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am using paid membership pro plugin in wordpress. when the user register the account via paypal it shows error like this "You do not have permissions to make this API call" what is the solution to clear this.
to get permissions for API call
how to get it.
@webarto how to get permission for API call
ask Paypal, and end email with pretty please
@webarto THanks
3 hours later…
Hey, when calling data from a input form using $_POST, can I just use ID or class to select the element
@GeorgeSumpster You have to use id.
@ShaquinTrifonoff They use name in this book
@GeorgeSumpster Sorry, yes, it is name. In JavaScript, you have to access it using id.
Q: HTML 5 difference input id and input name?

Nick ZijlstraI'm busy with something for school in HTML 5. So here is my bit of code <label for="name">Name</label> <input type="text" id="name" name="name" placeholder="your name" required><br> So my question actually is: What is the difference between the NAME and the ID? purpos...

Thanks to you both
An id is unique (if you give more than one same id it usually defaults to the first instance found).. a class is not unique (more than one element can have a class name).. name is used server side.. id client side..
1 hour later…
hi guys, may i ask, how to make a site fit in all resolution using css? thank you
@ShyamK, Thank you I'll try it
is this works? <link rel='stylesheet' media='screen and (min-width: 778px)' href='css/login.css' />
because i need to fit my site in minimum resolution og 800 x 600. Thank you
I believe the link will be more helpful.. I ain't good at css
whats new happening with php; been a while since used that?
What was the last version you used?
By the way, welcome to chat!
@ShyamK or anyone on here at the moment, can you try out my chat system at http://shaquin.tk/chat/?room=2?
@ShaquinTrifonoff Done
@ShaquinTrifonoff u trying to recreate the SO chat?
Not 'recreate' it, just create my own chat system.
@ShaquinTrifonoff SO chat is the best chat system that I have seen around (my universe is really tiny)
@ShyamK I have seen a pretty bad one, it used Flash...
Oh god why.
@shaquin 5.2, if I recollet correctly.
@WeaklyTyped Ah. PHP 5.4 has been released since then.
hmmm... So no major releases.
@WeaklyTyped No, PHP 6 has not been released yet :-)
pastebin.com/s7gGe2Eu - Anyone see anything wrong with this?
@GeorgeSumpster Yes, plenty.
@ShaquinTrifonoff This is from the same book as earlier, I heard that it was full of errors :/
@ShaquinTrifonoff Mind correcting a little?
@GeorgeSumpster Take the book and light a fire with it.
1. Wrap the contents in a <div>. (Also consider using HTML5 instead of XHTML.)
2. Use PDO.
3. Put your results in an array, and use implode($output, '<br />'); to avoid the messy code.
@Paul But.. it's an ebook =P
@GeorgeSumpster You need to understand why it was so bad too. Read up on SQL Injections. hehe, it'll have to be e-burned then. :-)
OK, so even if it has messy code, is it functional as it is? I think it's connecting, but I'm not sure :/
@GeorgeSumpster Bobby Tables - that XKCD comic is quite good.
It's appropriate that it's an alien abduction database, because your database will be abducted by aliens too.
It can work, but its a free pass for anyone to do whatever they like with your database.
@Paul Mmkay, this is the output I get from it when it redirects me pastebin.com/MWexMi5S
@Paul Nothing's appearing in my database when I use it
@GeorgeSumpster Your server isn't interpreting the PHP, it isn't set up properly.
@ShaquinTrifonoff What would be wrong with it?
@GeorgeSumpster It simply isn't working at all, what server setup do you have?
@ShaquinTrifonoff Uuh, I just downloaded a WAMP; It was working before with the email thing
@GeorgeSumpster What filetype is your processing script? (.html, .php)
Where would this be?
@ShaquinTrifonoff You there?
@GeorgeSumpster Yes, I am (now). What URL are you accessing the result script at?
So, the form is HTML.. and then submit sends you to report.php
@GeorgeSumpster What is the source of the page, as seen by the browser? (right-click -> View Source/View Page Source)
@GeorgeSumpster Ah... not the form page, report.php.
