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@EvgenyPanasyuk Oh, I'm not going to analyse that after seven pints of Doombar. After 30+ years of writing GOTOless software, I think I'll stick to my current designs. There may well be some justification for it, I just have not seen it for a long time, nor do I expect things to change before I'm dead :)
@MartinJames There are two common justifications which I aware of: 1) structure which resembles finite state machine. 2) error handling in C.
FSMs can be implemented in a nicer way
And we don't really care about C
It's piece of shit that doesn't justify anything
I do FSM with switch.
@CatPlusPlus There are many different ways to implement FSM. I am not talking that goto is only one way, of course it is not
I'm not even sure what GOTO does, exactly. What happens to the stack? Is it thread-safe?
it is safe (though, there are many rumors/myths)
A: Will using `goto` leak variables?

Lightness Races in OrbitWarning: This answer pertains to C++ only; the rules are quite different in C. Won't x be leaked? No, absolutely not. It is a myth that goto is some low-level construct that allows you to override C++'s built-in scoping mechanisms. (If anything, it's longjmp that may be prone to this.) ...

I'm pretty ratted. I must GOTO bed.
Sorry, call bed() - I'll be back :)
oh my I got a peer pressure badge. Do I have to take a shot now?
@MartinJames when you call bed(), does bed come to you or do you send this to bed()
@Telkitty I think that is more like std::this_thread::sleep_for
@EvgenyPanasyuk After sleep the thread join() the lounge?
@Telkitty after sleep there is UB
I wish sometime I would have a good reason to write goto in my code - that would be a great day.
that could not be because you want to date the dinosaur, could it?
People who think goto is always bad are naive.
@Zoidberg agree
goto is good if it makes your code easier to understand and more maintainable, and in some (although rare) cases it does.
Dijkstra: "Please don't fall into the trap of believing that I am terribly dogmatical about [the go to statement]. I have the uncomfortable feeling that others are making a religion out of it, as if the conceptual problems of programming could be solved by a single trick, by a simple form of coding discipline!"
Woo! I fixed it:
Well, prepare to upvote! I just spent ~3 hours debugging your grammar. It turned out to be trickier than one would like. I posted another answer detailing the solution I came up with and full explanations. Cheers. — sehe 38 secs ago
This was a complete bitch to track down to UB, and an even more complete bitch to fix it:
A: Return type deduction of boost spirit expression made of variadic function expanded arguments

sehe Thank you for a quick hint! I've just tried your code and unless I do something wrong ... I get this output: Syntax error:abc 8.81 Parsed:-a atoken Syntax error:-b btoken Syntax error:-c ctoken Syntax error:-d dtoken – G. Civardi 2 hours ago Okay, so, I couldn't leave it alone :/ Turns out ...

@sehe Did you know I have a small expression templates lib for the purpose of sprinkling C++11 goodness instead of leaving everything dangling?
@LucDanton :| no. Also, I'm not sure it would be easy to mix it with Spirit :)
No doubt.
To clarify it's more of a drop-in replacement for Phoenix, not Proto. You can't use it for anything else than functors-on-the-fly.
For school we have to write an application that conforms to the client's wishes. It also has to use an SQL query that uses HAVING and one or more set functions.
If only the client's wishes included something where you'd use a HAVING clause for. :|
Uni assignments are so whack.
They're retarded.
Just like SQL Server.
Oh well. Just hack a HAVING statement in there.
Well, the assignment says that the query must contain HAVING.
So... -- HAVING. :D
@LucDanton I'm loving Phoenix and Fusion more each day. This is a gem to me:
static const ph::function<DeepCopy> deepcopy_;

template<typename ...Expr>
void make_alternative_parser(Expr const&... expr)
    auto parser = boost::fusion::fold(
                deepcopy_(arg1 | arg2)
I used several gems today.
@sehe What is fusion and phoenix, anyhow, and why do you love them so much?
This is the application we have to write for school lol. github.com/rightfold/mountainware
@ThePhD See for yourself :<
I'm not fond of function. A necessary evil for C++03 I suppose, but I really want ref(foo {}) to 'just work', although admittedly it takes some great pains to have that.
> C++
> Just work
So constexpr auto deepcopy = ref(DeepCopy {}); in that case.
Yeah, that's interesting. I just want that in combination with generic lambdas :/ (I'm not greedy at all)
Anyhow, do you think now is a good time to revisit my problem from earlier this morning?
Sorry, doesn't ring a bell.
In any case now is a late time.
