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But why Zend is so powerfull (with compagnies and some people) ?
Their branding ? Why they call them the php company
do codeigniter is a better choice ?
lol ^^
just asking... but with this big NO ill take it as a "don't touch it"
but why frameworks exists if it's not good ? lol
@tereško Thank you for your advices, it's really appreciated !
@Donut Ty too ^^
@MikeBoutin , why do people believe in invisible ,all-powerful sky-daddies ?
i'm reading this O'Reilly book: shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596803032.do
while i have seen well written code with ZF (even despite the bad stuff under the hood), i have not seen anything even remotely acceptable done with CI
> Make changes in one place that ripple through all affected page elements
Isn't that typically a bad thing? Unless they are talking about CSS, maybe.
@LeviMorrison , it is .. and i dont even think that its useful in CSS .. not if you follow OOCSS principles
@MikeBoutin Zend is company that started development of PHP as it is today. Ze ev Suraski and A nd rei Zmievski... therefore Zend.
FU Markdown
@webarto yes but why their framework sucks if they created php
because PHP sucks by itself
sure it's not C
but i think php rock
its an easy understandable language
@MikeBoutin Use it for about another 1,000 hours. Then see how you like it.
with a shit load of functions already embed in
isn't it a php chat room ?
why people complains about it ?
@MikeBoutin Move load of after with a and then your statement will be true.
@MikeBoutin I love it, but I hate it.
@LeviMorrison love and hate are near of each others
Ty all
have a good day
thank you, come again
@LeviMorrison Hey, will you be around for a few minutes?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa "standard code"
@LeviMorrison I want to pose a question to you, but I want to put it in a gist first instead of trying to type it in chat ...
I think sscanf() is my hammer, I use it far too often. :)
@salathe I use it almost never
@ircmaxell for example…
A: Convert hex color code into REAL hex value in PHP

salatheAnother option is to use the handy sscanf() function. sscanf($color, '#%06x', $color);

That was the very first thing to pop into my head. :P
Anyone have any idea why this only returns one row?
$qu = "SELECT downloads, size FROM files WHERE email = :email ";

	$sth = $db->prepare($qu, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY));
	$sth->execute(array(':email' => $email));

		$result =  $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
	          	return $result;
Then when i do var_dump($result) it only has one line.
@HarryBeasant fetch() only fetches one row.
You probably wanted fetchAll()
Shit yes, thanks!
Thanks =)
Great, I like the easy questions. :)
@salathe you should subscribe to @HarryBeasant ;)
leave it
@rdlowrey Yeah, I'm here
@rdlowrey Debugging stuff, so I might not pop into chat often, but I'm here.
Apparently it includes gists.
woah, that was annoying: here's the link sans one-box: gist.github.com/2771179
@rdlowrey Sounds fine, but I can't imagine the code for the implementation.
@LeviMorrison I know, hard to imagine without seeing. I've got it all worked out just haven't pushed it yet.
As long as the shortcuts are there somehow, it sounds fine to me.
Yeah, I'm just in favor of making the core as lean as possible and packaging everything else as plugins that can optionally be included since the whole thing has mediator access anyway. I should have A LOT of concrete changes pushed tonight.
Any of you guys use lucidchart much?
@GordonM never have, sorry
To get hold of this array value,[0]=> array(2) { ["downloads"]=> string(1) "0"
Too tan for UML!
I would need to do like $foo = $bar[0]['downloads'] ??
@HarryBeasant I think you mistaken php chat for php docs
Start trying to find things out yourself for once
There even @Chris agrees. :)
I know it is, but if for example i wanted to add them all up in a while or foreach function
How could i possibly do that when its got [0] or [1] etc etc
@HarryBeasant Use eval()
And after that install CakePHP
$sum = 0; foreach ($bar as $b) { $sum += $b['downloads']; } ?
Or codeigniter 1.0
And do all your form validation with zend
could i do something like this
One sec
@HarryBeasant RTFM!
eval() is dangerous appar
And while your at it, you might as well forget about .css, just do inline styling. It's THE BEST.
suits you right
@GordonM zend server, zend studio, zend guard?..
WP 0x is also very good. Has no errors at all.
Best framework evar.
One last thing: forget what @salathe said. That's not the way to go. You should use goto statements
@GordonM Ahh… Zend Unlimited!
foreach ($downloads as $usage_data[$i]['downloads']) {