@GeorgeSumpster If that is the source as the browser sees it, that means that PHP definitely isn't working.
Oh, no, that's the acutal file
One second
Yeah, it's the same
Also, about 2/3 of the php is green
@GeorgeSumpster You are accessing it though localhost, aren't you?
My derp.
Sorry =P
@ShaquinTrifonoff $dbc = mysql_connect('localhost', 'php','lol', 'aliendatabase') - How to I reference localhost?
Hii all....
@GeorgeSumpster The database should be fine, but you should be accessing the pages through URLs like http://localhost/report.php.
@ShaquinTrifonoff, i found your chat link ,was making a chat like this too, did you use websockets on this??
Hi @GauravTyagi.
@tomexsans No, just a standard XMLHttpRequest, with the time varying according to the rate of messages being posted.
@ShaquinTrifonoff, nice, i'll think i'll return to my chat app again :)
@GeorgeSumpster This is probably a good time to investigate how to find out what your server is doing. You need to be able to read the web server access and error logs to understand whether your request is being processed as you expect.
@Paul Probably should, I just want to get it working for now, after that I'll get a new web server, this WAMP documentation is all written in some other langauge
@ShaquinTrifonoff hi ,thanks for reply ..i want to add a suggestion box for searching the data from mysql database using php.
That's my new issue
now, i search the data successfully, but i want a suggestion system @ShaquinTrifonoff
@GauravTyagi So, you want it to auto complete?
@GeorgeSumpster Also find out how to see which programs are listening on which ports. Ensure that your mysql database is running and listening on the expected port. It looks like your system might not know what localhost is? I would have thought windows would know that, but I never use it.
@GeorgeSumpster yaa, for ex when i start to type a city in that box for searchin..some related cities suggestion are to be displayeed in drop down
@GeorgeSumpster change localhost to and see if it works then
@GeorgeSumpster absolutely right.
exactly like this
@GeorgeSumpster also check whether localhost maps to in /etc/hosts
@GeorgeSumpster you can also try to ping localhost from the shell to see whether its a problem at the system level or something with PHP
OK, putting the worked, with this:
mysql_connect('', 'php','aliendatabase')
How do I define the password that doesn't exist
@GeorgeSumpster in case of windows check en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosts_%28file%29
It's PHP, not system
@GeorgeSumpster you have to connect to the database with the admin user first and setup the new user with the wanted password
@GeorgeSumpster if worked then its at the system level ;) localhost should map to by default. it might be that you are missing an entry in the hosts file. but you dont need to change it if you keep using
Well, I pinged localhost and it worked..
in cmd
It went through to
@GeorgeSumpster that's interesting then indeed. localhost should work from PHP then too
@GeorgeSumpster If you haven't setup the user, password and granted it privileges to use the database then it won't connect. Can you login to your database from the command line?
@GeorgeSumpster dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/adding-users.html explains how to add a new user
@GeorgeSumpster phpMyAdmin is a nice GUI MySQL admin tool, just login with root, then you can create a new user.
@ShaquinTrifonoff Yeah, I made an account through that
pastebin.com/6jvfjXa7 - Getting a parameter expected string
Line 31
Warning: mysql_query() expects parameter 1 to be string, resource given in C:\site\aliens\report.php on line 31
@GeorgeSumpster mysql_query doesn't need the connection object. But really, please use PDO.
Or at least MySQLi.
@ShaquinTrifonoff What is PDO?
@GeorgeSumpster PHP Data Objects, it's a good way to interact with databases, it has a standard set of functions that you can use. It can interact with MySQL, PostgreSQL...
@GeorgeSumpster Here are some more links on PDO and why not to use mysql_* (the php functions, not the mysql database itself):
Jun 30 at 13:28, by tereško
Please, don't use mysql_* functions to write new code. They are no longer maintained and the community has begun deprecation process. See the red box? Instead you should learn about prepared statements and use either PDO or MySQLi. If you can't decide which, this article will help you. If you pick PDO, here is good tutorial.