Also, ginormous kudos to the designers of C++11 variadics, who came up with things like boost::tie(ph::bind(&TStruct::rule_, arg1)(tail)...) and multiple packs in lockstep
ew, this is why I have invoke.
@LucDanton ideone.com/NbEPJR found it again
Consider mem_fn.
@LucDanton What's the benefit over std::bind?
If I have a table with a datetime column, how can I group results by day in T-SQL? I tried datepart(day, column) but that obviously doesn't work since days in different months will go into the same group.
I like it a tiny bit better, but still a far cry from invoke :(
@Zoidberg so... either include year/month or use knowledge of the database date representation
@LucDanton Why aren't you on the standards committee :(
In a sense you're not binding any value, you're adapting a pointer to member. <- that's the incremental improvement.
@LucDanton You know what I'd like? (&Foo::bar)(o) :)
@sehe So, SELECT datepart(day, col) WHATEVER GROUP BY datepart(year, col), datepart(month, col), datepart(day, col);?
@Zoidberg Or just create a derived columns (formula) and group by that (chances are, something like FLOOR(col) or TRUNC(col) may do... depends on the date rep)
@sehe Do I see a C-style cast there?
Ya that'd save a lot of fussing about invoke or anything like it. Not sure though, smart pointers+invoke has some allure to it.
there, I said it.
@Zoidberg Aw. Well, I was dreaming without any thoughts to ambiguity.
@sehe dankjewel voor je hulp.
In any case I spotted the change because bind(foo, arg1, arg2, ..., argN) is kind of an anti-pattern: if you pass in all the arguments in order, with no bound value, what's the point?
(Boy I sure hope that bind and mem_fn are equivalent in Phoenix with respect with PtM though, I'm really thinking of the Standard versions here.)
@LucDanton True. I just like to reduce cognitive ballast by using the same syntax for most things. I'm just glad the days of unary_negate<>, binder_1st<> etc. are over
@LucDanton Oh well, I was really just being lazy using the phx::bind here instead std::bind (I had phoenix.hpp included...)
@sehe Perhaps when we would have polymorphic lambda with terse syntax - we would not need bind anymore.
Yeah. I found myself writing three different polymorphic callable objects tonight, where I'd prefer a lambda indeed.
@sehe I'm lazy.
@sehe I would not mix <functional> with Phoenix.
So lazy that inserting an std::vector<int> in an std::vector<std::vector<int>> would likely result in an ambiguity.
@LucDanton Me neither. However, in that spot, it would not have been mixing (it was a direct "application" of the bind expression to a pack expansion used as a single argument)
@EvgenyPanasyuk I'm aware of it :)
@EvgenyPanasyuk Also need generalized captures.
Also with polymorphic lambdas, we would have much less reasons to use Phoenix
We know.
@LucDanton yeah, I just dreaming
@LucDanton Mmm.. Xeo was lazy way earlier :)
@sehe That really is late-return abuse.
School y u no PostgreSQL.
And decltype. I like the Sfinae template arg approach better
@LucDanton I was trying to solve the challenge of actually testing is_convertible (or is_same) on the element type.
decltype is the primitive. What you want to do is 'name' it in the form of traits and aliases. But it all comes down to decltype except for those magical Standard traits.
Or, more generally, trying to learn (a) what makes a trait SFINAE friendly (b) whether SFINAE unfriendly traits can be harnessed for SFINAE (c) if so, how...
@sehe Write SFINAE friendly range_value_type/range_reference traits would be my advice if you really care to do it right.
@sehe (b) makes my head hurt :(
@LucDanton Do you have a good pointer where to learn this? I have C++TTCG - in case I missed a chapter
'Immediate context' is hard to figure out. And that's the simplifier, clarified version compared to the mess of C++03 :(
@LucDanton I mean "adapted" :(
@sehe No I get what you want to do. It's going about doing it that's painful.
@LucDanton Let me repeat this so I'll remember, "Immediate Context" is the term. So we have deduced, non-deduced and immediate context
@LucDanton Makes me want to learn it none-the-less. But, I understand if you "wish me luck" :)
@sehe Haven't seen SFINAE really covered in writing, beyond vague mentions and the typical uses (enable_if<is_pointer<T>> and the like) -- never how to implement it. Learned it as I went.
Thx for the helps.
@sehe I don't think it's on the same level as deduced/non-deduced. It's part of the wording that collectively defines what we refer to as SFINAE.
@LucDanton I suppose the DiGenaro book might have some things on it. But it's reportedly hard to read.
Damn, I'm awesome.