	blah blah


@HarryBeasant yep that's also correct
wordpress.org/download/release-archive <-- download the 0.71 release, and you'll soon realize all other frameworks are nothing compared to that.
@Chris can I see the source somewhere without downloading it?
Or do they first make you download it ? :P
I have no idea, but I know for sure that it does not work. Like at all.
I once tried to fix it out of boredom, but then I took the source code to the knee.
when i use that i get nvalid argument supplied for foreach() in
You are an idiot.
@HarryBeasant you have to wrap it in a eval()
I'm sorry, but I could of not avoid that word for much longer.
It had to be said.
@leo no need to post a link @HarryBeasant isn't going to read it anyway
I got really confused about what everyone was talking about then noticed the little mini-icon over in my user list :)
@rdlowrey damnit I knew I forgot something
There fixed. Ahhh serenity
I can't /ignore everyone. It would be too damn boring.
Tits, i did it the wrong way aroundrwyhywhywerhfiyuwhayrghiyhriug
SHUT UP. You talking is not making anything better, in fact .. I'm pretty sure you talking = everything worse.
It's embarrassing when you do it the wrong way around.
One day I'm going to print a gazillion PHP manuals and beat people at rand() with them.
Just because I can
Well, that didn't help
Even with switching it around
You sure you beat yourself hard enough with it?
Maybe you printed it with soft covers...
@Chris I'm not sure you could wield a gazillion PHP manuals.
@salathe Amount was fictional. Everything else was not.
$i = "0";
	foreach ($usage_data[$i]['downloads'] as $downloads ) {

	$total_downloads = $total_downloads + $downloads;