A: mysql vs mysqli in php

GordonThere is a manual page dedicated to help choosing between mysql, mysqli and PDO at http://php.net/manual/en/mysqlinfo.api.choosing.php and http://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqlinfo.library.choosing.php The PHP team recommends mysqli or PDO_MySQL for new development: It is recommended to use ...

OK, I'll just start fresh with everything, but one last thing, I'm getting yelled at for mysql_close needs a resource for it's parameter
What does it mean?
Hey everyone, I've been looking around with no luck to a solution for how to replace <br /> tags to nl tags when inserting into the database. I'm moving over old text fields from one database to another. I've used this, but no luck. stackoverflow.com/questions/2436145/…
I've done str_replace("<br />","\n",$text); also no luck.
the <br />'s are replaced by "". No line jumps or anything.
can anyone help as to what the issue may be?
@GeorgeSumpster mysql_connect returns a resource datatype on success. but since you couldnt connect to the database, it returns false and that's not what mysql_close expects. you usually terminate script execution when a db connect didnt succeedm so it never reaches later points in your script.
Oh, well, I give up for tonight. I'll get to grips with PDO or MySQLi tommorrow. Thanks for the help
@GeorgeSumpster Example of PDO
@Darius I'll have a look.
@Darius where are you looking at the result? in the browser?
@ShaquinTrifonoff I just fixed it. I had a stupid tag in the old files that stripped everything back :\ Sorry!
@Gordon Just fixed it. Sorry! Thanks.
@Darius I would do it in PHP DOM.
@ShaquinTrifonoff When I do a DOM, and savehtml(); that just stores it as a variable right? not actually physically saving it anywhere.
and it strips the <p style=""> sort of tags?
@Darius You can use saveHTMLFile('filename.html');.
and if i don't need to save it, just store the data into a variable, I can skip that part?
Reading this right now.
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$text = $dom->loadHTML( $content );
The $text would be without any tags?
@ShaquinTrifonoff as much as I like and advocate DOM usage, I'd do it with a Regex in this case. br elements are empty elements and that should be an easy replacement. doing it with DOM is somewhat complicated since you have to replace the element node with a text node.
Thanks for the tip @Gordon, I got rid of the <br/>'s now working on <p style="etc">
@Darius if you want to do more than just the br elements definitely use DOM.
@Gordon True, a RegEx can do it, but then you have to deal with <input type="<br />" />.
@ShaquinTrifonoff yeah, but that's an edge case :) besides replacing that with \n wouldnt even break the html. it would just replace the wrong occurence given that the aim is to replace elements only.
@Darius stackoverflow.com/search?q=dom+user%3A208809 should give you examples for almost everything you want to do with DOM
Just looked that one up! haha. Nice :D will look into it.
@Darius Well, it looks like DOM will have to be used anyway, so why not use it for this too?
@ShaquinTrifonoff Yeah, I'm going to do that. Looking up how to remove html tags and variable styles right now using DOM.
Word of advice? Since I've never used DOM, is it a good idea to put anything a user enters (such as comments) through a DOM parser?
You've earned the "Necromancer" badge for mysql vs mysqli in php. See your profile.
my 14th Necromancer badge :)
Gordon is racking up those badges :D Saw your profile with all the awards ;) good stuff. Appreciate your help here on SO, you too Shaquin
@Gordon that's good?
@Darius it certainly helps to some extent to use a DOM parser for user input but you still need common sense in terms of making the content secure.
@salathe yes
@Gordon would htmlpurifier be a replacement for a dom parser ? or use both
@Darius The worst that can happen is the DOM engine throws an invalid HTML error. It largely depends on whether you are outputting the resulting HTML.
@Darius they are different things though with some overlap. you can use both.
@Gordon even when copy/pasting from the manual? :-/
@ShaquinTrifonoff Good heads up, thank you.
@salathe yes, the alternative would have been to only link to the manual which is considered a link only answer so i quoted from the manual.
@Gordon The alternative would be to have answers in chronological context with the question, which seems like a much better idea in my book.
@salathe whatever that means.
