my ajax script passes that paramter)
@Matt why would you even be passing such a parameter?
oh hey cryptic looks like we meet again
The CAPTCHA validation should be occurring server-side where no manipulation would be possible.
Oh, I plan on using reCaptcha, instead of CI's captcha ...
for some reason codeigniter's default captcha is extremely hard to get correct for me.... It took my 20+ tries to get the first one.
@Matt to directly answer this question, if your only method for validating captcha input is an URL parameter, then yes, a user could bypass it
@Matt not familiar with codeigniter at all, but captcha should have a difficulty setting
@Matt can you pastebin your CAPTCHA code so I can see what would need to be changed?
okay give me a minute.
@Matt add another form field. label it: Please type "I am human" (without quotes). That should defend against any spambots and keep your honest users from trying to decipher the stupid captchas.
okay here's my pastebin with settings
@Gordon I usually ask for a copy of the birth certificate instead of using CAPTCHAs
@crypticツ seriously? but that is effort.
haha hope Obama goes through your version of captcha
Anyone remembers the extension used to show Stack Overflow rep in Meta Stack Overflow?
It was in a post on Meta Stack Overflow, now I can't find it
It was in a feature request on the same subject
@Gordon Thanks for that suggestion, I will probably do that instead. I also head I should have a hidden input field. Spambots will struggle to post something there.
@Matt spambots look at the raw HTML to look for input fields, hidden fields will not make a difference.
unless you are talking about making a field using JS which a spambot will not find unless it has the ability to process JS.
oh that's a good idea. I also going to use css display:none proerty
CSS will only visibly hide it, spambots don't use eyes =oP
if you want to mess with spambots , hide the part that looks like real elements to a spambot
basically you are creating a low-tech honey-pot
<input type="text" name="email" class="magic" /> , where .magic{display: none;}
@tereško would you say to hide it means to use JS or CSS ?
ah yeah, exactly what I thought
if you get a form with submitted with filled out email field , it is not a human
something like "if (useragent=='spambot') hide('real_form')" :P
riiiight , because it's obvious that useragent strings cannot be faked =P
anyway, out for a bike run, ttyl
that's true @tereško ! nobody can fake useragent string, that's only something God, Chuck Norris and Jon Skeet can do.
.. and opera browser
reddit sends this header with every response: Server: '; DROP TABLE servertypes; --
Guys, so what would you expect the following snippet to output?
foreach (($a = array('a' => array('a' => &$a))) as $a) {
Note: I'm asking what you'd expect, so no need to run and see ;)
@NikiC Probably ['a' => ... recursion ...] ?
@Jack Just one or two or infinite?
@NikiC Two I guess, before it finds out there's recursion.
@crypticツ the link in your SO Profile to Careers aint working
@Jack nah, I mean how many times the ['a' => recursion] comes ;)
@Gordon oops I put my edit link =oP
@NikiC Hmm, should be just once then.
@NikiC I'd expect a velociraptor.
Yeah, what @igorw said :)
@igorw Have you ever considered moving away from the node.js style-stream abstractions in react? It's my experience that layering the EventEmitter abstraction on top of your sockets is a prohibitive slowdown speed-wise in PHP ...
it's friday!
@rdlowrey in order to gain performance, definitely.
I've just tried several times to do that kind of thing and each time I've been totally frustrated because it's just too slow :/
do anyone know an open source tracking system that can be easily customized? PHP based?
It's a big reason why I moved away from the Ardent streams work.
@Happyninja tracking for?
@Pheagey computer/software issues, job tracking
@rdlowrey one other idea was also to re-implement the EventEmitter stuff as a PHP ext. but there's not been much progress in that area.
@Happyninja Like a bug tracker?
because I do think that the abstractions are quite useful. basically, I wish PHP streams didn't suck so much, especially for async.
Yeah, that's the problem.
I like the abstractions, but I can't ever get enough speed with them.
I bring it up because I just scrapped about ten hours of work on a new streams abstraction layer :(
Each time I do that I end up reverting to dealing with the raw IO streams with as little abstraction as possible.
for a server you definitely need the speed. for a client, probably not so much. for things like IRC, STOMP, etc. I think it can work even with the current performance.
clients, that is.
You're right.
And even then the minor (relative) slowdown from the abstractions only matters on the server end because you get the dumb benchmark thumpers who insist on drawing conclusions from meaningless apache bench hello world comparisons.
@Pheagey yeah, but one that can easily be customized
@NikiC I would have said that xdebug detects the recursion instantly but without xdebug it just keeps going until it runs out of memory -- assuming it needs to buffer before outputting.
@Happyninja Whats your budget?
@igorw PHP also detects the recursion immidiately ;)
the question wasn't so much about the output of the var_dump, but about the behavior of the looping enitity substitution as $a is a ref ;)
@NikiC interesting behaviour, even without the foreach
@Pheagey i don't have any
PHP Town Hall - Episode 6: PSR-X and the Mexican Standoff http://bit.ly/11lmgoh #php #psr0 #phpfig #phptownhall
Hey guys
@DarkBee yo
Nice avatar there ninja, ^^ From the hacker jargon one ?
@Happyninja You have a null budget? Ok, will this be for personal use or a company.
@Pheagey both: i got my head on too much stuff and i keep loosing track of what i need to do.
If its a company usage, you'll need a budget to prevent Lic. issues.
@ircmaxell 1st world problems...o great goodness! glad Im not only one that uses that in conversation.
I got a question, quite difficult to google for. I'm working on a server who has the tendency to execute scripts even when I don't add .php
So lets say my page is activities then I can execute my script with :
and even www.example.com/activities/