I cannot see anything wrong!!!
@Chris I'd just print the homepage and give everyone paper cuts. >:)
@HarryBeasant is $usage_data[$i]['downloads'] an array?
@HarryBeasant Here's an idea; change religion?
And by religion I of course mean change of profession.
yeah, when i do something like this echo $usage_data[5]['downloads'];
It gives me the value
@HarryBeasant It doesn't say Array when you echo it?
does when i echo $usage_data;
foreach ($usage_data as $data) $total_downloads += $data['downloads']; ?
@HarryBeasant Then it's not an array.
@NikiC we've already been there
we have? sorry I just came here
@NikiC It's okay, worth repeating as he clearly ignored/missed it before.
@NikiC lol. nice edit
Cheers Mr.@NikiC
@HarryBeasant Do you see why that worked?
Go and comb your hair Chris
Yes, i was young and foolish, now i see the error of my ways
Explain it to us :)
Or, well to @NikiC anyway because I'm not listening. :P
Foreach will run through every bit of data in the array
thus running the code within
I think
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Shit that's an awesome read, why were you linking this ?
Opinions on the over-valued Facebook floatation
I wrote a post here, citriclemon.com/2012/05/19/…
If there are spelling miskates, tell me plocks
i is written with capital i
@HarryBeasant please*
@Nick I always find those hacks cool
@RepWhoringPeeHaa That's awesome, that's a good read. I'm always into security stuff
The article sucks
It's 900+ million users
not 800+
All right pretty boy, go pluck your eyebrows
And only an idiot would make a "new" social network in the hopes of competing with facebook, since, well, facebook has a huge chunk of world's population. That's close to impossible to beat.
there are thousands of social networks
new ones appearing all the time
So what you on about.
and how many of them actually have an effect on facebook?
1? 2?
Only takes one company with a unique idea
A new stance on social networking
I hate people who write things that have been wrote about a ton of times already - just with different words. If you can't find anything unique to write or can't provide people with fresh perspective, then don't write at all.
@Chris Thousands of Jr. level developers worldwide would disagree with you.
Jr. level developers can kiss my ass.
^^ haha =)
@Chris They probably would if you gave them enough money.
Is that you in your profile picture?
Jr. level developers think they can take an old, proven thing and make it better - and fail.
@HarryBeasant No, it's my stunningly gorgeous boyfriend. Yes, of course IT'S ME on MY AVATAR
@Chris No, but plenty of Sr. level developers DO take old things and make them better and outsource the grunt-work to Jr. developers.
Jr. and Sr. differ in a gigantic matter.
@Chris Judging by your SO profile, you are one of the former.
Rofl ^^
@Chris They can.
I am not that much of an idiot to be a Jr. Am not also smart enough to be a Sr. So I'm thinking I'm somewhere in between. Which of course does not matter much when we're talking to a mr. I can't access my array @HarryBeasant
I wish i could quote my previous comment
I wish you could ban yourself, but we all don't get what we wish, do we?
@Chris Why are you in SO chat anyway? To pick on poor @HarryBeasant?
Currently, yes. Otherwise, no.
He can pick on me all he wants, really don't value his opinion at all.
And why is that?
Someone who wears a snap back, and i assume, chinos, must not be taken seriously.
Just because one is rude does not mean one does not make valid points.
Ever have those days where you just kill it? Like every line of code works the first time; your ideas are brilliant and the implementations are even better? I am. My keyboard is on fire.
@HarryBeasant The most idiotic statement ever.
@rdlowrey But your grammar skills have suffered because of it.
@rdlowrey famous last words...
@Chris It does not suffice to be right. You have to convey it in an appropriate manner :)
1 message moved to bin
@NikiC <strike>Un</strike>official +1.
Yeah, my computer is going to blow up and the server farm where my remote repos live is going to get nuked at any moment.
@ircmaxell Boo!
Oh, who knew, messages from users you ignore are visible when moved to the bin :)
@rdlowrey ignores are local to a room
"ignore this user (everywhere)"
oh, yeah
perhaps not
quite odd
Would be a nice feature against sales people at the office
Nowadays they even dare to come to the office
hehe, if "everywhere" really meant everywhere!
It's what I told Google to do with w3schools results in my SERPs
wondering why is MySQL workbench hosted on some slow university servers...
@webarto because they are free
do ignored users know you are ignoring them?
@ircmaxell that would be just fine, but free and oracle doesn't come together very well, heh...
no argument
lol, I guess that's my answer.
amistupid? :D
.net framework 500kb/s
@RepWhoringPeeHaa I'm working on routing in my framework, any suggestions or words of wisdom before I start this mess?
@Nick Just use good programming principles.
Write clean code.
@Nick go for it
@LeviMorrison Sorry I feel like im going to spend a few weeks doing this wrong
@Nick That's ok. You should :)
@Nick You probably will. As long as you spend a few weeks doing it right, it's okay.
@Nick It doesn't matter if you do it wrong as long as you learn from it
Should cross posted questions be flagged? stackoverflow.com/q/10701411/212940
I am trying for two days to get a old project working. And I hate all the code in it. :-)
@vascowhite IMHO yes
@RepWhoringPeeHaa been there, done that
cannot close as dupe :P
@RepWhoringPeeHaa I thought so too, just checking, thanks.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa haha, k well does my logic make sense. You would call a "router" class that gets the url requested.. ( still not sure if $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] is what im suppose to be using or if it makes sense to setUri with this ) and then checks if the route exists and dispatches to front-controller
obviously this is generalizing it bit
You should have a request obj
@Nick you can also figure out what exctly you want to do with the router
e.g. how will you setup the rules
Just think through what you think you are going to need / need to handle. Write it down / draw it if it helps
Yeah thanks im going to draw it out.. request obj?
sup, SO peeps
@Sam Howdy partner
@Nick you are going to need to request at the some point. E.g. you want to parse the url.
@CharlesSprayberry howdy
@RepWhoringPeeHaa so basically everyones HTTP folder?
what do you mean by http folder?
does PHP have another way of concatenating strings apart from ` .=`; from this link, codinghorror.com/blog/2009/01/…, the consensus seems to be that string concatenation isn't the best way to join strings
by everyone, I mean all the frameworks I've seen from this neck of the woods
@Nick hi Nick
guys, I did wget ftp on a tar.gz and when I want to untar it I get this:
gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Hello
I hate it when answers are inconclusive :(
Q: Correct http status code for resource which requires authorization