@LucDanton I was sort of aware of that. It's just that, terminology needs to be repeated and associated in my head, in order to stick. And having the proper terms helps a lot when trying to discuss things
> If a substitution results in an invalid type or expression, type deduction fails. An invalid type or expression is one that would be ill-formed if written using the substituted arguments. Only invalid types and expressions in the immediate context of the function type and its template parameter types can result in a deduction failure.
(I don't recommend that anyone should study the wording too closely. It's not necessary to learn to use SFINAE.)
I so wish that last sentence wasn't there :|
No you don't :) Consider access control.
Not too much!
Mmm/ As in don't consider it too much!?
If using GCC 4.7 or higher, I suggest that the default attitude when something does not SFINAE as you hope is to assume the context wasn't immediate. GCC is very good at that sort of thing these days -- there are false positives (SFINAE performed when it shouldn't), but not that many false negatives (hard error where SFINAE should happen).
Oh well, two more spirit answers gathering dust there. Just the perfect precondition to go to sleep. Let's just say I learned stuff.
@LucDanton (it didn't even occur to me to doubt the compiler, allthough I switch compilers sometimes when I'm particularly phazed)
Night all!
Sleep tight.
pretty cool
@sehe Clang is the reverse, so much less false positives (which is how I found out those happen with GCC), so many false negatives.
What with coding against bleeding GCC snapshots I'm kinda locked out of Clang right now.
Vendor lockin! GNU is evil!
Curse them for compiling so much code!
Fuck GNU!
Hey, sehe, do you feel it?
Not yet
I should really get some sleep soon. Why is my work so interesting after midnight? :(
@DomagojPandža could be that the regular folk are sleeping and don't bug you
Hi everyone.
I've been having a terrible time getting my program to stop crashing. Unfortunately, this is quite a large project - so I'll do my best to link directly to relevant lines of source code.
Ooh, shiny new bluray remastering of Star Trek TNG season 2.
It would seem that the constructor for the NitroShare::FileServer class isn't getting called. Instead I end up with an uninitialized instance of this class, causing the app to crash when it tries to dereference the 'd' member variable.
Why on earth isn't the constructor being called? This has been puzzling me for the last couple of days.
If anyone could shed some light on this... that would be awesome.
Anything puzzling that could happen in your program could be a manifestation of UB. There are many situations that can lead to UB.
@NathanOsman impossible.
@NathanOsman Please don't do that. When you post your question include a Short Self Contained Correct/Compilable Example - SSCCE of the code you're having trouble with. It will make it much easier.
Unless you have UB. :3
Shedding light on the subject would require me to recalculate my shadow maps. And I need sleep. And fucks to give.
@Zoidberg I assume by "UB" you mean undefined behavior?
Is the d member variable initialized?
What else? :D
When/if faced when such a problem I would try to isolate it and observe under a debugger. Given that I cannot do either of those things at a distance, I cannot help you further.
@NathanOsman Unforgiving Bullshit
That's the benefit to clean code, reduces UB and 'weird' things happening all around
@Timo Yes, right here (line 29).
Maybe a double delete?
lol a double delete.
If it helps, I ran the application through valgrind and whenever I try to access anything in d, it reports that the address pointed to by d was never allocated anywhere.
Possibly looking at a deceased object then.
is d private?
> never allocated anywhere
I wonder what kind of name d is anyways
@Timo Yes, it's an implementation of private... implementation :P
The key being if it was public it could be deleted by some other code
@Timo That's a common idiom in Qt classes - sometimes called "the d pointer".
Don't use new and delete.
Why not?
Use smart pointers.
In 101 C++ best practices by Herb Sutter & Alexander Andrescu , they talk about no raw pointers
woah big msg
One other thing to note: I can successfully use the class (NitroShare::FileServer) within the app's test suite... so I'm hesitant to conclude the problem is in there.
Don't know about Qt though.
Yeah, I'm guessing the problem is unrelated to Qt. But I honestly have no idea.
@JerryCoffin Bullshit, you have 11332, and I have 11331 for ...
Can anyone suggest a tool (preferably for Linux) that would help debug this?
I've tried GDB (via Qt Creator) but didn't notice anything interesting.
But perhaps I will give it another go. This is really frustrating.
LLDB ftw.
E.g. you can watch the destructor and count the deletion(s).
Yeah, I'll try that.
can I be your queen, you guys?
YouTube is so awesome.
There are 26 episodes in season 1 and searching "season 1 episode 27" lists "season 2 episode 1" as result.
I'm weird
I'm staying level 26 for now.
So I don't outstrip Cat or @EtiennedeMartel when HE GETS INTO THE GAME ALREADY GEEZ.
@ThePhD If I get in, it's gonna be in a few weeks, so...