There is nothing in my htaccess files which explains this behavior. How can I turn this off ?
@ircmaxell wow, you only had to explain the PSR-0 opinion 4 times... /sarcasm
> we all try badgering Anthony into agreeing with us for some reason.
stackoverflow.com/questions/16111065/… for i u guys have any clues
@Jack at least 2 of them apologized for that after the recording...
Man, my vacation starts monday and Im so having a problem doing anything.
@ircmaxell what a mess
@Pheagey what would you recommend for my personal needs?
Roll your own ^^.
bitbucket has a decent bug tracker system...
@ircmaxell Been listening to the podcast....did you guys every figure out tab vs spaces?
@igorw yup
Okay guys, I have a puzzler for you.
Apache's 403ing on me, access denied by server configuration.
So obviously an Order allow,deny / Allow from / Deny from issue
But.... I can't figure out where these directives would be.
Is there any way that we know of to extract the config line from Apache where it thinks it needs to deny access to a file/directory?
Turning LogLevel all the way up to debug didn't help :/
The thing being accessed is a symlink to a directory outside of the document root. Symlink following is enabled.
@ircmaxell Can you give me the At Work Didn't Listen version (similar to tldr)?
hi someone wants to earn some money
@SaranshSharma would that i could, but i already earned $18,643 today working from home by following these three simple steps.
yeah i am talking about a project which if you can develop and take some real money but you have already made money so i don't think you are doing it
@SaranshSharma No. This is the wrong place for that sort of thing.
@dyelawn I earned only $9,214 today, it's Friday after all.
atleast help me
@LeviMorrison No, I don't remember, and I don't want to bias
@ircmaxell Sorry, I meant your opinion only.
we have a project which have to crawl specific sources and and to get that data only specifc data right so there is open source alternative to it yacy which can do the crawling and indexing part but not for specific data or lets say topic which wanted to index but if we have data can we use php to get into that and extract what we need
it uses solr
My opinion? It was 80% them ranting the same rants, me trying to inject reason into it (ex: "Just because you aren't preaching the message that people should follow FIG standards, the community is. Which gives you the responsibility that goes along with it"). And 20% good content (specifically towards the end)
@SaranshSharma Yeeeeeeees?
thats what i want
we have a project which have to crawl specific sources and and to get that data only specifc data right so there is open source alternative to it yacy which can do the crawling and indexing part but not for specific data or lets say topic which wanted to index but if we have data can we use php to get into that and extract what we need
@SaranshSharma Yes, you said that. I don't do crawlers and I don't do unstructured data searching, so I'm not going to be able to competently assist you.
hahha again
can you help us
aaaand another computer booting linux :)
some one is going to help us
@hakre you just made the switch from winlocks?
@kaᵠ I'm doing the switch from windows since ca. 5 years.
@hakre going slow... what's keeping you with windoes?
But I'm also helping all my friends getting linux on their new computers.
same here
@kaᵠ It's just that I don't just re-install the box?
want to chat/facebook/google -> linux !
@kaᵠ err, facebook?
@hakre what do you mean?
If you want to facebook buy a windows computer, it comes pre-installed.
Does this display your IP address? goo.gl/4qtU6
@hakre yeah... that's what 'normal' people do: chat/surf(cats+dogs)/facebook :P
are you on facebook?
@hakre yeah, shows my ip/not facebooking!!!
@hakre so what are you still doing on windolls what you can't quite do on linux?
any one aware of sugar crm??... i v one simpe query
@BaSha usually if it's simple anybody's able to do it so why ask for help
im begineer in it... so i guess it is simple for who r aware of it already :)
Hi Anthony Ferrara,

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@BaSha a, so it's not simple, you just guess it is with your beginner knowledge? also please see room description... ask away
@ircmaxell someone re-posted a video of yours?
@ircmaxell sorry about that...
that was you?
no it wasn't...
no it wasn't.
did i read before you're making one about monads in php?
@ircmaxell just finished listening to it. I think it started out really good. I agree with almost all of the points that you made, in particular the fact that spl_autoload_register works just fine.
I don't expect people to agree with all my points, but I thought I was being pretty reasonable...
I was actually one of the first to actively propose what is now the new autoloading proposal. I still think it's a good idea to have a common autoloader that addresses some of the issues of PSR-0. the bigger shift however is acknowledging that PSR-0 is not perfect and that there should be room for other autoloaders -- which considering the influence that the FIG has, makes quite an impact on the ecosystem.
That's my standpoint
I agree 100%
use the "baseline" for the 90% problems, but for cases when you need or want something different, don't consider it a sin
which is why PSR-1 should never have included an autoloading clause
yep, totally agree on that
and that part killed me with paul.
FIG has an impact on the community. They need to realize that and grow up and act like it. It doesn't matter if they are putting themselves in that position or not. What matters is that they are in that position. Which they refuse to acknowldge
@kaᵠ Not much specifcially.
I so far was able to get all document processing to free software, most of the graphics editing to free software, nearly all the programming to free software and I even started to learn about linux system configuration.

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