@Gordon Questions should have answers that were correct when the question was asked.
Unless you do this for every old question out there, do you?
And maintain this updating of information for every question?
@salathe will you keep track of them and delete them when they are no longer relevant?
@Gordon No, will you?
@salathe no, but I dont have to because I gave a current answer not a "that was back then" answer. someone finding this question will not have to dig further or leave with 3 year old information.
@Gordon There is that, I just dislike the idea of doing this on a piecemeal basis.
@salathe well, I cant prevent you from dv'ing it (you already did). I think it's unjustified since the answer answers the question and quotes the relevant facts.
It just smacks of a lame attempt to get a badge; if you could submit only a link to the manual as an answer I think you would have done, right?
@salathe I dont go and find old questions to get a badge, no. And I didnt provide just a link either, so I dont see your problem
posted on September 03, 2012 by Lorenzo Alberton

Some random comments on Dremel and a benchmark on Key-Value stores. How to evaluate technical papers and read between the lines.

@Darius I've got to go now, so see you later, but here is what I have so far (doesn't work):
$str = '<!DOCTYPE html><head><title></title></head><body>line<br />break<br />test</body>';
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$body = $dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0);
$breaks = $dom->getElementsByTagName('br');
while($breaks->childNodes->length > 0) {
	$newline = $dom->createTextNode(PHP_EOL);
	$body->replaceChild($newline, $break);
echo $dom->saveHTML();
@Gordon It looks like you did, that is all I was saying. And of course you didn't provide just a link because that would be a poor quality "answer". I fail to see how providing a link and quoting a paragraph gives a better answer.
@ShaquinTrifonoff Thank you! I will try to get it working. Otherwise, do the dirty way of stripping. Appreciate it! Take care.
@salathe I stumbled upon this question and saw it was lacking information the OP might benefit from and added it. Why should I go and paraphrase what the manual already explains in sufficient manner? I simply gave a summary and quoted with relevant links, which is perfectly acceptable in my book.
@Gordon Fair enough, I disagree is all. :)
@salathe well, do you think the answer is not helpful or wrong? or not useful? really, what's the dv for? I want to know.
@salathe and if quoting is not acceptable, then how is it different from stackoverflow.com/questions/12238957/… which is effectively a link only answer as well if you take the quoting part away.
@Gordon the downvote was for replying to a 2 year old question for a badge, which you've now said was not the purpose of answering.
@Gordon quoting is acceptable, if I could only post a link then I would in many cases.
@salathe none of my 14 necro badges was for "getting the badge". I dont answer anything on SO just for getting the badge. I just sometimes find questions that can benefit from an updated answer. I also went through some of my older answers when array dereferencing was added and I remembered to have said it is impossible.
@Gordon Okay, great.
@salathe here is another one: stackoverflow.com/questions/941537/…
@GeorgeSumpster hello
Hi please men, how can I store an encoded object in a hidden input , <input type="hidden" name="profile" value='<?= json_encode($o) ?>' /> can fail if there is ' in the $o, value=<?= json_encode($o) ?> and value="<?= json_encode($o) ?>" also fail
I should do value='<?= http_build_query($o) ?>' or value='<?= urlencode(json_encode($o)) ?>'
first solution is less ugly, how can I decode it, after that's just the problem
@cyril try htmlspecialchars() it
Hey guys. Can anyone explain what is meaning of one & sign in condition clause?
not two like usual
ok figured it out, thanks anyway
$a = array("gr ' een", "");
$aa = array_map(htmlspecialchars, $a);
echo("<input value='".json_encode($aa)."'");
^ fails
<input value='["gr ' een",""]'/>
the value string breaks after gr '
echo('<input value="'.json_encode($aa).'"/>');
<input value="["gr ' een",""]"/> the value string breaks even faster
@cyril <input value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($array[0]['value']);?>"/> like that if you're showing it to the member, if you're prebuiding the whole thing, before output, do addslashes ass you're creating the array.