@EtiennedeMartel =[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
Fine, I'll make a new new character for you too then.
Explore some other build I haven't tried.
Dayum, it's weird to have a Facebook page for your company. I really dislike all this social network outreach crap. It's not like a sell baby seals and I need impressionable baby seal lovers.
@ThePhD You're quite absent these days, work? :P
@DomagojPandža ?
Maybe we just sleep past each other, but I mostly just see you in other people's chat refs. :D
@DomagojPandža s/a sell/I sell/
@Borgleader Woah, what? Oh, I'm blind.
I finished reading a ppt by Crytek... holy shit they do crazy optimizations
@Borgleader That's the life of a realtime rendering architect. :D
Like texture renormalization and their normal re-encoding...wtf o.o
@Borgleader You mean like using stereoscopic projection for the normals and the sort?
It's quite a cute mapping, though.
Also, @ThePhD, I'm almost done with the deferred rendering walkthrough stuff. :D
But hopefully you've already figured it out. :D
@ThePhD what game?
@DomagojPandža Not sure, i didnt understand all of it. It's from here starting at slide #38
Would you guys like if I demystified stuff like that on the upcoming blog? I'm thinking about what to write about specifically. Usually these presentations throw around a lot of terms and basically magic. It's more about boasting, than actually showing people what the fuck you're doing. :D
I'd sure as hell read it :)
s/read/pull out my hair over it
@melak47 Dark Souls
@DomagojPandža Sounds like fun
@DomagojPandža No, I haven't bothered with it. Too busy pulling my hair out with models and skeletal bone rendering and mesh splitting.
To keep myself busy I've been writing a BlockingQueue and also a ThreadPool.
I'm also trimming my Thread to use std::function.
oh wow... i just found a presentation where crytek put the exact makeup of their g-buffer
@Borgleader share? I like to save this kinda stuff :p
@melak47 crytek.com/cryengine/presentations <-- second from the top
@melak47 Hah, you gave me something to write about after a long time. Thanks for the greenie idea, made a great silly screenshot. Although, I'm still debating the idea of having a FB page, it's fun to write about this. I'll probably shut it off as soon as I force Weblan to spew out the official website (and the blog along with it).
@DomagojPandža at least I don't have to have a facebook to read the post :)
@Borgleader neat, thanks
IIRC CryTek's deferred lighting approach mostly cashes in a severely encoded albedo in a secondary color space which is not as fat as RGB. And their normals substitute spherical coordinates in favor of stereoscopic projection (sphere to plane projection, 1:1 bijective mapping).
@Borgleader That might help me figure out my deferred shading nonsense.
@ThePhD or it might confuse you more :D
but it's worth a shot
The latter, PhD's problem is not in encoding data, but what data he encodes. We'll have it sorted out soon. ^__^
CryTek in particular requires two geometry passes, the latter being the forward rendering pass which composits everything back together. The only reason they're still with deferred lighting is backwards comp., so they need to optimize as much as possible to stay on par with more nekkid deferred approaches.
The only real problem fo what I'm encoding is the Depth Texture.
@DomagojPandža What do you mean? What else would they be using if they didn't care about backwars comp and why?
@ThePhD I don't even know how you are misencoding that...I mean, you don't even pack it or anything, do you?
Q: MOSS Stanford tool for plagiarism

P RI am interested in knowing if MOSS tool checks the files which are fed into it for plagiarism or if it checks the entire web for such code samples against the code sample we feed to it. Thanks for the clarification.

^^ somebody trying to plagiarize? :P :P :P
I'm sure that's just academic curiosity...:p
@Borgleader Well, they wouldn't be doing unnecessary geometry passes, which is basically a given when your final is a forward pass. It's nota fully deferred rendering pipeline, but a partial one. Mostly because current-gen consoles have a real problem with material diversity in terms of full-blown deferred pipelines. So, they run an opaque forward rendering pass afterwards to compensate.
The forward rendering pipeline allows for quite a bit more variation in BRDFs in a simpler manner (that's why Forward+ is trying to make a comeback, AMD's Leo demo).
they call it "hybrid" deffered :p
yeah for some reason everything was deferred except for the bow >.>
lol, why the bow? o.O
probably because there was nothing transparent
(no idea)
@Mysticial how has this not been downvoted to oblivion yet? Doesn't seem like the SO type of question.
@Borgleader Oh, velocity texture mapping, the bow (and basically the visible parts of the player) are retained.
@Borgleader Because nobody watches that tag.
@DomagojPandža hm? velocity maps for motion blur?
I camp the front page, so about 10% of the things I see are random.