RepWhoringPeeHaaThere seems to be a lot of confusion about the correct http status code to return if the user tries to access a page which requires the user to login. So basically what status code will be send when I show the login page? I'm pretty sure we need to use a status code in the 4xx range. I'm not t...

I should blame the http peeps for that I know
I guess I should have set the binary flag :P
if there is any
@markustharkun How do you untar?
sorry caps
tar -xvf httpdocs.tar.gz
the problem is that wget doesn't seem to have a binary flag option
try tar -xzvf
don't know what it is by heart, but I have used it for my installation I see :P
> This option tells tar' to read or write archives through gzip', allowing `tar' to directly operate on several kinds of compressed archives transparently.
same error because the archive is already corrupt due to ASCII transfer mode
and wget doesn't have a flag to force binary
You shouldn't have to use it.
forget about it, I'll just download it and upload it again :/
Is it large? I can try to download it and see if it works
it's fine, it just takes more time
@RepWhoringPeeHaa thanks anyways
@RepWhoringPeeHaa would the autoloader load the http folder too ?
@Nick You can (/ should) let an autoloder load everything in your project
thats what I needed to know thanks
Now to finally upload my own legacy project
@Nick still battling the monster called Classes? :)
@Sam More like trying to figure out how applications should be set up,
oh ok.....cool; using namespaces yet? :P
@Sam Decided not to haha, I figured I wouldn't have any issues with clashing classes
the application isn't big enough
...one day ;)
nice....I decided to learn how to install WAMP individually, instead of using a software such as WAMPServer; I successfully installed everything
except for PHPMyAdmin
Some people just won't listen :( stackoverflow.com/a/10710295/508666
@Sam Doesn't phpmyadmin come with a oneclick installer?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa not sure; was pretty late by the time I finished with the big 3; so, I just left it to continue later today
software engeneers come to the rescue.. if i have a user object and an auction object and i dont want the presentation layer developer to create auctions without associated users should i use dependency injection and require the auction constructor to get a user object as a parameter ?
is this the right way to do this ?
hopefully, it won't clash with the WAMPServer installation, especially since mysql on both softwares will want to use port 3306
@Sam phpmyadmin runs on port 80 (its web)
@ThatWebNerd yes
ok....but doesn't apache run on 80 also (by default)
phpmyadmin is a script, therefore, doesn't use port...
won't there be a collision?
@Sam it's just another site
oh ok
@Sam that said I've never used it. So don't blame me if something goes wrong ;)
Basically phpmyadmin is just a website
Unfortunately I have used it
just another PHP site?
I would highly recommend MySQL Workbench as a free alternative
Pretty much
why is that unfortunate?
phpmyadmin isn't free?
I don't personally like phpmyadmin
@CharlesSprayberry Is it that bad?
@CharlesSprayberry Is it that bad?
Huh double post
@Nick No, it is free. Why I pointed out MWB is free as well in case that's one of the selling points for OSS
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Eh, I think it is just that MWB is so much better imho
since my hosts use PhpMyAdmin; I guess I don't have much choice, but to use it; I'll check around to see the benefit of WorkBench
and if it can be installed on a production server
But, for example I've worked on systems where actions on phpmyadmin take minutes and in MWB take seconds
@Sam MWB is a desktop application
If you know your database connection details, which you should, you should be able to use Workbench no problem
oh....so, one' still stuck with PhPMyAdmin on the production side then

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