I don't control what's inthe array
@cyril essentially your array should really look like $a = array("gr \' een","");
where do you get your data from
for what goes into the array
from a form, in previous step
Ok, so then do
$variable = addslashes($_GET['datasent']);
$array = array("value1" => "$variable")
from there e.g. <textarea id="desc" name="desc" placeholder=""></textarea>
or something of the sort, prefilter the data before putting in.
k thx
/* PHP portion */
$textareadata = addslashes($_GET['desc']);
/* Display portion */
<input value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($textareadata);?>"/>
@cyril That's what I would advize
hello all please check this if you ever done pdf reading work in php
<input value="json_encode($data)"/> where $data is array("desc"=>...) , I would do array_map("addslashes", $data)
Q: How to extract text from image in pdf?

Sumit MadanI have a pdf in which one or more scanned images can be possible. I want to extract text from that images in pdf.

I've never worked with array_map, but if it works, go for it! :)
Edit: Reading a bit about array_map now, it doesn't seem like the function is capable of adding slashes that way, is it? I've never tried.
array_map("addslashes", array("gr ' een"))
That works?
It adds slashes to the array values?
for each value
I just hope it will not change the user's data
Test it out before using it on a live site
create a separate page or w/e.
well I will keep this var in Session otherwise
Hi guys, I have a quick question that google couldnt answer easily.
How can find out how far a script has run. Im not testing it in a browser so cant see any errors pop up.
@Will more context please. why and what for?
@Gordon Im making a digital pen application that stores information from a pen and paper device. I had the script working a while back but now its not and I want to find out if there is any errors. The script is not run in any browser so I can not see any message that way. I am not getting any feedback from the mobile either. I would like to know if there is a way to see where the script dies.
Maybe I could write it to a log
@Will Have you checked your web server's access/error logs?
@DaveRandom On the server there are 100's of logs. What would the name of the log im looking for be?
What sort of server is it? Shared hosting or one that you control? Apache or something else?
@Will php logs errors according to the configured severity either to the system log or whatever you defined in php.ini or with error_log()
@Gordon The app that im working on uses an existing system and I am writing custom events for it so the php.ini will have been defined for me so not too sure where that is.
if I enter " error_log("made it this far", 3, "./tmp/my-errors.log");" Will that output "made it this far in the log"?
@Will if that is writable, yes
@Will try /var/log/messages if this is a linux. if it aint in there, see what else is in /var/log/
@Gordon so if I through loads of those logs into the message it will be able to see which one it breaks at
There is loads of logs in /var/log/
@Will Find the log files that have been modified in the last day: find /var/log -mtime 0
@Paul there is about 10 of them. any php looking ones.
@Will the PHP error_log ini directive is PHP_INI_ALL so you can change it at runtime. instead of littering your code with error_log() calls, just do ini_set('error_log', '/path/to/error_log.txt');
@Gordon Thanks I will try that now!
> Name of the file where script errors should be logged. The file should be writable by the web server's user. If the special value syslog is used, the errors are sent to the system logger instead. On Unix, this means syslog(3) and on Windows NT it means the event log. The system logger is not supported on Windows 95. See also: syslog(). If this directive is not set, errors are sent to the SAPI error logger. For example, it is an error log in Apache or stderr in CLI.
so this pretty much limits where you have to search
Should I set that int the class or the function?
@Will the ini_set() call? at the top of your bootstrap file or at the beginning of the file that gets executed in your case.
@Gordon Ok thanks for the help btw
foreach($array as $k => $v){
    if($someCondition)array_splice($array, $post, 0, array($newItem));
Am I right in say that such a loop is not advisable?
Add an item some number of times to the beginning of an array?
No, injecting an item when a particular $v->prop is set
@salathe array_unshift, easy ;)
Oh, by $post I meant $position, sorry.
@Christian there is no reason why that shouldn't work, but at the same time I wouldn't advise it. foreach is copy-on-write so modifying the array that the loop is working with during the loop shouldn't affect the outcome of the loop, but you are veering dangerously close to "undefined behaviour".
if ($somecondition) {
    array_splice($array, $position, 0, array_fill(0, count($array), $newItem));
^^ will that work? Or is $somecondition and/or $newItem based on the existing values in the array?