@melak47 Yes, among other things. It's is highly integrated and shared across both motion blur, depth of field and bokeh mapping.
@DomagojPandža okay, but what's that got to do with the thing that's always right in front of your face?
there should like no motion blur ever on it :p
well yes if you move your arms really fast ;)
Crysis 4: Harlem Shake
but the gun/bow usually remains completely centered to your view
everything else should be blurred, not the only stationary thing in your view :p
@melak47 That's connected to the way they do it, actually -- there's an olden way where you use a sphere around the camera to emulate motion blur, but that requires multiple passes and they wanted to do this once. And so they moved it to the final stage, where they use -- IIRC -- 16-bit FP render targets with the actual mask in the alpha.
well, when you do finish your deferred lighting/shading/whatever walkthrough, let me know :D
gotta go sleep now ._.
It's 5:28am here :(
same here
and I have to get up in like...8 hours!! D:
@Borgleader Did you mention a new internship you're going to enroll in? Some time ago?
@Borgleader I lol everytime I read someone responding to your username
Yes, I'll be interning "for Ubisoft". Related video (i doubt it's region locked, since it's a news website)
@JustinMeiners why so?
I just read "At borg leader"
and it makes me laugh
yes... but what's funny about that?
that's what I read too and no hilarity ensues, so enlighten me
Long buffering. :(
its kind of dumb, but just the idea of everyone calling you the borg leader
do you know what a borg is?
@Borgleader That girl is annoying. :(
She was on my team :P
And she is really nice tbh
from star trek?
Borg's awesome.
I'm bored
I'm sleepy
I'm happy.
Hah, the only way for me to go to bed is to run into a wall with rendering. I've been trying to allow for some fake realtime GI on the iPhone 5 and it's not going really good performance wise... Finally managed to close XCode, sleeps are coming -- I CAN FEEL THEM!
In other news, I still hate web development.
I may end up working on an android app for this stupid project :(
@DomagojPandža doesn't everyone? :P
Anyone here doing the picoCTF competition in 3 days?
the only way it's not going to be an android app is if it's a web app ._.
@Telkitty oh no, it's you! I must be going now
Just have a look, not mean to stay :p
Quick, run for your lives.
Do you like chocolate jelly?
@Telkitty I'm going to start calling you Lashawnda from now on.
night everyone
totally relateable to people in my class
@melak47 Laterz & hope you dream of milk chocolate jelly ^_^
thanks...what the hell is chocolate jelly
@Borgleader rawr!
what the fucking fuck.... that is disturbing
2nd day of helping my parents with paintings ... me so massy ...
Oh Bruce
Chocolate... jelly.
Sounds weird.
@Borgleader Loquatia.
Fuck you, VC++ variadic templates.
Can't work with goddamn std::function or anything else for that matter.
Yeah I heard they're pretty broken atm
Daft Punk, get lucky
I cant stop programming
I can't stop believing
The joy of being able to play the game you've worked on <3<3<3
@bordleader My life of OpenGL/SFML programming summed up
@Borgleader What game?
Tomb Raider :)
@Borgleader The new version? Um, that "violated-woman-thingy"?
Anyway, congrats.
Yes the new version, and no that's the media making a shitstorm out of nothing
she gets hurt a lot, but seriously that happens in the Uncharted games too and nobody cared then
@Borgleader I've never played the game/series and Uncharted, though I understand that she is a tough woman and thus the new story could definitely affect what we have all knew about her.
You havent played Uncharted? Oh... you're missing out
@Borgleader Been busy playing other games and creating my own. :)
But I should definitely try it then.
@Borgleader Feminists make a shit storm out of everything.
Not sure if it was feminists. In any case, the thing was imho, blown out of proportion
I want to combine Top and Pop into one operation.
I wonder what I should call it.
@ThePhD Top&Pop™
The idea is that unlike Top it'll std::move (if possible) the item out of the container, rather than return a copy.
@ThePhD They're separate for a reason -- you lose exception safety if you combine them.
@JerryCoffin ?
Exception safety?
Howso? :O
Also, this is a BlockingQueue. Top&Pop is never supposed to return until there's something to Pop.
Topop , lol
Potop ?
PopTop <--- Meh, close enough.
@ThePhD Just make it Pop() and document what it does.
@ThePhD If an exception is thrown in the process of returning the element you removed, the item you popped is leaked/lost. When they're separate, the item remains in the collection so if an exception gets thrown while returning, it's still in the collection.
@JerryCoffin Oooh.
@ThePhD It's about preservation of state and stuff when exceptions are thrown.

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