Could someone possibly take a look at this code and see if there is any errors?
I can see anything and there is nothing in the log but it doesnt seen to be working.
@Will That code doesn't do anything, it's just a couple of class definitions. You never instantiated anything/called any methods.
hi guys i have a question, which is faster doing all the logical comparisons on your SQL query or in PHP
@tomexsans Depends you what you are actually doing. More context/real-world example please.
for example when checking due date, what is faster checking it on your sql query, or get the relevant data and do the checking on PHP
@tomexsans Please show your SQL and the equivalent PHP code
@DaveRandom, well im still planning to write it, i'm just getting on what approach i will be using. .
i just want to know if what is more faster,
hi there
@tomexsans Well in general if you can do it simply in SQL it's probably faster. But at the same time we are probably talking microseconds difference, not nearly enough for it to be worth worrying about. "Micro-optimisation is the root of all evil". Note also that since SQL is much less expressive than PHP, even relatively simple things can often require a lot of quite inefficient code to achieve.
@markcial Morning...
Clouds. Stars. Taxes.
hahaha taxes
The suicide rate?
here we have a lot of taxes more that 2 days ago
It's always sunny in England
@DaveRandom, ok, because i was wondering if doing IF ,ELSE and CASES in sql than doing it in PHP would be faster or more optimized, maybe differences in microseconds will not be that bad, yup your right "micro-optimization is the root of not all but some evil " :D
Pardon me, Manchester
geordie shore
For once it is actually not raining here.
@markcial That's Newcastle
they are recording gandia shore
dumbasses had conquered tv bands
$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM users');
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    $new = $row;
echo 'Please welcome our newest user ' . $row['username'];
@DaveRandom manchester is still UK :P
@DaveRandom It some custom code that should run on an event. In the code when the PDF is generated the data should be entered into the database
@webarto LOL where did you turn up that gem?
thats crazy!!
he forgot to do the order by
@markcial Yeh, that's the problem...
the rest is fine
Your failing to take into account the total lack of jQuery
doesnt matter the difference between 200 or 30 ms in a 5m registers database
Server ran query for 2 days...
Guy got fired and beaten...
uhm, at least the query is better than a id in (list of ids)
has better performance
@webarto WTF is that even supposed to do? What the hell are all the z_* tables about?
it searches between vectors with math
for a geolocation search
this guy wanted to make the query more "dynamic"
WHERE 1 AND - what??
now that is what i'm talking about :D
he didnt knew that mysql has SELECT WHERE like regexp
sorry, not dynamic, mobile :D
mobile websites => dynamic websites
the standard ones for normal browsers, chunks of static html
We might move Manchester to Wales one day. It doesn't rain enough here.
guy wanted to make it dynamic because he figured zip codes would changes, and city names, and even that England will be Wales... what can I say... visionary...
needs moar rain
100 years ago countries and cities were absolutely different!
maybe there is another world war and all cities zipcodes and countries will be different
then who will laugh?
Just imagine how much of a PITA it would have been rewriting all that code around the BC/AD changeover.
Maybe they will accidentally create a blackhole at CERN and Switzerland will be compressed to a singularity. Then all that geolocation code will have to be rewritten.
that remembered me, i played this weekend the game singularity
nice game i recommend it
@markcial I'm still obsessed with Portal 2. Just killing time until GTA5...
well btw, here in spain, zipcodes have a rule
the first 2 numbers of 5 correspond to a CA "comunidad autonoma"
08 is barcelona
15 is Lerida
the next 2 correspond to a "town"
and the final one is district
portal 2 is nice, i tried to do multiplayer stages all alone
was a complete mess, i cant handle that fine 2 controllers
still have the multiplayer stages incomplete
@DaveRandom Yes, $someCondition depends on a specific item in the loop. Obviously, array_search doesn't help me, especially since in my loop I'm doing another operation at the same time (so it needs to be a loop).
@Christian Can you maybe expand on the real world use case? Maybe show some sample data?

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